在支持以色列的问题上,温伯格写了一篇短文“犹太复国主义及其文化敌手”来解释他的立场。由于英国针对以色列的商品抵制,温伯格曾经取消了去英国大学的行程,他解释道:“我知道一些人会说这些抵制只是针对以色列,而不是所有的犹太人,但考虑到以色列往往被中东和其它国家攻击和进犯,抵制以色列表明了道义上的盲目性,除了用反犹太主义解释这点,很难再找到其它理由。”:Given the history of the attacks on Israel and the oppressiveness and aggressiveness of other countries in the Middle East and elsewhere, boycotting Israel indicated a moral blindness for which it is hard to find any explanation other than antisemitism.[10]
他還說過:"无论有沒有宗教,好人都会做好事,壞人都会做惡事。但是,若你想要好人做惡事,就需要宗教了。"(With or without religion, good people can behave well and bad people can do evil; but for good people to do evil—that takes religion.)[13]
^A partial list of this work is: Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.118 838-849 (1960); Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.127 965-970 (1962); Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev. Lett.17 616-621 (1966); Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.140 B516-B524 (1965).
^Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.133, B1318-B1332 (1964); Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.134 B882-B896 (1964); Weinberg, S. Phys. Rev.181 1893-1899 (1969)
^I think the world needs to wake up from its long nightmare of religious belief; and anything that we scientists can do to weaken the hold of religion should be done, and may in fact be our greatest contribution to civilization.
Closing statements of presentation at Beyond Belief : Science, Religion, Reason and Survival (5 November 2006)
^Closing statements of presentation at Beyond Belief : Science, Religion, Reason and Survival (5 November 2006)