Ledley, Tamara S.; Sundquist, Eric T.; Schwartz, Stephen E.; Hall, Dorothy K.; Fellows, Jack D.; Killeen, Timothy L. Climate change and greenhouse gases. Eos, Transactions American Geophysical Union (American Geophysical Union (AGU)). 1999-09-28, 80 (39): 453–458. ISSN 0096-3941. doi:10.1029/99eo00325. (This review paper cites several papers coauthored by Hasselmann.)
K. Hasselmann, Climate change: Linear and nonlinear signatures, Nature, 398, 755–756, 1999
K. Hasselmann, Climate-change research after Kyoto, Nature, 390, 225–226, 1997
^ 2.02.1Hasselmann K. (1976), "Stochastic climate models, Part 1: Theory", Tellus, 28: 473-485.
^ 3.03.1Arnold L. (2001), "Hasselmann's program revisited: The analysis of stochasticity in deterministic climate models", Stochastic Climate Models (editors—P. Imkeller, J.-S. von Storch) 141-157 (Birkhäuser). Citeseer (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)