where the latter notations derive from formally writing:
Explicitly, the Laplacian of f is thus the sum of all the unmixed second partial derivatives in the Cartesian coordinatesxi:
As a second-order differential operator, the Laplace operator maps Ck functions to Ck−2 functions for k ≥ 2. It is a linear operator Δ : Ck(Rn) → Ck−2(Rn), or more generally, an operator Δ : Ck(Ω) → Ck−2(Ω) for any open setΩ ⊆ Rn.
Alternatively, the Laplace operator can be defined as:
In the physical theory of diffusion, the Laplace operator arises naturally in the mathematical description of equilibrium.[2] Specifically, if u is the density at equilibrium of some quantity such as a chemical concentration, then the net flux of u through the boundary ∂V (also called S) of any smooth region V is zero, provided there is no source or sink within V:
where n is the outward unit normal to the boundary of V. By the divergence theorem,
Since this holds for all smooth regions V, one can show that it implies:
The left-hand side of this equation is the Laplace operator, and the entire equation Δu = 0 is known as Laplace's equation. Solutions of the Laplace equation, i.e. functions whose Laplacian is identically zero, thus represent possible equilibrium densities under diffusion.
The Laplace operator itself has a physical interpretation for non-equilibrium diffusion as the extent to which a point represents a source or sink of chemical concentration, in a sense made precise by the diffusion equation. This interpretation of the Laplacian is also explained by the following fact about averages.
Given a twice continuously differentiable function and a point , the average value of over the ball with radius centered at is:[3]
Similarly, the average value of over the sphere (the boundary of a ball) with radius centered at is:
This is a consequence of Gauss's law. Indeed, if V is any smooth region with boundary ∂V, then by Gauss's law the flux of the electrostatic field E across the boundary is proportional to the charge enclosed:
where the first equality is due to the divergence theorem. Since the electrostatic field is the (negative) gradient of the potential, this gives:
Since this holds for all regions V, we must have
The same approach implies that the negative of the Laplacian of the gravitational potential is the mass distribution. Often the charge (or mass) distribution are given, and the associated potential is unknown. Finding the potential function subject to suitable boundary conditions is equivalent to solving Poisson's equation.
Energy minimization
Another motivation for the Laplacian appearing in physics is that solutions to Δf = 0 in a region U are functions that make the Dirichlet energyfunctionalstationary:
To see this, suppose f : U → R is a function, and u : U → R is a function that vanishes on the boundary of U. Then:
In spherical coordinates in N dimensions, with the parametrization x = rθ ∈ RN with r representing a positive real radius and θ an element of the unit sphereSN−1,
where ΔSN−1 is the Laplace–Beltrami operator on the (N − 1)-sphere, known as the spherical Laplacian. The two radial derivative terms can be equivalently rewritten as:
As a consequence, the spherical Laplacian of a function defined on SN−1 ⊂ RN can be computed as the ordinary Laplacian of the function extended to RN∖{0} so that it is constant along rays, i.e., homogeneous of degree zero.
Euclidean invariance
The Laplacian is invariant under all Euclidean transformations: rotations and translations. In two dimensions, for example, this means that:
for all θ, a, and b. In arbitrary dimensions,
whenever ρ is a rotation, and likewise:
whenever τ is a translation. (More generally, this remains true when ρ is an orthogonal transformation such as a reflection.)
In fact, the algebra of all scalar linear differential operators, with constant coefficients, that commute with all Euclidean transformations, is the polynomial algebra generated by the Laplace operator.
The vector Laplace operator, also denoted by , is a differential operator defined over a vector field.[7] The vector Laplacian is similar to the scalar Laplacian; whereas the scalar Laplacian applies to a scalar field and returns a scalar quantity, the vector Laplacian applies to a vector field, returning a vector quantity. When computed in orthonormalCartesian coordinates, the returned vector field is equal to the vector field of the scalar Laplacian applied to each vector component.
In Cartesian coordinates, this reduces to the much simpler form as
where , , and are the components of the vector field , and just on the left of each vector field component is the (scalar) Laplace operator. This can be seen to be a special case of Lagrange's formula; see Vector triple product.
The Laplacian of any tensor field ("tensor" includes scalar and vector) is defined as the divergence of the gradient of the tensor:
For the special case where is a scalar (a tensor of degree zero), the Laplacian takes on the familiar form.
If is a vector (a tensor of first degree), the gradient is a covariant derivative which results in a tensor of second degree, and the divergence of this is again a vector. The formula for the vector Laplacian above may be used to avoid tensor math and may be shown to be equivalent to the divergence of the Jacobian matrix shown below for the gradient of a vector:
And, in the same manner, a dot product, which evaluates to a vector, of a vector by the gradient of another vector (a tensor of 2nd degree) can be seen as a product of matrices:
This identity is a coordinate dependent result, and is not general.
First of all, we say that a smooth function is superharmonic whenever .
Let be a smooth function, and let be a connected compact set. If is superharmonic, then, for every , we have
for some constant depending on and . [8]
A version of the Laplacian can be defined wherever the Dirichlet energy functional makes sense, which is the theory of Dirichlet forms. For spaces with additional structure, one can give more explicit descriptions of the Laplacian, as follows.
The Laplacian also can be generalized to an elliptic operator called the Laplace–Beltrami operator defined on a Riemannian manifold. The Laplace–Beltrami operator, when applied to a function, is the trace (tr) of the function's Hessian:
where the trace is taken with respect to the inverse of the metric tensor. The Laplace–Beltrami operator also can be generalized to an operator (also called the Laplace–Beltrami operator) which operates on tensor fields, by a similar formula.
Another generalization of the Laplace operator that is available on pseudo-Riemannian manifolds uses the exterior derivative, in terms of which the "geometer's Laplacian" is expressed as
Here δ is the codifferential, which can also be expressed in terms of the Hodge star and the exterior derivative. This operator differs in sign from the "analyst's Laplacian" defined above. More generally, the "Hodge" Laplacian is defined on differential formsα by
It is the generalization of the Laplace operator in the sense that it is the differential operator which is invariant under the isometry group of the underlying space and it reduces to the Laplace operator if restricted to time-independent functions. The overall sign of the metric here is chosen such that the spatial parts of the operator admit a negative sign, which is the usual convention in high-energy particle physics. The D'Alembert operator is also known as the wave operator because it is the differential operator appearing in the wave equations, and it is also part of the Klein–Gordon equation, which reduces to the wave equation in the massless case.
The additional factor of c in the metric is needed in physics if space and time are measured in different units; a similar factor would be required if, for example, the x direction were measured in meters while the y direction were measured in centimeters. Indeed, theoretical physicists usually work in units such that c = 1 in order to simplify the equation.