Sulfate fluoride

The sulfate fluorides are double salts that contain both sulfate and fluoride anions. They are in the class of mixed anion compounds. Some of these minerals are deposited in fumaroles.

Fluoride sulfates were first discovered by Jean Charles de Marignac in 1859.[1][2]

Some elements such as cobalt or uranium can form complexes that contain fluoride and sulfate groups, and would be referred to as fluoro and sulfato metallates.



name formula ratio system space group unit cell Å volume density optical references
Chukhrovite-(Ca) Ca4.5Al2(SO4)F13·12H2O 1:13 Isometric Fd3 a = 16.749 Z=8 4698.6 2.23 isotropic n = 1.432 [3]
Chukhrovite-(Ce) Ca3(Y,Ce)(AlF6)2(SO4)F · 10H2O 1:13 Isometric Fd3 [4]
Chukhrovite-(Y) Ca3(Ce,Y)(AlF6)2(SO4)F · 10H2O 1:13 Isometric Fd3 [5]
Chukhrovite-(Nd) Ca3(Nd,Y)Al2(SO4)F13·12H2O 1:13 Isometric Fd3 a = 16.759 Z=8 4,707.0 2.42 isotropic nα = 1.443 [6]
Meniaylovite Ca4[(SO4)(SiF6)(AlF6)]F · 12H2O 1:13 Isometric Fd3 a = 16.722 Z=8 4,675.89 Isotropic n = 1.43
Pseudograndreefite Pb6(SO4)F10 1:10 Orthorhombic F2 2 2 a = 8.51 b = 19.57 c = 8.49 Z=4 1,413.93 Biaxial (+) nα = 1.864 nβ = 1.865 nγ = 1.873

2V: measured: 30° , calculated: 40°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.009

Creedite Ca3SO4Al2F8(OH)2 · 2H2O 1:8 Monoclinic B2/b a = 13.936, b = 8.606, c = 9.985 β = 94.39° Z=4 1,194.02 2.713 Biaxial (-) nα = 1.461 nβ = 1.478 nγ = 1.485

Max birefringence: δ = 0.024

Thermessaite K2AlF3(SO4) 1:3 Orthorhombic Pbcn a = 10.81 b = 8.336 c = 6.822 614.75 2.77
Grandreefite Pb2(SO4)F2 1:2 monoclinic A2/a a = 8.667 b = 4.4419 c = 14.242 β = 107.418 Z=4 523.15 7.15 Biaxial (+) nα = 1.872 nβ = 1.873 nγ = 1.897

2V: Measured: 23°

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.025

Arangasite Al2F(PO4)(SO4) · 9H2O 1:1 monoclinic P2/a a = 7.073 b = 9.634 c = 10.827 β = 100.40 Z = 2 725.7 2.01 Biaxial (+) ?nα = 1.493(5) nγ = 1.485(5)

Max birefringence: δ = 0.008

Khademite Al(SO4)F · 5H2O 1:1 orthorhombic a = 11.17 b = 13.05 c = 10.88 1,585.96 1.925 Biaxial (-) nα = 1.440 nβ = 1.460 nγ = 1.487

2V: measured: 68° calculated: 84°

Max birefringence δ = 0.047


Kogarkoite Na3(SO4)F 1:1 Monoclinic ?P21 a = 18.07 b = 6.94 c = 11.44 β = 107.72° Z=12 1,366.58 2.676 Biaxial (+) nα = 1.439 nβ = 1.439 nγ = 1.442

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.003

kononovite NaMg(SO4)F 1:1 monoclinic C2/c a = 6.662 b = 8.584 c = 7.035 β = 114.06 Z=4 367.4 2.91 biaxial (+), nα = 1.488 nβ = 1.491 nγ = 1.496 2Vmeas = 75°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.008

Lannonite Mg2Ca4Al4(SO4)8F8 · 24H2O 8:8 Tetragonal I4/m a = 6.860 c = 28.053 1,320.16 2.22 Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.460 nε = 1.478

Max Birefringence:δ = 0.018

Sulphohalite Na6(SO4)2FCl 2:1 Isometric Fm3m Isotropic [16]
Uklonskovite NaMgSO4F•2H2O 1:1 monoclinic a = 7.2 Å, b = 7.21 Å, c = 5.73 β = 113.23° 273.34 Biaxial (+) nα = 1.476 nγ = 1.500

Max Birefringence δ = 0.024

Vlodavetsite AlCa2(SO4)2F2Cl · 4H2O 2:2 Tetragonal I4/m a = 6.870, c = 13.342 Z=2 629.70 Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.509 nε = 1.526

Max birefringence: δ = 0.017

Schairerite Na21(SO4)7ClF6 7:6 trigonal 3_2/m a = 12.17 c = 19.29 2,474.25 2.67 Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.440 nε = 1.445

Max birefringence: δ = 0.005

Galeite Na15(SO4)5F4Cl 5:4 Trigonal a = 12.17 c = 13.94 1,788.03 Uniaxial (+) nω = 1.447 nε = 1.449

Max Birefringence: δ = 0.002

Fluorellestadite Ca10(SiO4)3(SO4)3F2 3:2 hexagonal a = 9.53 c = 6.91 543.49 3.03 Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.655 nε = 1.650

Max birefringence:δ = 0.005

Straßmannite Al(UO2)(SO4)2F·16H2O 2:1 monoclinic C2/c a = 11.0187 b = 8.3284 c = 26.673 β = 97.426° 2427.2 2.20 pale yellowish green

Biaxial (-) nα = 1.477(2) nβ = 1.485(2) nγ = 1.489(2)

2V: measured: 70° calculated: 70.2°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.012

Svyazhinite (Mg,Mn2+,Ca)(Al,Fe3+)(SO4)2F · 14H2O 2:1 triclinic a = 6.21 b = 13.3 c = 6.25 α = 90.15°, β = 93.56°, γ = 82.08° 510.29 Biaxial (-) nα = 1.423 nβ = 1.439 nγ = 1.444

2V: calculated: 56°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.021

Wilcoxite MgAl(SO4)2F · 17H2O 2:1 triclinic P1 a = 6.644, b = 6.749, c = 14.892 α = 79.664°, β = 80.113°, γ = 62.487 579.6 1.58 Biaxial (-) nα = 1.424 nβ = 1.436 nγ = 1.438

2V: measured: 48° , calculated: 44°

Max birefringence: δ = 0.014

Krasheninnikovite KNa2CaMg(SO4)3F 3:1 hexagonal P63/mcm a = 16.6682 c = 6.9007 Z = 6 1660.36 2.68 Uniaxial (-) nω = 1.500 nε = 1.492

Max birefringence: δ = 0.008

Shuvalovite K2(Ca2Na)(SO4)3F 3:1 orthorhombic Pnma a = 13.2383 b = 10.3023 c = 8.9909 Z = 4 1226.22 2.64 biaxial (−), nα = 1.493 = 1.498 nγ = 1.498 2Vmeasured ≤ 20 [26]
Thermessaite-(NH4) (NH4)2AlSO4F3 1:3 orthorhombic Pbcn a = 11.3005 b = 8.6125 c = 6.8501 Z = 4 666.69 [27]


name formula MW ratio system space group unit cell volume density optical CAS references
LiMgFSO4 1:1 triclinic P1 a = 5.1623 b = 5.388 c = 7.073 α = 106.68 β=107.40 and γ=97.50° Z=2 [28]
NaMgSO4F 1:1 monoclinic C2/c Z=4 109.802 2.84 [29]
Na2AlSO4F3 1:1 monoclinic P2/c a=6.3562 b=6.2899 c=7.1146 β=115.687° Z=2 256.33 2.928 [30]
Li4NH4Al(SO4)2F4 2:4 monoclinic C2/c a=13.6561 b=4.9761 c=13.9919 β=92.135° Z=4 950.2 2.383 [30]
Na4TiF4(SO4)2 2:4 [31]
β-K3[SO4]F 1:1 tetragonal I4/mcm a= 7.2961 c= 10.854 [32]
α-K3[SO4]F 1:1 cubic Pm3m a≈5.43 ≥585 °C [32]
KMgSO4F 178.47 1:1 orthorhombic Pna21 a=12.973 b=6.4585 c=10.635 Z=8 891.1 2.661 colourless [33][34]
Li6K3Al(SO4)4F4 4:4 triclinic P1 a=5.0304 b=9.5690 c=9.7078 α=70.968° β=75.531° γ=75.183° Z=1 420.08 2.554 [30]
sodium calcium sulfapatite Na6Ca4(SO4)6F2 6:2
K3Ca2(SO4)3F 3:1 orthorhombic Pn21a a=13.467 b=10.521 c=9.167 Z=4 1299.9 [35]
[N2C10H12] TiF4SO4 378.16? 1:4 triclinic P1 a=8.691 b=9.208 c=9.288 α=68.56 β=84.30 γ=81.59 Z=2               683.6 1.837 colourless [31]
[N2C10H12]TiF2(SO4)2 436.22? 2:2 triclinic P1 a=4.5768 b=8.9162 c=10.1236 α=112.888 β=95.196 γ=98.706 Z=1               371.11 1.952 colourless [31]
Rb2TiF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O 1:1 [36]
Cs2TiF2(SO4)2 · 3H2O 1:1 [36]
[N2C6H16]V(SO4)2F 378.27 2:1 monoclinic P21/c a=10.262 b =17.761 c=7.0518 β=93.93 Z=4                  1282.3 1.959 green [31]
Na2VF3SO4 1:3 [31]
Na3CrF2(SO4)2 2:2 [31]
LiMnSO4F 1:1 monoclinic a=13.2406 b=6.4082 c=10.0229 β=120.499 732.76 [37]
[N2C6H16]2+Mn2F2(SO4)2 2:2 [31]
Li2MnF3(SO4) 1:3 pink-brown [38]
(NH4)2MnF3(SO4) 1:3 pink-brown [38]
Na2MnF3(SO4) 1:3 pink-brown [38]
Dipotassium trifluorosulfato manganate(III) K2MnF3(SO4) 1:3 pink-brown [38]
FeFSO4 170.91 1:1 monoclinic C2/c a = 7.3037 b = 7.0753 c = 7.3117 β = 119.758° 328.017 3.461 [39]
K2FeF3SO4 1:3 [31]
Li3FeF2(SO4)2·H2O 2:2 [31]
[N2C6H16]Fe(SO4)2F 383.18 2:1 monoclinic P21/c a=10.2220 b=17.6599 c=7.0437 β=93.894 Z=4 1268.59 2.006 brown [31]
LiFeFSO4 177.85 1:1 triclinic P1 a = 5.1751 b = 5.4915 c = 7.2211 α = 106.506° β = 107.178° γ=97.865° 182.44 3.237 grass green [39]
sodium ferrous sulfate fluoride NaFeFSO4 193.91 1:1 monoclinic P21/c a = 6.6739 b = 8.6989 c = 7.1869 β = 113.525° 382.567 3.366 [39]
sodium ferrous sulfate fluoride dihydrate NaFeFSO4·2H2O 1:1 monoclinic P21/m a=5.75959 b=7.38273 c=7.25047 β=113.3225 283.109 white [40]
trisodium ferric disulfate difluoride Na3Fe(SO4)2F2 2:2 orthorhombic Pnca a = 6.6419 b = 8.8115 c = 14.0023 [41]
NaCoFSO4 1:1 monoclinic C2/c a=6.6687 b=8.6251 c=7.1444 β=114.323 374.46 [42]
NaCoFSO4·2H2O 1:1 monoclinic P21/m a=5.73364 b=7.31498 c=7.18640 β=113.5028 276.40 pink [40]
NH4CoFSO4·2H2O 1:1 [43]
KCoFSO4·2H2O 1:1 [43]
NaNiFSO4·2H2O 1:1 monoclinic P21/m a=5.70118 b=7.27603 c=7.15634 β=113.8883 271.429 green [40]
LiZnSO4F 1:1 orthorhombic Pnma 7.40357 b=6.32995 c=7.42016 347.740 [44]
KZnSO4F 219.53 1:1 orthorhombic Pna21 a=13.0602 b=6.4913 c=10.7106 Z=8 908.02 3.212 transparent <190 nm [34]
K2Zn3(SO4)(HSO4)2F4 1:4 orthorhombic Cmc21 a=17.725 b=7.6650 c=9.7505 Z=4 1324.7 3.212 colourless [45]
Li4RbAl(SO4)2F4 2:4 monoclinic C2/c a=13.6503 b=4.984 c=14.0081 β=91.509° Z=4 948.82 2.858 [46]
Y(SO4)F 203.97 1:1 orthorhombic Pnma a=8.3128, b=6.9255, c=6.3905 Z=4 367.90 3.682 [47]
YSO4F·H2O 1:1 monoclinic P21/n a=4.9707 b=7.306 c=11.493 β =96.95° birefringence 0.0357 at 546 nm [48]
Y2Cu(OH)3(SO4)2F·H2O 521.52 2:1 monoclinic P21/n a=11.6889, b=6.8660, c=12.5280, β=97.092° Z=4 997.8 3.472 blue [47]
KYSO4F2 1:2 monoclinic P21/m a=6.4402 b=5.7784 c=6.992 β=113.684° Z=2 238.30 3.652 band gap 7.79 eV; birefringence 0.015 @ 546.1 nm [49]
RbYSO4F2 1:2 monoclinic P21/m a=6.5347 b=5.8212 c=7.1383 β=114.332° Z=2 247.42 4.140 band gap 7.82 eV; birefringence 0.02 @ 546.1 nm [49]
Zr2O2F2SO4 · 6H2O 1:2 [50]
α-K3ZrF5SO4 · H2O 1:5 [36]
K2ZrF4SO4 1:4 [36]
K2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O 2:2 [36]
K3Zr2F9SO4 · 2H2O 1:9 [36]
(NH4)3Zr2F9SO4 · 2H2O 1:9 [36]
(NH4)2ZrF4SO4 1:4 [36]
(NH4)2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O 2:2 [36]
Rb2ZrF4SO4 1:4 [36]
Rb2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 3H2O 2:2 [36]
Rb3Zr2F9SO4 ·2H2O 1:9 [36]
RbZr2O2F(SO4)2 · 5H2O 2:1 [36]
Cs2ZrF4SO4 1:4 [36]
Cs2ZrF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O 2:2 [36]
Cs8Zr4F2(SO4)11 · 16H2O 11:2 [36]
CsZr2O2F(SO4)2 · 6H2O 2:1 [36]
Zr2O2F2SO4 · 5H2O 1:2 [36]
triindium trifluoride sulfate ditellurite hydrate In3(SO4)(TeO3)2F3(H2O) 866.74 1:3 orthorhombic P212121 a=8.3115 b=9.4341 c=14.8068 1161.0 4.959 band gap 4.10 eV; white [51]
4,4'-bipyridine distannous difluoride disulfate (C10H10N2)0.5[SnF(SO4)] 2:2 triclinic P1 a=4.726 b=7.935 c=11.203 α = 81.05° β = 87.59° γ=73.70° Z=2 398.3 2.608 colourless [52]
diantimony dipotassium hexafluoride sulfate K2SO4·(SbF3)2 531.76 1:6 monoclinic P21/c a=9.1962 b=5.6523 c=19.2354 β =103.209 Z=4 973.40 3.629 colourless [53]
diantimony dirubidium hexafluoride sulfate Rb2SO4·(SbF3)2 624.50 1:6 monoclinic P21 a=9.405 b=5.7210 c=9.879 β = 103.850 Z=2 516.1 4.018 colourless [53]
tetraantimony hexarubidium dodecafluoride trisulfate Rb6Sb4F12(SO4)3 1515.989 3:12 trigonal P3 a=16.9490 c=7.5405 Z=2 1875.94 4.026 white 53168-89-1 [54][55]
hexaammonium dodecafluorotrisulfatotetraantimonate(III) [NH4]6Sb4F12(SO4)3 3:12 trigonal P3 a=17.07 c=7.515 Z=3 1896 2.92 [56]
hexarubidium dodecafluorotrisulfatotetraantimonate(III) Rb6Sb4F12(SO4)3 3:12 [56]
Li4CsAl(SO4)2F4 2:4 monoclinic C2/c a=13.574 b=5.0427 c=14.258 β=91.961° Z=4 975.7 3.103 [46]
tetraantimony hexacaesium dodecafluoride trisulfate Cs6Sb4F12(SO4)3 1800.601 3:12 triclinic P1 a=7.9044 b=10.5139 c=17.3534 al=90.350 β = 90.151 ga=104.797 Z=4 1394.3 4.289 white 53200-54-7 [54][57]
antimony caesium difluoride sulfate CsSbF2SO4 388.72 1:2 orthorhombic Pna21 a=9.9759 b=11.6616 c=5.2968 515.20 4.19 clear, non-linear SH [58]
LiLa2F3(SO4)2 2:3 monoclinic I2/a a = 8.283, b = 6.947, c = 14.209 β = 95.30° Z=4 [59]
CeF2(SO4) 1:2 orthorhombic Pca21 a=8.3668 b=6.3600 c=8.3862 birefringence 0.361@ 546 nm; SHG 8×KDP [60]
NdFSO4·H2O 277.32 1:1 monoclinic P21/n a = 4.9948 b = 7.3684 c = 11.6366 β = 96.672° Z=4 425.37 4.330 pink [61]
NaPr2F3(SO4)2 2:3 monoclinic I2/a a = 8.223, b = 6.9212, c = 14.199, β = 95.88° Z=4 light green [62]
LiEr2F3(SO4)2 2:3 orthorhombic Pbcn a = 14.791, b = 6.336, c = 8.137 [59]
hexa(triethylenetriammonium) tetrasamarium tetradecasulfate difluoride [C4H16N3]6[Sm4F2(SO4)14] 2621.43 14:2 triclinic P1 a = 11.1988 b = 11.4073 c = 16.2666 α = 89.901°, β = 82.406°, γ = 67.757° Z=1 1903.9 2.286 colourless [61]
TbFSO4·H2O 292.00 1:1 monoclinic P21/n a = 5.0014 b = 7.377 c = 11.651 β = 96.692° Z=4 426.9 4.543 colourless [61]
gadolinium fluoride sulfate GdF[SO4] 1:1 orthorhombic Pnma a=8.436 b=7.0176 c=6.4338 Z=4 [63]
γ-K2HfF2(SO4)2 · 2H2O 2:2 [36]
K2HfF2(SO4)2 · 2.5H2O 2:2 [36]
Na6Pb4(SO4)6F2 6:2 [64]
ThSO4F2.H2O 1:2 monoclinic P21n a = 6.9065 b = 6.9256 c = 10.589 β = 96.755° Z = 4 502.98 colourless [65]
potassium catena-di—fluoro-difluorotetraoxo-di—sulphato-diuranate(VI) hydrate K2UF2O2(SO4)·H2O 1:2 monoclinic P21/c a = 9.263 b = 8.672 c = 11.019 β= 101.60° Z = 4 867.1 3.83 greenish yellow [66][67]
(NH4)2[UO2F2(SO4)] triclinic P1 a=9.73 b=10.28 c=11.37 α = 107.4°, β = 111.9°, γ =106.9 Z=2 greenish yellow [67]
(NH4)6[(UO2)2F4(SO4)3] triclinic P1 a=9.35 b=9.85 c=11.25 α = 109.2°, β = 113.1°, γ =102.5 Z=1 greenish yellow [67]
Cs2[(UO2)2F4(SO4)] greenish yellow [67]
(NH4)[UO2F(SO4)] triclinic P1 a=8.99 b=7.12 c=7.42 α = 114.5°, β = 117.4°, γ =103.2 Z=1 1.92 greenish yellow [67]
RbUO2SO4F orthorhombic Pca21 a=25.353 b=6.735 c=11.496 Z=12 [68][69]
[N2C6H16][UO2F2(SO4)] 520.29 1:2 triclinic P1 a=6.9105 b=9.6605 =10.1033 α=72.6594(14) β=87.068 γ=77.9568 Z=2 629.62 2.744 yellow [70]
[N2C6H16][UO2F(SO4)]2 884.37 2:2 orthorhombic Pmmn a=6.9503 b=17.2147 c=7.0867 Z=2 847.90 3.464 yellow [70]
[N2C3H12][UO2F(SO4)]2·H2O 862.32 2:2 orthorhombic Pnma a=13.5775 b=14.6180 c=8.1168 Z=4 1610.99 3.555 yellow [70]
[N2C5H14][UO2F(H2O)(SO4)]2 907.38 2:2 monoclinic P121/n1 a=8.4354 b=15.5581 c=14.8442 β =96.666 Z=4 1935.0 3.115 yellow [70]
[N2C6H18]2[UO2F(SO4)]4·H2O 1792.80 4:4 triclinic P1 a=10.8832 b=10.9386 c=16.5325 α=75.6604 β=73.6101 γ=89.7726 Z=2 1824.73 3.263 yellow [70]
[N2C3H12][UO2F(SO4)]2·H2O 864.34 2:2 monoclinic P121/n1 a=6.7745 b=8.1589 c=14.3661 β =94.556 Z=2 791.54 3.626 yellow [70]
diammonium hydrazinium triuranium(IV) tetrafluoride hexasulfate U4+3F4(SO4)6·2NH4·H3N-NH3 1436.6 6:4 monoclinic C2/c a=15.2309 b=8.77998 c=18.8590 β=105.5030 Z=4 2432.69 4.392 green [71]


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South Korean singer (born 1991) This article is about the female singer-songwriter. For the South Korean band, see Cheeze (band). Cheeze임혜경BornIm Hye-kyung (1991-08-19) August 19, 1991 (age 32)South KoreaOccupationSingerMusical careerInstrument(s)VocalsYears active2011–presentLabelsMagic Strawberry CheezeHangul달총Revised RomanizationDalchongMcCune–ReischauerTalch'ong Im Hye-kyung (Korean: 임혜경, born August 19, 1991),[1] bett...

US gun rights organization This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Gun Owners of America – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (June 2021) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Gun Owners of AmericaFoundedNovember 9, 1976; 47 years ago (1976-11-09)[1]Tax ID no. 52-1256643[2]Legal status501(c)(4) ...


José María Velasco Gómez Obregón Información personalNombre de nacimiento José María Tranquilino Francisco de Jesús Velasco Gómez ObregónNombre en español José María Velasco Gómez Nacimiento 6 de julio de 1840Temascalcingo, Departamento de MéxicoFallecimiento 26 de agosto de 1912 (72 años)Villa de Guadalupe Hidalgo, Ciudad de MéxicoCausa de muerte Infarto agudo de miocardioResidencia Valle de México, Temascalcingo de José María Velasco y Ciudad de México Nacionalidad Mexi...


Municipality in State of Mexico, MexicoTezoyucaMunicipalityTezoyucaLocation in MexicoCoordinates: 19°45′11″N 99°11′15″W / 19.75306°N 99.18750°W / 19.75306; -99.18750Country MexicoStateState of MexicoMunicipal SeatTezoyucaArea • Total10.9 km2 (4.2 sq mi)Population (2005) • Total25,372Time zoneUTC-6 (Central Standard Time) • Summer (DST)UTC-5 (Central Daylight Time) Tezoyuca is a municipality in the...

This article relies largely or entirely on a single source. Relevant discussion may be found on the talk page. Please help improve this article by introducing citations to additional sources.Find sources: Encino Hospital Medical Center – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (November 2022) Hospital in California, United StatesEncino Hospital Medical CenterPrime Healthcare ServicesGeographyLocationEncino, Los Angeles, San Fernando Valley, Califor...


село Долішнє Країна  Україна Область Львівська область Район Стрийський район Громада Моршинська міська громада Основні дані Засноване 1396 Перша згадка 1396 (628 років)[1] року Населення 624 осіб Площа 6,8 км² Густота населення 91,76 осіб/км² Поштовий індекс 82480 Тел�...