State Anthem of the Komi Republic

Komi Respublikasa kyp
English: Anthem of the Komi Republic
Коми Республикаса кып

State anthem of the Komi Republic, Russia
Also known as«Ылын–ылын Войвылын» (English: 'Far, Far Away in the North')
LyricsViktor Savin, 1923
MusicViktor Savin, 1923
Adopted4 July 2006
Audio sample
Official orchestral and choral vocal recording in D major

The State Anthem of the Komi Republic is one of the official state symbols of the Komi Republic, a Federal subject of Russia, along with its flag and coat of arms.


This anthem's melody is based on the melody of Viktor Savin's song "Varyš pos" ('Falcon's Nest'), edited by Mikhail Gertsman – chairman of the Union of Composers of the Komi Republic.[1][2][3] It was edited by V. Timin into Komi, as amended by Alexandra Shergina and Alexander Suvorov in Russian.[2][4]


The current text of the anthem was selected on a competitive basis between 2005 and 2006, where the participants were required to have an accurate version of Viktor Savin's song "Varyš pos" in the republic's two official state languages – Komi and Russian. As a result, Vladimir Timin's work was chosen in Komi, and Alexandra Shergina's work was chosen in Russian. However, when the anthem was being recorded, the phrase in her text «Верим мы, твоя судьба» ('We Have Faith in Thy Destiny') turned out to be inconvenient for the performers, so it was subsequently changed to «Коми край» ('Komi Krai'). Later, the co-authorship of the Russian version was recognized; and as a result, the anthem was officially adopted by the State Council of the Komi Republic on 22 June 2006.[1][4][5]

A new version of the anthem in both languages was first performed on 22 June 2006 by the State Song and Dance Ensemble named after V. Morozova "Asya Kya" at the V meeting of the 8th session of the State Council of the third convocation.[1]

Law and regulation

Adopted in 1994,[6] the State Anthem was approved by the Law of the Republic of Komi dated 6 June 1994 No. XII-20/5 "On the State Anthem of the Republic of Komi". It is performed macaronically in both Komi and Russian – the official languages of the Komi Republic.[2]


The first two stanzas are in Komi, and the final two are in Russian.[2]

Komi and Russian original[2][4] Old Permic script Latin script IPA transcription[a]

Ылын–ылын Войвылын
Джуджыд парма сулалӧ.
Парма шӧрын варыш поз
Кыпыд горӧн шыалӧ.

Лэбзьӧй, повтӧм варышъяс,
Вына бордъяс шеныштлӧй,
𝄆 Веськыд туйӧд нуӧдӧй,
Коми мусӧ югдӧдӧй! 𝄇

Север, наш родимый край,
Глубоки твои снега,
Холодны твои ветра,
Высока твоя тайга!

Нас несут через века
Соколиные крыла.
𝄆 Коми край, твоя судьба
Благодатна и светла! 𝄇

𐍨𐍛‎𐍨𐍝‎–𐍨𐍛‎𐍨𐍝‎ 𐍮‎𐍩‎𐍙‎𐍮‎𐍨𐍛‎𐍨𐍝‎
𐍖𐍣𐍖𐍨𐍓‎ 𐍟‎𐍐‎𐍠𐍜𐍐‎ 𐍡𐍣𐍛‎𐍐‎𐍛‎𐍞.
𐍟‎𐍐‎𐍠𐍜𐍐‎ 𐍥𐍞𐍠𐍨𐍝‎ 𐍮‎𐍐𐍠𐍨𐍥 𐍟‎𐍩‎𐍗
𐍚‎𐍨𐍟‎𐍨𐍓‎ 𐍒𐍩‎𐍠𐍞𐍝‎ 𐍥𐍨𐍐‎𐍛‎𐍞.

𐍛‎𐍔‎𐍑‎𐍗𐍰𐍞𐍙‎, 𐍟‎𐍩‎𐍮‎𐍢𐍞𐍜 𐍮‎𐍐‎𐍠𐍨𐍥𐍯‎𐍴𐍡,
𐍮‎𐍨𐍝‎𐍐‎ 𐍑‎𐍩‎𐍠𐍓‎𐍯‎𐍴‎𐍡 𐍥𐍔‎𐍝‎𐍨𐍥𐍢𐍛‎𐍞𐍙‎,
𝄆 𐍮‎𐍔‎𐍡𐍰𐍚‎𐍨𐍓‎ 𐍢𐍣𐍙‎𐍞𐍓‎ 𐍝‎𐍣𐍞𐍓‎𐍞𐍙‎,
𐍚‎𐍩‎𐍜𐍙‎ 𐍜𐍣𐍡𐍞 𐍳𐍒𐍓‎𐍞𐍓‎𐍞𐍙‎! 𝄇

𐍡𐍔‎𐍮‎𐍔‎𐍠, 𐍝‎𐍐‎𐍥 𐍠𐍩‎𐍓‎𐍙‎𐍜𐍨‎𐍙‎ 𐍚‎𐍠𐍐‎𐍙‎,
𐍒𐍛‎𐍣𐍑‎𐍩‎𐍚‎𐍙‎ 𐍢𐍮‎𐍩‎𐍙‎𐍙‎ 𐍡𐍝‎𐍔‎𐍒𐍐‎,
𐍬‎𐍩‎𐍛‎𐍩‎𐍓𐍝‎𐍨 𐍢𐍮‎𐍩‎𐍙𐍙‎ 𐍮‎𐍔‎𐍢𐍠𐍐‎,
𐍮‎𐍨𐍡𐍩‎𐍚‎𐍐‎ 𐍢𐍮‎𐍩‎𐍴 𐍢𐍐‎𐍙‎𐍒𐍐‎!

𐍝‎𐍐‎𐍡 𐍝‎𐍔‎𐍡𐍣𐍢 𐍤𐍔‎𐍠𐍔‎𐍗 𐍮‎𐍔‎𐍚‎𐍐‎
𐍡𐍩‎𐍚‎𐍩𐍛‎𐍙‎𐍝‎𐍨𐍔‎ 𐍚‎𐍠𐍨𐍛𐍐‎.
𝄆 𐍚‎𐍩‎𐍜𐍙‎ 𐍚‎𐍠𐍐‎𐍙‎, 𐍢𐍮‎𐍩‎𐍴 𐍡𐍣𐍓‎𐍰‎𐍑‎𐍐‎
𐍑‎𐍛‎𐍐‎𐍒𐍩𐍓‎𐍐‎𐍢𐍝‎𐍐‎ 𐍙‎ 𐍡𐍮‎𐍔‎𐍢𐍛‎𐍐‎! 𝄇

Ylyn–ylyn voivylyn
Džudžyd parma sulalõ.
Parma šõryn varyš poz,
Kypyd gorõn šyalõ.

Lebziõj povtom, varyšjas,
Vyna bordjas šenyštlõi,
𝄆 Vieśkyd tujõd nuõdõi,
Komi musõ jugdõdõi! 𝄇

Sievier, naš rodimyi krai,
Gluboki tvoji sniega,
Holodny tvoji vietra,
Vysoka tvoja taiga!

Nas niesut tšeriez vieka
Sokolinyje kryla.
𝄆 Komi krai, tvoja sudjba
Blagodatna i svietla! 𝄇

[ˈɨ.ɫi.n‿ˌɨ.ɫɨn ˈvoj.vɨ.ɫɨn]
[ˈd͡ʐu.d͡ʐɨt‿ˈ ˈsu.ɫa.ɫə ‖]
[ˈ ˈʂə.rɨn ˈva.rɨʂ poz]
[ˈkɨ.pɨd ˈgo.rən ˈʂɨ.a.ɫə ‖]

[ˈɫeb.ʑəj ˈpof.təm ˈva.rɨʂ.jas]
[ˈvɨ.na ˈbord.jas ˈʂe.nɨʂt.ɫəj ‖]
𝄆 [ˈvʲeɕ.kɨt‿ˈtu.jəd ˈnu.ə.dəj]
[ˈko.mʲi ˈmu.sə ˈjug.də.dəj ‖] 𝄇

[ˈsʲe.vʲɪr naʂ rɐ.ˈdʲi.mɨj kraj]
[ɡɫʊ.bɐ.ˈkʲi tvɐ.ˈi sʲnʲɪ.ˈga ‖]
[xə.ɫɐd.ˈnɨ tvɐ.ˈi vʲɪ.ˈtra]
[vɨ.sɐ.ˈka tvɐ.ˈja tɐj.ˈɡa ‖]

[nas nʲɪ.ˈsut ˈt͡ɕe.rʲɪz‿vʲɪ.ˈka]
[sə.kɐ.ˈlʲi.nɨ.je krɨ.ˈɫa ‖]
𝄆 [ˈko.mʲɪ kraj tvɐ.ˈja sʊdʲ.ˈba]
[bɫə.ɡɐ.ˈdat.nə i svʲɪt.ˈɫa ‖] 𝄇


According to the Law, the anthem can be performed in orchestras, chorals, and in other vocal or instrumental performances. Cases of anthem performance have been identified, such as upon assuming office of the Head of the Komi Republic or the Chairman of the State Council, while the anthem is performed after the Russian national anthem. During public performances, those present while standing includes men without wearing any headwear. If the performance of the anthem is accompanied by the raising of the flag, those present turn to face it.[2]



  1. ^ a b c "В. А. Савин — автор гимна Республики Коми" (PDF). (in Russian). Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d e f "О Государственном гимне Республики Коми". (in Russian). Archived from the original on 13 April 2016. Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  3. ^ Kuzivanova, O. Yu. "Символические ресурсы этничности (на примере коми народа) // Ученые записки Петрозаводского государственного университета. Общественные и гуманитарные науки. — 2012. — Т. 126, № 5". (in Russian). Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  4. ^ a b c "закон "О внесении изменений и дополнения в Закон Республики Коми "О Государственном гимне Республики Коми"" № 44-РФ от 22 июня 2006 года с приложениями (текст и ноты)" (PDF). (in Russian). Archived from the original (PDF) on 20 September 2020. Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  5. ^ Bobrakova, Alisa. "Гимн Коми поделили" (in Russian). Regtime. Archived from the original on 7 April 2016. Retrieved 23 August 2019.
  6. ^ Law #XII-20/5
  • Государственный Совет Республики Коми. Закон №XII-20/5 от 6 июня 1994 г. «О государственном гимне Республики Коми», в ред. Закона №44-РЗ от 4 июля 2006 г «О внесении изменений и дополнения в Закон Республики Коми «О Государственном гимне Республики Коми»». Вступил в силу 11 июня 1994 г. (за исключением отдельных положений). Опубликован: «Красное Знамя», №109, 11 июня 1994 г. (State Council of the Komi Republic. Law #XII-20/5 of 6 June 1994 On the State Anthem of the Komi Republic, as amended by the Law #44-RZ of 4 July 2006 On Amending and Supplementing the Law of the Komi Republic "On the State Anthem of the Komi Republic". Effective as of 11 June 1994 (with the exception of certain clauses).).

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