McMullen, Michael D., God's Polished Arrow: W. C. Burns, Revival Preacher, Christian Focus Publications, 2000, ISBN 1-85792-395-2
Burns, William C., Revival Sermons, Banner of Truth Trust, 1980, ISBN 0-85151-316-6
Stewart James Alexander, Biographical Sketches: William Chalmers Burns / Robert Murray McCheyne, Asheville, NC: Revival Literature, 1963
Tow, Timothy, William C Burns: Grandfather of Bible-Presbyterians, Singapore: Christian Life Publishers, 1994. ISBN 9971-9913-4-9
Burns, Islay, Memoir of the Rev. Wm. C. Burns, M.A : missionary to China from the English Presbyterian Church, 1870. (Reprint: San Francisco : Chinese Materials Center, 1975)
Clarke, Agnes H. L., China's man of the Book. The story of William Chalmers Burns, 1815-1868, London : Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1968
Houghton, S. M., Five pioneer missionaries: D. Brainerd, W. C. Burns, J. Eliot, H. Martyn, J. G. Paton, London : Banner of Truth Trust, 1965
MacMillan, Donald N., The Kirk in Glengarry-A History of the Presbytery of Glengarry 1987-1984, 1985.
Valen, L. J. van, Die aan alle wateren zaait : uit het leven van William Chalmers Burns ; zendeling en evangelist, Ede : Hardeman, 1988, ISBN 90-71272-22-2