A case has been made for the use of adrenaline infusion in place of the widely accepted treatment of inotropes for preterm infants with clinical cardiovascular compromise. Although sufficient data strongly recommends adrenaline infusions as a viable treatment, more trials are needed to conclusively determine that these infusions will successfully reduce morbidity and mortality rates among preterm, cardiovascularly compromised infants.[22]
Epinephrine can also be used to treat open-angle glaucoma, as it has been found to increase the outflow of aqueous humor in the eye. This lowers the intraocular pressure in the eye and thus aids in treatment.[23]
Physiological effects
The adrenal medulla is a major contributor to total circulating catecholamines (L-DOPA is at a higher concentration in the plasma),[24] though it contributes over 90% of circulating adrenaline. Little adrenaline is found in other tissues, mostly in scattered chromaffin cells and in a small number of neurons that use adrenaline as a neurotransmitter.[25] Following adrenalectomy, adrenaline disappears below the detection limit in the bloodstream.[26]
Pharmacological doses of adrenaline stimulate α1, α2, β1, β2, and β3 adrenoceptors of the sympathetic nervous system. Sympathetic nerve receptors are classified as adrenergic, based on their responsiveness to adrenaline.[27] The term "adrenergic" is often misinterpreted in that the main sympathetic neurotransmitter is noradrenaline, rather than adrenaline, as discovered by Ulf von Euler in 1946.[28][29] Adrenaline has a β2 adrenoceptor-mediated effect on metabolism and the airway, with no direct neural connection from the sympathetic ganglia to the airway.[30][31][32]
Walter Bradford Cannon originally proposed the concept of the adrenal medulla and the sympathetic nervous system being involved in the flight, fight, and fright response.[33] But the adrenal medulla, in contrast to the adrenal cortex, is not required for survival. In adrenalectomized patients, hemodynamic and metabolic responses to stimuli such as hypoglycemia and exercise remain normal.[34]
One physiological stimulus to adrenaline secretion is exercise. This was first demonstrated by measuring the dilation of a (denervated) pupil of a cat on a treadmill,[35] later confirmed using a biological assay of urine samples.[36] Biochemical methods for measuring catecholamines in plasma were published from 1950 onwards.[37] Although much valuable work has been published using fluorimetric assays to measure total catecholamine concentrations, the method is too non-specific and insensitive to accurately determine the very small quantities of adrenaline in plasma. The development of extraction methods and enzyme–isotope derivate radio-enzymatic assays (REA) transformed the analysis down to a sensitivity of 1 pg for adrenaline.[38] Early REA plasma assays indicated that adrenaline and total catecholamines rise late in exercise, mostly when anaerobic metabolism commences.[39][40][41]
During exercise, the adrenaline blood concentration rises partially from the increased secretion of the adrenal medulla and partly from the decreased metabolism of adrenaline due to reduced blood flow to the liver.[42] Infusion of adrenaline to reproduce exercise circulating concentrations of adrenaline in subjects at rest has little hemodynamic effect other than a slight β2-mediated fall in diastolic blood pressure.[43][44] Infusion of adrenaline well within the physiological range suppresses human airway hyper-reactivity sufficiently to antagonize the constrictor effects of inhaled histamine.[45]
A link between the sympathetic nervous system and the lungs was shown in 1887 when Grossman showed that stimulation of cardiac accelerator nerves reversed muscarine-induced airway constriction.[46] In experiments in the dog, where the sympathetic chain was cut at the level of the diaphragm, Jackson showed that there was no direct sympathetic innervation to the lung, but bronchoconstriction was reversed by the release of adrenaline from the adrenal medulla.[47] An increased incidence of asthma has not been reported for adrenalectomized patients; those with a predisposition to asthma will have some protection from airway hyper-reactivity from their corticosteroid replacement therapy. Exercise induces progressive airway dilation in normal subjects that correlates with workload and is not prevented by beta-blockade.[48] The progressive airway dilation with increasing exercise is mediated by a progressive reduction in resting vagal tone. Beta blockade with propranolol causes a rebound in airway resistance after exercise in normal subjects over the same time course as the bronchoconstriction seen with exercise-induced asthma.[49] The reduction in airway resistance during exercise reduces the work of breathing.[50]
Emotional responses
Every emotional response has a behavioral, an autonomic, and a hormonal component. The hormonal component includes the release of adrenaline, an adrenomedullary response to stress controlled by the sympathetic nervous system. The major emotion studied in relation to adrenaline is fear. In an experiment, subjects who were injected with adrenaline expressed more negative and fewer positive facial expressions to fear films compared to a control group. These subjects also reported a more intense fear from the films and greater mean intensity of negative memories than control subjects.[51] The findings from this study demonstrate that there are learned associations between negative feelings and levels of adrenaline. Overall, the greater amount of adrenaline is positively correlated with an aroused state of negative emotions. These findings can be an effect in part that adrenaline elicits physiological sympathetic responses, including an increased heart rate and knee shaking, which can be attributed to the feeling of fear regardless of the actual level of fear elicited from the video. Although studies have found a definite relation between adrenaline and fear, other emotions have not had such results. In the same study, subjects did not express a greater amusement to an amusement film nor greater anger to an anger film.[51] Similar findings were also supported in a study that involved rodent subjects that either were able or unable to produce adrenaline. Findings support the idea that adrenaline has a role in facilitating the encoding of emotionally arousing events, contributing to higher levels of arousal due to fear.[52]
It has been found that adrenergic hormones, such as adrenaline, can produce retrograde enhancement of long-term memory in humans. The release of adrenaline due to emotionally stressful events, which is endogenous adrenaline, can modulate memory consolidation of the events, ensuring memory strength that is proportional to memory importance. Post-learning adrenaline activity also interacts with the degree of arousal associated with the initial coding.[53] There is evidence that suggests adrenaline does have a role in long-term stress adaptation and emotional memory encoding specifically. Adrenaline may also play a role in elevating arousal and fear memory under particular pathological conditions, including post-traumatic stress disorder.[52] Overall, "Extensive evidence indicates that epinephrine (EPI) modulates memory consolidation for emotionally arousing tasks in animals and human subjects."[54] Studies have also found that recognition memory involving adrenaline depends on a mechanism that depends on β adrenoceptors.[54] Adrenaline does not readily cross the blood-brain barrier, so its effects on memory consolidation are at least partly initiated by β adrenoceptors in the periphery. Studies have found that sotalol, a β adrenoceptor antagonist that also does not readily enter the brain, blocks the enhancing effects of peripherally administered adrenaline on memory.[55] These findings suggest that β adrenoceptors are necessary for adrenaline to have an impact on memory consolidation.[56][57]
Increased adrenaline secretion is observed in pheochromocytoma, hypoglycemia, myocardial infarction, and to a lesser degree, in essential tremor (also known as benign, familial, or idiopathic tremor). A general increase in sympathetic neural activity is usually accompanied by increased adrenaline secretion, but there is selectivity during hypoxia and hypoglycemia, when the ratio of adrenaline to noradrenaline is considerably increased.[58][59][60] Therefore, there must be some autonomy of the adrenal medulla from the rest of the sympathetic system.
Myocardial infarction is associated with high levels of circulating adrenaline and noradrenaline, particularly in cardiogenic shock.[61][62]
Benign familial tremor (essential tremor) (BFT) is responsive to peripheral β adrenergic blockers, and β2-stimulation is known to cause tremor. Patients with BFT were found to have increased plasma adrenaline but not noradrenaline.[63][64]
Low or absent concentrations of adrenaline can be seen in autonomic neuropathy or following adrenalectomy. Failure of the adrenal cortex, as with Addison's disease, can suppress adrenaline secretion as the activity of the synthesizing enzyme, phenylethanolamine-N-methyltransferase, depends on the high concentration of cortisol that drains from the cortex to the medulla.[65][66][67]
However, the pharmacologist John Abel had already prepared an extract from adrenal glands as early as 1897, and he coined the name epinephrine to describe it (from Ancient Greekἐπῐ́ (epí), "upon", and νεφρός (nephrós), "kidney").[68] As the term Adrenaline was a registered trademark in the US,[68] and in the belief that Abel's extract was the same as Takamine's (a belief since disputed), epinephrine instead became[when?] the generic name used in the US[68] and remains the pharmaceutical'sUnited States Adopted Name and International Nonproprietary Name (though the name adrenaline is frequently used[70]).
The terminology is now one of the few differences between the INN and BAN systems of names.[71] Although European health professionals and scientists preferentially use the term adrenaline, the converse is true among American health professionals and scientists. Nevertheless, even among the latter, receptors for this substance are called adrenergic receptors or adrenoceptors, and pharmaceuticals that mimic its effects are often called adrenergics. The history of adrenaline and epinephrine is reviewed by Rao.[72]
As a hormone, adrenaline acts on nearly all body tissues by binding to adrenergic receptors. Its effects on various tissues depend on the type of tissue and expression of specific forms of adrenergic receptors. For example, high levels of adrenaline cause smooth muscle relaxation in the airways but causes contraction of the smooth muscle that lines most arterioles.
Adrenaline is a nonselective agonist of all adrenergic receptors, including the major subtypes α1, α2, β1, β2, and β3.[73] Adrenaline's binding to these receptors triggers a number of metabolic changes. Binding to α-adrenergic receptors inhibits insulin secretion by the pancreas, stimulates glycogenolysis in the liver and muscle,[74] and stimulates glycolysis and inhibits insulin-mediated glycogenesis in muscle.[75][76] β adrenergic receptor binding triggers glucagon secretion in the pancreas, increased adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) secretion by the pituitary gland, and increased lipolysis by adipose tissue. Together, these effects increase blood glucose and fatty acids, providing substrates for energy production within cells throughout the body.[76] Binding of β adrenergic receptor also increases the production of cyclic AMP.[77]
Adrenaline causes liver cells to release glucose into the blood, acting through both alpha and beta-adrenergic receptors to stimulate glycogenolysis. Adrenaline binds to β2 receptors on liver cells, which changes conformation and helps Gs, a heterotrimeric G protein, exchange GDP to GTP. This trimeric G protein dissociates to Gs alpha and Gs beta/gamma subunits. Gs alpha stimulates adenylyl cyclase, thus converting adenosine triphosphate into cyclic adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Cyclic AMP activates protein kinase A. Protein kinase A phosphorylates and partially activates phosphorylase kinase. Adrenaline also binds to α1 adrenergic receptors, causing an increase in inositol trisphosphate, inducing calcium ions to enter the cytoplasm. Calcium ions bind to calmodulin, which leads to further activation of phosphorylase kinase. Phosphorylase kinase phosphorylates glycogen phosphorylase, which then breaks down glycogen leading to the production of glucose.[78]
Adrenaline also has significant effects on the cardiovascular system. It increases peripheral resistance via α1 receptor-dependent vasoconstriction and increases cardiac output by binding to β1 receptors. The goal of reducing peripheral circulation is to increase coronary and cerebral perfusion pressures and therefore increase oxygen exchange at the cellular level.[79][80] While adrenaline does increase aortic, cerebral, and carotid circulation pressure, it lowers carotid blood flow and end-tidal CO2 or ETCO2 levels. It appears that adrenaline improves microcirculation at the expense of the capillary beds where perfusion takes place.[81]
Measurement in biological fluids
Adrenaline may be quantified in blood, plasma, or serum as a diagnostic aid, to monitor therapeutic administration, or to identify the causative agent in a potential poisoning victim. Endogenous plasma adrenaline concentrations in resting adults usually are less than 10 ng/L, but they may increase by 10-fold during exercise and by 50-fold or more during times of stress. Pheochromocytoma patients often have plasma adrenaline levels of 1000–10,000 ng/L. Parenteral administration of adrenaline to acute-care cardiac patients can produce plasma concentrations of 10,000 to 100,000 ng/L.[82][83]
Epinephrine is produced in a small group of neurons in the human brain (specifically, in the medulla oblongata) via the metabolic pathway shown above.[12]
The major physiologic triggers of adrenaline release center upon stresses, such as physical threat, excitement, noise, bright lights, and high or low ambient temperature. All of these stimuli are processed in the central nervous system.[90]
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and the sympathetic nervous system stimulate the synthesis of adrenaline precursors by enhancing the activity of tyrosine hydroxylase and dopamine β-hydroxylase, two key enzymes involved in catecholamine synthesis.[citation needed] ACTH also stimulates the adrenal cortex to release cortisol, which increases the expression of PNMT in chromaffin cells, enhancing adrenaline synthesis. This is most often done in response to stress.[citation needed] The sympathetic nervous system, acting via splanchnic nerves to the adrenal medulla, stimulates the release of adrenaline. Acetylcholine released by preganglionic sympathetic fibers of these nerves acts on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, causing cell depolarization and an influx of calcium through voltage-gated calcium channels. Calcium triggers the exocytosis of chromaffin granules and, thus, the release of adrenaline (and noradrenaline) into the bloodstream.[citation needed] For noradrenaline to be acted upon by PNMT in the cytosol, it must first be shipped out of granules of the chromaffin cells. This may occur via the catecholamine-H+ exchanger VMAT1. VMAT1 is also responsible for transporting newly synthesized adrenaline from the cytosol back into chromaffin granules in preparation for release.[91]
Unlike many other hormones, adrenaline (as with other catecholamines) does not exert negative feedback to down-regulate its own synthesis. Abnormal adrenaline levels can occur in various conditions, such as surreptitious adrenaline administration, pheochromocytoma, and other tumors of the sympathetic ganglia.
Extracts of the adrenal gland were first obtained by Polish physiologist Napoleon Cybulski in 1895.[93] These extracts, which he called nadnerczyna ("adrenalin"), contained adrenaline and other catecholamines.[94] American ophthalmologist William H. Bates discovered adrenaline's usage for eye surgeries prior to 20 April 1896.[95] In 1897, John Jacob Abel (1857–1938), the father of modern pharmacology, found a natural substance produced by the adrenal glands that he named epinephrine. The first hormone to be identified, it remains a crucial, first-line treatment for cardiac arrests, severe allergic reactions, and other conditions. In 1901, Jokichi Takamine successfully isolated and purified the hormone from the adrenal glands of sheep and oxen.[96] Adrenaline was first synthesized in the laboratory by Friedrich Stolz and Henry Drysdale Dakin, independently, in 1904.[97]
Although secretin is mentioned as the first hormone, adrenaline is the first hormone since the discovery of the activity of adrenal extract on blood pressure was observed in 1895 before that of secretin in 1902.[72] In 1895, George Oliver (1841–1915), a general practitioner in North Yorkshire, and Edward Albert Schäfer (1850–1935), a physiologist at University College of London published a paper about the active component of adrenal gland extract causing the increase in blood pressure and heart rate was from the medulla, but not the cortex of the adrenal gland.[98] In 1897, John Jacob Abel (1857–1938) of Johns Hopkins University, the first chairman of the first US department of pharmacology, found a compound called epinephrine with the molecular formula of C17H15NO4.[72] Abel claimed his principle from adrenal gland extract was active.
In 1900, Jōkichi Takamine (1854–1922), a Japanese chemist, worked with his assistant, Keizo Uenaka [ja] (1876–1960), to purify a 2000 times more active principle than epinephrine from the adrenal gland, named adrenaline with the molecular formula C10H15NO3.[72][98] Additionally, in 1900 Thomas Aldrich of Parke-Davis Scientific Laboratory also purified adrenaline independently. Takamine and Parke-Davis later in 1901 both got the patent for adrenaline. The fight for terminology between adrenaline and epinephrine was not ended until the first adrenaline structural discovery by Hermann Pauly (1870–1950) in 1903 and the first adrenaline synthesis by Friedrich Stolz (1860–1936), a German chemist in 1904. They both believed that Takamine's compound was the active principle while Abel's compound was the inactive one.[citation needed] Stolz synthesized adrenaline from its ketone form (adrenalone).[99]
An adrenaline junkie is someone who engages in sensation-seeking behavior through "the pursuit of novel and intense experiences without regard for physical, social, legal or financial risk".[100] Such activities include extreme and risky sports, substance abuse, unsafe sex, and crime. The term relates to the increase in circulating levels of adrenaline during physiological stress.[101] Such an increase in the circulating concentration of adrenaline is secondary to the activation of the sympathetic nerves innervating the adrenal medulla, as it is rapid and not present in animals where the adrenal gland has been removed.[102] Although such stress triggers adrenaline release, it also activates many other responses within the central nervous system reward system, which drives behavioral responses; while the circulating adrenaline concentration is present, it may not drive behavior. Nevertheless, adrenaline infusion alone does increase alertness[103] and has roles in the brain, including the augmentation of memory consolidation.[101]
Adrenaline has been implicated in feats of great strength, often occurring in times of crisis. For example, there are stories of a parent lifting part of a car when their child is trapped underneath, showcasing the ability of the body to endure under stress and highlighting the significant effects of adrenaline in unlocking extraordinary physical abilities.[104][105]
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Distrik Datong distrik di Taiwan Dinamakan berdasarkanGreat Unity (en) dan Dalongdong (en) Tempat categoria:Articles mancats de coordenades Negara dengan pengakuan terbatasTaiwanKotaTaipei NegaraTaiwan Pembagian administratifGuoshun Village (en) Yuquan Village (en) Jianming Village (en) Jiangong Village (en) Jiantai Village (en) Yongle Village (en) Zhaoyang Village (en) Xingming Village (en) Guangneng Village (en) Dayou Village (en) Yanping Village (en) Shuanglian Village (en) Nanfang Village...
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City in California, United States City in California, United StatesFolsom, CaliforniaCityHistoric Sutter Street FlagMotto: Distinctive by Nature[1]Location of Folsom in Sacramento County, CaliforniaFolsom, CaliforniaLocation in the contiguous United StatesCoordinates: 38°40′20″N 121°9′28″W / 38.67222°N 121.15778°W / 38.67222; -121.15778CountryUnited StatesStateCaliforniaCountySacramentoIncorporatedApril 20, 1946[2]Government •...
Italo-Brazilian writer and art curator This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) You can help expand this article with text translated from the corresponding article in Portuguese. (May 2023) Click [show] for important translation instructions. Machine translation, like DeepL or Google Translate, is a useful starting point for translations, but translators must revise errors as...
Judicial system of Thailand This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article needs to be updated. Please help update this article to reflect recent events or newly available information. (January 2015) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and remo...
Professional basketball competition Turkish Airlines Euroleague1Paris-Bercy in Paris hosted the Final FourSeason2009–10Duration29 September 2009 – 9 May 2010Number of teams24 (regular season)30 (total)Regular seasonSeason MVP Miloš TeodosićFinalsChampions Regal FC Barcelona (2nd title) Runners-up OlympiacosThird place CSKA MoscowFourth place PartizanFinal Four MVP Juan Carlos NavarroStatistical leadersPoints Linas Kleiza 17.1Rebounds Travis Watson 9.5Assists Omar Cook 5.9Inde...
تصميم أزياءصنف فرعي من تصميم — شهادة جامعية جزء من Studies of Clothings and Textiles (en) يمتهنه مصمم أزياء فروع تاريخ تصميم الأزياء تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات تصميم الأزياء هو فن من الفنون التطبيقية المتخصصة في تصميم الملابس، وهو جزء من الثقافة الإنسانية حيث يسعى الانسان الى ت...
Grand Prix d'Espagne 2007 Circuit de Catalogne Données de course Nombre de tours 65 Longueur du circuit 4,655 km Distance de course 302,449 km Conditions de course Nom officiel Formula 1 Gran Premio de España Telefónica 2007 Date 11 au 13 mai 2007 Météo Ensoleillé et chaud Affluence 140 700 spectateurs sur les trois jours Résultats Vainqueur Felipe Massa,Ferrari,1 h 31 min 36 s 230(vitesse moyenne : 198,103 km/h) Pole p...
Sejong 세종Kota otonomi khususKota Otonomi Khusus SejongTranskripsi • Hangul세종특별자치시 • Hanja世宗特別自治市 • Alih Aksara BaruSejong Teukbyeol-jachisi • McCune-ReischauerSechong T’ŭkpyŏl-chach’isi Emblem Kota SejongPeta Korea Selatan dengan penyorotan SejongNegara Korea SelatanWilayahHoseoNeighbourhoodTownTownships119Pemerintahan • WalikotaLee Choon-heeLuas • Total465,23 km...
RainbowAlbum studio karya KeshaDirilis11 Agustus 2017 (2017-08-11)Direkam2014–2017Genre Pop[1] pop rock country pop Durasi48:36Label Kemosabe RCA Produser Kesha Brody Brown Rogét Chahayed Stuart Crichton Ben Folds Ryan Lewis Nate Mercereau Rick Nowels Drew Pearson Jonny Price Ricky Reed Pebe Sebert Kesha Deconstructed(2012) Rainbow(2017) High Road(2020) Singel dalam album Rainbow PrayingDirilis: 6 Juli 2017 WomanDirilis: 22 Januari 2018 Rainbow adalah album studio ketiga o...
North–south state highway in Washington State Route 539Guide MeridianSR 539 highlighted in redRoute informationAuxiliary route of I-5Maintained by WSDOTLength15.18 mi[1] (24.43 km)Existed1969–presentMajor junctionsSouth end I-5 in BellinghamMajor intersections SR 546 near LyndenNorth end Hwy 13 at Canada–United States border near Lynden LocationCountryUnited StatesStateWashingtonCountiesWhatcom Highway system State highways in Washington I...
William Starke RosecransIl generale William S. RosecransNascitaLittle Taylor Run, 6 settembre 1819 MorteRancho Sausal Redondo, 11 marzo 1898 Dati militariPaese servito Stati Uniti Unione Forza armata United States Army Union Army Anni di servizio1842 - 1854; 1861 - 1867 GradoMaggior generale GuerreGuerra di secessione americana CampagneCampagna di Tullahoma BattaglieBattaglia di Rich Mountain Battaglia di Iuka Battaglia di Carnifex Ferry Seconda battaglia di Corinth Battaglia di ...
Portland Creekclass=notpageimage| Location of Portland Creek in Newfoundland and Labrador Portland Creek is a local service district and designated place in the Canadian province of Newfoundland and Labrador. Geography Portland Creek is in Newfoundland within Subdivision H of Division No. 9.[1] Demographics As a designated place in the 2016 Census of Population conducted by Statistics Canada, Portland Creek recorded a population of 77 living in 37 of its 52 total private dwellings, a...
British Islamic scholar Amjad M. MohammedTitleMufti, Qadi, Imam and Islamic scholarPersonalBornEnglandReligionIslamNationalityBritishEra21st-century philosophyDenominationSunni IslamJurisprudenceHanafiMovementDeobandiMain interest(s)Quran, Shari'a, Hadith, Fiqh, Tafsir, Muslim minorities in the West, Fiqh al-Aqalliyat, Islamic finance, Usul al-Fiqh, Fatwa, Islamic ethicsNotable idea(s)Western Muslim minority jurisprudence, Sharīʿa hermeneutics, Western Fiqh al-Nawazil, Fiqh of Moonsighting...
Russian footballer (born 1993) In this name that follows Eastern Slavic naming customs, the patronymic is Olegovich and the family name is Kutepov. Ilya Kutepov Kutepov with Torpedo Moscow in 2022Personal informationFull name Ilya Olegovich KutepovDate of birth (1993-07-29) 29 July 1993 (age 30)Place of birth Stavropol, RussiaHeight 1.92 m (6 ft 4 in)[1][2]Position(s) Centre-backTeam informationCurrent team Veles MoscowNumber 2Youth career2000–2005 Dy...
Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando altri significati, vedi Gera (disambigua). Questa voce sull'argomento centri abitati della Turingia è solo un abbozzo. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. GeraCittà extracircondariale Gera – Veduta LocalizzazioneStato Germania Land Turingia DistrettoNon presente CircondarioNon presente AmministrazioneSindacoJulian Vonarb (no) TerritorioCoordinate50°52′41.45″N 12°04′56.71″E / 50.87...
Geographic feature in Coconino County, Arizona, US Grand Canyon Visitor Center on the South Rim of the Grand Canyon, and the Coconino Plateau beyond – in Grand Canyon National Park, Arizona. The Coconino Plateau is found south of the Grand Canyon and north-northwest of Flagstaff, in northern Arizona of the Southwestern United States. Geography The Coconino Plateau lies south of Grand Canyon Village and the South Rim of the Grand Canyon in Coconino County, and primarily north of Interstate 4...