So far the molten-salt reactor experiment has operated successfully and has earned a reputation for reliability. I think that some day the world will have commercial power reactors of both the uranium-plutonium and the thorium-uranium fuel cycle type.[6]
在計劃停止以後,很多現今的科學家似乎都不太關注釷燃料發電。周刊化學化工新聞指出很多人對(包括科學家)釷的認識不深,因此一個得到核反應技術博士學位的人是有可能不知道釷燃料發電的[7]。核物理學家Victor J. Stenger說:
It came as a surprise to me to learn recently that such an alternative has been available to us since World War II, but not pursued because it lacked weapons applications.[8]
The thorium fuel cycle offers enormous energy security benefits in the long-term – due to its potential for being a self-sustaining fuel without the need for fast neutron reactors. It is therefore an important and potentially viable technology that seems able to contribute to building credible, long-term nuclear energy scenarios.[10]
釷的蘊藏量為鈾的4倍,與鉛一樣普遍。釷能源聯盟(英语:Thorium Energy Alliance)估計若美國的用電量不變,該國的釷蘊藏量足夠供電超過1000年[10][11]。每日電訊報提到,美國在勘探稀有金屬資源時埋掉了大量的釷。挪威和英國也有大量的釷礦。礦藏中絕大部分是可用的釷-232,但鈾之中只有0.7%是可用的鈾-235。釷礦可以供應數千年的電力[12]。
A LFTR program could be achieved through a relatively modest investment of roughly 1 billion dollars over 5–10 years to fund research to fill minor technical gaps, then construction of a reactor prototype, and finally a full-scale reactor. Many of the engineering and technological problems of the ORNL program have already been solved through non-nuclear research, including liquid fluorides, resistant metal cladding, and high-temperature turbines.[3]
2012年後期,一家私人企業Thor Energy與政府、Westinghouse Electric Company公佈他們會在其中一座反應爐進行一個為期4年的釷燃料試驗。Thor Energy首席技術長說:「我們不會經常為能源工業的事務感到興奮,但此計劃實在是一項非常值得興奮的計劃,我們已準備充足。」[32]
^, Ralph W. and Teller, Edward. “Thorium-fueled Reactor Using Molten Salt Technology”, Journal of Nuclear Technology, Sept. 2005 Vol 151 (PDF file available). This article was Teller's last, published after his death in 2003.
^Chen, Stephen. China hopes cold war nuclear energy tech will power warships, drones. South China Morning Post. 2017-12-05 [2018-06-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-01-05). Chen Fu, a thermal physicist at the Harbin Institute of Technology involved in the development of new power generation systems for China’s navy, said the heat generated by a thorium molten salt reactor could be perfect to help generate power on a warship.
^Data taken from Uranium 2007: Resources, Production and Demand, Nuclear Energy Agency (June 2008), NEA#6345 (ISBN 9789264047662). The 2009 figures are largely unchanged. Australian data from Thorium, in Australian Atlas of Minerals Resources, Mines & Processing Centres, Geoscience Australia
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