

口内性交(英語:oral sex,有時被稱為 oral intercourse),简称“口”或口交,又称口淫或口愛,是性行為的其中一種,从事者的口腔(包括嘴唇、舌、牙齒和喉嚨)会與其伴侶的生殖器接觸,並以此对其進行刺激。用口來對女性性器官和男性性器官進行刺激的行為分別稱作「舔阴」和「吮阳[1][2]舔肛是口交的另一種形式,其意是指用嘴(包括嘴唇、舌或牙齒)來刺激人的肛门[1]。用口去刺激身體其他部位的行为一般不視作口交。


口交在一些地区被視为禁忌[1],但大多數國家並沒有設立禁止人們進行口交的法律。雖然人們普遍認為口交跟失貞與否沒有關係,但亦有人不同意以上有關貞操的觀念[7][8][9][10] 。此外亦有一些人對「為伴侶口交」或「伴侶為自己口交」持負面觀感,甚至視之為禁忌[1]





吮陽的中文常見詞語為「吹簫」[11]或「品簫」[12]、「鯉魚嘴焗熱狗腸」、「咬」(將字體左右分離閱讀)[13],或是低俗一點的「哈棒」[14] 、「哈龜」、「吃香腸」、「食蕉」[15]、「吃肉棒」、「吹喇叭」、「吃香菇」、「吃棒棒糖」。單用「含」字亦常見,如「含棒」。吳語中有一詞為「吮卵」,字面義為替男性口交,日常俚語引申為「毫無用處」。粵語的俗語稱之為「含撚」(音[lɐn2],俗作「撚」)、「擔柴」、「吹簫」、「吮七」(音[tsɐt9],近似「七」,以吃珍寶珠的方式進行)。臺語中在1921年出版的《臺灣風俗誌》一書收有「含玍」一詞,(含𡳞,kânn-lān[16],也有「欶𡳞鳥」(suh-lān-tsiáu)一詞,常俗寫為「樹懶叫」。


对女性进行口交是“cunnilingus”,口语说法是“cunt licking”,包括“eating out”、“sugartime”、「muff-diving」、“carpet munching”和“giving a tongue bath”。


另一个俚语说法中,给他人进行口交(不论对象是男性还是女性)叫作“giving head to”或“going down on”(在有些地区,“giving head”仅指给男性口交)。有时也用“gamahuche”这个词指称口交。











時代》雜誌曾於2005年9月26日發表一篇文章,其內容參考了美國國家衛生統計中心英语National Center for Health Statistics於2005年9月發布的一份報告——其对超过12000名年齡介乎15-44岁的美国人進行了調查,其结果怀疑超過一半的青少年已有从事过口交的經歷。雖然一些報導認為這是青少年日益盛行地从事口交的證據,但其為第一次深入地探討此問題的研究[33]美国疾病控制与预防中心於2009年指出:「研究表明包括青少年在內,性活躍的同性和異性伴侶都普遍會從事口交[19]。」其他研究亦指出:「男性比女性更可能在口交中扮演接受方,而兩者扮演给予方的比例相當[1]。」




深喉」(Deep Throat)是性伴侶將整個勃起的陰莖吞入口腔、通過會厭,直向咽喉,是為男性陰莖口交的一種類型。










吮陽可能會降低流產的風險。因為吮陽會使女性跟伴侣的精液(內含蛋白質)接觸,誘導其產生免疫耐受,繼使流產的風險降低。雖然任何形式的精液接觸基本都會降低懷孕中的女性發生各種免疫障礙的風險,但口服精液並在胃腸道吸收之能使免疫耐受以最快的效率產生[41][42][43]。相關研究可能包括一些混淆变量在內,例如經常從事口交和吞嚥精液的女性也可能更頻繁地從事性交。但研究者指出,無論是通過哪種方式接觸精液,「數據仍然壓倒性地支持所有研究背後的理論——反復接觸精液能使產婦產生免疫耐受,繼使懷孕更為安全[43][44]。 」













  1. ^ 1.00 1.01 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 1.06 1.07 1.08 1.09 1.10 1.11 1.12 1.13 Janell L. Carroll. Sexuality Now: Embracing Diversity. Cengage Learning. 2009: 265–267 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 978-0-495-60274-3. (原始内容存档于2013-10-13). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 Wayne Weiten; Margaret A. Lloyd; Dana S. Dunn; Elizabeth Yost Hammer. Psychology Applied to Modern Life: Adjustment in the 21st century. Cengage Learning. 2008: 422 [2011-02-26]. ISBN 978-0-495-55339-7. (原始内容存档于2014-07-07). 
  3. ^ What is oral sex?. NHS Choices. NHS. 2009-01-15 [2017-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13). 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 Global strategy for the prevention and control of sexually transmitted infections: 2006–2015. Breaking the chain of transmission (PDF). World Health Organization. 2007 [2011-11-26]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2014-03-23). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 Dianne Hales. An Invitation to Health Brief 2010-2011. Cengage Learning. 2008: 269–271 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 0495391921. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 6.5 William Alexander; Helaine Bader; Judith H. LaRosa. New Dimensions in Women's Health. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. 2011: 211 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 1449683754. (原始内容存档于2014-07-15). 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 7.2 7.3 See here页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) and pages 47-49页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) for views on what constitutes virginity loss and therefore sexual intercourse or other sexual activity; source discusses how gay and lesbian individuals define virginity loss, and how the majority of researchers and heterosexuals define virginity loss/"technical virginity" by whether or not a person has engaged in penile-vaginal sex. Laura M. Carpenter. Virginity Lost: An Intimate Portrait of First Sexual Experiences. NYU Press. 2005: 295 pages [2011-10-09]. ISBN 0-8147-1652-0. 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Bryan Strong; Christine DeVault; Theodore F. Cohen. The Marriage and Family Experience: Intimate Relationship in a Changing Society. Cengage Learning. 2010: 186 [2011-10-08]. ISBN 0-534-62425-1. Most people agree that we maintain virginity as long as we refrain from sexual (vaginal) intercourse. But occasionally we hear people speak of 'technical virginity' [...] Data indicate that 'a very significant proportion of teens ha[ve] had experience with oral sex, even if they haven't had sexual intercourse, and may think of themselves as virgins' [...] Other research, especially research looking into virginity loss, reports that 35% of virgins, defined as people who have never engaged in vaginal intercourse, have nonetheless engaged in one or more other forms of heterosexual sexual activity (e.g., oral sex, anal sex, or mutual masturbation). 
  9. ^ 9.0 9.1 Sonya S. Brady & Bonnie L. Halpern-Felsher. Adolescents' Reported Consequences of Having Oral Sex Versus Vaginal Sex. Pediatrics. 2007, 119 (2): 229–236. ISSN 0031-4005. PMID 17272611. doi:10.1542/peds.2006-1727. 
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  20. ^ Joseph Gross, Michael. Like a Virgin. The Advocate/Here Publishing. 2003: 44–45 [2011-03-13]. 0001-8996. 
  21. ^ Karen Bouris. The first time: what parents and teenage girls should know about "losing your virginity". Conari Press. 1995: 133–134. ISBN 0-943233-93-3. 
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  23. ^ Feldmann, J.; Middleman, A. B. Adolescent sexuality and sexual behavior. Current Opinion in Obstetrics and Gynecology. 2002, 14 (5): 489–493 [2017-08-07]. PMID 12401976. doi:10.1097/00001703-200210000-00008. (原始内容存档于2016-04-30). 
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  25. ^ Edlin, Gordon. Health & Wellness.. Jones & Bartlett Learning. 2012: 213 [2015-10-21]. ISBN 9781449636470. (原始内容存档于2016-11-16). 
  26. ^ HIV & STI Chart. GMHC. [2024-07-27]. (原始内容存档于2006-10-19). 
  27. ^ University Health Center, University of Georgia, Oral Sex页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Accessed November 4, 2006.
  28. ^ Fulbright, Yvonne K. The Hot Guide to Safer Sex. Hunter House. 2003: 217. ISBN 978-0-89793-407-7. 
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  36. ^ 36.0 36.1 Sexually Transmitted Disease Surveillance (PDF). Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). 2008 [2011-12-06]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2011-12-03).  Also see Fact Sheet页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  37. ^ Robert J. Pratt. HIV & AIDS: A Foundation for Nursing and Healthcare Practice. CRC Press. 2003: 306 [2013-08-21]. ISBN 0340706392. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). 
  38. ^ Marshall Cavendish Corporation. Sex and Society, Volume 1. Marshall Cavendish Corporation. 2009–2010: 61 [2013-08-29]. ISBN 0761479066. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). 
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  41. ^ Meuleman, T.; Baden, N.; Haasnoot, G.W.; Wagner; Dekkers, O.M.; le Cessie, S.; Picavet, C.; van Lith, J.M.M.; Claas, F.H.J. Oral sex is associated with reduced incidence of recurrent miscarriage. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. 2019 [2019-04-26]. doi:10.1016/j.jri.2019.03.005. (原始内容存档于2019-04-10). 
  42. ^ Koelman CA, Coumans AB, Nijman HW, Doxiadis II, Dekker GA, Claas FH. Correlation between oral sex and a low incidence of preeclampsia: a role for soluble HLA in seminal fluid?. Journal of Reproductive Immunology. March 2000, 46 (2): 155–166. PMID 10706945. doi:10.1016/S0165-0378(99)00062-5. 
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Diploma Perang Kemerdekaan II Satyalancana Perang Kemerdekaan II adalah sebuah tanda kehormatan yang diberikan kepada anggota Angkatan Bersenjata yang mengikuti sepenuhnya peristiwa Perang Kemerdekaan I dari tanggal 18 Desember 1948 sampai dengan 27 Desember 1949, kecuali dalam hal mereka tertawan, mendapat luka-luka dan invalid. (Pasal 18 ayat 1 UU no.70/1958) Referensi (Indonesia) Penetapan Undang-undang Darurat No. 2 Tahun 1958 tentang Tanda-tanda Penghargaan untuk Anggota Angkatan Perang ...


German painter (1722–1789) This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Johann Heinrich Tischbein – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (December 2009) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Self-portrait (1770s) Augusta Reuss-Ebersdorf as Artemisia, 1775 Johann Heinrich Tischbein the Elder...


Artikel ini tidak memiliki referensi atau sumber tepercaya sehingga isinya tidak bisa dipastikan. Tolong bantu perbaiki artikel ini dengan menambahkan referensi yang layak. Tulisan tanpa sumber dapat dipertanyakan dan dihapus sewaktu-waktu.Cari sumber: Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Publik – berita · surat kabar · buku · cendekiawan · JSTOR Pusat Pengembangan Kebijakan Pengadaan Barang dan Jasa Publik adalah unsur penunjang yang...

Charlie Morton Morton avec les Pirates de Pittsburgh en 2014. Braves d'Atlanta - No  50 Lanceur Frappeur droitier  Lanceur droitier Premier match 14 juin 2008 Statistiques de joueur (2008-2023) Victoires-défaites 130-113 Moyenne de points mérités 4,00 Retraits sur des prises 1 880 Équipes Braves d'Atlanta (2008) Pirates de Pittsburgh (2009-2015) Phillies de Philadelphie (2016) Astros de Houston (2017-2018) Rays de Tampa Bay (2019-2020) Braves d'Atlanta (2021-) modifie...


Rural locality in Chernihiv Oblast, Ukraine This article may be a rough translation from Ukrainian. It may have been generated, in whole or in part, by a computer or by a translator without dual proficiency. Please help to enhance the translation. The original article is under українська in the languages list. If you have just labeled this article as needing attention, please add{{subst:Needtrans|pg=Sedniv |language=Ukrainian |comments= }...


Retired British ocean liner For other ships with the same name, see Queen Mary (ship). RMS Queen Mary Queen Mary at Long Beach, California, in 2010 History NameQueen Mary NamesakeMary, Queen of the United Kingdom Owner 1936–49: Cunard-White Star Line 1949–67: Cunard Line 1967–present: City of Long Beach Port of registryLiverpool RouteSouthampton, New York, via Cherbourg (normal transatlantic voyage East and West bound) Ordered3 April 1929 Builder John Brown & Company Clydebank, Scot...

Ada usul agar Bentō diganti judulnya dan dipindahkan ke Bento (Diskusikan).Bentō dengan lauk ikan salem Bento (弁当code: ja is deprecated , bentō)[1] atau o-bentō adalah istilah bahasa Jepang untuk makanan bekal berupa nasi berikut lauk-pauk dalam kemasan praktis yang bisa dibawa-bawa dan dimakan di tempat lain. Seperti halnya nasi bungkus, bentō bisa dimakan sebagai makan siang, makan malam, atau bekal piknik. Bentō biasanya dikemas untuk porsi satu orang, walaupun dalam ...


American mystery science fiction television series For the Blake Crouch novels on which the series is based, see The Wayward Pines Trilogy. Wayward PinesGenre Mystery Science fiction Thriller Horror Based onThe Wayward Pines novelsby Blake CrouchDeveloped byChad HodgeStarring Matt Dillon Carla Gugino Toby Jones Shannyn Sossamon Reed Diamond Tim Griffin Charlie Tahan Juliette Lewis Melissa Leo Terrence Howard Jason Patric Nimrat Kaur Josh Helman Tom Stevens Kacey Rohl Hope Davis Djimon Hounsou...