学校生活は不安定なもので、7つもの学校に通い、わずが4年で15歳で卒業した。母親は子どもたちにあまり優しさを示さず、自分と同じように子どもたちが傷つかないよう、強い友情を育んだり、小説を読んだりすることを禁じた。自伝である The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman の中でシャーロットは、母親が愛情を示したのは幼い娘が眠っている時だけだったと書いている[6]。彼女の子ども時代は、孤立した、貧しい、孤独なものであったものの、公共図書館に頻繁に通い、古代の文明について独学で勉強した。文学が好きだった父の影響も受けており、父は数年後に連絡してきて、読む価値があると思われる本の一覧を彼女に教えた[7]。
1890年にシャーロットは短編小説「黄色い壁紙」を執筆した[45]。本作は精神疾患ゆえに家にとじこめられている女性が部屋の黄色い壁紙に執着している様子を描いた作品である。6月6日から7日にかけてパサデナの自宅で執筆し、1年半後に The New England Magazine の1892年1月号に掲載された[1]。
1908年にシャーロットは American Journal of Sociology に寄稿し、アメリカにおける多数の黒人に関する「社会学的問題」に関する自らの見解を披瀝した。黒人のアメリカ人を、肌の色ゆえに「大きく異なり、多くの点で劣っている」「大規模な異邦人の集団」と呼び、もし白人のアメリカ人が黒人のアメリカ人を「引き上げ改良するように振る舞えないなら」、白人のアメリカ人こそが「人種改善の策を必要とする」ことになるだろうと論じた[74]。
In This Our World, 1st ed. Oakland: McCombs & Vaughn, 1893. London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1895. 2nd ed.; San Francisco: Press of James H. Barry, 1895.
Suffrage Songs and Verses. New York: Charlton Co., 1911. Microfilm. New Haven: Research Publications, 1977, History of Women #6558.
The Later Poetry of Charlotte Perkins Gilman. Newark, DE: University of Delaware Press, 1996.
シャーロット・パーキンズ・ギルマンは雑誌や新聞などに186編の短編小説を発表しており、多くは自分で刊行していた月刊誌 The Forerunner に掲載された、こうした短編小説はたいていの文芸批評家からは無視されてきた[92]。
"Circumstances Alter Cases." Kate Field's Washington, July 23, 1890: 55–56. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1995. 32–38.
"That Rare Jewel." Women's Journal, May 17, 1890: 158. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 20–24.
"The Unexpected." Kate Field's Washington, May 21, 1890: 335–6. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 25–31.
"An Extinct Angel." Kate Field's Washington, September 23, 1891:199–200. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 48–50.
"The Giant Wistaria." New England Magazine 4 (1891): 480–85. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 39–47.
"The Yellow Wall-paper." New England Magazine 5 (1892): 647–56; Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1899; NY: Feminist Press, 1973 Afterword Elaine Hedges; Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. Introduction Robert Shulman [「黄色い壁紙」西崎憲訳、シンシア・アスキス他『淑やかな悪夢――英米女流怪談集』倉坂鬼一郎、南條竹則、西崎憲編訳、東京創元社、2000、65-96収録[93]、他短編集などに収録多数].
"The Rocking-Chair." Worthington's Illustrated 1 (1893): 453–59. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 51–61.
"An Elopement." San Francisco Call, July 10, 1893: 1. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 66–68.
"Deserted." San Francisco Call July 17, 1893: 1–2. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 62–65.
"Through This." Kate Field's Washington, September 13, 1893: 166. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 69–72.
"A Day's Berryin.'" Impress, October 13, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 78–82.
"Five Girls." Impress, December 1, 1894: 5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 83–86.
"One Way Out." Impress, December 29, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 87–91.
"The Misleading of Pendleton Oaks." Impress, October 6, 1894: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 73–77.
"An Unnatural Mother." Impress, February 16, 1895: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 98–106.
"An Unpatented Process." Impress, January 12, 1895: 4–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 92–97.
"According to Solomon." Forerunner 1:2 (1909):1–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 122–129.
"Three Thanksgivings." Forerunner 1 (1909): 5–12. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 107–121.
"What Diantha Did. A NOVEL". Forerunner 1 (1909–11); NY: Charlton Co., 1910; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1912.
"The Cottagette." Forerunner 1:10 (1910): 1–5. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 130–138.
"When I Was a Witch." Forerunner 1 (1910): 1–6. The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 21–31.
"In Two Houses." Forerunner 2:7 (1911): 171–77. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 159–171.
"Making a Change." Forerunner 2:12 (1911): 311–315. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 182–190.
"Moving the Mountain." Forerunner 2 (1911); NY: Charlton Co., 1911; The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 178–188.
"The Crux.A NOVEL." Forerunner 2 (1910); NY: Charlton Co., 1911; The Charlotte Perkins Gilman Reader. Ed. Ann J. Lane. NY: Pantheon, 1980. 116–122.
"The Jumping-off Place." Forerunner 2:4 (1911): 87–93. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 148–158.
"The Widow's Might." Forerunner 2:1 (1911): 3–7. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 139–147.
"Turned." Forerunner 2:9 (1911): 227–32. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 182–191.
"Mrs. Elder's Idea." Forerunner 3:2 (1912): 29–32. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 191–199.
"Their House." Forerunner 3:12 (1912): 309–14. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories''. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 200–209.
"A Council of War." Forerunner 4:8 (1913): 197–201. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 235–243.
"Bee Wise." Forerunner 4:7 (1913): 169–173. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 226–234.
"Her Beauty." Forerunner 4:2 (1913): 29–33. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 210–217.
"Mrs. Hines's Money." Forerunner 4:4 (1913): 85–89. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 218–226.
"A Partnership." Forerunner 5:6 (1914): 141–45. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 253–261.
"Begnina Machiavelli. A NOVEL." Forerunner 5 (1914); NY: Such and Such Publishing, 1998.
"Fulfilment." Forerunner 5:3 (1914): 57–61. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995.
"If I Were a Man." Physical Culture 32 (1914): 31–34. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 262–268.
"Mr. Peebles's Heart." Forerunner 5:9 (1914): 225–29. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 269–276.
"Dr. Clair's Place." Forerunner 6:6 (1915): 141–45. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 295–303.
"Girls and Land." Forerunner 6:5 (1915): 113–117. "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and Other Stories. Ed. Robert Shulman. Oxford: Oxford UP, 1995. 286–294.
"The Ceaseless Struggle of Sex: A Dramatic View." Kate Field's Washington. April 9, 1890, 239–40.
Gems of Art for the Home and Fireside. Providence: J. A. and R. A. Reid, 1888.
Women and Economics: A Study of the Economic Relation Between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution. Boston: Small, Maynard & Co., 1898 [『生活と両性問題』大日本文明協会訳、1919[94]].
The Home. Its Work and Influence. New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co., 1903.
Human Work. New York: McClure, Phillips, & Co., 1904.
The Man-Made World or, Our Androcentric Culture. New York: Charton Co., 1911.
Our Brains and What Ails Them. Serialized in Forerunner. 1912.
Social Ethics. Serialized in Forerunner. 1914.
His Religion and Hers: A Study of the Faith of Our Fathers and the Work of Our Mothers. NY and London: Century Co., 1923; London: T. Fisher Unwin, 1924; Westport: Hyperion Press, 1976.
"Gum Chewing in Public." New York Times, May 20, 1914:12:5.
"A Rational Position on Suffrage/At the Request of the New York Times, Mrs. Gilman Presents the Best Arguments Possible in Behalf of Votes for Women." New York Times Magazine, March 7, 1915: 14–15.
"What is Feminism?" Boston Sunday Herald Magazine, September 3, 1916: 7.
"The Housekeeper and the Food Problem." Annals of the American Academy 74 (1917): 123–40.
"Concerning Clothes." Independent, June 22, 1918: 478, 483.
"The Socializing of Education." Public, April 5, 1919: 348–49.
"A Woman's Party." Suffragist 8 (1920): 8–9.
"Making Towns Fit to Live In." Century 102 (1921): 361–366.
"Cross-Examining Santa Claus." Century 105 (1922): 169–174.
"Is America Too Hospitable?" Forum 70 (1923): 1983–89.
"Toward Monogamy." Nation, June 11, 1924: 671–73.
"The Nobler Male." Forum 74 (1925): 19–21.
"American Radicals." New York Jewish Daily Forward 1 (1926): 1.
"Progress through Birth Control." North American Review 224 (1927): 622–29.
"Divorce and Birth Control." Outlook, January 25, 1928: 130–31.
"Feminism and Social Progress." Problems of Civilization. Ed. Baker Brownell. NY: D. Van Nostrand, 1929. 115–42.
"Sex and Race Progress." Sex in Civilization. Eds V. F. Calverton and S. D. Schmalhausen. NY: Macaulay, 1929. 109–23.
"Parasitism and Civilized Vice." Woman's Coming of Age. Ed. S. D. Schmalhausen. NY: Liveright, 1931. 110–26.
"Birth Control, Religion and the Unfit." Nation, January 27, 1932: 108–109.
"The Right to Die." Forum 94 (1935): 297–300.
The Dress of Women: A Critical Introduction to the Symbolism and Sociology of Clothing, Michael R. Hill and Mary Jo Deegan, ed., Praeger, 2001(1915年に『先駆者』に連載されたシリーズの書籍化)[『女性のための衣装哲学』大井浩二監訳、小鳥遊書房、2023].
The Forerunner. Seven volumes, 1909–16. Microfiche. NY: Greenwood, 1968.
"Club News." Weekly Nationalist, June 21, 1890: 6. [Re. "On Human Nature."]
"Our Place Today", Los Angeles Woman's Club, January 21, 1891.
"With Women Who Write." San Francisco Examiner, March 1891, 3:3. [Re. "The Coming Woman."]
"Safeguards Suggested for Social Evils." San Francisco Call, April 24, 1892: 12:4.
"The Labor Movement." Alameda County Federation of Trades, 1893. Alameda County, CA Labor Union Meetings. September 2, 1892.
"Announcement." Impress 1 (1894): 2. [Re. Series of "Talks on Social Questions."]
"All the Comforts of a Home." San Francisco Examiner, May 22, 1895: 9. [Re. "Simplicity and Decoration."]
"The Washington Convention." Woman's Journal, February 15, 1896: 49–50. [Re. California.]
"Woman Suffrage League." Boston Advertiser, November 10, 1897: 8:1. [Re. "The Economic Basis of the Woman Question."]
"Bellamy Memorial Meeting." American Fabian 4: (1898): 3.
"An Evening With Kipling." Daily Argus, March 14, 1899: 4:2.
"Scientific Training of Domestic Servants." Women and Industrial Life, Vol. 6 of International Congress of Women of 1899. Ed Countess of Aberdeen. London: T. Unwin Fisher, 1900. 109.
"Society and the Child." Brooklyn Eagle, December 11, 1902: 8:4.
"Woman and Work/ Popular Fallacy that They are a Leisure Class, Says Mrs. Gilman." New York Tribune, February 26, 1903: 7:1.
"A New Light on the Woman Question." Woman's Journal, April 25, 1904: 76–77.
"Straight Talk by Mrs. Gilman is Looked For." San Francisco Call, July 16, 1905: 33:2.
"Women and Social Service." Warren: National American Woman Suffrage Association, 1907.
"Higher Marriage Mrs. Gilman's Plea." New York Times, December 29, 1908: 2:3.
"Three Women Leaders in Hub." Boston Post, December 7, 1909: 1:1–2 and 14:5–6.
"Warless World When Women's Slavery Ends." San Francisco Examiner, November 14, 1910: 4:1.
"Lecture Given by Mrs. Gilman." San Francisco Call, November 15, 1911: 7:3. [Re. "The Society-- Body and Soul."]
"Mrs. Gilman Assorts Sins." New York Times, June 3, 1913: 3:8
"Adam the Real Rib, Mrs. Gilman Insists." New York Times, February 19, 1914: 9:3.
"Advocates a 'World City.'" New York Times, January 6, 1915: 15:5. [Re. Arbitration of diplomatic disputes by an international agency.]
"The Listener." Boston Transcript, April 14, 1917: 14:1. [Re. Announcement of lecture series.]
"Great Duty for Women After War." Boston Post, February 26, 1918: 2:7.
"Mrs. Gilman Urges Hired Mother Idea." New York Times, September 23, 1919: 36:1–2.
"Eulogize Susan B. Anthony." New York Times, February 16, 1920: 15:6. [Re. Gilman and others eulogize Anthony on the centenary of her birth.]
"Walt Whitman Dinner." New York Times, June 1, 1921: 16:7. [Gilman speaks at annual meeting of Whitman Society in New York.]
"Fiction of America Being Melting Pot Unmasked by CPG." Dallas Morning News, February 15, 1926: 9:7–8 and 15:8.
Charlotte Perkins Gilman: The Making of a Radical Feminist. Mary A. Hill. Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1980.
A Journey from Within: The Love Letters of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 1897–1900. Ed. Mary A. Hill. Lewisburg: Bucknill UP, 1995.
The Diaries of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, 2 Vols. Ed. Denise D. Knight. Charlottesville: University Press of Virginia, 1994.
The Living of Charlotte Perkins Gilman: An Autobiography. New York and London: D. Appleton-Century Co., 1935; NY: Arno Press, 1972; and Harper & Row, 1975.
^Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, pp. 23–24.
^M.D., "Perlious Stuff," Boston Evening Transcript, April 8, 1892, p.6, col.2. in Julie Bates Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wallpaper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998) 103.
^Henry B. Blackwell, "Literary Notices: The Yellow Wall Paper," The Woman's Journal, June 17, 1899, p.187 in Julie Bates Dock, Charlote Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception, (University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998) 107.
^Julie Bates Dock, Charlotte Perkins Gilman's "The Yellow Wall-Paper" and the History of Its Publication and Reception. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, 1998; p. 6.
^Charlotte Perkins Gilman, "Women and Economics" in Alice S. Rossi, ed., The Feminist Papers: From Adams to de Beauvoir (1997), section 1 only, 572–576.
^Fama, Katherine A. (2017). “Domestic Data and Feminist Momentum: The Narrative Accounting of Helen Stuart Campbell and Charlotte Perkins Gilman”. Studies in American Naturalism12 (1): 319. doi:10.1353/san.2017.0006.
^Carl N. Degler, "Charlotte Perkins Gilman on the Theory and Practice of Feminism", American Quarterly, Vol. 8, No. 1 (Spring, 1956), 26.
^The bibliographic information is accredited to the "Guide to Research Materials" section of Kim Well's website: Wells, Kim. Domestic Goddesses. August 23, 1999. Online. Internet. Accessed October 27, 2008. Archived August 12, 2013, at the Wayback Machine.
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Ceplair, Larry, ed. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Nonfiction Reader. New York: Columbia UP, 1991.
Davis, Cynthia J. Charlotte Perkins Gilman: A Biography (Stanford University Press; 2010) 568 pages; major scholarly biography
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1978 election for the governorship of Massachusetts, USA 1978 Massachusetts gubernatorial election ← 1974 November 7, 1978 1982 → Turnout78.97% 4.33[1] Nominee Edward J. King Francis W. Hatch Jr. Party Democratic Republican Running mate Thomas O'Neill III William I. Cowin Popular vote 1,030,294 926,072 Percentage 52.51% 47.19% County results Municipality resultsKing: 50–60% 60–70% ...
Indian politician Satish Chandra SamantaSatish Chandra Samanta on a 2001 stamp of IndiaMember of the Indian Parliament for TamlukIn office1952–1977ConstituencyTamlukMinister Personal detailsBorn15 December 1900Died4 June 1983 (aged 82)Mahisadal, West Bengal, IndiaOccupationIndian independence movement activist and political leader Satish Chandra Samanta (15 December 1900 – 4 June 1983) was an Indian independence movement activist and a member of the Lok Sabha from 1952 to 1977. At the age...
هذه المقالة يتيمة إذ تصل إليها مقالات أخرى قليلة جدًا. فضلًا، ساعد بإضافة وصلة إليها في مقالات متعلقة بها. (مارس 2019) ميخائيل فيني معلومات شخصية الميلاد 7 أكتوبر 1991 (33 سنة) سميثس ستيشن الجنسية الولايات المتحدة الحياة العملية المهنة ملاكم[1] نوع الرياضة الملاك�...
Chinese cauldron with legs and handles Not to be confused with Ding ware, produced in Dingzhou in medieval China. DingA ding from the late Shang dynastyChinese鼎TranscriptionsStandard MandarinHanyu PinyindǐngWade–Gilesting3IPA[tìŋ]Yue: CantoneseYale RomanizationdíngJyutpingding2IPA[teŋ˧˥]Southern MinHokkien POJtiáⁿ (col.)téng (lit.)Old ChineseBaxter–Sagart (2014)*tˤengʔZhengzhang*kleːŋʔ Da He ding; the human face is a highly unusual decoration. Ding (Chines...
أحمد بن الفرات معلومات شخصية الحياة العملية تعلم لدى حسين بن علي الجعفي المهنة مُحَدِّث تعديل مصدري - تعديل أبو مسعود أحمد بن الفرات بن خالد الضبي الرازي محدث أصبهان، وأحد رواة الحديث النبوي. طلبه للعلم ولد سنة نيف وثمانين ومائة في خلافة هارون الرشيد. طلب العلم ف�...
烏克蘭總理Прем'єр-міністр України烏克蘭國徽現任杰尼斯·什米加尔自2020年3月4日任命者烏克蘭總統任期總統任命首任維托爾德·福金设立1991年11月后继职位無网站www.kmu.gov.ua/control/en/(英文) 乌克兰 乌克兰政府与政治系列条目 宪法 政府 总统 弗拉基米尔·泽连斯基 總統辦公室 国家安全与国防事务委员会 总统代表(英语:Representatives of the President of Ukraine) 总...
Ancient Greek potter Cup with Ergoteles signature, in the Antikensammlung Berlin Ergoteles (Έργοτέλης) was a Greek potter, active in Athens around the middle of the 6th century BC. He was the son of the famous potter Nearchos and the brother of Tleson. Three signed Little-master cups by him are known: Berlin, Antikensammlung F 1758 Florence, arts trade Oxford, Ashmolean Museum G 1004 Bibliography John Beazley: Attic Black-Figure Vase-Painters, Oxford 1956, p. 162. Künstlerlexik...
يفتقر محتوى هذه المقالة إلى الاستشهاد بمصادر. فضلاً، ساهم في تطوير هذه المقالة من خلال إضافة مصادر موثوق بها. أي معلومات غير موثقة يمكن التشكيك بها وإزالتها. (مارس 2016) عز الدين تقسيم إداري البلد سوريا التقسيم الأعلى ناحية مركز الرستن تعديل مصدري - تعديل عز الدي�...
Halaman ini berisi artikel tentang aksi militer saja. Untuk perkembangan politik dan sosial, termasuk asal usul dan akibat perang, lihat Revolusi Amerika Serikat. Perang Revolusi Amerika SerikatSearah jarum jam dari kiri atas: Pertempuran Bunker Hill, Kematian Montgomery di Quebec, Pertempuran Cowpens, Moonlight BattleTanggal19 April 1775 – 3 September 1783 (8 tahun, 137 hari)LokasiAmerika Utara Timur, Gibraltar, Kepulauan Balearik, Amerika Tengah;Jajahan kolonial Pranci...
Kontak ohmic merupakan wilayah pada perangkat semikonduktor yang telah disiapkan sehingga kurva antara arus-tegangan (I-V) dari perangkat membentuk garis linear dan simetris. Jika karakteristik I-V adalah non-linear dan asimetris, kontak dapat memblokir sebagai Schottky kontak. Tipe kontak ohmic pada Semikonduktor antara lain pada bantalan logam teruapkan yang menggunakan pola Fotolitografi. Rendah-hambatan, kontak stabil sangat penting untuk kinerja dan kehandalan dari sirkuit dan persiapann...
Physikalische Einheit Einheitenname Fuß
Einheitenzeichen f t {\displaystyle \mathrm {ft} } , ′
Physikalische Größe Länge
Formelzeichen l {\displaystyle l}
Dimension L {\displaystyle {\mathsf {L}}}
System Angloamerikanisches Maßsystem
In SI-Einheiten 1 f t = 0,304 8 m {\displaystyle \mathrm {1\,ft=0{,}304\,8\;m} }
Benannt nach Fuß ′ Ein Fuß (anhörenⓘ/?) (englisch foot, Plural feet) bzw. Schuh ist ein früher in vielen Teilen der Welt ve...
Municipality in Catalonia, SpainVinyols i els ArcsMunicipalityParish church FlagCoat of armsVinyols i els ArcsLocation in CataloniaCoordinates: 41°6′58″N 1°2′24″E / 41.11611°N 1.04000°E / 41.11611; 1.04000Country SpainCommunity CataloniaProvince TarragonaComarcaBaix CampGovernment • MayorArnau Guasch Girona (2015)[1]Area[2] • Total10.8 km2 (4.2 sq mi)Population (2018)[3] ...