The Sani [sa˨˩ni˨˩] call themselves [ni21]. Their language is distinct from the closely related Samei, whose speakers call themselves Sani[sa21ni53].[1]
Another group known as the Sa 撒 (autonym: Sani 撒尼) lives in Qiubei County (Yunnan 1960).[3] Yunnan (1960) considers it to be similar to Sani of Shilin County. The ethnic population consisted of 1,443 as of 1960.
Pelkey (2011:378) defines two innovations that Sani and Axi both share with each other.
Exclusive devoicing of tone category 1 proto-voiced initials (even if there is voiced retention in tone category 2). These words include 'fly (v.)', 'wing', 'bridge', and 'liquor'.