^巴利三藏《自說·長老經》(CSCD緬甸版):「Tena kho pana samayena āyasmā ca sāriputto āyasmā ca mahāmoggallāno āyasmā ca mahākassapo āyasmā ca mahākaccāno [mahākaccāyano (Sri Lankan, Pali Text Society, Cambodian)] āyasmā ca mahākoṭṭhiko āyasmā ca mahākappino āyasmā ca mahācundo āyasmā ca anuruddho āyasmā ca revato āyasmā ca nando [ānando (Sri Lankan, Pali Text Society)] yena bhagavā tenupasaṅkamiṃsu.」 巴利三藏《自說·長老經》(泰國版,據黃謹良譯本):「爾時,舍利弗尊者,大目建連尊者,大迦葉尊者,大迦旃延尊者,大拘致羅(Mahākoṭṭhita)尊者,大劫賓那(Mahākappina)尊者,大純陀(Mahācunda)尊者,阿㝹樓那尊者,離越(Revata)尊者,難陀(Nanda)尊者。來至佛所。」 巴利三藏《自說·長老經》(斯里蘭卡版,據鄧殿臣譯本):「爾時,舍利弗尊者,大目連尊者,大迦葉尊者,大迦旃延尊者,大拘致羅尊者,大卡比那尊者,大純陀尊者,阿努律陀尊者,離越尊者,阿難尊者,來至佛所。」 巴利三藏《自說·長老經》(轉譯自日譯版,據元亨寺譯本):「爾時,尊者舍利弗、尊者大目犍連、尊者大迦葉、尊者大迦旃延、尊者大拘絺羅、尊者大劫賓那、尊者大淳陀、尊者阿㝹樓馱、尊者離越、尊者提婆達多、尊者阿難等詣世尊之處。」
Thanissaro Bhikkhu. Brāhmaṇa Sutta: Brahmans -- Notes. [2020-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-06-08). This translation follows the Thai and Burmese versions of this passage. The Sri Lankan version replaces Ven. Nanda in this list with Ven. Ānanda; the PTS version replaces him with Ven. Devadatta and Ven. Ānanda. These latter two readings would appear to be mistaken, as the Buddha in this sutta defines "brahman" as one whose fetters are ended — i.e., an arahant — whereas Ven. Ānanda became an arahant only after the Buddha's passing; Devadatta, after having caused a split in the Saṅgha toward the end of the Buddha's life, fell into hell.
^Rāhulamātā - Palikanon. [2020-06-08]. (原始内容存档于2020-02-23). She is also called Bhaddakaccā, and, in later texts, Yasodharā (BuA., p.245; Dvy.253), Bimbādevī (J.ii.392f.; DA.ii.422) and, probably, Bimbāsundarī (J.vi.478 [12])……The Commentarial explanation (E.g., AA.i.204), that she was called Bhaddakaccānā because her body was the colour of burnished gold, is probably correct.……Buddhaghosa identifies (AA.i.204f) Rāhulamātā with Bhaddakaccānā who, in the Anguttara Nikāya (A.i.25), is mentioned as chief among nuns in the possession of supernormal powers (mahābhiññappattānam). She was one of the four disciples of the Buddha who possessed such attainment, the others being Sāriputta, Moggallāna and Bakkula.