

火星冲沟(英語:Martian gullies)是在火星上发现的由狭窄流道及其相关的下坡沉积物构成的冲刷沟壑,因与地球上的冲沟相似而得名。它们最早是在火星全球探勘者号照片中发现的,普遍出现在陡峭的斜坡上,尤其是在陨石坑坑壁上。通常,每条冲沟的沟头都有一处树状的壁凹,底部有一片扇形冲积堆,还有一条连接这两道冲沟的细支沟,整体呈现为沙漏[1]。据估计,这些冲沟相对年轻,因为它们上面几乎没有陨石坑。在沙丘表面还发现了另一种类别的冲沟[2],这些沙丘冲沟被认为也非常年轻,线型沙丘冲沟现在被认为是一种重复出现的季节性特征[3]














火星大部分表面被一层平坦厚实的冰尘混合物所覆盖[22][23][24],这层覆盖物厚约数码,表面平整,但在某些地方有类似篮球表面的凹凸纹理。该覆盖层可能像冰川一样,在某些条件下,混合在其中的水冰可能会融化并冲下斜坡,形成冲沟[25][26]。计算表明,即使在当前条件下,每一火星年中也有50天每天会产生三分之一毫米的径流 [27][28]。由于这一覆盖层上几乎没有陨坑,因而,被认为它相对年轻。在高分辨率成像科学设备拍摄的托勒密陨击坑边缘的照片中,极好地展示了这一覆盖层。








冲沟一经发现[1],研究人员就开始一遍又一遍地拍摄许多冲沟图像,以寻找可能的变化。到2006年,发现了一些变化[42],后来,通过进一步的分析,确定这些变化可能是由干燥颗粒流引起的,而非水流驱动 [43][44][45]。随着观察的不断深入,在加萨陨击坑和其他地方发现了更多的变化[46]。如流道拓宽了0.5到1米,数米大小的巨石被挪动;数百立方米的物质被转移。据计算,在目前条件下,冲沟可在50-500年内形成一次事件。因此,尽管今天几乎没有液态水,但目前的地质/气候过程仍可能形成冲沟[47],并不需要大量的液态水或发生巨大的气候变化。但过去的一些冲沟可能是受天气变化的影响,因为天气变化可能涉及融雪产生的大量水[48]。随着越来越多的重复观测,发现了越来越多的变化。由于这种变化都发生在冬季和春季,专家们倾向怀疑冲沟是由二氧化碳冰(干冰)形成的。最近的研究表明,从2006年开始,利用火星勘测轨道飞行器上的高分辨率成像科学设备(HiRISE)相机对356处地点的冲沟进行了检查,其中38处地点显示冲沟形成活跃。之前和之后的图像显示,这一活动时间与季节性二氧化碳霜和液态水无法存在的温度相吻合。当干冰霜冻气化时,它可能会润滑干燥物质使其流动,特别是在陡坡上[49][50][51]。在某些年份,可能厚达1米的霜冻会引发雪崩,这种霜冻主要含有干冰,但也含有少量的水冰[52]















在一些陡峭的坡壁上,除了冲沟外,还显示有其他的特征。一些冲沟底部可能有弯曲的突脊或洼地,这些已被命名为“铲形洼地”(spatulate depressions)。在火星气候循环的某些阶段,冰经常沿坡体,像陨坑壁堆积。在气候变化时,这些冰可以升华成稀薄的火星大气。升华是指物质直接从固态转变为气态,地球上的干冰就是如此,因此,当陡壁底部的冰升华时,就会产生铲形洼地。此外,更多的冰会从陡坡高处向下滑动,这种流体将推高表面的岩石碎屑,从而形成一道道的横向瓦楞,这种构造被称为“搓板地形”,因为它们类似于旧搓板[71]。在下面的高分辨率成像科学设备图像中,显示了冲沟的部分区域以及一些与冲沟相关的特征。






在一些沙丘上发现的冲沟与其他地方的—如陨坑壁上的有些不同。沙丘上的冲沟似乎在很长一段距离内都保持相同的宽度,并常常以一座凹坑而不是冲积扇结束。它们通常只有数米宽,两侧有凸起的坡堤[77][78]。许多这样的冲沟发现于罗素陨击坑内的沙丘上。在冬季,干冰堆积在沙丘上,然后在春季出现黑点和往下坡生长的深色条纹。 干冰消失后,可看到新的流道。这些冲沟可能是由于干冰块沿陡坡向下滑造成的,也可能是干冰触发的沙流[79][80]。在火星稀薄的大气中,干冰往往能以强劲的势头喷出二氧化碳[81][77]



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Ongoing COVID-19 viral pandemic in Austria COVID-19 pandemic in Austria Rolling 7-day prevalence by district (per 100k) Timeline of cumulative cases, per 100kDiseaseCOVID-19Virus strainSARS-CoV-2LocationAustriaFirst outbreakWuhan, Hubei, ChinaIndex caseIschglArrival date8 February 2020(4 years, 1 month and 4 weeks ago)Confirmed cases6,081,287[1]Active cases22,331[2]Recovered589,534[2]Deaths22,534[1]Fatality rate1.65%Vaccinations6,899,873[1 ...

العلاقات الأفغانية المنغولية أفغانستان منغوليا   أفغانستان   منغوليا تعديل مصدري - تعديل   العلاقات الأفغانية المنغولية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين أفغانستان ومنغوليا.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدولتين:...


Murder of American student Brianna DenisonBornBrianna Zunio Denison(1988-03-29)March 29, 1988DiedJanuary 20, 2008(2008-01-20) (aged 19)Reno, Nevada, U.S.EducationSanta Barbara City College Brianna Zunino Denison (March 29, 1988 – January 20, 2008) was a college student who was abducted on January 20, 2008, from a friend's house in Reno, Nevada. Her body was discovered on February 15, 2008, in a field near a Reno business park after being raped and murdered. A man named James Biela was ...


Association football club in England Football clubStourport SwiftsFull nameStourport Swifts Football ClubNickname(s)SwiftsFounded1882; 142 years ago (1882)GroundWalshes MeadowStourport-on-SevernWorcestershireCapacity2,000 (250 seated)ChairmanPip HansonManagerQuentin TownsendLeagueMidland League Premier Division2022–23Midland League Premier Division, 7th of 20WebsiteClub website Home colours Away colours Stourport Swifts Football Club are an English football team from Stour...

American singer (born 1971) This article is about the lead singer of Korn. For people with similar names, see Jonathan Davis (disambiguation). Jonathan DavisDavis performing with Korn in 2018Background informationBirth nameJonathan Howsmon DavisAlso known as JD JDevil J Devil Born (1971-01-18) January 18, 1971 (age 53)Bakersfield, California, U.S.Genres Nu metal alternative metal industrial metal electronica alternative rock Occupation(s) Singer songwriter musician producer Instrument(s)...


1937 multi-role floatplane family by Heinkel He 115 Finnish Air Force He 115 N Role Torpedo bomber seaplaneType of aircraft Manufacturer Heinkel First flight August 1937 Introduction 1939 Status Retired Primary users LuftwaffeRoyal Norwegian Navy Air ServiceSwedish Air ForceRoyal Air ForceFinnish Air Force Number built 138 The Heinkel He 115 was a three-seat World War II Luftwaffe seaplane. It was used as a torpedo bomber and performed general seaplane duties, such as reconnaissance and ...


ХристианствоБиблия Ветхий Завет Новый Завет Евангелие Десять заповедей Нагорная проповедь Апокрифы Бог, Троица Бог Отец Иисус Христос Святой Дух История христианства Апостолы Хронология христианства Раннее христианство Гностическое христианство Вселенские соборы Н...

BaltoBalto e Boris in una scena del filmLingua originaleinglese Paese di produzioneStati Uniti d'America, Regno Unito Anno1995 Durata78 min Rapporto1,85:1 Genereanimazione, avventura RegiaSimon Wells SoggettoCliff Ruby, Elana Lesser SceneggiaturaCliff Ruby, Elana Lesser, David Steven Cohen, Roger S. H. Schulman ProduttoreSteve Hickner Produttore esecutivoSteven Spielberg, Kathleen Kennedy, Bonne Radford Casa di produzioneAmblimation Distribuzione in italianoUnited International Pictur...


Première Ligue de Soccer du Québec 2019 Competizione PLSQ Sport Calcio Edizione 8ª Date dal 4 maggio 2019al 1 settembre 2019 Luogo  Canada,  Québec Partecipanti 9 Formula Girone all'italiana Risultati Vincitore  Blainville(3º titolo) Statistiche Miglior giocatore Bonano Gnenago[1] Miglior marcatore Felipe Costa De Souza[2] Incontri disputati 72 Gol segnati 259 (3,6 per incontro) Cronologia della competizione 2018 2020 Manuale La Prem...


Radio station in Parkersburg, West VirginiaWPKM-LPParkersburg, West VirginiaBroadcast areaMetro ParkersburgFrequency96.3 FM MHzBrandingThe BeetProgrammingFormatAdult Album AlternativeOwnershipOwnerWest Virginia University at Parkersburg(West Virginia University at Parkersburg Journalism Department)HistoryFirst air dateSeptember 22, 2014Call sign meaningW ParKersburg MTechnical informationFacility ID193247ClassL1Power100 WattsHAAT−2.3 meters (−7.5 ft)Transmitter coordinates39°12′59...

4th Battle SquadronThe ships of the 4th Battle Squadron, Benbow, Agincourt, Bellerophon, and Temeraire steaming in the North Sea, 1915.Active1912–30 March 1919;[1] reformedCountry United KingdomBranch Royal NavySizeSquadronPart ofHome FleetGrand FleetMilitary unit The 4th Battle Squadron was a squadron of the British Royal Navy consisting of battleships. The 4th Battle Squadron was initially part of the Royal Navy's Home Fleet (1912–14) and then the Grand Fleet aft...


Agus Suryonugroho Wakil Kepala Kepolisian Daerah Jawa TengahPetahanaMulai menjabat 7 Desember 2023PendahuluAbiyoso Seno AjiPenggantiPetahana Informasi pribadiLahir15 Agustus 1968 (umur 55)Boyolali, Jawa TengahSuami/istriDeny Infanti Rahayu, S.H.AnakLaurensia Ade AyuAlma materAkademi Kepolisian (1991)Karier militerPihak IndonesiaDinas/cabang Kepolisian Daerah Jawa TengahMasa dinas1991—sekarangPangkat Brigadir Jenderal PolisiNRP67080554SatuanLantasSunting kotak info �...


Overview of education in Austria This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Education in Austria – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (October 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Stiftsgymnasium Melk, oldest Austrian school The Republic of Austria has a free and public school syst...

Prejudice and discrimination against Jews based on race or ethnicity This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Racial antisemitism – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (December 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this message) A fragment of the Nazi antisemitic propaganda film Der ewige Jude ...


HidungHidung seekor AnjingRincianPengidentifikasiBahasa LatinNasusMeSHD009666TA98A06.1.01.001 A01.1.00.009TA2117Daftar istilah anatomi[sunting di Wikidata] peradangan pada sinus akibat infeksi gigi Secara anatomi, hidung adalah penonjolan pada vertebrata yang mengandung nostril, yang menyaring udara untuk pernapasan. Hidung sebagai suatu istilah, dapat juga digunakan untuk menunjukkan ujung sesuatu, seperti hidung pada pesawat terbang. Hidung manusia Hidung adalah bagian yang paling menon...


Private college in Bethany, West Virginia, US For schools with the same or similar names, see Bethany College (disambiguation). Bethany CollegeTypePrivate, Liberal ArtsEstablished1840; 184 years ago (1840)FounderAlexander CampbellReligious affiliationChristian Church (Disciples of Christ)Endowment$77 million[1]PresidentJamie Caridi, Interim President (January 1, 2022-present)Students650 (600 full-time)LocationBethany, West Virginia, United StatesCampusRural 1,300 acr...

Japanese professional wrestler (born 1990) Naoki Tanisaki redirects here. Not to be confused with T. Hawk or Naoki Tanizaki. T-HawkOnodera in February 2022Birth nameTakuya OnoderaBorn (1990-04-30) April 30, 1990 (age 34)[1]Tomakomai, Hokkaido[1]Professional wrestling careerRing name(s)Mr. Pii Pii Tomakomai Penguin[1]Naoki Tanisaki[2]Takuya Tomakomai[2]T-HawkTomahawkTomahawk T.T.[2]Billed height1.74 m (5 ft 8+1⁄2 in)[...


Pour les articles homonymes, voir Vitrolles. Vitrolles La tour Sarrasine. Blason Administration Pays France Région Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur Département Bouches-du-Rhône Arrondissement Istres Intercommunalité Métropole d'Aix-Marseille-Provence Maire Mandat Loïc Gachon (PS) 2020-2026 Code postal 13127 Code commune 13117 Démographie Gentilé Vitrollais Populationmunicipale 35 532 hab. (2021 ) Densité 971 hab./km2 Géographie Coordonnées 43° 27′ 36″...