<mapframe>: Isi JSON bukan GeoJSON+simplestyle yang sah. Daftar ini menunjukkan semua upaya untuk menafsirkannya menurut Skema JSON. Tidak semuanya merupakan galat.
/0/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/0/geometries: The property geometries is required
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/0/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/0: Failed to match exactly one schema
/0/geometry: The property geometry is required
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/0/features: The property features is required
/0/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/1/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/1/geometries: The property geometries is required
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/1/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/1: Failed to match exactly one schema
/1/geometry: The property geometry is required
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/1/features: The property features is required
/1/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/2/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/2/geometries: The property geometries is required
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/2/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/2: Failed to match exactly one schema
/2/geometry: The property geometry is required
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/2/features: The property features is required
/2/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/3/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/3/geometries: The property geometries is required
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/3/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/3: Failed to match exactly one schema
/3/geometry: The property geometry is required
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/3/features: The property features is required
/3/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/4/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/4/geometries: The property geometries is required
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/4/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/4: Failed to match exactly one schema
/4/geometry: The property geometry is required
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/4/features: The property features is required
/4/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/5/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/5/geometries: The property geometries is required
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/5/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/5: Failed to match exactly one schema
/5/geometry: The property geometry is required
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/5/features: The property features is required
/5/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/6/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/6/geometries: The property geometries is required
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/6/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/6: Failed to match exactly one schema
/6/geometry: The property geometry is required
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/6/features: The property features is required
/6/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
/7/properties/stroke: Does not match the regex pattern ^#?([0-9a-fA-F]{3}){1,2}$
/7/geometries: The property geometries is required
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["GeometryCollection"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPolygon"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Point"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiPoint"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["LineString"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["MultiLineString"]
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Polygon"]
/7/coordinates: The property coordinates is required
/7: Failed to match exactly one schema
/7/geometry: The property geometry is required
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["Feature"]
/7/features: The property features is required
/7/type: Does not have a value in the enumeration ["FeatureCollection"]
Kereta api Logawa pertama kali beroperasi pada 21 April 1999 dan pernah melayani hingga Stasiun Cilacap.[2] Dalam perjalanan menuju Purwokerto, rangkaian kereta tersebut dibagi menjadi dua saat tiba di Stasiun Kroya: melanjutkan perjalanan ke Cilacap dan melanjutkan perjalanan ke Purwokerto. Kereta api ini pernah beroperasi bebarengan dengan kereta api Purbaya jurusan Purwokerto–Surabaya Gubeng pp. Namun, akibat adanya rasionalisasi layanan kereta api penumpang yang dilakukan PT KA pada tahun 2002, kereta api Purbaya dihentikan operasionalnya[butuh rujukan]. Kereta api Logawa sendiri sudah tidak lagi melayani penumpang menuju Cilacap mulai 2011.[3]
Sejak 1 Januari 2019, kereta api ini merupakan satu dari lima layanan kereta api kelas ekonomi yang mengalami perubahan tarif dari subsidi menjadi komersial (non-PSO).[4] Kemudian, sejak 1 November 2019, kereta api ini ditambahkan layanan kelas bisnis sehingga menjadi satu-satunya kereta api penumpang di Indonesia dengan layanan kelas campuran bisnis dan ekonomi hingga 18 September 2024.
Sebagai bagian dari peningkatan pelayanan, rangkaian lama kereta api ini digantikan dengan rangkaian kereta api ekonomi generasi terbaru berbodi baja nirkarat produksi PT INKA pada 18 September 2024 di Stasiun Purwokerto, sedangkan arah sebaliknya pada tanggal 19 September 2024. Perbedaan yang mencolok pada rangkaian ekonomi dan bisnis adalah kapasitas tempat duduk, semula dari 106 tempat duduk dan 64 tempat duduk jenis long seat menjadi 72 tempat duduk jenis captain seat yang dapat direbahkan maupun diputar searah laju kereta. Salah satu fitur yang dimiliki rangkaian ekonomi generasi terbaru, yaitu layar informasi yang tersedia di masing-masing kereta dapat menampilkan informasi stasiun terdekat, kecepatan, dan suhu ruangan. Layar informasi tersebut membantu menciptakan pengalaman perjalanan yang lebih baik dan menyediakan informasi yang penting bagi pelanggan selama perjalanan. Untuk kebutuhan mengisi daya gawai pelanggan, terdapat pula fitur USB charger port pada setiap tempat duduk di samping stop kontak yang tersedia di dinding kereta, sehingga penumpang dapat terus menggunakan gawainya tanpa khawatir kehabisan daya sesuai dengan kebutuhan modern.[5]
Mulai 31 Januari 2025, perubahan sarana pada kereta api Logawa pada rangkaian kereta ekonomi new generation buatan PT INKA ditukar "(downgrade)" dengan kereta ekonomi premium bekas dari rangkaian Kereta api Bogowonto dan Kereta api Fajar dan Senja Utama Solo; sementara kereta ekonomi new generation buatan INKA akan dimutasi ke Depo Yogyakarta (YK) dan Solobalapan (SLO) untuk menggantikan rangkaian kereta ekonomi premium yang dimutasi ke Depo Purwokerto (PWT) untuk Kereta api Logawa.
Alasan Kereta api Logawa downgrade rangkaian ekonomi new generation ke rangkaian ekonomi premium, karena masalah Terowongan Garahan yang tidak bisa masuk ke dalam mulut terowongan pada rangkaian kereta ekonomi new generation buatan INKA, sehingga dimensi body kereta ekonomi new generation ini terlalu lebar dan AC nya terlalu tinggi yang bisa menyebabkan Gasruk pada bagian kanan terowongan ini, jadinya downgrade rangkaian kereta ekonomi premium untuk mengantisipasi diperpanjang rute Kereta api Logawa ke Ketapang yang diberlakukan Grafik perjalanan kereta api (GAPEKA) tahun 2025 mulai 1 Februari 2025.
Rangkaian kereta api ini terdiri dari delapan kereta ekonomi generasi terbaru, satu kereta makan, dan satu kereta pembangkit.[6]
Stasiun pemberhentian
Kereta api Logawa melayani pemberhentian penumpang di 30 stasiun berikut.[1]
Pada 29 Juni 2010, kereta api Logawa jurusan Jember anjlok di tikungan besar sebelah barat Stasiun Wilangan, tepatnya di Desa Pajaran, Kecamatan Saradan, Kabupaten Madiun—diduga terjadi karena melaju di tikungan melebihi batas kecepatan yang diizinkan. Kejadian ini mengakibatkan 6 penumpang tewas dan 73 penumpang mengalami luka-luka.
Pada 16 Oktober2022, kereta api Logawa sebagai KA 249 tertabrak mobil pikap (pickup) pada sebuah perlintasan resmi dan terjaga (JPL163) di Desa Watestani, Kecamatan Nguling, Kabupaten Pasuruan, Jawa Timur km 85+9. Mobil pikap terseret hingga 300 meter dan terbakar dan turut menghanguskan muka long-hood sarana lokomotif kereta. Tidak ada korban jiwa dalam peristiwa ini karena sopir dan dua penumpang mobil pikap sempat menyelamatkan diri. Akibatnya, terjadi keterlambatan karena adanya pergantian lokomotif serta pembersihan bangkai mobil dari ban (baan) rel.
^Kabinet Reformasi Pembangunan Republik Indonesia 1998–1999. Departemen Penerangan RI. 1999. hlm. 258.Parameter |url-status= yang tidak diketahui akan diabaikan (bantuan)
Hanya berisi layanan kereta api yang dioperasikan oleh induk perusahaan. Untuk layanan yang dioperasikan oleh anak perusahaan, lihat Templat:KAI Commuter untuk layanan KAI Commuter, Templat:KAI Bandara untuk layanan KAI Bandara dan Templat:KCIC untuk layanan KCIC/Whoosh