1430s in England
Events from the 1430s in England.
- 1430
- 1431
- 1432
- 9 February – financial crisis following the expense of two coronations.[2]
- 1433
- 1434
- 1435
- 1436
- 1437
- 12 February – Hundred Years' War: English forces under John Talbot capture Pontoise.[2]
- 16 November – King Henry VI comes of age and takes over the rule of England and its possessions.[2]
- Almshouses and school established at Ewelme in Oxfordshire by William de la Pole, 1st Duke of Suffolk and his wife Alice (née Chaucer). By the 21st century this will form the earliest school building in the United Kingdom still in use as a local authority school.[4]
- 1438
- 1439
- 2 July – Hundred Years' War: peace negotiations at Gravelines fail when Henry continues to insist on his right to the French throne.[2]
- 13 September – Hundred Years' War: Meaux surrenders to the French.[2]
- 12 November – Plymouth becomes the first town incorporated by Parliament.
- 1430
- 1431
- 1435
- 1436
- 1437
- 1438
- 1430
- 1432
- 1435
- 1437
- 1438
- 1439