Daftar negara menurut PDB (KKB)

Ekonomi terbesar di dunia berdasarkan PDB (KKB) pada 2022
menurut estimasi Dana Moneter Internasional (dalam triliun dolar internasional)
PDB (KKB) berdasarkan negara pada 2022 menurut DMI

Berikut adalah daftar negara-negara di dunia berdasarkan produk domestik bruto (PDB) KKB, nilai seluruh produk dan jasa yang dihasilkan di sebuah negara dalam suatu tahun. Perkiraan PDB di sini (dalam dolar internasional) diperoleh dari perhitungan keseimbangan kemampuan berbelanja (KKB).


Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2022)[1] Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023) Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023)
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
  Dunia 160.752.080
01  Tiongkok 30.177.926
02  Amerika Serikat 25.346.805
   Uni Eropa 23.730.275
03  India 11.745.260
   Perbara 10.131.237
04  Jepang 6.110.075
05  Jerman 5.269.963
06  Rusia 4.365.443
07  Indonesia 3.995.064
08  Britania Raya 3.751.845
09  Brasil 3.680.942
10  Prancis 3.677.579
11  Turki 3.212.072
12  Italia 2.972.091
13  Meksiko 2.890.685
14  Korea Selatan 2.735.870
15  Kanada 2.236.928
16  Spanyol 2.209.419
17  Arab Saudi 2.002.542
18  Australia 1.605.196
19  Mesir 1.603.723
20  Thailand 1.575.577
21  Polandia 1.573.647
22  Iran 1.562.377
23  Taiwan 1.475.656
24  Pakistan 1.329.554
25  Vietnam 1.278.061
26  Nigeria 1.268.536
27  Belanda 1.201.755
28  Argentina 1.195.581
29  Filipina 1.143.862
30  Bangladesh 1.113.600
31  Malaysia 1.089.499
32  Kolombia 940.589
33  Afrika Selatan 937.694
34  Uni Emirat Arab 779.234
35   Swiss 739.494
36  Belgia 715.658
37  Rumania 707.747
38  Singapura 701.804
39  Swedia 674.263
40  Irlandia 633.533
41  Kazakhstan 590.370
42  Ukraina 588.433
43  Aljazair 586.175
44  Austria 582.127
45  Chili 568.319
-  Hong Kong 522.160
46  Peru 513.715
47  Irak 512.926
48  Ceko 509.953
49  Israel 478.010
50  Norwegia 423.871
51  Portugal 419.652
52  Denmark 406.011
53  Hungaria 398.278
54  Yunani 378.693
55  Etiopia 345.138
56  Sri Lanka 340.861
57  Maroko 331.542
58  Uzbekistan 326.015
59  Finlandia 321.233
60  Kenya 308.671
61  Qatar 301.231
62  Selandia Baru 260.122
63  Myanmar 257.343
64  Republik Dominika 254.992
65  Kuwait 245.182
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
67  Angola 242.286
68  Ekuador 228.025
69  Ghana 216.676
70  Slowakia 211.119
71  Sudan 207.336
72  Tanzania 206.568
73  Belarus 201.649
74  Bulgaria 195.399
75  Guatemala 185.743
76  Pantai Gading 180.059
77  Azerbaijan 175.658
78  Oman 165.947
79  Serbia 163.599
80  Venezuela 160.132
81  Panama 158.608
82  Tunisia 149.182
83  Kroasia 145.032
84    Nepal 138.200
-  Puerto Riko 132.001
85  Lituania 129.658
86  Uganda 129.476
87  Kosta Rika 128.134
88  Republik Demokratik Kongo 127.384
89  Libya 124.326
90  Kamerun 122.764
91  Yordania 122.180
92  Bolivia 117.877
93  Turkmenistan 117.672
94  Paraguay 107.554
95  Slovenia 102.424
96  Uruguay 94.783
97  Luksemburg 90.532
98  Kamboja 87.856
99  Bahrain 87.150
100  Lebanon 82.144
101  Afganistan 80.912
102  Zambia 75.960
103  Senegal 72.341
104  Latvia 70.352
105  Honduras 69.388
106  El Salvador 69.314
107  Georgia 69.136
108  Laos 68.703
109  Yaman 65.603
110  Bosnia dan Herzegovina 60.679
-  Makau 59.660
111  Estonia 59.557
112  Burkina Faso 58.985
113  Mali 55.335
114  Benin 53.108
115  Madagaskar 51.521
116  Albania 49.827
117  Mozambik 47.606
118  Botswana 47.262
119  Armenia 46.864
120  Nikaragua 46.757
121  Mongolia 46.421
122  Tajikistan 45.540
123  Guinea 44.455
124  Siprus 43.802
125  Moldova 42.483
126  Trinidad dan Tobago 42.529
127  Makedonia Utara 40.810
128  Zimbabwe 39.906
129  Papua Nugini 39.339
130  Gabon 38.574
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
131  Brunei 38.476
132  Kirgizstan 37.792
133  Somalia 37.423
134  Rwanda 37.211
135  Malawi 35.409
136  Palestina 33.403
137  Chad 33.389
138  Jamaika 32.378
139  Niger 31.720
140  Guyana 30.287
141  Mauritania 29.993
142  Mauritius 29.684
143  Guinea Khatulistiwa 28.522
144  Malta 28.846
145  Namibia 27.118
146  Haiti 25.189
147  Islandia 24.197
148  Togo 22.612
149  Republik Kongo 22.519
150  Sierra Leone 16.277
151  Bahama 15.854
152  Montenegro 15.476
153  Sudan Selatan 13.533
154  Fiji 12.370
155  Eswatini 11.985
156  Maladewa 11.385
157  Burundi 10.779
158  Suriname 10.676
159  Bhutan 9.853
160  Liberia 8.776
161  Eritrea 7.695
162  Gambia 6.792
163  Jibuti 6.774
164  Lesotho 6.408
165  Afrika Tengah 5.528
166  Guinea-Bissau 5.279
-  Andorra 5.157
167  Barbados 5.037
-  Timor Leste 4.573
-  Aruba 4.420
168  Tanjung Verde 4.413
169  Seychelles 3.489
170  Komoro 3.206
171  Belize 3.148
172  Saint Lucia 3.025
173  San Marino 2.387
174  Antigua dan Barbuda 2.206
175  Grenada 2.081
176  Saint Vincent dan Grenadine 1.720
177  Kepulauan Solomon 1.705
178  Saint Kitts dan Nevis 1.609
179  Samoa 1.193
180  Dominika 1.074
181  Sao Tome dan Principe 1.063
182  Vanuatu 920
183  Tonga 678
184  Federasi Mikronesia 383
185  Kiribati 266
186  Kosovo 243
187  Kepulauan Marshall 235
188  Nauru 144
189  Tuvalu 63
190  Palau 144
191   Vatikan 63


But by most official designations of territories: The USA; UK; and France; Are tied with each 13*_15*_17* overseas territories.!!’

Unsurprisingly, two Great* empires of the past—*_*: Great Britain; and France.:; Plus Portugal, and Spain—still have largest remnants of their past breadth. The British still maintain many ties to several territories in the Caribbean (formerly the British (…British West Indies.!!’) while French influence stretches from the Pacific to South America.!!’?

And consider that this list reflects current status as of 2023. Former colonies that would have been counted in the past include British India (which became Republic of “Hindustan”, Bangladesh, and Pakistan) and French Indochina (which became Cambodia, Laos, and Vietnam).!!’?’


There are 61* dependent areas, and six disputed territories. Places commonly confused as being countries include: Hong Kong; Puerto Rico, Bermuda, Greenland, and even the components of The: United Kingdom (such as Northern Ireland, Scotland, Wales, and England.:• - they're not Countries, States, or nation-states).!!’


So United Nations full-members 193 + 2 observers + Taiwan? & Kosovo? = 197*. Some like to include: Somaliland? and other countries of questionable or not fully recognised status to make a round number like 200. It all depends how you want to define the word country. South Sudan,? Kosovo,? Montenegro,? and East Timor are the world's youngest countries. Although another way to look at it is Uganda? is the world's youngest country, since ~50% of the population are under 14. By all those rights in the WORLD.: France,? Italy,? or England.!? Are the oldest in the European Continent.!!’?’


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Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2022)[1] Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023) Daftar menurut Dana Moneter Internasional (2023)
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
  Dunia 160.752.080
01  Tiongkok 30.177.926
02  Amerika Serikat 25.346.805
   Uni Eropa 23.730.275
03  India 11.745.260
   Perbara 10.131.237
04  Jepang 6.110.075
05  Jerman 5.269.963
06  Rusia 4.365.443
07  Indonesia 3.995.064
08  Britania Raya 3.751.845
09  Brasil 3.680.942
10  Prancis 3.677.579
11  Turki 3.212.072
12  Italia 2.972.091
13  Meksiko 2.890.685
14  Korea Selatan 2.735.870
15  Kanada 2.236.928
16  Spanyol 2.209.419
17  Arab Saudi 2.002.542
18  Australia 1.605.196
19  Mesir 1.603.723
20  Thailand 1.575.577
21  Polandia 1.573.647
22  Iran 1.562.377
23  Taiwan 1.475.656
24  Pakistan 1.329.554
25  Vietnam 1.278.061
26  Nigeria 1.268.536
27  Belanda 1.201.755
28  Argentina 1.195.581
29  Filipina 1.143.862
30  Bangladesh 1.113.600
31  Malaysia 1.089.499
32  Kolombia 940.589
33  Afrika Selatan 937.694
34  Uni Emirat Arab 779.234
35   Swiss 739.494
36  Belgia 715.658
37  Rumania 707.747
38  Singapura 701.804
39  Swedia 674.263
40  Irlandia 633.533
41  Kazakhstan 590.370
42  Ukraina 588.433
43  Aljazair 586.175
44  Austria 582.127
45  Chili 568.319
46  Hong Kong 522.160
47  Peru 513.715
48  Irak 512.926
49  Ceko 509.953
50  Israel 478.010
51  Norwegia 423.871
52  Portugal 419.652
53  Denmark 406.011
54  Hungaria 398.278
55  Yunani 378.693
56  Etiopia 345.138
57  Sri Lanka 340.861
58  Maroko 331.542
59  Uzbekistan 326.015
60  Finlandia 321.233
61  Kenya 308.671
62  Qatar 301.231
63  Selandia Baru 260.122
64  Myanmar 257.343
65  Republik Dominika 254.992
66  Kuwait 245.182
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
67  Angola 242.286
68  Ekuador 228.025
69  Ghana 216.676
70  Slowakia 211.119
71  Sudan 207.336
72  Tanzania 206.568
73  Belarus 201.649
74  Bulgaria 195.399
75  Guatemala 185.743
76  Pantai Gading 180.059
77  Azerbaijan 175.658
78  Oman 165.947
79  Serbia 163.599
80  Venezuela 160.132
81  Panama 158.608
82  Tunisia 149.182
83  Kroasia 145.032
84    Nepal 138.200
85  Puerto Riko 132.001
86  Lituania 129.658
87  Uganda 129.476
88  Kosta Rika 128.134
89  Republik Demokratik Kongo 127.384
90  Libya 124.326
91  Kamerun 122.764
92  Yordania 122.180
93  Bolivia 117.877
94  Turkmenistan 117.672
95  Paraguay 107.554
96  Slovenia 102.424
97  Uruguay 94.783
98  Luksemburg 90.532
99  Kamboja 87.856
100  Bahrain 87.150
101  Lebanon 82.144
102  Afganistan 80.912
103  Zambia 75.960
104  Senegal 72.341
105  Latvia 70.352
106  Honduras 69.388
107  El Salvador 69.314
108  Georgia 69.136
109  Laos 68.703
110  Yaman 65.603
111  Bosnia dan Herzegovina 60.679
112  Makau 59.660
113  Estonia 59.557
114  Burkina Faso 58.985
115  Mali 55.335
116  Benin 53.108
117  Madagaskar 51.521
118  Albania 49.827
119  Mozambik 47.606
120  Botswana 47.262
121  Armenia 46.864
122  Nikaragua 46.757
123  Mongolia 46.421
124  Tajikistan 45.540
125  Guinea 44.455
126  Siprus 43.802
127  Moldova 42.483
128  Trinidad dan Tobago 42.529
129  Makedonia Utara 40.810
130  Zimbabwe 39.906
131  Papua Nugini 39.339
132  Gabon 38.574
Rank Negara/Teritori PDB KKB (Juta Int$)
133  Somalia 38.476
134  Kirgizstan 37.792
135  Niger 37.423
136  Rwanda 37.211
137  Malawi 35.409
138  Palestina 33.403
139  Brunei 33.389
140  Jamaika 32.378
141  Mauritius 31.720
142  Guyana 30.287
143  Mauritania 29.993
144  Chad 29.684
145  Guinea Khatulistiwa 28.522
146  Malta 28.846
147  Namibia 27.118
148  Haiti 25.189
149  Islandia 24.197
150  Togo 22.612
151  Republik Kongo 22.519
152  Sierra Leone 16.277
153  Bahama 15.854
154  Montenegro 15.476
155  Sudan Selatan 13.533
156  Fiji 12.370
157  Eswatini 11.985
158  Maladewa 11.385
159  Burundi 10.779
160  Suriname 10.676
161  Bhutan 9.853
162  Liberia 8.776
163  Eritrea 7.695
164  Gambia 6.792
165  Jibuti 6.774
166  Lesotho 6.408
167  Afrika Tengah 5.528
168  Guinea-Bissau 5.279
169  Andorra 5.157
170  Barbados 5.037
171  Timor Leste 4.573
172  Aruba 4.420
173  Tanjung Verde 4.413
174  Seychelles 3.489
175  Komoro 3.206
176  Belize 3.148
177  Saint Lucia 3.025
178  San Marino 2.387
179  Antigua dan Barbuda 2.206
180  Grenada 2.081
181  Saint Vincent dan Grenadine 1.720
182  Kepulauan Solomon 1.705
183  Saint Kitts dan Nevis 1.609
184  Samoa 1.193
185  Dominika 1.074
186  Sao Tome dan Principe 1.063
187  Vanuatu 920
188  Tonga 678
189  Federasi Mikronesia 383
190  Kiribati 266
191  Palau 243
192  Kepulauan Marshall 235
193  Nauru 144
194  Tuvalu 63


  1. ^ "World Economic Outlook Database". International Monetary Fund. 19 April 2022. Diarsipkan dari versi asli tanggal 2022-04-19. Diakses tanggal 4 Mei 2022. 

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Національний заповідник «Києво-Печерська лавра» 50°26′03″ пн. ш. 30°33′33″ сх. д. / 50.43417° пн. ш. 30.55917° сх. д. / 50.43417; 30.55917Тип заповідник і наукова організація[d]Країна  УкраїнаАдреса Україна, Київ, вул. Лаврська 9Відкрито 29 вересня 1926 р.Ф�...



1920s British flying boat Sheldrake Role Amphibian biplane flying boatType of aircraft National origin United Kingdom Manufacturer Supermarine Designer R.J. Mitchell First flight 1927 Produced 1923 Number built 1 Developed from Supermarine Seagull The Supermarine Sheldrake was a British amphibian biplane flying boat developed by Supermarine from the Supermarine Seagull with a revised hull.[1] It was powered by a Napier Lion engine mounted between the wings driving a four-bladed propel...

3300–2000 BC Chinese archaeological culture Majiayao cultureGeographical rangeupper Yellow RiverPeriodNeolithic ChinaDatesc. 3300 – c. 2000 BCPreceded byYangshao culture (5000-3000 BCE)Followed byQijia cultureChinese nameSimplified Chinese马家窑文化Traditional Chinese馬家窯文化TranscriptionsStandard MandarinHanyu PinyinMǎjiāyáo Wénhuà -3000SUMERProto-ElamiteEBLAJeul-munINDUSVALLEYCIVILIZATIONCorded WareCultureYamnayaCultureKura-AraxesAfanasievocul...



YOLO!Genre Drama Roman Ditulis oleh Titien Wattimena Katatinut Skenario Beta Ingrid Ayu Obe Karel SutradaraAnnisa MeutiaPemeran Adhisty Zara Jerome Kurnia Michael Olindo Daffa Wardhana Jessica Shaina Penata musikJoseph S. DjafarNegara asalIndonesiaBahasa asliBahasa IndonesiaJmlh. musim1Jmlh. episode8ProduksiProduser eksekutif Sutanto Hartono Monika Rudijono Anthony Buncio ProduserWicky V. OlindoSinematografiDian RaishaPenyunting Dinda Amanda Aji Pradityo Eko Purwono Lilik Subagyo Penga...