罗伯特一世(英語:Robert I of Scotland,1274年7月11日—1329年6月7日)是苏格兰历史中重要的国王。他领导苏格兰人打败英格兰军队,确保王国独立。
罗伯特·布鲁斯出生于苏格兰贵族世家,他的父系祖先为苏格兰-诺曼(法語化的维京人後裔)血统,跟随征服者威廉从诺曼底来到不列颠,他的母系祖先则是苏格兰的盖尔人。1292年苏格兰王位继承权之争中,他的祖父罗伯特·布鲁斯为主要竞选者之一,但在竞争中失败。由于拒绝向获胜的政敌宣誓效忠而又避免被抓小辫子,“竞争者”罗伯特·布鲁斯宣布退出政坛。隔日后,“竞争者”的长子卡里克伯爵一世羅伯特·布魯斯也把爵位让给长子罗伯特·布鲁斯。之后,布鲁斯家族与英国国王爱德华一世结盟反对出自巴里奥家族(英语:House of Balliol)的新国王,并于1296年向英格兰国王愛德華一世宣誓效忠。
(Now pass thou onward as thou wert wont, and Douglas will follow thee or die) ,最终战死沙场。“勇敢的心”典故即由此而来。(好莱坞的改編电影《勇敢的心》源自此故事,但有较大的修改和偏离)。
^ Marc Morris著、李若曦譯. 愛德華一世. 北京: 中信. 2018年10月: 408、413. ISBN 978-7-5086-9129-9(中文).使用|accessdate=需要含有|url= (帮助)
Barrow, Geoffrey Wallis Steuart, Robert Bruce & the Community of the Realm of Scotland (4th ed.), Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2005, ISBN 978-0852245392.
Balfour Paul, James, The Scots Peerage, Edinburgh: David Douglas, 1904.
Dunbar, Archibald H., Scottish Kings 1005–1625, Edinburgh: D. Douglas: 126–41, 1899, with copious original source materiéls.
Duncan, A.A.M. (Editor), (1999) John Barbour: The Bruce Canongate.
Fawcett, Richard (ed.), Royal Dunfermline, Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, 2005, ISBN 978-0-903903-34-9.
Grant, Alexander, (1984) Independence and Nationhood: Scotland 1306–1469 Edward Arnold. ISBN978-0748602735.
Grant A, and Stringer, Keith J., (1995) Uniting the Kingdom? The Making of British History Routledge, pp. 97–108. ISBN978-0415130417.
Hunter, Paul V, The Adventures of Wee Robert Bruce, Bonhill, West Dunbartonshire: Auch Books, 2012.
Jardine, Henry, Report relative to the tomb of King Robert the Bruce, and the cathedral church of Dunfermline, Edinburgh: Edinburgh Hay, Gall and Co., 1821.
Loudoun, Darren, Scotlands Brave, 2007.
Mackenzie, Agnes Mure (1934), Robert Bruce, King of Scots
Macnamee, Colm, The Wars of the Bruces: England and Ireland 1306–1328, Edinburgh: Donald, 2006, ISBN 978-0859766531
Macnamee, Colm, Robert Bruce: Our Most Valiant Prince, King and Lord, Edinburgh: Birlinn, 2006, ISBN 978-1841584751
Penman, Michael, 'Robert Bruce's Bones: Reputations, Politics and Identities in Nineteenth-Century Scotland', International Review of Scottish Studies, 34 (2009), 7–73, Ontario: Centre for Scottish Studies at the University of Guelph, 2009
Phillips, Seymour, Edward II, New Haven: Yale University Press, 2011, ISBN 978-0300178029
Scott, Ronald McNair. Robert the Bruce: King of Scots. New York: Barnes and Noble. 1982. ISBN 978-1566192705.