
{{Drugbox-lat | IUPAC_name = 1-{[2-(pirimidin-2-il)oktahidro-2H-pirido[1,2-a]pirazin-7-il]metil}pirolidin-2,5-dion | image = Sunepitron.png | width = | image2 = | width2 =

| tradename = | pregnancy_category = | legal_status = Nije kontrolisana supstanca | routes_of_administration = Oralno

| bioavailability = | metabolism = | elimination_half-life = | excretion =

| CAS_number_Ref =  ДаY | CAS_number = 148408-65-5 | ATC_prefix = none | ATC_suffix = | PubChem = 9799246 | IUPHAR_ligand = | ChEMBL_Ref = | ChemSpiderID = 7975011 | UNII_Ref =  ДаY | UNII = 2GT50C8U60 | KEGG = D02569 | ChEMBL = 380369 | DrugBank_Ref = | DrugBank =

| C=17 | H=23 | N=5 | O=2 | molecular_weight = 329,40 g/mol | smiles = O=C1N(C(=O)CC1)CC4CCC3N(CCN(c2ncccn2)C3)C4 | StdInChI_Ref =  ДаY | StdInChI = | StdInChIKey_Ref =  ДаY | StdInChIKey = }}

Sunepitron (CP-93,393) je kombinovani agonist 5-HT1A receptora i antagonist α2-adrenergičkog receptora.[1][2] On je bio u razvoju za tretiranje depresije i anksioznosti.[3] Dospeo je do faze III kliničkih ispitivanja pre nego što je razvoj prekinut.[2][3]


Jedan od mogućih sintetičkih puteva je:[4]

Vidi još


  1. ^ Goodnick, PJ (1999). „Psychopharmacology of depression in the next millennium”. CNS Spectrums. 4 (7): 21—35. PMID 18438295. 
  2. ^ а б Stahl, S. M. (2000). Essential psychopharmacology: neuroscientific basis and practical application. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-64615-4. 
  3. ^ а б Kaplan, Eliot F.; Turkington, Carol (2001). Making the antidepressant decision: how to choose the right treatment option for you and your loved ones. Chicago, Ill: Contemporary Books. ISBN 978-0-7373-0417-6. 
  4. ^ G.N. Bright, K.A. Desai, U.S. Patent 5,122,525 (1992).


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