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폴 로버트 밀그럼(Paul Robert Milgrom, 1948년 4월 20일 ~ )은 미국의 경제학자이다. 1987년부터 스탠퍼드 대학교의 인문과학교수로 재직 중이다. 밀그럼은 게임 이론, 특히 경제 이론과 가격 결정 전략의 전문가이다. 2020년에 경매 이론의 개선과 새 경매 형식의 발명에 대한 공로로 로버트 B. 윌슨과 함께 노벨 경제학상을 수상했다.[1][2]
낸시 스토키와 공동으로 무거래 정리(no-trade theorem)를 개발하였다. 여러 기업들의 공동 설립자이기도 한데, 그 기업들 중 가장 최근의 것으로는 옥셔노믹스(Auctionomics)가 있으며[3] 상업 경매와 거래소를 위한 소프트웨어와 서비스를 제공한다.
Milgrom, Paul (1979a). 《The Structure of Information in Competitive Bidding》. New York: Garland Press. (Ph.D. Dissertation)
Milgrom, Paul (1979b). “A Convergence Theorem for Competitive Bidding with Differential Information”. 《Econometrica》 47 (3): 679–88. doi:10.2307/1910414. JSTOR1910414.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1987). “Informational Asymmetries, Strategic Behavior, and Industrial Organization”. 《The American Economic Review》 77 (2): 184–193. JSTOR1805448.
Milgrom, Paul and John Roberts (1988). “Communication and Inventories as Substitutes in Organizing Production”. 《Scandinavian Journal of Economics》 90 (3): 275–289. doi:10.2307/3440309. JSTOR3440309.
Milgrom, Paul (1989). “Auctions and Bidding: A Primer”. 《The Journal of Economic Perspectives》 3 (3): 3–22. doi:10.1257/jep.3.3.3. JSTOR1942756.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1990b). “The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Technology, Strategy and Organization”. 《American Economic Review》 80 (3): 511–28. JSTOR2006681.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1990c). “Rationalizability, Learning and Equilibrium in Games With Strategic Complementarities”. 《Econometrica》 58 (6): 1255–1278. doi:10.2307/2938316. JSTOR2938316.
Milgrom, Paul; North, Douglass C.; Weingast, Barry R. (1990). “The role of institutions in the revival of trade: the law merchant, private judges, and the champagne fairs”. 《Economics and Politics》 2 (1): 1–23. CiteSeerX10.1.1.669.1678. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0343.1990.tb00020.x.
Milgrom, Paul; Qian, Yingi; Roberts, John (1991). “Complementarities, Momentum, and the Evolution of Modern Manufacturing”. 《The American Economic Review》 81 (2): 84–88. JSTOR2006831.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1991). “Adaptive and sophisticated learning in normal form games”. 《Games and Economic Behavior》 82 (100): 82–100. doi:10.1016/0899-8256(91)90006-Z. ISSN0899-8256.
Bresnahan, Timothy F.; Milgrom, Paul; Paul, Jonathan (1992). “The Real Output of the Stock Exchange”. 《Output Measurement in the Services Sectors》: 195–216.
Meyer, Margaret; Paul Milgrom; Roberts, John (1992). “Organizational Prospects, Influence Costs, and Ownership Changes”. 《Journal of Economics & Management Strategy》 1 (1): 9–35. doi:10.1111/j.1430-9134.1992.00009.x.
Milgrom, Paul (1994). “Comparing Optima: Do Simplifying Assumptions Affect Conclusions?”. 《Journal of Political Economy》 102 (3): 607–615. doi:10.1086/261948. JSTOR2138625. S2CID153568621.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1994). “Comparing Equilibria”. 《The American Economic Review》 84 (3): 441–459. JSTOR2118061.
Holmstrom, Bengt; Milgrom, Paul (1994). “The Firm as an Incentive System”. 《The American Economic Review》 84 (4): 972–991. JSTOR2118041.
Greif, Avner; Milgrom, Paul; Weingast, Barry R. (1994). “Coordination, Commitment, and Enforcement: The Case of the Merchant Guild”. 《Journal of Political Economy》 102 (4): 745–776. doi:10.1086/261953. JSTOR2138763. S2CID154501745.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1994). “Complementarities and Fit: Strategy, Structure and Organizational Change in Manufacturing”. 《Journal of Accounting and Economics》 19 (2–3): 179–208. doi:10.1016/0165-4101(94)00382-f. ISSN0165-4101.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1995). “The Economics of Modern Manufacturing: Reply”. 《The American Economic Review》 85 (4): 997–999. JSTOR2118249.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1996a). “The LeChatelier Principle”. 《The American Economic Review》 86 (1): 113–128. JSTOR2118261.
Milgrom, Paul; Roberts, John (1996b). “Coalition-Proofness and Correlation with Arbitrary Communication Possibilities”. 《Games and Economic Behavior》 17 (1): 173–179. doi:10.1006/game.1996.0096.
Milgrom, Paul (2008). “What the Seller Won't Tell You: Persuasion and Disclosure in Markets”. 《Journal of Economic Perspectives》 22 (2): 115–131. doi:10.1257/jep.22.2.115. JSTOR27648244.
Budish, E.; Che, Y.-K.; Kojima, F.; Milgrom, Paul (2013). “Designing Random Allocation Mechanisms: Theory and Applications”. 《American Economic Review》 103 (2): 585–623. CiteSeerX10.1.1.649.5582. doi:10.1257/aer.103.2.585.