
Bláfugl, Bluebird Nordic
Rekstrarform einkahlutafélag
Stofnað október 2000
Staðsetning Lyngháls 4, Reykjavík
Lykilpersónur Sigurður Ágústsson, framkvæmdastjóri
Starfsemi Fragtflugfélag

Bláfugl (stofnað í október 2000) er alþjóðlegt fragtflugfélag.[1] Í febrúar 2005 yfirtók Icelandair flugfélagið og gerði að dótturfyrirtæki Icelandair Group.[2]


Eink Raðnr. Tegund Eigandi Umráðandi
TF-BBA 1254 The Boeing Company 777-367ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBB 1255 The Boeing Company 777-300ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBC 1256 The Boeing Company 777-300ER STLC Europe Twenty Five Leasing Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBG 901 The Boeing Company 737-36E Bláfugl ehf. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBH 902 The Boeing Company 737-4YOF AviaAM Leasing DMCC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBJ 1112 The Boeing Company 737-476SF AFO Aircraft (NZ) Ltd Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBK 1173 The Boeing Company 737-4Q8 KV MSN 26302 Aircraft DAC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBL 1188 The Boeing Company 737-490 Wilmington Trust Company, as Owner Trustee Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBM 1189 The Boeing Company 737-4Q8 V76A-734 LLC Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBN 1234 The Boeing Company 737-4B3 Regency Aero Lease Inc. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBO 913 The Boeing Company 737-46B Regency Aero Lease Inc. Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBP 1245 The Boeing Company 737-8F2 Wellington Leasing No. 54 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBQ 1246 The Boeing Company 737-8F2 Wellington Leasing No. 55 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBR 1266 The Boeing Company 737-800BCF BBAM Freighter B Leane 2 Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBT 1275 The Boeing Company 737-800 ACS Aero 2 Epsilon Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBU 1276 The Boeing Company 737-800 ACS Aero 2 Epsilon Limited Bláfugl ehf.
TF-BBX 1264 The Boeing Company 777-200 AviaAM Leasing DMCC Bláfugl ehf.



  1. Stofna nýtt íslenskt flugfélag Skoðað 11. desember 2010
  2. Flugleiðir að kaupa Bláfugl Skoðað þann 11. desember 2010
  3. „Aircraft Registry Lookup“. Icelandic Transport Authority (enska). Sótt 16. janúar 2023.