
neighborhood of Manhattan (en) Itzuli
Estatu burujabe Ameriketako Estatu Batuak
Estatua New York
Ameriketako Estatu Batuetako hiri New York
Posta kodea10007 eta 10013
Koordenatuak40°43′06″N 74°00′28″W / 40.7183°N 74.0078°W / 40.7183; -74.0078
Azalera0,333 mi²

Tribeca edota TriBeCa, AEBetako New York hiriko Manhattan barrutian dagoen auzo bat da. Lower Manhattan eremuan dago, Canal Street, West Street, Broadway kaleen artean, bai eta Chambers, Vesey edo Murray Street kaleen artean ere.

Auzoaren izena "Triangle Below Canal Street" (Canal Street Azpiko Triangelua) izendapenaren laburdura da. Hasiera batean zenean baserri eta landa eremuko auzoa zen, XIX. mendearen hasieran etxebizitzen auzoa bilakatu zen, nagusiki merkataritza eta ohialgintza eremua, eta jada XX. mendearen amaieraldera artista, aktore, ekoizle, modelo eta zinema eta antzerki munduko jende ospetsuaren bizilekua bilakatu zen.

Gaur egun Tribecako Zinemaldiaren egoitza da.

Auzotar ezagunak



  1. Staff. "Albee's Loft; Edward Albee's 6,000-square-foot loft in a former cheese warehouse in New York's Tribeca neighborhood houses his expansive collection of fine art, utilitarian works and sculptures. (See related article.)", Wall Street Journal, March 11, 2010. Accessed July 1, 2016.
  2. Leland, John. "Laurie Anderson’sGlorious, Chaotic New YorkFrom performances for 'six people in a loft' to O Superman, MTV fame, and her time with Lou Reed,the artist reflects on her many years in New York.", The New York Times, April 21, 2017. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Ms. Anderson with her dog Willie near her home in TriBeCa."
  3. Staff. "Arman, 76, Tribeca artist whose medium was garbage", The Villager (Manhattan), Volume 75, Number 23; October 26 - November 1, 2005. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Arman, the sculptor internationally famous for combining found objects and all kinds of junk and who had a home and studio in Tribeca and an outdoor metal studio on Canal Street for 27 years, died at home Sat. Oct. 22 at the age of 76."
  4. a b Smith, Steve. "An Opera Full of Secrets From a Master of the Opaque", The New York Times, January 14, 2007. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Seated in the kitchen of his TriBeCa rehearsal studio, which occupies an entire floor of the converted warehouse where he and his partner, Mimi Johnson, have lived since 1979, Mr. Ashley, 76, recounted how a friend had once revealed a sordid past."
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  6. a b David, Amrk. "Paul Bettany and Jennifer Connelly On the Move Again", Variety (magazine), January 14, 2012. Accessed July 19, 2016. "It was only about 3.5 years ago that English-born movie actor Paul Bettany (A Beautiful Mind, The Da Vinci Code, A Knight's Tale) and Brooklyn-bred Academy Award winner Jennifer Connelly (A Beautiful Mind, Requiem For A Dream, Blood Diamond) paid $6,920,000 for a full floor loft-type penthouse apartment on the edge of New York City’s star-stocked TriBeCa neighborhood."
  7. a b Staff. "In the News: Inside Beyoncé and Jay Z’s Apartment", Tribeca Citizen, November 26, 2014. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Internet mavens have identified two artworks in the video for Beyoncé’s new single 7/11, which was filmed inside the Tribeca apartment the R&B superstar shares with her husband."
  8. Richards, David. "Bogosian in the Burbs", The Washington Post, May 5, 1996. Accessed July 19, 2016. "Yet all the signs suggest he's no longer the fringe personality he once was. He, his wife and two young sons live in a spacious loft in TriBeCa, and he recently rented a suite of offices for Ararat Productions, his own production company (named after the mountain where Noah's Ark landed)."
  9. Osterhout, Jacob E. "Ed Burns manages to stay grounded in his native Tribeca despite success over last decade", New York Daily News, April 21, 2011. Accessed July 19, 2016. "Meandering through the streets of his Tribeca neighborhood in jeans and shell-toe Adidas, Burns puts on no airs."
  10. Clarke, Gerald. "Mariah Carey's New York TriplexGlitter and glamour sound a high note in the singer's Manhattan home, decorated by Mario Buatta", Architectural Digest, October 31, 2001. Accessed July 19, 2016. "Now, after a decade in which Carey has been the world’s most popular female vocalist, her albums and singles selling more than one hundred and fifty million copies; now, after a new contract with Virgin Records that will bring her nearly one hundred and twenty million dollars for her next five CDs; now, after the September opening of her first movie, the semiautobiographical Glitter; and now, after completion of a spacious triplex in Tribeca that harks back to an era Carey dreams about—the golden age of Hollywood."
  11. Does Daniel Craig's Fabulous New Penthouse Make Him Gay? Retrieved May 27, 2010
  12. a b c Bernard, Sarah. "Luxury Lemons?; The brochures and CD-roms promised old-world splendor and high-tech ease. But the buyers of some of the boom's most visible developments say: Promises made weren't promises kept.", New York (magazine). Accessed April 30, 2017. "The Ice House, at 27 North Moore Street, is downtown's poster child for the pitfalls of luxury conversion. Its high-profile residents, including Billy Crystal, sportscaster Warner Wolf, and Alexis Stewart (yes, that's Martha's daughter), all of whom reportedly have $2 million penthouses, could not get the principals of 27 North Moore Associates LLC to fix a long list of problems, ranging from buckling floors to plumbing problems."
  13. Finn, Robin. "A Lena Dunham Locale", The New York Times, November 22, 2013. Accessed February 28, 2017. "The 24-by-17-foot 'children’s wing' at the back of the main level still has its west-facing window but no longer has the sibling-friendly room divider that was in place when Lena, who moved out in 2012, and her younger sister, Grace, who is in her final year of college, shared it and the green-tile bathroom. The sisters and their respective bedrooms figured prominently in Tiny Furniture."
  14. Garvey, Marianne; Niemietz, Brian; and Cartwright, Lachlan. "Z100's Elvis Duran buys a penthouse in Tribeca", New York Daily News, January 20, 2014. Accessed February 28, 2017. "Elvis Duran, the lovable Z100 'Morning Show' host, has bought himself a 4,000-square-foot, four-bedroom penthouse in the Leonard building in Tribeca and is planning an immediate move."
  15. acre-malibu-property/517/celebrities U2's Edge Settles into $4.3 Million Tribeca Penthouse Retrieved June 17, 2007
  16. "Shaping Identity", Detroit Institute of Arts. Accessed February 28, 2017. "The artist Marisol Escobar is a sculptor born in Paris of Venezuelan lineage.... She currently lives and works in TriBeCa, in New York City"
  17. Serby, Steve. "Serby’s Sunday Q & A with ... Marian Gaborik", New York Post, April 8, 2012. Accessed February 28, 2017. "Q: You live in the city? A: I’m down in Tribeca."
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  19. Reif, Rita. "PRECISION SHOPPING; Recycled Grandeur", The New York Times, November 9, 1986. Accessed April 30, 2017. "James Havard, an artist, sleeps in the barbershop he purchased here for his TriBeCa loft."
  20. Richardson, Lynda. "PUBLIC LIVES; A Poet (and Proprietor) Is a Beacon in the Bowery", The New York Times, November 12, 2002. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Mr. Holman, who has a stubble of a beard and wears large round glasses and a velveteen blazer, cycled in from his TriBeCa loft on an old Raleigh seven-speed on this morning"
  21. NY Times, Liz Harris, Where Rent Is Stabilized, Reopening After Storm Is No Certainty
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  23. Smith, Roberta. "Art in Review; Lou Reed", The New York Times, February 17, 2006. Accessed April 30, 2017. "These color photographs -- many taken from the window of Mr. Reed's TriBeCa apartment -- are ordinary to the point of anonymity."
  24. Klein, Jeff Z. "A Ranger Rolls Up His Sleeves and Takes a Big Role in Hurricane Relief", The New York Times, November 22, 2012. Accessed February 28, 2017. "Richards, whose apartment in TriBeCa escaped damage from the storm, said this was 'what anyone in my position should do.'"
  25. Staff. "A Room With a View - New York, N. Y.", The New York Times, January 12, 1978. Accessed April 30, 2017. "When John Shaw, painter, awakes in the morning he sees New York City upside down. Mr. Shaw, originally from southwestern Virginia, had decided that the bedroom in his Tribeca loft was too dark, so rather than paying the expenses of having a window installed, he drilled a small, unobtrusive hole in the wall."
  26. Barbanel, Josh. "Coda for a Musical Home", The New York Times, March 16, 2008. Accessed April 30, 2017. "JUST before he turned 30, Duncan Sheik, the singer and composer, bought a 2,400-square-foot bare loft in a condominium at 195 Hudson Street, a block below Canal Street.... A few weeks ago, he put his TriBeCa loft on the market for $2.925 million with the help of Nora Ariffin, a broker at Halstead Property."
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  29. Holden, Stephen. "POP/JAZZ; BOB TELSON AND 'GOSPEL SYNTHESIZERS' AT THE JOYCE", The New York Times, October 26, 1984. Accessed April 30, 2017. "'Gospel music was part of the natural progression in my interest in the mixture of African and European musical cultures,' Mr. Telson explained in his TriBeCa loft that doubles as a recording studio."
  30. Colman, David. "A Sophisticated Eye for Naïve Art", The New York Times, November 20, 2005. Accessed April 30, 3017. "Given his work's deranged craft-project look -- like the art version of a garage band -- it is a surprise to find a small, good collection of early Americana in his TriBeCa loft. While many art seers view the 1975 Whitney exhibition of Mr. Tuttle's work, which scandalized critics and nearly dealt a death blow to his career, as a seminal moment for the artist and the art world, one might argue that both he and his world were just as affected by another talked-about Whitney show a year earlier, 'The Flowering of American Folk Art, 1776-1876.'"
  31. Louie, Elaine. "POSSESSED; Stars In His Eyes Over A Pen", The New York Times, March 9, 2003. Accessed April 30, 2017. "Neil de Grasse Tyson, an astrophysicist and the Frederick P. Rose director of the Hayden Planetarium, is a big guy. He stands 6-foot-2 and has hands that can palm a basketball. He speaks in a booming baritone. In his TriBeCa loft, he ambles around a space with 14-foot ceilings."
  32. Swann, Lauren. "Lauren Weisberger: my perfect weekendThe Devil Wears Prada author, Lauren Weisberger tells Yvonne Swann how she relaxes on a typical weekend in TriBeCa, New York.", The Daily Telegraph, June 26, 2008. Accessed April 30, 2017. "I'm about to set out on a long book tour, so I shall really miss my new husband, Mike Cohen. He is also a writer and we were married in April. He is totally gorgeous. We live in a part of New York called TriBeCa."
  33. Staff. "Dean Winters’ amazing journey back from death", The New York Post Page Six, June 18, 2010. Accessed April 20, 2017. "After a month of recuperation at his TriBeCa apartment, Winters developed gangrene."
  34. Robin, William. "La Monte Young Is Still Patiently Working on a Glacial Scale", The New York Times, August 19, 2015. Accessed April 30, 2017. "'The question is, who decides what music should be?' the composer La Monte Young asked during a recent interview. “What is music, and why is it music, and how did music start?” Sitting in his cluttered loft in TriBeCa, Mr. Young had just been ruminating on the creation myths of Indian music, and continued on to briefly address marches, bagpipes and Dizzy Gillespie before arriving at the conclusion to this circuitous historical trajectory: his own Trio for Strings, from 1958."

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