Co2 is one of the 26 sporadic groups and was discovered by (Conway1968, 1969) as the group of automorphisms of the Leech lattice Λ fixing a lattice vector of type 2. It is thus a subgroup of Co0. It is isomorphic to a subgroup of Co1. The direct product 2×Co2 is maximal in Co0.
Co2 acts as a rank 3 permutation group on 2300 points. These points can be identified with planar hexagons in the Leech lattice having 6 type 2 vertices.
Co2 acts on the 23-dimensional even integral lattice with no roots of determinant 4, given as a sublattice of the Leech lattice orthogonal to a norm 4 vector. Over the field with 2 elements it has a 22-dimensional faithful representation; this is the smallest faithful representation over any field.
Feit (1974) showed that if a finite group has an absolutely irreducible faithful rational representation of dimension 23 and has no subgroups of index 23 or 24 then it is contained in either Z/2Z × Co2 or Z/2Z × Co3.
The Mathieu group M23 is isomorphic to a maximal subgroup of Co2 and one representation, in permutation matrices, fixes the type 2 vector u = (-3,123). A block sum ζ of the involution η =
and 5 copies of -η also fixes the same vector. Hence Co2 has a convenient matrix representation inside the standard representation of Co0. The trace of ζ is -8, while the involutions in M23 have trace 8.
A 24-dimensional block sum of η and -η is in Co0 if and only if the number of copies of η is odd.
Another representation fixes the vector v = (4,-4,022). A monomial and maximal subgroup includes a representation of M22:2, where any α interchanging the first 2 co-ordinates restores v by then negating the vector. Also included are diagonal involutions corresponding to octads (trace 8), 16-sets (trace -8), and dodecads (trace 0). It can be shown that Co2 has just 3 conjugacy classes of involutions. η leaves (4,-4,0,0) unchanged; the block sum ζ provides a non-monomial generator completing this representation of Co2.
There is an alternate way to construct the stabilizer of v. Now u and u+v = (1,-3,122) are vertices of a 2-2-2 triangle (vide infra). Then u, u+v, v, and their negatives form a coplanar hexagon fixed by ζ and M22; these generate a group Fi21 ≈ U6(2). α (vide supra) extends this to Fi21:2, which is maximal in Co2. Lastly, Co0 is transitive on type 2 points, so that a 23-cycle fixing u has a conjugate fixing v, and the generation is completed.
Maximal subgroups
Some maximal subgroups fix or reflect 2-dimensional sublattices of the Leech lattice. It is usual to define these planes by h-k-l triangles: triangles including the origin as a vertex, with edges (differences of vertices) being vectors of types h, k, and l.
Wilson (2009) found the 11 conjugacy classes of maximal subgroups of Co2 as follows:
symmetry/reflection group of coplanar hexagon of 6 type 2 points; fixes one hexagon in a rank 3 permutation representation of Co2 on 2300 such hexagons. Under this subgroup the hexagons are split into orbits of 1, 891, and 1408. Fi21 fixes a 2-2-2 triangle defining the plane.
Traces of matrices in a standard 24-dimensional representation of Co2 are shown.[1] The names of conjugacy classes are taken from the Atlas of Finite Group Representations. [2]
Centralizers of unknown structure are indicated with brackets.