List of compositions by Franz Schubert (1825)

Franz Schubert's compositions of 1825 are mostly in the Deutsch catalogue (D) range D 823–862,[1] and include:



Legend to the table
column content
1 D '51 Deutsch number in the first version of the Deutsch catalogue (1951)[2]
2 D utd most recent (utd = up to date) Deutsch catalogue number;[3] the basic collation of the list is according to these numbers – whether or not the possibility to adjust the sorting according to the content of other columns is available depends on the device with which the table is displayed.
3 Op.
Opus number (Op.; p indicates Post. = posthumous) and date of first publication (pbl; between brackets; when there is more than one date the earlier dates indicate partial publications). The column sorts to Opus number, then (earliest of) the publication date(s)
4 AGA Alte Gesamt-Ausgabe = Franz Schubert's Werke: Kritisch durchgesehene Gesammtausgabe. Indicates genre/instrumentation:[4]
5 NSA NGA/NSA/NSE = New Schubert Edition, also indicates genre/instrumentation:[5]
6 Name unique name, with, if available, a link to the relevant encyclopedia article; sorts by name with initial definite ("Der", "Die", "Das", ...) or indefinite ("Ein", "A", ...) articles, and numbers, moved after the expression they qualify: e.g. "Die Hoffnung, ..." sorts as "Hoffnung, Die, ..." – "Thirty Minuets ..." sorts as "Minuets, 30, ...".
7 Key / incipit incipit mostly for songs[6] (linking to lyrics and their translation, for instance at The LiederNet Archive, when available),[7] other compositions by key, except for Schubert's stage works: type of composition in brackets.
8 Date (presumed) date of composition, or, for copies and arrangements, date of Schubert's autograph. Sorts to earliest possible date of completion, unlike the chronology of the Deutsch catalogue that generally collates according to earliest date associated with the composition: e.g. Schubert started the composition of his 3rd String Quartet on 19 November 1812 and completed it on 21 February 1813 – in the Deutsch catalogue the composition is grouped with other compositions from 1812: when using the sort function of the 8th column the composition is grouped with compositions completed in 1813
9 Additional info may include:
  • Information about the text (lyrics,[6][7] libretto) of vocal compositions: e.g., "Text by [text author]", "Text: [standard lyrics]", "... from [literary work]"; "other settings: D ..." indicates Schubert's other settings of the same text; for fields starting with "Text ..." this column sorts by text author (last name, first name—or pen name when such name is more established), then incipit of the lyrics (alternatively, when the incipit is rarely used, title of the work)
  • Information about the authenticity of the composition: the work is without doubt Schubert's unless when marked as "Doubtful", "Spurious?" or "Spurious" (in the last case columns 3–8 give no further information about the composition)
  • Forces needed for performance ("For ..."):
    • may be omitted when the type of composition makes the instrumentation clear (e.g. String Quartet → two violins, viola and cello), and, for vocal music, when the setting is for voice and piano
    • "s", "a", "t" and "b" refer to a single soprano, alto, tenor and bass singer respectively, while "S", "A", "T" and "B" to choral parts for the same types of singers (see SATB).
  • Specifications regarding movements (e.g. "Allegro – Minuet – Rondo") or sections (e.g. "No. 1 ...")
  • Information about the completeness of the extant work: the work is considered complete as extant unless when marked "Sketch", "Incomplete", "Unfinished", "Fragment" or "Lost"
  • Information about versions (e.g. "Two versions: ...")


Compositions by Franz Schubert listed in the Deutsch catalogue for 1825
AGA NSA Name Key / incipit Date Additional info
823 823 63 &
IX, 3
2 No. 4
Divertissement sur des motifs originaux français E minor before
For piano duet; Tempo di Marcia (publ. as Divertissement en Forme d'une Marche brillante et raisonnée Op. 63 in 1826) – Theme and variations (publ. as Andantino varié Op. 84 No. 1 in 1827) – Rondo (publ. as Rondeau brillant Op. 84 No. 2 in 1827)
824 824 61
IX, 3
No. 25
VII/1, 4 Six Polonaises Various keys April 1826 For piano duet
No. 1
825 64,1
No. 24
III, 4
No. 52
Wehmut, D 825 Die Abendglocke tönet before
summer 1826
Text by Hüttenbrenner, H. [de]; For ttbb
No. 2
825A 64,2
No. 25
III, 4
No. 53
Ewige Liebe Ertönet, ihr Saiten, in nächtlicher Ruh before
summer 1826
Text by Schulze; For ttbb
No. 3
825B 64,3
No. 26
III, 4
No. 54
Flucht In der Freie will ich leben early 1825 Text by Lappe [de]; For ttbb
826 826 (1892) XVII
No. 14
III, 2a
No. 17
Der Tanz Es redet und träumet die Jugend so viel early 1828 Text by Schnitzer von Meerau [scores]?; For satb and piano
827 827 43,2
XX, 8
No. 470
IV, 2a &
b No. 10
Nacht und Träume Heil'ge Nacht, du sinkest nieder! before
June 1823
Text by Collin, M. C.; Two versions: 2nd, in AGA, is Op. 43 No. 2
828 828 43,1
XX, 8
No. 469
IV, 2a Die junge Nonne Wie braust durch die Wipfel early 1825 Text by Craigher de Jachelutta [de]
829 829 (1873) XX, 10
No. 603
IV, 13 Abschied, D 829, a.k.a. Abschied von der Erde Leb' wohl du schöne Erde before
Text by Pratobevera [cs]; Melodrama for spoken voice and piano
830 830 85,1
XX, 9
No. 541
IV, 4 Lied der Anne Lyle Wärst du bei mir im Lebenstal early 1825? Text by Macdonald quoted in Scott's Montrose (transl.)
831 831 85,2
XX, 9
No. 542
IV, 4 Gesang der Norna Mich führt mein Weg wohl meilenlang early 1825 Text by Scott from The Pirate transl. by Spiker [de]
832 832 (1830) XX, 8
No. 466
IV, 13 Des Sängers Habe Schlagt mein ganzes Glück in Splitter February
Text by Schlechta [de]
833 833 101p,2
XX, 8
No. 468
IV, 5 Der blinde Knabe O sagt, ihr Lieben, mir einmal April 1825 Text by Cibber transl. by Craigher de Jachelutta [de]; Two versions: 2nd publ. as Op. posth. 101 No. 2 in 1828
834 834 93,1
XX, 8
No. 476
IV, 5 Im Walde, D 834 Ich wandre über Berg und Tal March 1825
–Sep. 1827
Text by Schulze; Two versions: 2nd, publ. 1828, in AGA
835 835 52,3
No. 10
III, 3 No. 33
IV, 3
Bootgesang a.k.a. Boat Song Triumph, er naht (Hail to the chief) 1825 Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto II, 19); For ttbb and piano
836 836 52,4
No. 1
III, 3 No. 9
IV, 3
Coronach: Totengesang der Frauen und Mädchen Er ist uns geschieden (He is gone to the mountain) 1825 Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto III, 16); For SSA and piano
837 837 52,1
XX, 8
No. 471
IV, 3 Ellens Gesang I a.k.a. Ellen's Song (I) Raste, Krieger, Krieg ist aus (Soldier rest! thy warfare o'er) April–
July 1825
Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto I, 31)
838 838 52,2
XX, 8
No. 472
IV, 3 Ellens Gesang II a.k.a. Ellen's Song (II) Jäger, ruhe von der Jagd! (Huntsman rest! thy chase is done) April–
July 1825
Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto I, 32)
839 839 52,6
XX, 8
No. 474
IV, 3 Ave Maria a.k.a. Ellens Gesang III: Hymne an die Jungfrau Ave Maria! Jungfrau mild (Ave Maria! maiden mild) April 1825 Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto III, 29)
840 840 (1839)
XXI, 3
No. 14
VII/2, 2
No. 13
Piano Sonata, D 840 ("Reliquie") C major April 1825 Moderato – Andante (publ. 1839) – Minuet (fragment) – Rondo (fragment)
841 841 (1930) VII/2, 6 Two German Dances, D 841 Various keys April 1825 For piano
842 842 (1833) XX, 8
No. 467
IV, 13 Totengräbers Heimwehe O Menschheit, o Leben, was soll's? April 1825 Text by Craigher de Jachelutta [de]
843 843 52,7
XX, 8
No. 475
IV, 3 Lied des gefangenen Jägers – Lay of the Imprisoned Huntsman Mein Roß so müd – My hawk is tired April 1825 Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto VI, 24)
844 844 (1897) XXI, 3
No. 31
VII/2, 6 Waltz, D 844, a.k.a. Albumblatt G major 16/4/1825 For piano
845 845 42
X No. 9 VII/2, 2
No. 14
Piano Sonata, D 845 A minor before end
May 1825
Moderato – Andante – Scherzo – Rondo
846 846 52,5
XX, 8
No. 473
IV, 3 Normans Gesang Die Nacht bricht bald herein April 1825 Text by Scott from The Lady of the Lake transl. by Storck [de] (Canto II, 23)
847 847 155p
No. 29
III, 4
No. 55
Trinklied aus dem 16. Jahrhundert Edit Nonna, edit Clerus July 1825 Text by Gräffer; For ttbb
848 848 156p
No. 30
III, 4
No. 56
Nachtmusik Wir stimmen dir mit Flötensang July 1825 Text by Seckendorff; For ttbb
849 944 Gmunden-Gastein Symphony C major Jun.–Sep.
Probably identical to D 944 (if not: lost);[8] See also D Anh. I/6A
850 850 53
X No. 11 VII/2, 2
No. 15
Piano Sonata, D 850 ("Gasteiner") D major August 1825 Allegro vivace – Con moto – Scherzo – Rondo
851 851 79,1
XX, 8
No. 478
IV, 3 Das Heimweh, D 851 Ach, der Gebirgssohn August 1825 Text by Pyrker; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 79 No. 1
852 852 79,2
XX, 8
No. 479
IV, 3 Die Allmacht, D 852 Groß ist Jehova, der Herr! August 1825 Text by Pyrker (other setting: D 875A); Two versions: 2nd, in AGA, is Op. 79 No. 2
853 853 93,2
XX, 8
No. 477
IV, 5 Auf der Bruck Frisch trabe sonder Ruh' und Rast Mar. or Aug.
Sep. 1827
Text by Schulze; Two versions: 2nd, publ. 1828, in AGA
854 854 (1830) XX, 8
No. 480
IV, 13 Fülle der Liebe Ein sehnend Streben teilt mir das Herz August 1825 Text by Schlegel, F.
855 855 (1842) XX, 8
No. 481
IV, 13 Wiedersehn Der Frühlingssonne holdes Lächeln September
Text by Schlegel, A. W.
856 856 88,1
XX, 8
No. 482
IV, 4 Abendlied für die Entfernte Hinaus mein Blick, hinaus ins Tal September
Text by Schlegel, A. W.
857 857 124p
XX, 8
IV, 13 Two scenes from Lacrimas: 1. Lied der Delphine – 2. Lied des Florio 1. Ach, was soll ich beginnen vor Liebe? – 2. Nun, da Schatten niedergleiten September
Text by Schütz
859 859 55
IX, 1
No. 4
VII/1, 4 Grande Marche Funèbre C minor after
For piano duet
860 860 (1832) XX, 8
No. 485
IV, 13 An mein Herz O Herz, sei endlich stille December
Text by Schulze
861 861 (1832) XX, 8
No. 486
IV, 13 Der liebliche Stern Ihr Sternlein, still in der Höhe December
Text by Schulze
862 862 88,3
XX, 8
No. 499
IV, 4 Um Mitternacht Keine Stimme hör' ich schallen Dec. 1825–
Mar. 1826?
Text by Schulze; Two versions: 2nd is Op. 88 No. 3



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