Reye congruences, the locus of lines that lie on at least two quadrics in a general three dimensional linear system of quadric surfaces in projective 3-space .
The quotient of a K3 surface under a fixpointfree involution.
Hyperelliptic surfaces or bielliptic surfaces; quasi-hyperelliptic surfaces are a variation of this notion that exist only in characteristics two and three
Elliptic surfaces, surfaces with an elliptic fibration; quasielliptic surfaces constitute a modification this idea that occurs in finite characteristic
Exceptional surfaces, surfaces whose Picard number achieve the bound set by the central Hodge number h1,1
Kähler surfaces, complex surfaces with a Kähler metric; equivalently, surfaces for which the first Betti number b1 is even
Minimal surfaces, surfaces that can't be obtained from another by blowing up at a point; they have no connection with the minimal surfaces of differential geometry
Nodal surfaces, surfaces whose only singularities are nodes
Endrass surface, a certain surface of degree 8 with 168 nodes
Sarti surface, a certain surface of degree 12 with 600 nodes
Quotient surfaces, surfaces that are constructed as the orbit space of some other surface by the action of a finite group; examples include Kummer, Godeaux, Hopf, and Inoue surfaces
Zariski surfaces, surfaces in finite characteristic that admit a purely inseparable dominant rational map from the projective plane