
各种不同的韓國傳統當代文化事物,從左上角順時針方向:三星Galaxy Tab、兩名在跳太平舞朝鲜语태평무的女子、一鍋朝鮮拌飯K-pop歌手金俊秀、K-pop男子組合Super Junior、兩名穿韓服的孩子
繁体字 韓流
简化字 韩流
國語字 Hàn lưu
儒字 韓流
汉字 韓流
英语 Hallyu
Korean Wave





1962年,朴正熙发动政变上台后逐步实行遏制电影业发展的政策。在军人独裁下的韩国,电影业发展低迷。这段时期被称为韩国电影业“失去的二十年”[17]。1987年六月民主運動後,随着军人独裁统治在韩国的终结,韩国电影业开始复苏。不过这一时期的韩国电影业主要由成产空白录像带VCR韩国财阀控制。这些财阀制作电影的目的其实就是为了销售他们的录像带、VCR而非电影本身[17]。韩国对国外电影采取影视配额英语screen quotas制度限制外国电影准入的数量[18]。当时的韩国电影产业不足以筹集大量资金出品高成本的电影,这一政策有利于保护本国电影业免收外国大片的冲击[19]







进入21世紀后,韩剧韩国流行音乐开始在亚洲其它国家和地区逐渐流行。2000年,宝儿签约SM娱乐。两年后宝儿的《Listen to My Heart》荣登日本Oricon排行榜首位,成为日本史上首位拥有百万专辑的韩籍艺人。[32]


随着韩剧的流行,韩国流行音乐也在亚洲兴起。东方神起SS501Super Junior在这一时期开始走红亚洲[36][37]。2003年,Baby V.O.X的中文单曲「I'm Still Loving You」成功打入中国市场,为韩流在華培养了一大批粉丝。Baby V.O.X的韩文单曲「What Should I Do」和中文单曲「I'm Still Loving You」在泰国取得同样很好的成绩[38]。随后的韩国组合像BigBangSuper Junior受到了广大青年人的喜欢,并在开始在南美洲东欧部分地区、中东和一小部分西方国家地区拥有颇具规模的粉丝。



不过在北美之外,韩流旋风却很猛。[41]韩剧《朱蒙》在穆斯林世界国家很受欢迎,在伊朗取得超过80%的收视率。[42][43] 2009年的韩剧《花樣男子》在183个国家播出,被翻译成69种语言,经过了6年仍然持续不断的受到全球影迷的欢迎,人气不减,获第11届(2015)Soompi颁奖典礼韩流特别奖。[44]韓星李敏鎬因此與李英愛於2015年榮獲首尔电视节「韓流10年功勞大赏」。[45]



韩流在西方国家的流行得利于现代的互联网媒体。[47] YouTube这样的互联网媒体平台可以让年轻人绕开传统传媒的DJ,无拘无束地轻松欣赏自己喜欢的任何语言、任何形式的作品。正如一位参加2012年美国加州尔湾KCON音乐节英语KCON (music festival)的CNN记者说的,“如果你上前询问这里的人是从哪里了解到韩国流行乐的,他们会说是YouTube”。[48]




2013年2月,秘鲁副总统马里索尔·埃斯皮诺萨西班牙语Marisol Espinoza在接受韩国联合通讯社采访时说韩国流行音乐和韩剧在秘鲁很受欢迎,已经成为秘鲁人们想更多了解韩国的主要原因之一,并表示欢迎“韩流”在秘鲁发展。[50]




2013年2月6日,美国白宫负责管理第一夫人米歇爾·奧巴馬Twitter账户的官员透露白宫正在从南草坪英语South Lawn (White House)搬运用来做韩式泡菜的大白菜。[57][58]时尚先生》的一位主编曾对此评论说这与白宫以往的活动真是大不相同。[59]在此之前不多久,韩国料理在英国超市乐购的销量翻了一翻多。[60]德国国家公共广播电台有报道说“韩流正在征服世界”。[61] 法国最大的电视台法国电视一台报道说韩流正在在整个年轻人群体流行。[62]





2017年,防彈少年團於2017年下旬開始的「LOVE YOURSELF」系列,除了為防彈少年團帶來龐大的經濟收益,亦為韓國音樂開拓世界市場,2018年防彈少年團先後登上《美國告示牌音樂獎》、全美音樂獎、首個獲頒文化勳章的韓國偶像團體、參加「聯合國」演講、《TIME》時代雜誌全球版封面也證明防彈少年團對推動韓國文化功不可沒。[67]首爾現代研究所去年12月推估,防彈少年團2018年為韓國經濟貢獻逾36億美元;此外,2017年赴韓的外籍觀光客中,每13人裡就有1人是衝著防彈少年團而來。[68]







韩国人素以擅长音乐与舞蹈著称,早在抗日战争期间,就有大量韩国流亡海外音乐家坚持以音乐鼓舞士气,其中《中国人民解放军军歌》创作者郑律成便是韩国光州人[5]:6。在1980年代,很多港台歌曲即是从韩国歌曲翻唱而来,比如谭咏麟的《爱在深秋》、姜育恒的《再回首》等[5]:6。而随着电视剧的全面流行时,剧中的主题曲等音乐也广为流传,比如《我的野蛮女友》中的《I Believe》[5]:7



韩国舞蹈主要以宫廷舞蹈、民族舞蹈等为主,主张讲究舞步与音乐的协调;或者民俗舞蹈中的感情表达。韩国政府也对舞蹈非常看重,1998年政府颁布国家重要无形财产中,保护大量民俗舞蹈与游戏文化,并颁布《文化财保护法》,国家付出成本保护演出、并保护传承[5]:8。而在1970年代,在西方现代舞观念下,部分舞蹈家锐意改革,崇尚个性,各类现代创作舞蹈纷纷呈现。包括有洪信子英语Sin Cha Hong的学院派,主张肢体语言寓意;另一种是李贞贤,结合音乐与舞蹈的融合与偶像制作;还有南贤俊英语Nam Hyun-joon一类的街舞表现,炫耀与体育技能相关的高难度动作。其中后两者得到了大量追逐时尚、热衷表达情绪的年轻人喜爱,并广为流行[5]:9




韩国在其他国家最初的餐饮受众仍然是韩国海外人士或者各国朝鲜族人群[5]:13,随之韩国电视剧《大长今》热播,其中对于韩国宫廷宴的讲述也影响到亚洲各国。韩式汤料、炖菜、泡菜等逐渐传播各地;而对于韩国烧烤和参汤更是远传全球各地。韩国餐饮业也因此进军各国市场,包括韩国食品企业中农心(辛拉面)、好麗友乐天巴黎贝甜Paris Baguette)、多乐之日Tous Les Jours)、必品阁Bibigo)等逐渐流行。吸引食客的不仅是食物美味本身,还有各店内浓郁的韩国传统风格[5]:16





自2011年以来,韩国外交部开始邀请世界各地的K-pop粉丝参加K-pop选拔赛,经过几轮较量后,韩国政府将赞助获胜者到韩国参加每年一次的K-Pop世界音乐会英语K-Pop World Festival。2012年5月,韩国政府还举行了一个“韩流外交”音乐会。[72]韩流也在一定程度上促进了韩国与古巴叙利亚等未建交国的文化及民间交流。[73]



2005年,韩剧《大长今》在湖南卫视播出,引来粉丝无数,其中就包括中国前领导人胡锦涛和夫人刘永清。2005年,胡锦涛在接受韩国记者采访时说他很喜欢看《大长今》,但是因公务繁忙,一直未能连续看完。[74] 2008年8月,胡锦涛访问韩国期间,时任韩国总统李明博特意邀请《大长今》女主角李英爱出席欢迎晚宴。在当天的晚宴,胡锦涛还用韩语向在晚宴上演唱的韩星代表张娜拉说谢谢。[74]





韓劇《真愛on air》,這部片由台灣觀光局贊助拍攝,場景從韓國拉到台灣,像是裝潢高雅又氣派的日月潭五星級飯店,以及山水美景盡收眼底的水社碼頭都曾入鏡。超人氣韓國演員宋允兒、朴容夏聯手演出,搭配劇中美景,果然讓這部片在韓國一上演,就創下30%超高收視率,甚至吸引觀光客。MBC連續劇《女王之花》在高雄拍外景取景愛河、情人觀景台、英國領事館、駁二藝術特區、旗津燈塔、蓮池潭龍虎塔、美濃紙傘店、旗山老街、小港國際機場、凱旋夜市、六合夜市及義大世界等景點。透過戲劇曝光,讓韓國朋友來南台灣深度旅遊。











2008年,韩国国立中央博物馆举办了一个“辉煌波斯”的展览。前韩国文化部部长崔光植英语Choe Kwang-shik评价说此次展览是向韩国人民介绍伊朗历史和文化的最重要活动之一。[91]据伊朗国家媒体报道,展览吸引了35万多名参观者,到伊朗旅游的韩国人人数也翻了两翻。[92]


韩剧在伊拉克最初是为驻扎在伊拉克北部参加伊拉克战争的韓軍官兵播放的。战争结束,韩国撤军后,有呼声让所有伊拉克民众都能收看到韩剧。巴格达的韓國駐伊拉克大使館称伊拉克電視台英语Al Iraqiya已经计划在2012年下半年在伊拉克播放《大长今》和《冬季恋歌》。[93]






白俄罗斯与韩国建交20周年之际,白俄罗斯外交部确认白俄罗斯国家电视台将与韩国阿里郎电视台展开外交互放活动。在2月13至17日期间,白俄罗斯国家电视台将播放一系列韩国电视节目,特别是风靡世界的K-pop节目。[96] 阿里郎电视台则在同一时间会播放一些白俄罗斯电影。[96]


据当地报纸报道,2009年8月,韩剧首次在罗马尼亚电视台播出。一个月后,其收视率就在罗马尼亚排到了第3高。[97] 2010年的时候,已有多部韩剧在罗马尼亚国家电视台的几个频道播出,其中一些是黄金时段里收视率最高的。[97]





2013年5月,美国总统奥巴马在白宫会见韩国总统朴槿惠时说韩国文化(韩流)正在影响全球的人,并说他的女儿教了他很多的《江南Style》。[102] 2013年8月,美国国务卿约翰·克里在为韩国光复节电视致辞讲话时说韩国文化已经通过韩流到达世界的每个角落。[103]





2008[106] 2009[107] 2010[108] 2011[108] 2012[109][110]
1.8 2.6 3.2 4.3 5.02
韩国软实力世界排名 19 14 11




“... ...我在北韓最幸福的时候就是观看韩剧。我感觉自己好像和韩剧中的角色生活在同一个世界。”



2012年10月,金正恩朝鲜人民军安全部总部发布讲话时说要坚决抗击敌人的意识形态和文化渗透。[116] 在这不久前,美国国务院派遣的一个国际咨询组织发现朝鲜当局越来越担心信息的封锁问题。但朝鲜当局却越来越没有能力进行控制,因为在朝鲜有着对韩国影视产品的巨大需求,而且有积极从中国走私韩国影视产品到朝鲜的商人来满足这些需求。[117]



時值朝韓關係解凍時期,韓國藝術團於2018年4月1日在東平壤大劇院舉行春來演唱會,演出陣容包括南韓知名女團Red Velvet少女時代成員徐賢趙容弼李仙姬崔辰熙等。金正恩携夫人李雪主到場觀看表演頻頻鼓掌,演出結束後還一一與表演藝人握手,還建議兩國加強文化活動交流[120]



2005年7月26日,《漫画嫌韩流》在日本发行,受到日本右翼组织的炒作,成为当时日本亚马逊网站销量第一的图书[121]。2011年,日本演员高冈奏辅在自己的Twitter网站上公开批评日本富士电视台偏重播放韩剧,引发2500名日本人在富士电视台前游行示威。[122]同年,日本电视剧《我和明星的99天》挑选韩星金泰希为女主角,也引来对日本富士电视台的抗议活动,因为泰希曾和弟弟在瑞士参加声援独岛主权活动而被认为是“反日分子”。[123] 。另外由於韓國並未完全開放日本的流行文化進入韓國文化市場,部分日本人認為韓流在日本的發展會使兩國之間的文化貿易中不對等性的加劇。[124]




在西方,由于韩流有韩国政府的背后支持,有些人将其和美国CIA对前苏联文化冷战英语The CIA and the Cultural Cold War相比较,也有人担心维多利亚时代黄祸的到来,西方文化会被吞噬。[134]




  1. ^ “韩流”旋风登陆欧美. 新华网. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-03). 
  2. ^ “韓流”為何能在中國一火再火. 中国共产党新闻网. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-26). 
  3. ^ 媒体称韩国政府是韩流背后最强大推手. 凤凰网. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-19). 
  4. ^ 韩流在华成功20年,期待实现可持续发展. 海外华文传媒合作组织. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-19). 
  5. ^ 5.00 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 5.10 5.11 5.12 5.13 5.14 金健人 主编 (编). 《韩流”冲击波现象考察与文化研究》. 北京市: 国际文化出版公司. 2008. ISBN 7801737792. 
  6. ^ ‘H.O.T’ 데뷔 20년. 文化日報. 2016-01-19 [2018-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-21). 
  7. ^ 이수만회장의 발걸음 너무 빠르다. 文化日報. 2012-07-04 [2018-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-21). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 韩流入侵好莱坞电影产业韩裔明星总演日本人. 花边星闻. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-08). 
  9. ^ 韩流文化. 产经新闻网. [2014-10-19]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-23). 
  10. ^ 2012 BBC Country Ratings (PDF). Globescan/BBC World Service. [2012-12-29]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-04-21). 
  11. ^ Korea Ranks 11th in Global Soft Power页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Chosun Ilbo
  12. ^ Hallyu seeks sustainability. The Korea Herald. [2013-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-21). According to the Hallyu Future Strategy Forum's 2012 report, hallyu was worth 5.6 trillion won in economic value and 95 trillion won in asset value. 
  13. ^ 韩国政府将投资逾5万亿扶植“韩流”文化产业. 凤凰网. [2014-10-26]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-26). 
  14. ^ Korea to turn hallyu into industry. The Korea Herald. [17 February 2013]. (原始内容存档于2015-07-03). To prevent anti-Korean sentiment, the government will offer incentives for production companies or broadcasters planning to jointly produce movies or dramas with Chinese companies. 
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 15.2 15.3 "Korean Wave" set to swamp North Korea, academics say. Reuters. 2011-04-29 [2013-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
  16. ^ 'Hallyu could be a stepping stone for peace'. The Korea Herald. [2013-04-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-25). 
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 17.2 韩国电影崛起的原因. 网易. [2014-10-09]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-17). 
  18. ^ South Korea: The king, the clown and the quota. The Economist. 18 February 2006 [17 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04). 
  19. ^ The Future, after the Screen Quota. The KNU Times. [8 April 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-04). 
  20. ^ Lee, Hyung-Sook. Between Local and Global: The Hong Kong Film Syndrome in South Korea. ProQuest. 2006: 48. 
  21. ^ Choi, Jinhee. The South Korean Film Renaissance: Local Hitmakers, Global Provocateurs. Wesleyan University Press. 2010: 16. 
  22. ^ What is the future of Korean film?页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Korea Herald
  23. ^ ROUSSE-MARQUET, Jennifer. K-pop : the story of the well-oiled industry of standardized catchy tunes. [17 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014-07-01). 
  24. ^ Shim, Doobo. Waxing the Korean Wave (PDF). National University of Singapore. [17 March 2013]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2012年4月17日). 
  25. ^ Huat, Chua Beng; Iwabuchi, Koichi. East Asian pop culture. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University press. 2008 [2014-10-21]. ISBN 9789622098923. (原始内容存档于2014-01-06). 
  26. ^ 解读韩国传统文化艺术之精华《西便制》. 吾喜杂志. [2014-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10). 
  27. ^ MACINTYRE, DONALD. Korea's Big Moment. Time. 2001-09-10 [2013-05-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-05-25). Technical quality improved steadily and genres multiplied. Shiri, released in 1999, was the breakthrough. Hollywood-style in its pacing and punch, it probed the still-sensitive issue of relations between the two Koreas through the story of a North Korean assassin who falls in love with a South Korean counterintelligence agent. The film sold 5.8 million tickets, shattering the previous record for a locally made movie of 1 million. Its $11 million box office grabbed the attention of investors, who are clamoring for new projects. 
  28. ^ 韩媒称"韩流"在中国遇阻:欲走"高端路线"求质变. 人民日報. 2017-08-27 [2018-04-20]. (原始内容存档于2018-04-21). 
  29. ^ 「因為是始祖、因為太年輕」沒有H.O.T.沒有今天韓流盛世. ETtoday新聞雲. 2018-03-11 [2018-03-16]. (原始内容存档于2018-03-16). 
  30. ^ “韩流”影响年轻人. 法制晚报. [2014-10-19]. [永久失效連結]
  31. ^ When the Korean wave ripples页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), International Institute for Asian Studies
  32. ^ RIAJ 2002 million-seller list by year. RIAJ. [2014-10-21]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-17). 
  33. ^ Lee, Claire. Remembering 'Winter Sonata,' the start of hallyu. The Korea Herald. [2012-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-26). 
  34. ^ Lee, Claire. Remembering 'Winter Sonata,' the start of hallyu. The Korea Herald. [2012-12-26]. (原始内容存档于2012-12-26). The show's popularity in Japan was surprising to many, including the producer Yoon Suk-ho and then-Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi, who in 2004 famously said, "Bae Yong-joon is more popular than I am in Japan." 
  35. ^ Lee (이), Hang-soo (항수). 홍콩인들 "이영애•송혜교가장좋아". Chosun Ilbo (in Korean). [2013-04-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-12-21). 
  36. ^ "WBW: SM vs. DSP"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆).Allkpop.Retrieved 2013-07-18.
  37. ^ Williamson, Lucy. South Korea's K-pop craze lures fans and makes profits. BBC. 2011-04-26 [2013-03-19]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-09). 
  38. ^ 歌手介绍 Baby V.O.X. PipoLife. [2014-11-01]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-02). 
  39. ^ CHOE SANG-HUN and MARK RUSSELL. Bringing K-Pop to the West. 2012 The New York Times Company. 2012-03-04 [2012-09-12]. (原始内容存档于2012-03-22). 
  40. ^ Brown, August. K-pop enters American pop consciousness. Los Angeles Times. 2012-04-29 [2013-03-17]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-05). 
  41. ^ James Russell, Mark. The Gangnam Phenom. Foreign Policy. [2013-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-18). 
  42. ^ Korea's mark on an expectation-defying Iran. The Korea Herald. [2013-02-17]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-11). The Korean wave, or hallyu, has also made significant forays into Iran. Korean period dramas, "Jumong" in particular, were smash hits. Jumong ― the founding monarch of Korea's ancient Goguryeo kingdom (37 B.C.-A.D. 668) ― has become the most popular TV drama representing Korea here, with its viewer ratings hovering around 80 to 90 percent. 
  43. ^ Iranians hooked on Korean TV drama页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Global Post
  44. ^ 《花样男子》获韩流粉丝肯定 李敏镐发感言意味深长. [2016-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-09-18). 
  45. ^ 首尔电视节落幕 李敏镐李英爱获10年大赏. [2016-08-17]. (原始内容存档于2016-06-03). 
  46. ^ ROUMANIE • Mon feuilleton coréen, bien mieux qu'une telenovela. Courrier International. [2013-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-30) (法语). Pour la chaîne roumaine TVR, ces films sont une opération réussie : des coûts d'acquisition bas et d'excellents résultats d'audience. Ainsi celle de Furtuna la palat ("Orage au palais") dépasse-t-elle les 500 000 téléspectateurs par épisode. [De nombreux Roumains vivent à la campagne, où ils n'ont pas de téléviseur, et dans des villages qui ne sont peu, parfois pas du tout, électrifiés]. 
  47. ^ Sang-Hun, Choe; Russell, Mark. Bringing K-Pop to the West. The New York Times. 2012-03-04 [2013-03-20]. (原始内容存档于2017-06-30). 
  48. ^ 48.0 48.1 'K-pop' goes global. CNN. [2013-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2010-08-31). 
  49. ^ K-Pop Videos Set New Record on YouTube. Soompi. [2012-12-03]. (原始内容存档于2012-11-26). 
  50. ^ (LEAD)(Yonhap Interview) Peruvian vice president hopes for further economic ties. Yonhap. [2013-03-05]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-13). "K-pop and soap operas have taken popularity. It was one of the main factors that made Peruvian people wanting to get to know South Korea more," Espinoza said. 
  51. ^ K-pop fan base continues to grow. KOREA.net. [2013-01-20]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-12). 
  52. ^ Özdeş, Feyza. Hello, we are JYJ Turkey. KOFICE. [2013-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-21). 
  53. ^ Myung-suk, Lee. Uzbekistan we didn't know. Korea Foundation for International Culture Exchange. [2013-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-21). 
  54. ^ Falletti, Sébastien. La vague coréenne déferle sur le Zénith. Le Figaro. [2013-03-18]. (原始内容存档于2016-04-22) (法语). «C'est un mélange de sons familiers, avec en plus une touche exotique qui fait la différence," explique Maxime Pacquet, fan de 31 ans. Cet ingénieur informatique est le président de l'Association Korea Connection qui estime à déjà 100.000 le nombre d'amateurs en France. 
  55. ^ Seabrook, John. Cultural technology and the making of K-pop. The New Yorker. [2013-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-25). The crowd was older than I'd expected, and the ambience felt more like a video-game convention than like a pop concert. About three out of four people were Asian-American, but there were also Caucasians of all ages, and a number of black women. 
  56. ^ Black is the New K-Pop: Interview With 'Black K-Pop Fans'. The One Shots. [2013-03-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-03). 
  57. ^ FLOTUS (First Lady of the United States). Last week, we picked Napa cabbage in the garden. Now, we're using it to make kimchi in the kitchen.... Twitter. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-09-02). 
  58. ^ South Korea Digests White House Kimchi Recipe. The Wall Street Journal. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-24). 
  59. ^ Vilas-Boas, Eric. Will the White House Kitchen Go Global in the Second Term?. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-10). 
  60. ^ HAWKES, STEVE. Psy-high demand for Korean grub. London: The Sun. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-11). 
  61. ^ Hallyu erobert die Welt. Deutschlandradio. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-03) (德语). 
  62. ^ Le 20h avant l'heure : le phénomène K Pop déferle en France. TF1. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-07) (法语). 
  63. ^ Myanmar's Suu Kyi urges 'more human' democracy. Agence France-Presse. [2013-03-22]. On Thursday night she had a special dinner with a host of South Korean soap opera stars, one of whom she had personally invited because of his resemblance to her assassinated father. Ahn Jae-Wook, a popular singer and actor, starred in the 1997 TV drama "Star in My Heart," which was a big hit in Myanmar. [失效連結]
  64. ^ Middle East: Korean pop 'brings hope for peace'. BBC. 2013-08-07 [2013-08-07]. (原始内容存档于2013-08-08). 
  65. ^ 韩剧《来自星星的你》中国点击率破20亿. 中国新闻网. 2014-11-10 [2014-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10). 
  66. ^ 《来自星星的你》火的绝不止炸鸡. 凤凰资讯. 2014-11-10 [2014-11-10]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-10). 
  67. ^ Browne首登《TIME》時代雜誌全球封面,12月強勢來台開唱. [2018-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-14) (中文(繁體)). 
  68. ^ 每年為南韓撈金40億美元還是得當兵 BTS引發免役討論. [2019-01-18]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-30) (中文(繁體)). 
  69. ^ 《花樣男子》獲得2015 Soompi韓流特別獎 李敏鎬表示祝賀感謝. KSD韩星网. 2016-02-25 [2018-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13). 
  70. ^ Kim, Hyung-eun. Hallyu bridges gap, but rift with China remains. JoongAng Ilb. [2013-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-08). 
  71. ^ Remarks by President Obama at Hankuk University. White House. [2012-10-27]. (原始内容存档于2016-10-07). It's no wonder so many people around the world have caught the Korean Wave, Hallyu. 
  72. ^ Foreign Ministry to Host a K-Pop Show as Part of Hallyu Diplomacy. Foreign Ministry (South Korea). [2013-05-11]. (原始内容存档于2015-04-26). 
  73. ^ 古巴掀起韩剧热 李敏镐成当地人最爱韩星. 新浪新闻. [2014-11-05]. 
  74. ^ 74.0 74.1 胡锦涛工作之余爱看韩剧是《大长今》剧迷. 新浪新闻. [2014-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  75. ^ 温家宝总理接受韩国新闻媒体联合采访. 新华网. [2013-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-11-06). 对于"韩流"这种文化现象,中国人民特别是年轻人都很喜欢,中国政府会继续鼓励包括"韩流"在内的两国文化交流活动。 
  76. ^ 存档副本. [2016-08-15]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-06). 
  77. ^ TVBS. 韓星第一人 傳李敏鎬將上央視春晚│TVBS新聞網. TVBS. [2021-01-17]. (原始内容存档于2021-01-22). 
  78. ^ 韩媒赞彭丽媛惊艳第一夫人也迷韩剧. 凤凰网. [2014-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  79. ^ 日本首相鸠山由纪夫及其夫人是“韩国迷”. 国际在线. [2014-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  80. ^ 鸠山幸称看韩剧是保持年轻的秘诀. 凤凰网. [2014-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-01). 
  81. ^ 日本新晋第一夫人引人瞩目安倍老婆是个韩剧迷. 楚天都市报. [2014-10-22]. (原始内容存档于2015-09-23). 
  82. ^ The 'Asian Wave' hits Saudi Arabia. Saudi Gazette. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-06). Egypt and Iran has been the center of the "hallyu" phenomena in the Middle East for a few years now. While Egypt went crazy after the dramas "Autumn in my Heart" and "Winter Sonata," Iran went gaga when its state television aired "Emperor of the Sea" and "Jewel in the Palace". 
  83. ^ ONISHI, NORIMITSU. Roll Over, Godzilla: Korea Rules. The New York Times. 2005-07-28 [2013-04-21]. South Korea has also begun wielding the non-economic side of its new soft power. The official Korean Overseas Information Service last year gave "Winter Sonata" to Egyptian television, paying for the Arabic subtitles. The goal was to generate positive feelings in the Arab world toward the 3,200 South Korean soldiers stationed in northern Iraq. 
  84. ^ 84.0 84.1 'Autumn in My Heart' Syndrome in Egypt. Korean Broadcasting System. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-06). 
  85. ^ 'Autumn in My Heart' Syndrome in Egypt. Korean Broadcasting System. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-06). "This drama proved extremely effective in enhancing Korea 's international image, which has been undermined by the troop deployment in Iraq ,' added Lee. 
  86. ^ IRIB director visits location of South Korean TV series popular in Iran 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2012-10-28., The Tehran Times
  87. ^ IRIB director meets South Korean media officials. IRIB World Service. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2012-10-27). 
  88. ^ Book probes transnational identity of 'hallyu'. The Korea Times. [2013-04-22]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-30). Korean television dramas reinforce traditional values of Confucianism that Iranians find more closely aligned to Islamic culture, implying that cultural proximity contributes to the Islamic Korean wave. "Reflecting traditional family values, Korean culture is deemed 'a filter for Western values' in Iran," the article says. 
  89. ^ 89.0 89.1 Foreign broadcasts, DVDs challenge Iran grip on TV. Reuters. 2011-01-19 [22 April 2013]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-30). 
  90. ^ Song Il Gook is a superstar in Iran because of Jumong. Allkpop. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2010-04-01). 
  91. ^ S. Korea to mount Glory of Persia. Press TV. [21 April 2013]. (原始内容存档于2014年10月22日). 
  92. ^ Glory of Persia promotes Iran tourism. Press TV. [2013-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-30). 
  93. ^ 93.0 93.1 93.2 Korean wave finds welcome in Iraq 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), KOREA.net
  94. ^ 'Australia and Korea: Partners and Friends', Speech to Yonsei University, Seoul. Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet. [2013-05-10]. Australia has even caught the "Korean wave", the renaissance of your popular culture reaching all the way to our shores. We welcomed some of Korea's biggest reality television programs to our country last year – and tens of thousands of young Koreans and Australians watched your best known singing stars perform at a K-Pop concert in Sydney last year. Our friendship is strong and growing and when I return to Australia, I will do so enlivened and inspired by your Korean example. [失效連結]
  95. ^ NZ Asia Institute Conference celebrates the New Zealand – Korea "Year of Friendship" 16–17 November 2012. Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade. [2013-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2013-02-10). Korean food and music, both traditional and modern, are becoming well known in New Zealand. Indeed there is now a 4,000 strong association of K-Pop followers in New Zealand. So the 'Korean Wave' is now becoming part of the Kiwi lifestyle. 
  96. ^ 96.0 96.1 The week of the diplomatic broadcasting. Ministry of Foreign Affairs. [2013-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2012-04-17). 
  97. ^ 97.0 97.1 Hallyu in Rumänien – ein Phänomen aus Südkorea. Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung für Rumänien. [2013-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2016-05-08) (德语). 
  98. ^ ROUMANIE • Mon feuilleton coréen, bien mieux qu'une telenovela. Courrier International. [2013-05-04]. (原始内容存档于2013-01-30) (法语). 
  99. ^ Hugo Swire. Anglo-Korean Society Dinner — Speeches. www.gov.uk. [2012-12-09]. (原始内容存档于2017-07-09). . As "Gangnam Style" has demonstrated, your music is global too. 
  100. ^ La France et la République de Corée. Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs. [2013-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2015-12-22) (法语). La culture populaire coréenne connaît un succès grandissant à travers le monde. Ce phénomène porte le nom de « Hallyu », ou « vague coréenne ». 
  101. ^ Auswärtiges Amt — Kultur und Bildungspolitik. Auswärtiges Amt. [2013-05-10]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04) (德语). Koreanische Pop- und Unterhaltungskultur ("Hallyu", Telenovelas, K-Popbands etc.), verzeichnen in Asien und darüber hinaus große Publikumserfolge. 
  102. ^ Remarks by President Obama and President Park of South Korea in a Joint Press Conference. White House. [2013-05-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-07-28). And of course, around the world, people are being swept up by Korean culture – the Korean Wave. And as I mentioned to President Park, my daughters have taught me a pretty good Gangnam Style. 
  103. ^ Video Recording for the Republic of Korea's Independence Day. United States Department of State. [2013-08-30]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-12). And people in every corner of the world can see it, as the "Korean Wave" spreads Korean culture to countries near and far. 
  104. ^ 2012 BBC Country Ratings (PDF). Globescan/BBC World Service. [2012-12-29]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2013-04-21). 
  105. ^ Oliver, Christian. South Korea's K-pop takes off in the west. Financial Times. [2013-07-30]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-12). 
  106. ^ South Korea’s pop-cultural exports页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Economist
  107. ^ South Korea’s K-pop takes off in the west页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Financial Times
  108. ^ 108.0 108.1 Korean Cultural Exports Still Booming页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Chosun Ilbo
  109. ^ Korea Ranks 11th in Global Soft Power页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), The Chosun Ilbo
  110. ^ Hallyu seeks sustainability. The Korea Herald. [2013-03-21]. (原始内容存档于2013-03-21). According to the Hallyu Future Strategy Forum's 2012 report, hallyu was worth 5.6 trillion won in economic value and 95 trillion won in asset value. 
  111. ^ A "Korean wave" washes warmly over Asia. The Economist. 2010-01-25 [18 March 2013]. (原始内容存档于2011-02-18). 
  112. ^ North Korea cracks down on 'Korean wave' of illicit TV. UNHCR. [2013-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-04-16). In May 2007, Hwangjini became the first South Korean movie ever to be publicly previewed in North Korea. The main character, an artistic and learned woman of great beauty known as a kisaeng, is played by Song Hye Gyo, one of the most popular Korean Wave stars of the moment. The story is based on a novel by North Korean author Hong Seok Jung, and it was previewed at Mount Kumgang in North Korea. 
  113. ^ North Korea cracks down on 'Korean wave' of illicit TV. Radio Free Asia. [2013-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-25). 
  114. ^ North Korea: Stop Crackdown on Economic ‘Crimes’. Human Rights Watch. [2013-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08). One North Korean woman told Human Rights Watch that, "My happiest moments when I was in North Korea were watching [South] Korean TV shows. I felt like I was living in that same world [as those actors on the show].... Watching Korean shows was really common in North Korea." 
  115. ^ Hwang Chang Hyun. Winds of Unification Still Blowing.... Daily NK. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-06). 
  116. ^ SULLIVAN, TIM. North Korea cracks down on knowledge smugglers. Associated Press. [2013-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-05). 
  117. ^ North Korea cracks down on knowledge smugglers. Associated Press. [2013-03-23]. (原始内容存档于2013-12-05). There has definitely been a push to roll back the tide of the flow of information," said Nat Kretchun, associate director of an international consulting group InterMedia, which released a report earlier this year about information flow into North Korea, based on surveys of hundreds of recent North Korean defectors. The study was commissioned by the U.S. State Department. His conclusion: North Korea is increasingly anxious to keep information at bay, but has less ability to control it. People are more willing to watch foreign movies and television programs, talk on illegal mobile phones and tell family and friends about what they are doing, he said. "There is substantial demand" for things like South Korean movies and television programs, said Kretchun. "And there are intensely entrepreneurial smugglers who are more than willing to fulfill that demand. 
  118. ^ Latest S. Korean pop culture penetrates N. Korea. Yonhap. [2013-03-22]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-25). 
  119. ^ North Korea: Stop Crackdown on Economic ‘Crimes’. Human Rights Watch. [2013-05-16]. (原始内容存档于2013-06-08). Entertainment shows from South Korea are particularly popular and have served to undermine the North Korean government's negative portrayals of South Korea. 
  120. ^ 感動到狂拍手 金正恩破天荒看南韓女團表演. 中時電子報. 2018-04-02 [2018-06-26]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-25). 
  121. ^ 知日部屋:《嫌韓流》:日本ACG的關東軍页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) 作者:吳偉明(香港中文大學日本研究學系副教授)(2005年8月8日)
  122. ^ 日本反韩事件跟踪大盘点. 日本通. [2014-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-05). 
  123. ^ 金泰希成日本“反韩流”网友攻击目标 被骂没礼貌抢锋头. 中华娱乐网. [2014-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-02). 
  124. ^ 「韓流偏重批判に考慮を」 自民・片山さつき議員が民放連に要請页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆(日語)
  125. ^ 101 East. South Korea's Pop Wave. Aljazeera. Aljazeera. 1 February 2012 [30 July 2012]. (原始内容存档于2014-10-31). 
  126. ^ 韓流에서 寒流로…"이젠 한국 드라마 안 봐요"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆(韓文)
  127. ^ 新한류 중심이 된 스타, 그들을 주목해야하는 이유 互联网档案馆存檔,存档日期2014-11-03.(韓文)
  128. ^ 항한류, 혐한류, 그리고 헐리웃의 문화 침략页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆(韓文)
  129. ^ 《太王四神记》涉窜改历史 国内可能被禁播. [2015-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2017-03-28). 
  130. ^ 韩国热播电视剧歪曲高句丽史实 成针对中国武器. [2015-07-06]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04). 
  131. ^ 반한류 현황분석 및 대응방안 연구(한국문화관광연구원)页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆(韓文)
  132. ^ 132.0 132.1 周杰伦呼吁抵制《江南style》 为何应者寥寥?. 北京文艺网. [2014-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-02). 
  133. ^ 周杰伦改变造型对抗“韩流” 认为华语音乐不能输. 中国台湾网. [2014-11-02]. (原始内容存档于2014-11-02). 
  134. ^ Barry, Robert. Gangnam Style & How The World Woke Up to the Genius of K-Pop. The Quietus. [5 March 2013]. While suspicious talk of Hallyu as 'soft power' akin to the CIA's cultural Cold War bears a whiff of the old Victorian fear of yellow peril, 
  135. ^ 朝鲜青年在思想管控下也自由恋爱……街上亲吻. Daily NK. 2023-12-28 [2024-11-25]. (原始内容存档于2024-01-21). 


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Angkatan Darat BelarusСухапутныя войскі Рэспублікі БеларусьSuchaputnyja vojski Respubliki BielaruśСухопутные войска Республики БеларусьSukhoputnyye voyska Respubliki Belarus'Lambang Angkatan Darat BelarusAktif20 Maret 1992–sekarangNegara BelarusTipe unitAngkatan daratJumlah personel16.500 (2016)Bagian dariAngkatan Bersenjata BelarusMarkasMinsk, BelarusUlang tahun23 FebruariTokohPanglima Tertinggi Presiden Aleksandr Lu...



Russian professional footballer This biography of a living person needs additional citations for verification. Please help by adding reliable sources. Contentious material about living persons that is unsourced or poorly sourced must be removed immediately from the article and its talk page, especially if potentially libelous.Find sources: Viktor Borisov – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (August 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this mess...



Pour les articles homonymes, voir Exodus. Exodus Gary Holt sur scène en Allemagne en 2010. De gauche à droite : Lee Altus, Jack Gibson, Rob Dukes, Gary Holt, et Tom Hunting.Informations générales Pays d'origine États-Unis Genre musical Thrash metal[1] Années actives 1981-1993, 1997-1998, depuis 2001 Labels Capitol (1986-1992), Combat Records, Century Media (1997), Nuclear Blast (depuis 2003) Site officiel www.exodusattack.com Composition du groupe Membres Steve SouzaGary HoltLee A...

River in India Gomati River redirects here. For the river in north-west India, see Gomati River (Rajasthan). For the river in north-east India and Bangladesh, see Gumti River (Tripura). Gomti RiverGumti RiverGomti River at LucknowLocationCountryIndiaPhysical characteristicsSourceGomat Taal, Madho Tanda, Pilibhit, Uttar Pradesh • locationMiddle Ganga Plain • coordinates25°30′29″N 83°10′11″E / 25.50806°N 83.16972°E / 25.50...



2016年美國總統選舉 ← 2012 2016年11月8日 2020 → 538個選舉人團席位獲勝需270票民意調查投票率55.7%[1][2] ▲ 0.8 %   获提名人 唐納·川普 希拉莉·克林頓 政党 共和黨 民主党 家鄉州 紐約州 紐約州 竞选搭档 迈克·彭斯 蒂姆·凱恩 选举人票 304[3][4][註 1] 227[5] 胜出州/省 30 + 緬-2 20 + DC 民選得票 62,984,828[6] 65,853,514[6]...



Mountain in the state of Wyoming Fremont PeakFremont Peak at center from near Island LakeHighest pointElevation13,751 ft (4,191 m)[1]Prominence1,184 ft (361 m)[1]Coordinates43°07′29″N 109°37′05″W / 43.12472°N 109.61806°W / 43.12472; -109.61806[2]GeographyFremont PeakFremont / Sublette counties, Wyoming, U.S. Parent rangeWind River RangeTopo mapUSGS Fremont Peak SouthClimbingFirst ascent1842 Fremont and others...

Mitos Kecantikan Sampul edisi IndonesiaPengarangNaomi WolfBahasaInggrisPenerbitChatto & WindusTanggal terbit1990Jenis mediaPrintISBNISBN 978-0-385-42397-7Diikuti olehFire with Fire: The New Female Power and How To Use It  Mitos Kecantikan: Kala Kecantikan Menindas Perempuan adalah sebuah buku nonfiksi karya Naomi Wolf, diterbitkan pada tahun 1990 oleh Chatto & Windus di Inggris dan William Morrow & Co (1991) di Amerika Serikat. Lalu diterbitkan ulang pada tahun...



Part of a series onArgentine cuisine Regional cuisines Central Region Northwest Cuyo Northeast Patagonia Ingredients and types of food Ingredients Beef Cheese Main dishes Argentine pizza Desserts Drinks See also History Etiquette Argentine chefs Cookbook: Cuisine of Argentina Argentina portalvte This is a list of dishes found in Argentine Cuisine. Dishes This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (December 2012) Appetizers and starters Name Image Region Type Descripti...



Prince of Mingrelia Vameq IIIVameq III by Teramo CastelliPrince of MingreliaReign1658—1661PredecessorLiparit III DadianiSuccessorLevan III DadianiDied1661SpouseElene GurieliDynastyHouse of DadianiFatherGiorgi II LipartianiMotherAna DadianiReligionGeorgian Orthodox ChurchKhelrtva Vameq III Dadiani (also Vamiq; Georgian: ვამეყ [ვამიყ] III დადიანი; died 1661) was Prince of Mingrelia, of the House of Dadiani, from 1658 until being deposed in 1661. He was al...

Italian long-distance runner Stefano La RosaStefano La Rosa (first) at Zürich 2014Personal informationNationalityItalianBorn (1985-09-28) 28 September 1985 (age 38)Grosseto, ItalyHeight1.66 m (5 ft 5+1⁄2 in)Weight55 kg (121 lb)SportCountry ItalySportAthleticsEvent(s)Long-distance runningMarathonClubC.S. CarabinieriAchievements and titlesPersonal bests 5000 m: 13:26.86 (2010) 10,000 m: 28:13.62 (2012) Medal record Event 1st 2nd 3rd Summer Universiade 0 0 1 ...



この記事は検証可能な参考文献や出典が全く示されていないか、不十分です。出典を追加して記事の信頼性向上にご協力ください。(このテンプレートの使い方)出典検索?: 名寄ラジオ中継局 – ニュース · 書籍 · スカラー · CiNii · J-STAGE · NDL · dlib.jp · ジャパンサーチ · TWL(2024年6月) 名寄ラジオ中継局(なよろラジオちゅ�...



This article lists women married to the sovereign prince of Monaco during his reign. Until 1612, the title was held by the spouse of the lord of Monaco. Since her marriage to Albert II on 1 July 2011, Charlene has been princess consort of Monaco. Lady in Monaco Picture Name Father Birth Marriage Became Consort Ceased to be Consort Death Spouse Aurelia del Carretto Giacomo del Carretto, Margrave of Finale (Del Carretto) 1254 1295 8 January 1297husband's accession 10 April 1301husband's despos...

French inventor and engineer (1841–1925) Clément AderBorn(1841-04-02)2 April 1841Muret, Haute-Garonne, FranceDied3 May 1925(1925-05-03) (aged 84)Toulouse, Haute Garonne, Occitanie, FranceOccupationEngineerEngineering careerDiscipline Electrical engineering mechanical engineering aircraft design Projects Théâtrophone L'Aviation Militaire Significant design Éole Avion III Significant advanceFirst self-propelled flight (1890) Clément Ader (2 April 1841 – 3 May 1925)[1][...



Unitary authority of local government in the district and county of Rutland Rutland County CouncilTypeTypeUnitary authority LeadershipChairAndrew Brown, Independent since 22 May 2023 LeaderGale Waller, Liberal Democrats since 22 May 2023 Chief ExecutiveMark Andrews since 30 April 2021 StructureSeats27 councillorsPolitical groups Administration (12)   Liberal Democrat (11)   Green (1) Other parties (15)   Independent (7)   Conservative (6)   Labour (2) Length o...