














跨性別包括了許多次分類,比如變性者(transsexual)、變裝者(cross-dresser)、變裝症者(transvestites)、變裝國王(drag kings)與變裝皇后(drag queen),或者性別酷兒

通常戀異性裝癖者或是變裝癖(transvestic fetishist)不包含在這裡面,因為在大部分的情況下這並不是一個性別議題(gender issue)(不過在實踐上很難分)。





  • 跨性別者乃認為自己心理性別性別指定不一致,並基於在「社會普遍習慣把男女衣著風格作鮮明區分」的風氣下務求取得大眾對其內心真正性別即心理性別之認同,而穿著與生理性別不同的裝扮。他們對異性服飾並不會有慾望,假如人類都恢復一絲不掛,他們就不會再有變裝的需要和擔憂,故此以戀異性裝癖並不適用於判定到跨性別者上。
  • 戀異性裝癖的變裝則並非因為如跨性別者般其內心不認同自己的生殖性别,而是純粹迷戀該等服飾之功能,外观以达到滿足自身性慾,外貌形象认同之目的。










在韓國,組合「Boy's Day」模仿「Girl's Day」,全都是由男生反串。[20]

在香港,著名DJ葛民輝於電台節目上不時化身「娟姨」與聽眾談天。母親的抉擇角色轉換系列宣傳片中,男生反串扮演未婚媽媽,以體現女生所受的傷害。在《全民造星IV》表演項目勞斯萊斯中,林暐翹蘇雅琳反串扮演男生。藝人馬米高以「Michelle」女裝,拍攝了一條在紐約逛超市教英文的影片,稱要教育批評「她」的網民 [21]








有些地方的法律禁止人民作異性打扮,如新加坡(但現況可能放寬)以及某些伊斯蘭教國家等。如果異性裝扮行為對別人構成不安,例如跨性别女生進入女洗手間/更衣室等,可能遭到职场或社会的排斥。另外執法機關也有可能以遊蕩罪或類似罪名向異性裝扮者起诉。[22] [23]



  • 規定男士頭側頭髮長度不得足以蓋住耳朵及膊[24],而在公眾場所亦時常有「長髮男子不受歡迎」等告示;
  • 規定男士不得穿著女式上衣裙子絲襪褲襪高跟鞋等「被視為屬於女性穿著」的服裝;
  • 規定男士不得佩戴耳環與任何標緻飾物等「被視為屬於女性佩戴」的飾物。




伊朗政府當局在2010年7月也頒佈了男性人員的髮型指引,把留馬尾等長髮、 龐克髮型等男性人員予以法辦著令剪短。[27][28]


在2005年,警察在發現一間阿布達比旅館的26名年輕男性從事穿著反串服裝與同性戀行為後,他們都被逮捕。在討論此次突襲時,司法及伊斯蘭事務及宗教基金部長穆罕默德·本·努克海拉·阿爾·達西里(Mohammed bin Nukhaira Al Dhahiri)說:「UAE不會容忍任何同性戀或同性性行為。我們的社會不允許同性戀行為的存在,無論是言語上或實際行為上。」初期的報告顯示這些人被強制給予實驗性的激素治療,但政府隨後收回了這些聲明。這些人最後被全部判處5年徒刑。

此外,對LGBT人士的法律及社會制裁導致在杜拜不存在任何正式的LGBT組織或夜店。一個叫做「鑽石俱樂部(Diamond Club)」的夜店為LGBT社群主辦了一場特別的夜晚活動,請來英國的異性[需要解释]裝扮DJ,但被政府強制關閉。







  1. ^ Aggrawal, Anil. References to the paraphilias and sexual crimes in the Bible. J Forensic Leg Med. April 2009, 16 (3): 109–14 [2020-02-07]. PMID 19239958. doi:10.1016/j.jflm.2008.07.006. (原始内容存档于2015-09-24). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Annemarie Vaccaro, Gerri August, Megan S. Kennedy. Safe Spaces: Making Schools and Communities Welcoming to LGBT Youth. ABC-CLIO. 2011: 142 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 0313393680. Cross-dresser/cross-dressing. (1) The most neutral word to describe a person who dresses, at least partially or part of the time, and for any number of reasons, in clothing associated with another gender within a particular society. Carries no implications of 'usual' gender appearance, or sexual orientation. Has replaced transvestite, which is outdated, problematic, and generally offensive since it was historically used to diagnose medical/mental health disorders. 
  3. ^ Jamie C. Capuzza, Leland G. Spencer. Transgender Communication Studies: Histories, Trends, and Trajectories. Lexington Books. 2015: 174 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 1498500064. Eventually, the transvestite label fell out of favor because it was deemed to be derogatory; cross-dresser has emerged as a more suitable replacement (GLAAD, 2014b). 
  4. ^ Charles Zastrow. Empowerment Series: Introduction to Social Work and Social Welfare: Empowering People. Cengage Learning. 2016: 239 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 130538833X. It should be noted the term transvestite is often considered an offensive term. 
  5. ^ David A. Gerstner. Routledge International Encyclopedia of Queer Culture. Routledge. 2006: 568 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 0313393680. A variety of derogatory terms are still used to describe any aspect of the transgender condition. [...] The term transvestite being older [than cross-dresser] and associated with the medical community's negative view of the practice, has come to be seen as a derogatory term. [...] The term cross-dresser, in contrast, having come from the transgender community itself, is a term seen as not possessing these negative connotations. 
  6. ^ Laura Castañeda. News and Sexuality: Media Portraits of Diversity. Sage Publications. 2006: 129 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 1412909996. Trannie is a word much like fag or nigger. It may be permitted in conversation between members of the same group but it is deemed an insult when applied to a transsexual by someone who is not transsexual. Transvestite is deemed a derogatory term when applied to a transsexual. Indiscriminate use of these three words, along with the others, shows a lack of training in and understanding of minority relations. 
  7. ^ Christina Richards, Meg Barker. Sexuality and Gender for Mental Health Professionals: A Practical Guide. Sage Publications. 2006: 162 [October 21, 2016]. ISBN 1446287165. The term transvestite should not be considered to be a safe term, and should certainly not be used as a noun, as in 'a transvestite'. Instead, and only when relevant, the term trans person should be used. [...] There are some people who have reclaimed the word transvestite and may also use the word tranny or TV to refer to themselves and others. [...] The term cross-dressing too is somewhat outdated and problematic as not only do many fashions allow any gender to wear them -- at least in many contemporary Western societies -- but it also suggests a strict dichotomy being reinforced by the person who uses it. 
  8. ^ Bullough, Vern L. Cross Dressing, Sex, and Gender. University of Pennsylvania Press, 1993. ISBN 0812214315
  9. ^ DSM-V (PDF). The DSM Diagnostic Criteria for Transvestic Fetishism. American Psychiatric Association. 2009 [February 4, 2013]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-10-31). 
  10. ^ Reed, Geoffrey M.; Drescher, Jack; Krueger, Richard B.; Atalla, Elham; Cochran, Susan D.; First, Michael B.; Cohen‐Kettenis, Peggy T.; Arango‐de Montis, Iván; Parish, Sharon J. Disorders related to sexuality and gender identity in the ICD‐11: revising the ICD‐10 classification based on current scientific evidence, best clinical practices, and human rights considerations. World Psychiatry. 2016-10, 15 (3): 205–221 [2021-09-15]. ISSN 1723-8617. PMC 5032510可免费查阅. PMID 27717275. doi:10.1002/wps.20354. (原始内容存档于2021-08-08). 
  11. ^ Reed, Geoffrey M.; First, Michael B.; Kogan, Cary S.; Hyman, Steven E.; Gureje, Oye; Gaebel, Wolfgang; Maj, Mario; Stein, Dan J.; Maercker, Andreas. Innovations and changes in the ICD‐11 classification of mental, behavioural and neurodevelopmental disorders. World Psychiatry. 2019-2, 18 (1): 3–19 [2021-09-15]. ISSN 1723-8617. PMC 6313247可免费查阅. PMID 30600616. doi:10.1002/wps.20611. (原始内容存档于2021-06-25). 
  12. ^ ICD-11 - ICD-11 for Mortality and Morbidity Statistics. icd.who.int. [2021-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2018-08-01). 
  13. ^ ICD-11 - 用于死因与疾病统计的ICD-11. icd.who.int. [2021-09-15]. (原始内容存档于2021-09-15). 
  14. ^ 藝術與建築索引典-化妝舞會裝[永久失效連結] 於2011年3月31日查閱
  15. ^ 天津市南開中學校史館內
  16. ^ 《長江七號》「星光幫」──徐嬌. [2008-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-26). 
  17. ^ 《長江七號》「星光幫」── 黃蕾. [2008-03-02]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-29). 
  18. ^ 《長江七號》「星光幫」──姚文雪. [2008-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-29). 
  19. ^ 《長江七號》「星光幫」──韓永華. [2008-02-27]. (原始内容存档于2008-01-28). 
  20. ^ MBCShow! 音樂中心》400期特輯
  21. ^ 女裝造型逛紐約超市 網民斥有病 馬米高:我要教育佢哋. [2022-04-19]. (原始内容存档于2022-05-23). 
  22. ^ 法庭:入女更衣室 易服男罰款 東網. [2018-09-09]. (原始内容存档于2019-11-06). 
  23. ^ 蘋果日報:日本警察扮女入澡堂 除衫聽拉
  24. ^ Males with long hair will be attended to last. [2010-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2011-05-19). 
  25. ^ 中國寧波網──淺談新加坡鞭刑. [2008-03-01]. (原始内容存档于2008-04-10). 
  26. ^ 楊本禮:《人生品味品味人生》第169頁;臺灣商務印書館出版,2006
  27. ^ Telegraph: Iran government issues style guide for men's hair. [2010-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2010-07-08). 
  28. ^ 中國評論新聞網:伊朗政府發佈男性標準髮型 短髮受推崇. [2010-07-29]. (原始内容存档于2018-10-27). 

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