陸皓東是基督徒,到香港後,他進入香港西式學校就讀,以補村塾舊式教育之不足。每逢主日,陸便到香港必列者士街的美國綱紀慎會(公理會佈道所,現為必列啫士街街市)做禮拜。該教會是美國宣教士喜嘉理(Rev. Charles R. Hager)牧師所創,是應美國華僑基督徒的要求而設立的。1884年,孫中山和陸皓東二人分別於5月初[6][7]及10月中[2]在香港綱紀慎會禮拜堂正式受洗成為基督徒。在二人所屬教會之受洗名冊上,孫中山署名「孫日新,香山翠亨鄉」,而陸皓東的名字則是「陸中桂」。
^ 2.02.1"...Yesterday, 19 October, we also celebrated the Lord's supper in Hongkong and received one on profession of faith. He had heard about the gospel from one of our members who is a student in Hongkong, and he seems to be a quiet but sincere believer..." Hager to Clark, 18 October 1884, ABC 16.3.8; South China v.4, no.22, p.6. 信件日期雖為1884年10月18日,但似乎喜嘉理在開始寫信後,花了數天才完成。
^"...At present there are some seven members in the interior belonging to our mission, and two here, one I baptized last Sabbath,a young man who is attending the Government Central School. We had a very pleasant communion service yesterday..." - Hager to Clark, 5 May 1884, ABC 16.3.8: South China v.4, no.17, p.3
^"...We had a pleasant communion yesterday and received one Chinaman into the church..." - Hager to Pond, 5 May 1884, ABC 16.3.8: South China v.4, no.18, p.3 postscript