志願來華的美軍顧問法蘭克·林恩(Frank W. Lynn)中校與孟登道(Alfred Medendorp)中校在水頭碼頭中彈陣亡,中華民國國防部在水頭碼頭分別設立紀念碑以茲紀念。[12]2020年8月23日,美國在臺協會臺北辦事處處長酈英傑隨同中華民國總統蔡英文前赴金門出席追思活動,成為首位出席八二三紀念活動的AIT處長。[13]追悼活動後,酈英傑前往水頭碼頭,在孟登道中校和法蘭克.林恩中校的紀念碑前獻花致意。AIT並在臉書稱,這兩位軍官於1954年金門九三砲戰中與臺灣同袍一同抵禦中華人民共和國,在猛烈砲火攻擊中英勇殉職。並稱臺美合作是建立在「真朋友,真進展」的歷史之上。[14][15]
^"Kinmen unveils monument in honor of US officer". Taipei Times. 2011-12-08. The Kinmen Defense Command (KDC) unveiled a cenotaph on Tuesday to commemorate the late Lieutenant Colonel Frank Lynn of the US, who died in a Chinese artillery bombardment on Sept. 3, 1954, on Kinmen.{...}It was placed next to the cenotaph of Lieutenant Colonel Alfred Medendorp, which was installed at the wharf in August 1992. Medendorp was killed in the same bombing.