赫梯文献中提及的一位“Ahhiyawa人的国王”被对照为“亚该亚人(Akhaian)的国王”,可能即为《伊利亚特》中亚该亚人的国王阿伽门农。但是没有证据表明赫梯语言中的Ahhiyawa就是荷马的Akhaian,而且他们王国的位置还在争论中:小亚细亚、罗得斯岛或是希腊大陆。有一些基于赫梯文献和荷马史诗的研究希望证明迈锡尼时代的希腊是个由一位primus inter pares(拉丁语:同等者中之首)的国王统治的联邦国家。但仍无根据证实这个观点。
考古在迈锡尼时代发现了大量的陶器,风格、大小十分多样:带环把的瓮、壶、双耳爵、像香槟酒杯一样的罐子等。在HR III B时期,尤其在向希腊大量出口的阿尔戈斯地区发现的所有样品风格相当统一,同时生产数量也有了显著的提高。出口的产品一般都更为奢华,并绘有精美的装饰,比如神话、战争、动物等主题。另一种餐具是金属的(主要是青铜),发现的数量也相当可观。外形主要有三脚、盆状或灯状。此外还发现过釉陶或是象牙质的器皿。
希腊青铜时代最流行的墓葬形式是土葬。遗体被埋在居住区外的公墓内,有时在圆顶墓(θόλος / tholos)中,有时甚至是屋子底下。圆顶墓的墓葬形式可以追溯到希腊的印欧部落时期,他们植根于公元前三千年的巴尔干,以至上溯到库尔干文化。而那些私人墓葬使用带有石子砌面的石棺。其中,HR I时期出现过一套墓葬家具,但在其后的时期中再未重现。此外,青铜时代初期还出现过方形公共墓葬。很难确定这些不同形式的墓葬是否如人们经常认为的那样标志着社会地位的不同,如圆顶墓中所葬为社会精英,私人墓葬属于是富裕的阶层,而公共墓地则是普通人的归宿等。另外,随着时间的推移,火葬越来越多见,直至HR III C时期成为十分重要的墓葬形式。这可能是新的种族进入希腊的证据。
迈锡尼时期最壮观的墓葬是位于迈锡尼城的巨大的王室墓地。最著名的是“阿伽门农墓”(或“阿特柔斯的宝藏” Treasure of Atreus),是一个“圆顶墓”。附近坐落着另外一些墓葬(称为“A圈”),如所谓“克吕泰涅斯特拉墓”以及“埃癸斯托斯墓”。它们都是施里曼在发掘迈锡尼的过程中出土的,蕴含着丰富的珍宝。
HR III B1的末期标志为数次毁坏,特别是在迈锡尼城。在HR III B2时期,可以观察到迈锡尼城市的防御工事有明显增加,暗示着不安的上升。不过这应该不是一种危机,因为在这些地层所发现的考古材料见证了一个毫不输于前代的财富。这个时期的结束还是出现了大多数大陆迈锡尼城市的毁坏。
HR III C见证了希腊城址的减少,在某些地区甚至非常严重(维奥蒂亚地区9/10的城市,以及阿尔戈斯地区2/3的城市)。不过迈锡尼城和梯林斯城一直保有居民,并且发掘出的文物仍然表现出迈锡尼的特色,因而HR III C时期应该还是迈锡尼文明的一个时期。然而出现了一种新的所谓“蛮族的”陶器类型,因为它曾经被归因为外敌入侵,或是伴随着的火葬习俗的增加。
^Knodell, Alex R. (2021). Societies in Transition in Early Greece: An Archaeological History. Oakland, CA: University of California Press. doi:10.1525/luminos.101. ISBN 978-0-520-38054-7.
^Lazaridis, Iosif; Mittnik, Alissa; Patterson, Nick; Mallick, Swapan; Rohland, Nadin; Pfrengle, Saskia; Furtwängler, Anja; Peltzer, Alexander; Posth, Cosimo; Vasilakis, Andonis; McGeorge, P. J. P.; Konsolaki-Yannopoulou, Eleni; Korres, George; Martlew, Holley; Michalodimitrakis, Manolis; Özsait, Mehmet; Özsait, Nesrin; Papathanasiou, Anastasia; Richards, Michael; Roodenberg, Songül Alpaslan; Tzedakis, Yannis; Arnott, Robert; Fernandes, Daniel M.; Hughey, Jeffery R.; Lotakis, Dimitra M.; Navas, Patrick A.; Maniatis, Yannis; Stamatoyannopoulos, John A.; Stewardson, Kristin; Stockhammer, Philipp; Pinhasi, Ron; Reich, David; Krause, Johannes; Stamatoyannopoulos, George (2017). "Genetic origins of the Minoans and Mycenaeans". Nature. 548 (7666): 214–218. Bibcode:2017Natur.548..214L. doi:10.1038/nature23310. ISSN 0028-0836. PMC 5565772. PMID 28783727.
^Fields, Nic; illustrated by Donato Spedaliere (2004). Mycenaean Citadels c. 1350–1200 BC (3rd ed.). Oxford: Osprey Publishing. ISBN 9781841767628.
^Cartwright, Mark. Mycenaean Civilization. World History Encyclopedia. [2023-04-04]. (原始内容存档于2023-08-16) (英语).
^Hammond 1976, p. 139: "Moreover, in this area a small tholos-tomb with Mycenaean pottery of III B style and a Mycenaean acropolis have been reported at Kiperi near Parga, and another Mycenaean acropolis lay above the Oracle of the Dead on the hill called Xylokastro."; Tandy 2001, p. xii (Fig. 1); p. 2: "The strongest evidence for Mycenaean presence in Epirus is found in the coastal zone of the lower Acheron River, which in antiquity emptied into a bay on the Ionian coast known from ancient sources as Glykys Limin (Figure 2-A)."
^Hatzopoulos 2011, p. 53: "There is one illusion that ought to be first dispelled—that Mt Olympus and the Kambounian mountains constituted an impassable barrier between Thessaly and Macedonia. In fact recent archaeological discoveries have established that already in the second millennium bc the Mycenaean world extended well beyond Thessaly and included at least the southern part of Macedonia. Abundant Mycenaean pottery, both imported and locally produced, weapons, pins, brooches and syllabic script have been found in tombs of Orestis, Elimeia and Pieria."; Borza 1992, p. 64: "The existence of a Late Bronze Age Mycenaean settlement in the Petra not only confirms its importance as a route from an early period, but also extends the limits of Mycenaean settlement to the Macedonian frontier."
^ 7.07.1Castleden, Rodney (2005). The Mycenaeans. London and New York: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-36336-5.
^ 8.08.1van Wijngaarden, Geert Jan (2002). Use and Appreciation of Mycenaean Pottery in the Levant, Cyprus and Italy (1600–1200 BC). Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press. ISBN 978-9-05-356482-0.
^van Wijngaarden 2002, Part II: The Levant, pp. 31–124; Bietak & Czerny 2007, Sigrid Deger-Jalkotzy, "Mycenaeans and Philistines in the Levant", pp. 501–629.
^Peruzzi, Emilio (1980). Mycenaeans in Early Latium. Rome: Edizioni dell'Ateneo & Bizzarri.
^Morris, Ian (1996). "Greece: Dark Age Greece". In Fagan, Brian M. (ed.). The Oxford Companion to Archaeology. Oxford: Oxford University Press. pp. 253–256. ISBN 9780195076189.
^The extent to which Homer attempted to or succeeded in recreating a "Mycenaean" setting is examined in Moses I. Finley The World of Odysseus, 1954.
^A. Furumark, Mycenaean Pottery, vol. II Chronology, 1941.
^Chr. Piteros, J.-P. Olivier et J.-L. Melena, « Les inscriptions en linéaire B des nodules de Thèbes (1982) : la fouilles, les documents, les possibilités d'interprétation », Bulletin de correspondance hellénique, 114 (1990), p. 103–184.
^马丁·尼尔森:《荷马与迈锡尼》(Martin P.Nilsson,Homer and Mycenae),伦敦1933年版,第215—226页
^卡罗尔·G·托马斯:《迈锡尼时期希腊政治认同的成分》(Carol G.Thomas ,“The Components of Political Identity in Mycenaean Greece ”),罗伯特·拉菲内尔和沃尔夫·第特里奇主编:《政体:青铜时代爱琴海地区的社会与国家》(Robert Laf fineur and Wolf - Dietrich Niemeier eds .,Politeia :Societ y and State in the Aegean Bronze Age)第2卷,列日和奥斯汀:1995 年版,第349—354页。
^保罗·霍尔斯特德:《迈锡尼时代的王宫经济:充分利用证据的空缺》(Paul Halstead ,“The Mycenaean Palatial Economy:Mak -ing the most of the Gaps in the Evidence” ),《剑桥古典学会会刊》(Proceedings of the Cambridge Philological Society )第38卷,1992年,第57-86页;《建构迈锡尼时期王宫动员的模式》(“Toward a Model of Mycenaean Pal atial Mobili zation ” ),迈克尔·L·加拉提和威廉·A·帕金森主编:《重新思考迈锡尼时期的王宫Ⅱ 》(Michael L.Galaty and Wi lliam A.Parkinson eds .,Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces Ⅱ ),洛杉矶:2007 年版,第66-73页;皮亚·德·菲迪奥:《迈锡尼王宫体系的集权化及其局限》(Pia de Fidio ,“Cent ral ization and i ts Limits in the Mycenaean Palatial Syst em ”),索非亚·伏萨基和约翰·基伦主编:《迈锡尼时期王宫国家的经济与政治》(Sofia Voutsaki and John Killen eds,Economy and Politics in the Mycenaean Palace States ),剑桥:2001年版,第15—25页。
^详细考古报告见M.R. 波法姆、L.H. 萨克特和P.G. 特米利斯:《勒夫坎地I ,铁器时代:居民点和墓地》(M.R.Popham ,L.H .Sackett and P.G.Themelis ,Lefkandi I ,The Iron Age:The Settlement ;The Cemeteries ),伦敦:1980 年版;R.W.V. 卡特林和 I.S. 勒莫斯:《勒夫坎地II ,原始几何陶时期的屯巴建筑:第1 部分,陶器》(R.W.V.Catling and I.S.Lemos ,Lefkandi II,The Protogeometric Building at Toumba :Part 1 :The Pottery ,Briti sh School at Athens Supplementary Volume ,no.22 ),伦敦:1990 年版;M.R. 波法姆、P.G. 卡里加斯和L.H. 萨克特:《勒夫坎地II ,原始几何陶时期屯巴的建筑:第2 部分,发掘,建筑与发现》(M.R.Popham ,P.G.Calligas and L.H.Sackett ,Lefkandi II ,The Protogeometric Building at Toumba ,Part 2 :The Excavation ,Architecture and Finds ),伦敦:1993 年版;M.R. 波法姆和I.S. 勒莫斯:《勒夫坎地III :铁器时代早期屯巴的墓地》(M.R.Popham and I.S.Lemos ,Lefkandi III :The Early Iron Age Cemetery at Toumba ),伦敦:1996 年版;D. 爱弗利主编:《勒夫坎地IV ,青铜时代:色诺波利斯的晚希拉底克IIIC 期定居点》(D.Evely ,ed .,Lef kandi IV ,The Bronze Age :The Lat e Helladic IIIC Settlement at Xeropol is),伦敦:2006 年版。
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with L. Godart, J. T. Killen, J.-P. Olivier, A. Sacconi et I. Sakellarakis, Corpus of Mycenaean Inscriptions from Knossos, 4 vol., Cambridge University Press, 1987–1999 ;
Isabelle Ozanne, Les Mycéniens, paysans, pillards et poètes, Armand Colin, coll. 《Civilisations U》, 1992 (ISBN 978-2-200-21246-9);
Jean-Claude Poursat, La Grèce préclassique, des origines à la fin du VIe siècle, Nouvelle histoire de l’Antiquité, vol. 1, Seuil, coll. 《Points Histoire》, 1995 (ISBN 978-2-02-013127-8);
René Treuil, Pascal Darque, Jean-Claude Poursat et Gilles Touchais, Les Civilisations égéennes du Néolithique et de l'Âge du Bronze, PUF, coll. 《Nouvelle Clio》, 1990 (ISBN 978-2-13-042280-8).
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