



  † 表示截至2025年1月3日還在上映中的影片(包括重映、二次上映)。
排名 电影片名 初始票房
总值 发行年
未经调整 调整后
1 STAR WARS:原力覺醒 $936,662,225 $936,662,225 $1,192,668,174 2015年
2 復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 $858,373,000 $858,373,000 $1,050,955,740 2019年
3 蜘蛛人:無家日 $804,793,477 $814,811,535 $915,312,629 2021年
4 阿凡达 $749,766,139 $785,221,649 $1,102,563,914 2009年
5 捍衛戰士:獨行俠 $718,732,821 $718,732,821 $748,319,048 2022年
6 黑豹 $700,426,566 $700,426,566 $841,395,372 2018年
7 阿凡達:水之道 $684,075,767 $684,075,767 $712,235,356 2022年
8 復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰 $678,815,482 $678,815,482 $798,895,541 2018年
9 泰坦尼克号 $600,788,188 $674,276,105 $1,510,346,960 1997年
10 侏罗纪世界 $652,270,625 $653,406,625 $847,366,943 2015年
11 腦筋急轉彎2 $652,980,194 $652,980,194 $652,980,194 2024年
12 死侍與金鋼狼 $636,745,858 $636,745,858 $636,745,858 2024年
13 Barbie芭比 $636,238,421 $636,238,421 $636,238,421 2023年
14 復仇者聯盟 $623,357,910 $623,357,910 $848,112,432 2012年
15 STAR WARS:最後的絕地武士 $620,181,382 $620,181,382 $745,666,506 2017年
16 超人特攻隊2 $608,581,744 $608,581,744 $731,377,447 2018年
17 超級瑪利歐兄弟電影版 $574,934,330 $574,934,330 $574,934,330 2023年
18 獅子王 $543,638,043 $543,638,043 $665,447,883 2019年
19 黑暗騎士 $533,345,358 $534,987,076 $821,910,491 2008年
20 星際大戰外傳:俠盜一號 $532,177,324 $533,539,991 $666,759,525 2016年
21 STAR WARS:天行者的崛起 $515,202,542 $515,202,542 $606,377,686 2019年
22 美女與野獸 $504,014,165 $504,481,165 $626,567,477 2017年
23 星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏 $431,088,301 $487,576,624 $1,009,304,958 1999年
24 海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿 $486,295,561 $486,295,561 $619,506,235 2016年
25 冰雪奇緣2 $477,373,578 $477,373,578 $562,020,157 2019年
26 星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現 $221,280,994* $460,998,007 $1,964,919,412 1977年
27 復仇者聯盟2:奧創紀元 $459,005,868 $459,005,868 $588,544,216 2015年
28 黑豹2:瓦干達萬歲 $453,829,060 $453,829,060 $472,510,675 2022年
29 黑暗騎士:黎明昇起 $448,139,099 $448,149,584 $635,211,735 2012年
30 史瑞克2 $441,426,807 $444,854,717 $787,223,579 2004年
31 魔法壞女巫》 † $440,551,945 $440,551,945 $440,551,945 2024年
32 E.T.外星人 $359,197,037 $439,251,124 $1,566,975,369 1982年
33 玩具總動員4 $434,038,008 $434,038,008 $531,371,432 2019年
34 驚奇隊長 $426,829,839 $426,829,839 $522,592,590 2019年
35 狮子王 $312,855,561 $424,979,720 $985,611,526 1994年
36 飢餓遊戲:星火燎原 $424,668,047 $424,668,047 $563,869,031 2013年
37 加勒比海盗2:聚魂棺 $423,315,812 $423,315,812 $712,946,071 2006年
38 侏羅紀世界:殞落國度 $417,719,760 $417,719,760 $506,831,933 2018年
39 玩具總動員3 $415,004,880 $415,004,880 $588,411,839 2010年
40 神力女超人 $412,563,408 $412,845,172 $509,018,370 2017年
40 海洋奇緣2》 † $412,755,483 $412,755,483 $412,755,483 2024年
41 奇異博士2:失控多重宇宙 $411,331,607 $411,331,607 $428,263,838 2022年
43 鋼鐵人3 $409,013,999 $409,013,994 $538,879,448 2013年
44 美国队长3 $408,084,349 $408,084,349 $515,778,453 2016年
45 飢餓遊戲 $408,010,692 $408,010,692 $561,096,823 2012年
46 侏羅紀公園 $356,763,175 $407,185,075 $1,015,655,730 1993年
47 蜘蛛人 $403,706,375[nb 1] $404,634,002 $780,039,335 2002年
48 野蠻遊戲:瘋狂叢林 $404,515,480 $404,515,480 $486,839,605 2017年
49 變形金剛:復仇之戰 $402,111,870 $402,111,870 $594,606,008 2009年
50 冰雪奇缘 $400,738,009 $400,953,009 $541,246,801 2013年
51 蜘蛛人:離家日 $390,532,085 $390,882,621 $478,457,632 2019年
52 銀河守護隊2 $389,813,101 $389,813,101 $480,492,099 2017年
53 指环王:王者归来 $377,027,325 $381,878,219 $683,603,337 2003年
54 蜘蛛俠:飛躍蜘蛛宇宙 $381,311,319 $381,593,754 $381,593,754 2023年
55 哈利·波特与死亡圣器(下) $381,011,219 $381,447,587 $531,796,143 2011年
56 海底总动员 $339,714,978 $380,843,261 $679,389,451 2003年
57 星際大戰三部曲:西斯大帝的復仇 $380,270,577 $380,270,577 $654,437,376 2005年
58 侏羅紀世界:統霸天下 $376,851,080 $376,851,080 $392,363,940 2022年
59 蜘蛛人2 $373,585,825 $374,747,694 $664,800,592 2004年
60 耶穌受難記 $370,274,604 $370,782,930 $658,631,540 2004年
61 小小兵2:格魯的崛起 $369,695,210 $369,695,210 $384,913,503 2022年
62 蝙蝠俠 $369,345,583 $369,345,583 $384,549,484 2022年
63 寵物當家 $368,384,330 $368,384,330 $477,373,503 2016年
64 神偷奶爸2 $368,061,265 $368,061,265 $517,310,724 2013年
65 與森林共舞 $364,001,123 $364,001,123 $812,797,396 2016年
66 惡棍英雄:死侍 $363,070,709 $363,070,709 $466,553,840 2016年
67 神偷奶爸4 $361,004,205 $361,004,205 $361,004,205 2024年
68 星際異攻隊3 $358,995,815 $358,995,815 $358,995,815 2023年
69 腦筋急轉彎 $356,461,711 $356,921,711 $469,527,924 2015年
70 阿拉丁 $355,559,216 $355,559,216 $435,323,757 2019年
71 玩命關頭7 $353,007,020 $353,007,020 $452,552,702 2015年
72 變形金剛3 $352,390,543 $352,390,543 $488,262,664 2011年
73 美國狙擊手 $350,126,372 $350,126,372 $475,235,605 2014年
74 指环王:双塔奇兵 $339,789,881 $345,518,923 $639,362,266 2002年
75 雷神索爾:愛與雷霆 $343,256,830 $343,256,830 $357,386,802 2022年
76 動物方城市 $341,268,248 $341,268,248 $436,913,391 2016年
77 蜘蛛人3 $336,530,303 $337,607,351 $540,673,541 2007年
78 飢餓遊戲:自由幻夢Ⅰ $337,135,885 $337,135,885 $449,277,459 2014年
79 小小兵 $336,045,770 $336,045,770 $449,137,360 2015年
80 小丑 $335,451,311 $335,477,657 $394,933,143 2019年
81 水行俠 $335,061,807 $335,104,314 $409,864,234 2018年
82 蜘蛛人:返校日 $334,201,140 $334,576,561 $413,153,065 2017年
83 魔境夢遊 $334,191,110 $334,191,110 $464,446,830 2010年
84 银河护卫队 $333,176,600 $333,718,600 $454,886,960 2014年
85 蝙蝠俠對超人:正義曙光 $330,360,194 $330,360,194 $422,070,552 2016年
86 阿甘正传 $329,694,499 $330,252,182 $867,482,585 1994年
87 奧本海默 $329,862,540 $329,862,540 $329,862,540 2023年
88 $327,481,748 $328,874,981 $402,743,421 2017年
89 自殺突擊隊 $325,100,054 $325,100,054 $421,171,487 2016年
90 死侍2 $324,591,735 $324,591,735 $382,868,027 2018年
91 史瑞克三世 $322,719,944 $322,719,944 $517,453,029 2007年
92 指环王:护戒使者 $313,364,114 $319,372,078 $607,773,336 2001年
93 變形金剛 $319,246,193 $319,246,193 $511,883,242 2007年
94 鐵甲奇俠 $318,604,126 $319,034,126 $489,706,683 2008年
95 哈利波特:神秘的魔法石 $317,575,550 $317,871,467 $620,240,647 2001年
96 印第安納瓊斯:水晶骷髏王國 $317,101,119 $317,101,119 $487,199,231 2008年
97 野蠻遊戲:全面晉級 $316,831,246 $316,831,246 $377,168,068 2019年
98 星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻 $252,583,617* $316,465,003 $1,044,873,105 1983年
99 雷神索爾3:諸神黃昏 $315,058,289 $315,058,289 $378,613,190 2017年
100 鋼鐵人2 $312,128,345 $312,128,345 $437,599,548 2010年

* 如果只考虑最初的总票房,这些影片就会落在前100名之外,而被以下影片取代:《加勒比海盗3:世界的尽头》($3.0942亿)和《天煞-地球反擊戰》 ($3.0616亿)。


此排名表是根据Box Office Mojo的数据编制的,将毛额除以平均票价以计算观影人次的估算值。[6] 观影人次更能反映老电影的受欢迎程度,因为它们不太容易受到通货膨胀的影响。


以底色   標示者表示目前尚在上映中(包括重映、二次上映)之電影
排名 电影片名 发行年 觀影人次估計[6] 經通膨計算後之票房收入
1 乱世佳人 1939 202,286,200 $2,231,513,570
2 星際大戰四部曲:曙光乍現 1977 178,119,500 $1,964,919,412
3 音乐之声 1965 142,485,200 $1,571,820,803
4 E.T.外星人 1982 142,045,058 $1,566,975,369
5 泰坦尼克号 1997 T135,549,800 $1,510,346,960
6 十诫 1956 131,000,000 $1,445,122,196
7 大白鯊 1975 128,641,358 $1,419,100,255
8 日瓦戈医生 1965 124,135,500 $1,369,396,690
9 大法師 1973 110,599,200 $1,220,071,441
10 白雪公主 1937 109,000,000 $1,202,429,919
11 STAR WARS:原力覺醒 2015 108,115,100 $1,192,668,174
12 101忠狗 1961 99,917,300 $1,102,234,412
13 星際大戰五部曲:帝國大反擊 1980 98,105,100 $1,082,243,188
14 賓漢 1959 98,046,900 $1,081,601,156
15 復仇者聯盟:終局之戰 2019 95,268,900 $1,050,955,740
16 星際大戰六部曲:絕地大反攻 1983 T94,059,400 $1,044,873,105
17 侏羅紀公園 1993 91,664,200 $1,012,685,375
18 星際大戰首部曲:威脅潛伏 1999 90,312,100 $996,274,964
19 狮子王 1994 89,146,400 $983,415,583
20 老千計狀元才 1973 89,142,900 $983,376,973
21 法櫃奇兵 1981 88,543,400 $976,763,608
22 毕业生 1967 85,576,800 $944,036,555
23 幻想曲 1940 83,043,500 $916,091,642
24 蜘蛛人:無家日 2021 82,918,296 $914,616,164
25 阿凡达 2009 [9] 79,333,713 $875,154,333
26 教父 1972 79,056,084 $872,103,862
27 阿甘正传 1994 78,637,100 $867,482,585
28 歡樂滿人間 1964 78,181,800 $862,459,958
29 油脂 1978 77,108,871 $850,510,673
30 復仇者聯盟 2012 76,881,200 $848,112,432
31 侏罗纪世界 2015 76,789,600 $847,366,943
32 黑豹 2018 76,309,258 $841,395,372
33 鐵金剛勇戰魔鬼黨 1965 74,800,000 $825,153,743
34 黑暗騎士 2008 74,506,000 $821,910,491
35 森林王子 1967 73,679,900 $812,797,396
36 睡美人 1959 72,676,000 $801,722,906
37 復仇者聯盟3:無限之戰 2018 72,419,700 $798,895,541
38 魔鬼剋星 1984 71,274,073 $785,590,781
39 史瑞克2 2004 71,050,900 $783,795,669
40 蜘蛛人 2002 70,626,300 $779,111,708
41 虎豹小霸王 1969 70,557,900 $778,357,156
42 愛的故事 1970 69,998,100 $772,181,740
43 天煞-地球反擊戰 1996 69,268,900 $764,137,595
44 捍衛戰士:獨行俠 2022 67,869,010 $718,732,821
45 小鬼當家 1990 67,734,200 $747,207,602
46 STAR WARS:最後的絕地武士 2017 67,594,500 $745,666,506
47 木偶奇遇记 1940 67,403,300 $743,557,290
48 埃及艳后 1963 67,183,500 $741,132,573
49 比佛利山警探 1984 67,150,000 $740,763,019
50 鐵金剛大戰金手指 1964 66,300,000 $731,386,272



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Genre and International Box office (PDF). Film Victoria英语Film Victoria / Government of Australia: 10. [2012-06-16]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2012-06-16). 北美票房统计数据包括美国和加拿大的数据作为行业标准。 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Richwine, Lisa. Think Like a Man tops North American box office. Reuters via Canada.com. 2012-04-30 [2012-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2012-06-16). 
  3. ^ Domestic Grosses. Box Office Mojo. [2018-07-22]. (原始内容存档于2008-12-05). 
  4. ^ Spider-Man/Men in Black II Double Bill. Box Office Mojo. [2023-04-14]. 
  5. ^ Spider-Man/Men in Black II Double-Bill (2002) - Financial Information. The Numbers. [2023-02-18]. (原始内容存档于2023-02-18). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 All Time Box Office > Domestic Grosses: Adjusted for Ticket Price Inflation. Box Office Mojo. [2012-06-16]. (原始内容存档于2019-04-05).  * 调整估算观影人次。通货膨胀调整主要通过将估计的观影人次乘以最新的平均票价来完成。在观影人次不可用的情况下,则根据每部电影上映时的平均门票价格进行调整(考虑到重映的情况)。
  7. ^ Subers, Ray. 'Avatar' Strikes DVD. Box Office Mojo. 2010-04-21 [2010-04-21]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-06). 
  8. ^ Adjusting for Ticket Price Inflation. Box Office Mojo. [2012-06-05]. (原始内容存档于2011-06-23). 
  9. ^ Box Office Mojo's inflation adjusted list estimates Avatar sold 97,309,600 tickets by dividing the gross revenue by the cost of an average ticket, which was $7.50 in 2009. However, in the case of Avatar, ticket sales were a combination of the three formats of standard projection, 3D電影 and IMAX used during its theatrical run. Since box office admissions are not tracked, the total number of admissions cannot therefore be accurately determined simply by dividing the gross receipts by the average ticket price. Box Office Mojo revised its estimate by taking into account the ticket prices for all three different formats, and determined that Avatar sold 75 million tickets by April 21, 2010, with an average price of almost $10 a ticket, by which time it had grossed $745 million of its $760 million total.[7] An extra $15 million of sales would be equivalent to about 2 million more ticket sales, at the average 2D ticket price of $7.50 in 2009; using this revision, Avatar probably sold closer to 77,000,000 tickets.[8]


  1. ^ 《蜘蛛人》在2002年9月6日至15日与《黑超特警組2》联合放映期间,大约获得了400万美元的票房收入。Box Office Mojo错误地报告了此次重映的国内总票房为6,632,970美元,尽管它在自己的周末报告中显示重映的票房为3,971,552美元,并将其中的一半计入其总的国内票房,使其总额达到407,022,860美元[4]。而The Numbers报告此次重映的票房为4,052,137美元,并且没有将其计入《蜘蛛人》的总票房中[5]


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المؤسسة العربية المصرفيةالشعارمعلومات عامةالبلد  البحرين التأسيس 1980النوع شركة مساهمةالشكل القانوني شركة مساهمة المقر الرئيسي المنامة، البحرينموقع الويب bank-abc.com المنظومة الاقتصاديةالشركات التابعة مصرف المؤسسة العربية المصرفية الإسلامي (ش.م.ب.م)، البحرين شركة الخدما�...


Part of a series on theOlympic water polorecords and statistics Topics Overall statistics men women Champions men women Team appearances men women Player appearances men women Medalists men women Top goalscorers men women Goalkeepers men women Flag bearers and oath takers Venues Teams Men's teams Australia Belgium Brazil Canada Croatia Egypt France Germany Great Britain Greece Hungary Italy Japan Kazakhstan Montenegro Netherlands Romania Russia Serbia Serbia and Montenegro Soviet Union Spain...


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International song competition Eurovision Song Contest 1981DatesFinal4 April 1981HostVenueRDS SimmonscourtBallsbridge, Dublin, IrelandPresenter(s)Doireann Ní BhriainMusical directorNoel KelehanDirected byIan McGarryExecutive supervisorFrank NaefExecutive producerNoel D GreeneHost broadcasterRadio Telefís Éireann (RTÉ)Websiteeurovision.tv/event/dublin-1981 ParticipantsNumber of entries20Debuting countries CyprusReturning countries Israel YugoslaviaNon-returning countries...


Collection of counties situated in the heart of New York State This article is about the Syracuse metropolitan area and surroundings, the more westerly of two regions known as Central New York. For the more easterly definition, the New York tourism region formerly known as Central-Leatherstocking, see Central New York Region. This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) This article ne...


تكاملمعلومات عامةصنف فرعي من تحويل خطيعملية أحادية يدرسه حساب التكامل التدوين الرياضي رمز التكامل سلسلة محارف لاتكس (LaTeX) \int تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات جزء من سلسلة مقالات حولالتفاضل والتكامل* المبرهنة الأساسية نهايات الدوال استمرارية مبرهنة القيمة المتوسطة م...

SafariScribe is currently experiencing significant stress that may affect their ability to work on Wikipedia. They may choose to work in quieter areas and avoid complicated tasks or areas prone to conflict. They may also respond to talk page or email messages more slowly than usual, and your patience is greatly appreciated. Thank you. Archives Index 1 January - February 2024 March 2024 April 2024 This page was last edited or modified by Gabriel601 (talk). 8 June 2024   News and notes: Wikime...


American murderer (1934–2009) Warren Kimbro Warren Aloysious Kimbro (April 29, 1934 – February 3, 2009) was a Black Panther Party member in New Haven, Connecticut who was found guilty of the May 21, 1969, murder of New York City Panther Alex Rackley, in the first of the New Haven Black Panther trials in 1970.[1] Murder and trial Kimbro had been a resident of the New Haven Panther headquarters at 365 Orchard Street, where Rackley was held and tortured for two days under suspici...


A modern double oven This is a list of oven types. An oven is a thermally insulated chamber used for the heating, baking or drying of a substance,[1] and most commonly used for cooking or for industrial processes (industrial oven). Kilns and furnaces are special-purpose ovens. Kilns have historically been used in the production of pottery, quicklime, charcoal, etc., while furnaces are mainly used in metalworking (metallurgical furnace) and other industrial processes (industrial furna...

The following highways are numbered 211: This list is incomplete; you can help by adding missing items. (August 2008) Canada Manitoba Provincial Road 211 Newfoundland and Labrador Route 211 Nova Scotia Route 211 Prince Edward Island Route 211 Quebec Route 211 Saskatchewan Highway 211 China China National Highway 211 Costa Rica National Route 211 Japan Japan National Route 211 United States U.S. Route 211 Alabama State Route 211 Arkansas Highway 211 California State Route 211 Florida State Ro...


Italian composer Ildebrando PizzettiBorn(1880-09-20)20 September 1880Parma, ItalyDied13 February 1968(1968-02-13) (aged 87)Rome, ItalyResting placeCampo Verano, RomeOccupation(s)composer, musicologist, music criticEra20th century Ildebrando Pizzetti (20 September 1880 – 13 February 1968) was an Italian composer of classical music, as well as being a musicologist and a music critic. Biography Pizzetti was born in Parma in 1880. He was part of the Generation of 1880 along with Ottorino R...