当时驻华盛顿的俄国大使爱德华·安德烈维奇·斯托克尔(英语:Eduard de Stoeckl)记录道:伦敦内阁正在密切注视北方的内部分歧,并且以难以掩饰的急不可耐的焦躁等待着结果。爱德华·安德烈维奇·斯托克尔大使提示本国政府,英国可能尽早承认南方联邦。他说道:我一眼就看穿了英国的动向。他们期待我们毁灭,他们嫉妒我们的力量。对他们来说,无论是南方还是北方都无所谓,在他们眼里都一样憎恶[4]。
这期间,林肯总统任命了新泽西州州长威廉·L·戴顿(英语:William L. Dayton)为驻法国大使。戴顿既无外交经验,也不懂法语。好在他得到了驻巴黎总领事约翰·比奇洛(英语:John Bigelow)的大力帮助。当驻英国大使亚当斯就关于南方交战国的承认问题向英国外交大臣罗素提交了抗议照会时候,戴顿也同样向法国外交大臣索维内尔提出了抗议。拿破仑三世为了解决美国南北双方的争端,向北方联邦提出了“调停方案”。对此,苏厄德指示戴顿可以接受法国的提议:“如果调停案是他自己的,而且可以接受的话,我们应该采取主动或接受调停。[18]”
北方联邦政府虽然获悉了梅森和斯莱德尔出走的消息,但是以为他们乘坐的船是“纳什维尔号”。海军部部长吉迪恩·韋爾斯对此立即做出反应,命海军上将塞缪尔·弗朗西斯·杜邦(英语:Samuel Francis Du Pont)派出两艘快速舰艇驶往英国方向,为了拦截拘捕“纳什维尔号”,甚至允许军舰进入英吉利海峡。接到这个军令,10月15日,约翰·马尔尚(John B. Marchand)指挥的北军蒸汽舰船“詹姆斯·阿杰号(英语:USS James Adger)”驶往欧洲,11月初赶到了英国南安普敦港。英国政府觉察到美国正在抓捕南方的外交官,他们也以为南方外交官搭乘的是“纳什维尔号”。英国首相亨利·坦普尔针对“纳什维尔号”可能靠港的周边3英里范围,派遣了英国军舰进行跟踪,以避免在英国领海发生拘捕而引发外交争端。11月21日“纳什维尔号”靠港,但是船上并没有南方外交官,这让英国感到意外[27]。
当美国海军军舰“詹姆斯·阿杰号(英语:USS James Adger)”抵达南安普敦后,舰长马尔尚(Marchand)从《泰晤士报》得知他们要搜寻的目标去了古巴,他发出了豪言:南方使节即便是登上了英国船舶,在必要时美国军舰也准备在英国海岸线看得到范围内将两个使节抓捕[56]。报刊刊登了马尔尚舰长的这番发言后,引起了英国外交部的担忧,于是英国外交部就(美国军舰)从英国船拘捕这些人的法律依据,向三位法律界人士(女王法律顾问,律政司和总检察长)征求了有关司法方面的意见。11月12日他们以书面对英国外交部做出了如下答复:
作为对美国(北方)持温和看法的大力支持者,英国反谷物法同盟(英语:Anti-Corn Law League)的领导人约翰·布赖特(英语:John Bright)、理查德·科布登(英语:Richard Cobden)论述到,他们都不认为美国的行动在法理上具有合法性,但又坚持认为美国并没有攻击英国的敌意。有人认为这个事件是华府故意设下的布局,布赖特对此表示质疑。12月初,在对公众演讲中,布赖特对英国的军事准备活动提出抨击:“在我们的代表还没有到美国之前,我们还没有听到回音之前,难道我们就要全副武装、剑拔弩张吗?”科布登与布赖特一起公开演讲,并在报刊上发表文章,并给无法参加集会的会议组织者以及英国海内外有影响力的人士写信。随着时间推移,人们听到越来越多的反战声音,英国政府内阁也开始考虑寻求包括仲裁等战争以外的手段来解决争端[76]。
在美国南北战争爆发之前,出于全球利益的考虑,英国就认为需要对分裂的美国采取军事对策。1860年海军准将亚历山大·米尔恩(英语:Sir Alexander Milne, 1st Baronet)就任驻北美和西印度群岛的英国海军司令。1860年12月22日上任后不久,米尔恩发布的命令中就指示,“美国国内所发生的矛盾冲突乃至社会分裂的过程中,我们要避免激怒任何美国党派或表示站在对立双方的其中一边。”直到1861年5月,米尔恩根据这道命令,并作为英国海军长期以来的政策,为避开可能发生骚乱的港口,尽量避免接近美国海岸。5月13日米尔恩发布了中立宣言,由于担心南方联邦的走私船与北方联邦的海上封锁可能威胁到中立国英国的权益,米尔恩的军力得到增强。6月1日,英国港口关闭了对所有海军的给养,这等于变相协助了北方联邦。米尔恩曾经观察监视过北军对南方封锁的有效性,但是从没有尝试打破封锁是否有效,11月英国海军取消了观察监视[77]。
对此,英国首相亨利·坦普尔倾向加强米尔恩军力的意见。但是海军大臣爱德华·西摩公爵(英语:Edward Seymour, 12th Duke of Somerset)表示反对,他认为现有的主要由蒸汽船组成的英国海军远胜于以木帆船为主的美国海军舰队,而且不愿意为重新打造巨大的舰队而承担必要的开销,内阁为此搁置了向米尔恩增加军力的提议。历史学家肯尼思·伯恩 (Kenneth Bourne 1903-1992)后来为此评论道:“当特伦特号事件的消息传到英国时,英国人并没有为战争做好充分的准备,如果北方联邦不让步,几乎所有人都认为战争不可避免。[80]”
5月至6月间,从英国本土向北美派出了一些增援部队。因联邦封锁和“特伦特号”事件的压力,亨利·坦普尔首相打算将援军兵力增至10,000人时,遭到了反对。英国陆军部大臣乔治·康沃尔·刘易斯(英语:George Cornewall Lewis)对英国是否真的受到威胁表示质疑。他认为很难想象任何具有理性的政府会在内战时候四处大量树敌,甚至与英国这样强大的国家为敌。6月21日经过国会辩论,通过从政治、军事以及经济等因素考量,最终决定反对继续增派援军。这在之前国会曾经讨论过是否应该将北美的防务从英国本土移交给当地政府。殖民地大臣亨利·佩勒姆·克林顿(英语:Henry Pelham-Clinton, 5th Duke of Newcastle)公爵认为,威廉斯要求增加援军的提议是过去数年来一直持续不断的一部分,这期间都接受了众多的要求和提案。亨利·佩勒姆·克林顿担心,如果对派驻北美的援军不能提供足够的兵营以越冬御寒,会导致士兵离队的严重问题[81]。
特伦特事件发生后,英国政府第一次意识到军事手段是保卫国家利益的根本。首席海军大臣爱德华·西摩公爵(英语:Edward Seymour, 12th Duke of Somerset)认为,加拿大无法抵挡美国的进攻,如果失去加拿大再把它夺回来既困难重重且代价高昂。历史学家伯恩论述道:“自1815年以来英美关系一直模糊不清,国会下院考虑到节省财政经费以及面临着的实际困难,对英美之间可能爆发的战争缺乏准备[82]”。爱德华·西摩公爵则建议与美国进行的是海上交战而不是登陆作战[83] 。
相对而言,美国方面从1861年4月才开始进行战争动员,最初的三个月内招募了75,000士兵。7月间号召50万长期服役(2年期或3年期)的士兵应募。直到1861年12月31日根据公开记录,当时有425,000为现役军人,除此之外的52,000人当中,有些是临时的“日雇佣兵”,有些是患病者,有些是被关押者[100]。这些士兵们组成了连、旅、师的建制,一个师的建制由三个旅步兵(各有3至4个营的兵力组建)与3至4个附属炮兵营组成。1861年组建师编制(最初是7月的波多马克军团的纳撒尼尔·P·班克斯(英语:Nathaniel P. Banks)军团),到1862年1月,波多马克军团配置了13个师、佛吉尼亚州西部配置了2个师、马里兰州配备了1个师(安布罗斯·伯恩赛德(英语:Ambrose Burnside)军团)、南卡罗莱纳州配置了1个师(威廉·特库姆塞·舍曼军团)、俄亥俄州配置了5个师、密苏里州和田纳西州各配备1个师。总计24个师。这个统计没有包含其他旅一级的部队,还有从缅因州到加利福尼亚州的各个要塞和守备部队。增加的军团在1862年才组建完成。
作为林肯总统的外交顾问、参议院外交委员会主席查尔斯·萨姆纳虽然立即意识到有必要释放梅森和斯莱德尔,但是面对着当时处于亢奋状态的美国民众情绪,他只得保持沉默。萨姆纳去过英国,与英国的政治家有定期通信往来。12月他收到了来自英国反谷物法同盟的领导人约翰·布赖特、理查德·科布登的信件,里面传到了警告的信息。约翰·布赖特和理查德·科布登谈及了英国政府的备战状况和包括人们对威尔克斯舰长的行动是否具有合法性广泛质疑。英国的著名废奴主义者伊丽莎白·坎贝尔公爵夫人(英语:Elizabeth Campbell, Duchess of Argyll)在写给萨姆纳的信中说到:“(逮捕使节)简直是疯狂的行为,如果(美国)政府没有战争的意图,这种行为完全是不可想象的[111]。”
^Hubbard, p. 7. Hubbard further writes that Davis's policy was "a rigid and inflexible policy based on economic coercion and force. The stubborn reliance of the Confederates on a King Cotton strategy resulted in a natural resistance to coercion from the Europeans." Davis's policy was to hold back cotton until the Europeans "came to get it". The opinions of Secretary of War Judah Benjamin and Secretary of the Treasury Christopher Memminger that cotton should be immediately exported in order to build up foreign credits was overridden by Davis.|Hubbard, pp. 21–25
^Berwanger, p. 874; Hubbard, p. 18; Baxter, The British Government and Neutral Rights, p. 9. Baxter wrote that "the British government, while defending the rights of British merchants and shipowners, kept one eye on the precedents and the other on the future interests of the mistress of the sea."
^Mahin, p. 7. Mahin notes that Seward had talked in the 1850s of annexing Canada and in February 1861 had spoken frequently of reuniting the North and South by a foreign war
^Donald, Baker, Holt, pp. 311–312; Hubbard, pp. 27–29
^Hubbard, pp. 34–39; Walther, p. 308. Russell had written to Lyons about the arrival of the three Confederates: "If it can possibly be helped, Mr. Seward must not be allowed to get us into a quarrel. I shall see the southerners when they come, but unofficially, and keep them at a proper distance." Graebner, p. 64
^Mahin, p. 48; Graebner, p. 63; Donald, Baker, Holt, p. 312
^Donald, Baker, p. 314; Mahin, pp. 48–49; Taylor, pp. 175–179. Taylor notes that British officials already believed that Seward would provoke an international crisis as a diversion from the Union's internal problems. For example, an article in the New York Times, believed to have been planted by Seward in order to transmit a warning to Britain, had said that any permanent dissolution of the Union would invariably lead to United States acquisition of Canada
^Mahin, pp. 54–55. The negotiations between the United States and Britain failed when Lord Russell, aware that the treaty would obligate the British to treat Confederate privateers as pirates, informed Adams on August 19, 1861, that, "Her Majesty does not intend thereby to undertake any engagement which shall have any bearing, direct or indirect, on the internal differences now prevailing in the United States
^Walther pp. 316–318; Hubbard, pp. 43–44, 55; Monaghan, p. 174. Monaghan notes that as the news of the Trent Affair reached London, Russell made the following reply to written correspondence from the Confederate commissioners: "Lord Russell presents his compliments to Mr. Yancey, Mr. Rost, and Mr. Mann. He has had the honor to receive their letters of the 27 and 30 November, but in the present state of affairs he must decline to enter into any official communication with them."
^Weigley p. 78. Weigley suggests an interesting alternative hypothesis to the traditional narrative of events when he writes, "The Confederate government may have intended the Mason-Slidell mission as a trap to bring the United States and Great Britain to war. The itinerary of the two emissaries was suspiciously well advertised. At Havana, they fraternized and dined with the officers of the San Jacinto, again publicizing their departure plans. On board the Trent, Slidell appeared unduly eager to become a captive."
^Hubbard, pp. 60–61. Mahin, p. 58; Musicant, p. 110
^Mahin, p. 59: Donald, Baker, Holt, p. 315; Ferris, p. 22. Wilkes later said that he had consulted "all the authorities on international law to which I had access, viz, Kent, Wheaton and Vattel, besides various decisions of Sir William Scott and other judges of the Admiralty Court of Great Britain." Musicant, p. 111. Musicant notes that the availability of the law texts on San Jacinto were the result of the complex legal situations that were likely to have been encountered in her two year anti-slave-trade patrol of the African coast
^Mahin, p. 60; Ferris, p. 22; Monaghan, p. 167. Williams was the only British naval officer involved in the incident
^Mahin, p. 61; Ferris, pp. 25–26; Fairfax, p. 140. Fairfax adds the following in his account of the proceedings, "I gave my real reasons some weeks afterward to Secretary Chase, whom I met by chance at the Treasury Department, he having asked me to explain why I had not literally obeyed Captain Wilkes's instructions. I told him that it was because I was impressed with England's sympathy for the South and felt that she would be glad to have so good a ground to declare war against the United States. Mr. Chase seemed surprised, and exclaimed, 'You have certainly relieved the Government from great embarrassment, to say the least.'
^Ferris, pp. 32–33; Jones, p. 83. Jones wrote, "The seizure of these two Southerners in particular drew a triumphant response. Mason had been a principle (sic) advocate of the hated Fugitive Slave Law and the Kansas-Nebraska Act, and Slidell had earned a reputation as one of the most dedicated secessionists in Congress." Charles Francis Adams Jr., p. 541. Charles Francis Adams Jr., son of the U.S. Minister to Great Britain, wrote, "Probably no two men in the entire South were more thoroughly obnoxious to those of the Union side than Mason and Slidell."
^Mahin, pp. 64–65; Nevins, p. 389. The Nashville had captured and destroyed the Union merchant ship Harvey Birch on its trip. Adams tried to have the ship declared a pirate. British authorities held it briefly in port, but by November 28 Russell had determined that she was properly documented as a CSA warship, and its officers were properly credentialed by the CSA. Ferris, pp. 37–41
^Baxter, "Papers Relating to Belligerent and Neutral Rights, 1861–1865", pp. 84–86; Warren, pp. 96–97. Warren writes that at a cabinet meeting on November 11 Lord Chancellor Richard Bethell, an Admiralty judge for twenty three years, and Dr. Stephen Lushington, a judge on the High Court of the Admiralty, both argued that simply removing the envoys would not have been a violation of international law
^Jones, pp. 84–85; Ferris, p. 52; Mahin, p. 69. Lyons, in a private letter, reported to Palmerston that (although he could not "vouch for the truth" of his source) he had heard that unbeknownst to Lincoln, Seward had directly ordered the capture by Wilkes. Mahin, p. 70
^Ferris, p. 76. Clarendon in September, anticipating the U.S. would pick a fight with Britain wrote that he felt "N[apoleon] w[oul]d instantly leave us in the lurch and do something in Europe w[hic]h we can't stand."
^Warren, pp. 132–133; Mahin, p. 72; Ferris, p. 65. Ferris indicates in footnote no. 30 on page 219 that his account is based largely on Bourne who "is the only scholar, I believe, who has examined most of the pertinent archival sources"
^Warren, p. 134. Warren further wrote, "At Toronto and Kingston, he proposed earthworks with heavy ordnance, and allocated two hundred men for extending and strengthening them. A new ten-gun battery was to replace the rusty cannon overlooking the Grand Trunk Railway tracks, wharf, and channel, and a Royal Artillery officer arrived to instruct men in its use. Williams wanted to blow bridges over the St. Lawrence and, in the event of attack, close Toronto by sinking ships. Desperate moves were necessary"
^Chartrand, Rene. "Canadian Military Heritage, Vol. II: 1755–1871"; Directorate of History, Department of National Defence of Canada, Ottawa, 1965, p. 189; Dr. J. Mackay Hitsman, Report No. 6: Canadian Militia Prior to Confederation, Directorate of History, Canadian Forces Headquarters (1966), p. 142; New York Times, 26 June 1864
^Warren, p. 133; Brian Jenkins, Britain and the War for the Union, vol. 1, (Montreal, 1974), p. 233
^Warren, p. 133; see also Edward Robert Cameron, Memoirs of Ralph Vansittart (Toronto, 1902), pp. 52–54, at archive.org
^Bourne, p. 609. Bourne wrote, "The vast length of the exposed frontier made it virtually impossible for the British to defend it in its entirety—but, worse, the Americans were peculiarly well placed to attack it. They not only had superior local resources in men and material, they also had excellent communications for concentrating those resources upon the frontier and for reinforcing them from the heart of commercial and industrial America—in fact sufficiently good communications in MacDougall's view to outweigh the difficulties of a winter campaign."
^Bourne, pp. 610–613. On the lake situation Bourne wrote, "Quite clearly there could be no hope of securing the command of the lakes unless adequate preparations were made in advance of hostilities. But the time was peculiarly unfavorable for such measures; the whole question of colonial military expenditure had recently been investigated by a committee of the house of commons whose bias was plainly to encourage greater efforts on the part of the colonists themselves. On 17 October, therefore, Somerset had concluded that the defence of all the lakes would be 'very difficult' and that the main effort must be left to the Canadians themselves, though 'perhaps with proper arrangements we might defend Lake Ontario and Kingston Dockyard.' But even for this limited programme no preparation had been made by the time Lewis raised the matter at the Cabinet of 4 December. Nor was anything done later"
^Bourne, pp. 620–621. On December 26, de Gray had prepared a memorandum indicating 7,640 troops would be needed for the initial attack. MacDougall had prepared a memorandum on December 3 in which he suggested that 50,000 troops would be necessary to guarantee success
^Bourne, pp. 625–626. Washington wrote, "Possibly a very strict blockade, without an attack, might induce the people of Maine to consider whether it would not be for their interest to declare themselves independent of the United States, and so profit by all the advantages that would be derived from railway communication with Canada and the Lakes"
^Bourne pg. 630. Bourne wrote (pg. 231), “By the destruction of American shipping, by a severe blockade, by the harassing of the Northern coastal cities and perhaps by the occupation of Maine the British might, while being unable to secure a decisive military victory, not only draw off the enemy from hard-pressed Canada and inspire the South morally and materially, but, above all, so sap the North’s moral and economic strength as to bring her Government to sue for peace on unfavourable terms.”
Not to be confused with Daily Mail. Office of The Mail in Anna Salai, Chennai The Mail, known as The Madras Mail till 1928, was an English-language daily evening newspaper published in the Madras Presidency (later Madras State, and then, Tamil Nadu) from 1868 to 1981. It was the first evening newspaper in India which is now operating as a news and media website.[1][2] History The Madras Mail was started by two journalists, Charles Lawson and Henry Cornish on 14 December 1868....
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Area in Tokyo, JapanSendagaya 千駄ヶ谷AreaAerial view of SendagayaSendagayaLocation in JapanCoordinates: 35°40′36″N 139°42′29″E / 35.67659°N 139.70793°E / 35.67659; 139.70793CountryJapanRegionTokyoDistrictShibuyaTime zoneUTC+09:00 (JST) Takashimaya Times Square, Sendagaya 5-chome Sendagaya (千駄ヶ谷) is an area within Shibuya ward, one of the 23 special wards of Tokyo. Introduction 2006 Hanami in Shinjuku Gyoen 2006 Sendagaya is nestled in an urban ...
KUA redirects here. For other uses, see KUA (disambiguation). Airport in Pahang, MalaysiaSultan Ahmad Shah AirportLapangan Terbang Sultan Ahmad ShahIATA: KUAICAO: WMKDSummaryAirport typePublic/MilitaryOwnerGovernment of MalaysiaOperatorMalaysia Airports Holdings BerhadServesKuantanLocationKuantan, Pahang, MalaysiaTime zoneMST (UTC+08:00)Elevation AMSL55 ft / 17 mCoordinates03°46′11″N 103°12′34″E / 3.76972°N 103.20944°E / 3.76972; 103.20944Map...
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Suède (homonymie). Royaume de Suède(sv) Konungariket Sverige Écouter Drapeau de la Suède Armoiries de la Suède Devise en suédois : För Sverige i tiden (« Toujours pour la Suède[1] ») Hymne en suédois : Du gamla, du fria (« Toi l'ancienne, toi la libre »), de facto Fête nationale 6 juin · Événement commémoré Élection de Gustave Ier Vasa en tant que roi de Suède et fin de l'Union ...
American football player (born 1995) American football player Jonnu SmithSmith with the Tennessee Titans in 2019No. 9 – Miami DolphinsPosition:Tight endPersonal informationBorn: (1995-08-22) August 22, 1995 (age 28)Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S.Height:6 ft 3 in (1.91 m)Weight:248 lb (112 kg)Career informationHigh school:West Port (Ocala, Florida)College:FIU (2013–2016)NFL draft:2017 / Round: 3 / Pick: 100Career history Tennessee Titans (...
Chad Michael MurrayMurray pada perdana film Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End tahun 2007LahirChad Michael Murray24 Agustus 1981 (umur 42)Buffalo, New York, Amerika SerikatNama lainChad MurrayPekerjaanAktor, model, penulisTahun aktif1999–sekarangSuami/istri Sophia Bush (m. 2005–2006) Sarah Roemer (m. 2015)Anak2 Chad Michael Murray (lahir 24 Agustus 1981) adalah aktor, model dan penulis ...
Mountain in north-central Crete Mount JuktasJuktas is said to resemble the face of Zeus.Highest pointElevation811 m (2,661 ft)Coordinates35°13′57″N 25°8′37″E / 35.23250°N 25.14361°E / 35.23250; 25.14361GeographyMount JuktasIsland of Crete, Greece A mountain in north-central Crete, Mount Juktas (Greek: Γιούχτας - Giouchtas), also spelled Iuktas, Iouktas, or Ioukhtas, was an important religious site for the Minoan civilization.[1 ...
نوكيا N91صورة كاملة لجهاز نوكيا N91.معلومات عامةالماركة نوكيا النوع هاتف ذكي الصانع نوكياالخصائصنظام التشغيل نظام تشغيل سيمبيانالإصداراتنوكيا N81 تعديل - تعديل مصدري - تعديل ويكي بيانات نوكيا N91 هو أحد أجهزة نوكيا، شركة الهواتف والتقنية النقالة.[1] يأتي هذا الجهاز مع شاشة �...
Si ce bandeau n'est plus pertinent, retirez-le. Cliquez ici pour en savoir plus. Cet article ne cite pas suffisamment ses sources (mars 2019). Si vous disposez d'ouvrages ou d'articles de référence ou si vous connaissez des sites web de qualité traitant du thème abordé ici, merci de compléter l'article en donnant les références utiles à sa vérifiabilité et en les liant à la section « Notes et références ». En pratique : Quelles sources sont attendues ? Comm...
City in Georgia, United States Not to be confused with Helena, Georgia. City in Georgia, United StatesHelen, GeorgiaCityDowntown Helen FlagSealNickname: Star of the NorthMotto: Georgia‘s Alpine villageLocation in White County and the state of GeorgiaHelenLocation in the United StatesCoordinates: 34°42′9″N 83°43′39″W / 34.70250°N 83.72750°W / 34.70250; -83.72750Country United StatesState GeorgiaCountyWhiteIncorporatedAugust 18,...
Pour les articles homonymes, voir Qiang. Femmes qiang en costume traditionnel Statue monumentale de Yu le grand à l'entrée de Wenchuan Le peuple qiang (chinois : 羌族 ; pinyin : qiāngzú) est l'un des 56 groupes ethniques officiellement reconnus par la république populaire de Chine. Ils vivent principalement dans des secteurs accidentés, sillonnés de rivières et de ruisseaux, dans le nord-ouest de la province du Sichuan. Leur population se montait à 306 072&...
Irish footballer and manager For other people named Jimmy Dunne, see Jimmy Dunne (disambiguation). Jimmy Dunne Personal informationFull name James DunneDate of birth (1905-09-03)3 September 1905Place of birth Ringsend, Dublin, IrelandDate of death 14 November 1949(1949-11-14) (aged 44)Place of death Dublin, IrelandHeight 5 ft 10 in (1.78 m)[1]Position(s) ForwardYouth career Parkview Riverside AthleticSenior career*Years Team Apps (Gls)1923–1925 Shamrock Rovers B ...
30e régiment de dragons Insigne du 30e régiment de Dragons. Création 1803 Dissolution 2000 Pays France Branche armée de terre Type Régiment de Dragons Rôle Cavalerie Devise Il le boute dehors Inscriptionssur l’emblème Caldiero 1805 Wagram 1809 La Moskova 1812 l'Yser 1914 l'Avre 1918 Guerres Guerres napoléoniennesPremière Guerre mondialeSeconde Guerre mondialeGuerre d'Algérie modifier Le 30e régiment de dragons (ou 30e RD), est une unité de cavalerie de l'armée ...
Two fundamental and often opposing concepts For other uses, see Dualism (disambiguation). Dualism or dualistic cosmology is the moral or belief that two fundamental concepts exist, which often oppose each other. It is an umbrella term that covers a diversity of views from various religions, including both traditional religions and scriptural religions. Moral dualism is the belief of the great complement of, or conflict between, the benevolent and the malevolent. It simply implies that there a...