Нажалос Стајнман је преминуо 30. септембра у 68, не примивши ово велико признање. Он је четири године пре смрти оболео од рака панкреаса и његов живот је продужен управо захваљујући његовим открићима. Наиме он је користећи комбинацију оперативног лечења, стандардне хемотерапије и имунотерапију експерименталним дендритичним-ћелијама које је сам произвео. Иако се Нобелова награда не додељује постхумно, Нобелов комитет је најавио да награду неће преименовати, јер одбор није знао за Стајнманову смрт све до доношења одлуке.
Стајнманова рана истраживање, спроведена у сарадњи са покојним Занвил Коном у Институту Рокфелер, почела су као покушај да се објасни функција примарних белих ћелија имунског система — великог „прождрљивог” макрофага и специфичних лимфоцита, који функционишу на различите начине како би са лица места, уклонили и уништили заразне микроорганизама и туморске ћелије.[8]
Стајнман је боловао од тешке прогресивне малигне болести али је вероватно продужио свој живот терапијом која је била заснована на његовом оригиналном истраживању тврде његови најближи рођаци. Стајнман се „борио” са раком панкреаса последњих 4,5 година живота, а његово здравље се нагло погоршало последњих неколико недеља пред смрт. О томе Линда Стајнман каже;
1. Anandasabapathy N, Victora GD, Meredith M, Feder R, Dong BJ, Kluger C, Yao KH, Dustin ML, Nussenzweig MC, Steinman RM, Liu K Flt3L controls the development of radiosensitive dendritic cells in the meninges and choroid plexus of the steady-state mouse brain. PMID 21788405 J EXP MED 2011 AUG 1;208(8):1695-1705
2. Maamary J, Array F, Gao Q, Garcia-Sastre A, Steinman RM, Palese P, Nchinda G Newcastle Disease Virus Expressing a Dendritic Cell-Targeted HIV Gag Protein Induces a Potent Gag-Specific Immune Response in Mice. PMID 21159873 J VIROL 2011 MAR;85(5):2235-2246
3. Flynn BJ, Kastenmuller K, Wille-Reece U, Tomaras GD, Alam M, Lindsay RW, Salazar AM, Perdiguero B, Gomez CE, Wagner R, Esteban M, Park CG, Trumpfheller C, Keler T, Pantaleo G, Steinman RM, Seder R Immunization with HIV Gag targeted to dendritic cells followed by recombinant New York vaccinia virus induces robust T-cell immunity in nonhuman primates. PMID 21467219 PMCID 3084061 PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA 2011 APR 26;108(17):7131-7136
4. Idoyaga J, Lubkin A, Fiorese C, Lahoud MH, Caminschi I, Huang YX, Rodriguez A, Clausen BE, Park CG, Trumpfheller C, Steinman RM Comparable T helper 1 (Th1) and CD8 T-cell immunity by targeting HIV gag p24 to CD8 dendritic cells within antibodies to Langerin, DEC205, and Clec9A. PMID 21262813 PMCID 3038758 PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA 2011 FEB 8;108(6):2384-2389
5. Idoyaga J, Steinman RM SnapShot: Dendritic Cells. PMID 21854989 CELL 2011 AUG 19;146(4):660-186
6. Sierra-Filardi E, Estecha A, Samaniego R, Fernandez-Ruiz E, Colmenares M, Sanchez-Mateos P, Steinman RM, Granelli-Piperno A, Corbi AL Epitope mapping on the dendritic cell-specific ICAM-3-grabbing non-integrin (DC-SIGN) pathogen-attachment factor. PMID 19879650 MOL IMMUNOL 2010 JAN;47(4):840-848
7. Tewari K, Flynn BJ, Boscardin SB, Kastenmueller K, Salazar AM, Anderson CA, Soundarapandian V, Ahumada A, Keler T, Hoffman SL, Nussenzweig MC, Steinman RM, Seder RA Poly(I:C) is an effective adjuvant for antibody and multi-functional CD4+ T cell responses to Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and alpha DEC-CSP in non human primates. PMID 20846528 VACCINE 2010 OCT 21;28(45):7256-7266
8. Cheong C, Choi JH, Vitale L, He LZ, Trumpfheller C, Bozzacco L, Do Y, Nchinda G, Park SH, Dandamudi DB, Shrestha E, Pack M, Lee HW, Keler T, Steinman RM, Park CG Improved cellular and humoral immune responses in vivo following targeting of HIV Gag to dendritic cells within human anti-human DEC205 monoclonal antibody. PMID 20668230 BLOOD 2010 NOV 11;116(19):3828-3838
9. Cheong C, Matos I, Choi JH, Schauer JD, Dandamudi DB, Shrestha E, Makeyeva JA, Li XJ, Li PW, Steinman RM, Park CG New monoclonal anti-mouse DC-SIGN antibodies reactive with acetone-fixed cells. J IMMUNOL METHOD 2010 AUG 31;360(1-2):66-75
10. Steinman RM Some active areas of DC research and their medical potential Preface. EUR J IMMUNOL 2010 AUG;40(8):2085-2088
11. Do Y, Koh H, Park CG, Dudziak D, Seo P, Mehandru S, Choi JH, Cheong C, Park S, Perlin DS, Powell BS, Steinman RM Targeting of LcrV virulence protein from Yersinia pestis to dendritic cells protects mice against pneumonic plague. PMID 20812236 EUR J IMMUNOL 2010 OCT;40(10):2791-2796
12. Dhodapkar MV, Sznol M, Wang D, Chuang E, Carvajal R, Kluger H, Ramakrishna V, Vitale L, Davis T, Steinman RM, Keler T Early Development of CDX-1401, a Novel Vaccine Targeting NY-ESO-1 to the Dendritic Cell Receptor DEC-205, in Combination with Toll-Like Receptor (TLR) Agonists. J IMMUNOTHER 2010 OCT;33(8):895-896
13. Cheong C, Matos I, Choi JH, Dandamudi DB, Shrestha E, Longhi MP, Jeffrey KL, Anthony RM, Kluger C, Nchinda G, Koh H, Rodriguez A, Idoyaga J, Pack M, Velinzon K, Park CG, Steinman RM Microbial Stimulation Fully Differentiates Monocytes to DC-SIGN/CD209(+) Dendritic Cells for Immune T Cell Areas. PMID 21029863 PMCID 3150728 CELL 2010 OCT 29;143(3):416-429
14. Romani N, Thurnher M, Idoyaga J, Steinman RM, Flacher V Targeting of antigens to skin dendritic cells: possibilities to enhance vaccine efficacy. PMID 20368713 IMMUN CELL BIOL 2010 MAY-JUN;88(4):424-430
15. Nchinda G, Amadu D, Trumpfheller C, Mizenina O, Uberla K, Steinman RM Dendritic cell targeted HIV gag protein vaccine provides help to a DNA vaccine including mobilization of protective CD8(+) T cells. PMID 20160099 PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA 2010 MAR 2;107(9):4281-4286
16. Flacher V, Tripp CH, Stoitzner P, Haid B, Ebner S, Del Frari B, Koch F, Park CG, Steinman RM, Idoyaga J, Romani N Epidermal Langerhans Cells Rapidly Capture and Present Antigens from C-Type Lectin-Targeting Antibodies Deposited in the Dermis. PMID 19890348 J INVEST DERMATOL 2010 MAR;130(3):755-762
17. Steinman RM, Idoyaga J Features of the dendritic cell lineage. PMID 20193008 IMMUNOL REV 2010 MAR;234():5-17
18. Bozzacco L, Trumpfheller C, Huang YX, Longhi MP, Shimeliovich I, Schauer JA, Park CG, Steinman RM HIV gag protein is efficiently cross-presented when targeted with an antibody towards the DEC-205 receptor in Flt3 ligand-mobilized murine DC. PMID 19830741 PMCID 2933266 EUR J IMMUNOL 2010 JAN;40(1):36-46
19. Tripp CH, Sparber F, Hermans IF, Idoyaga J, Steinman RM, Romani N, Stoitzner P Improvement of intradermal immunization against melanoma. EXP DERMATOL 2010 FEB;19(2):185
20. Brohm C, Steinmann RM, Friesland M , Lorenz IC , Patel A , Penin F , Bartenschlager R , Pietschmann T Characterization of Determinants Important for Hepatitis C Virus p7 Function in Morphogenesis by Using trans-Complementation. PMID 19726506 J VIROL 2009 NOV 15;83(22):11682-11693
21. Hemmi H , Idoyaga J , Suda K , Suda N , Kennedy K , Noda M , Aderem A , Steinman RM A New Triggering Receptor Expressed on Myeloid Cells (Trem) Family Member, Trem-Like 4, Binds to Dead Cells and Is a DNAX Activation Protein 12-Linked Marker for Subsets of Mouse Macrophages and Dendritic Cells. PMID 19155473 J IMMUNOL 2009 FEB 1;182(3):1278-1286
22. Wang B , Kuroiwa JMY , He LZ , Charalambous A , Keler T , Steinman RM The Human Cancer Antigen Mesothelin Is More Efficiently Presented to the Mouse Immune System when Targeted to the DEC- 205/CD205 Receptor on Dendritic Cells. PMID 19769731 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: CANCER VACCINES 2009;6-17
23. Yamazaki S , Steinman RM Dendritic cells as controllers of antigen-specific Foxp3(+) regulatory T cells. PMID 19286352 PMCID 2680740 J DERMATOLOGICAL SCI 2009 MAY;54(2):69-75
24. Choi JH, Do YK, Cheong C , Koh H, Boscardin SB, Oh YS, Bozzacco L, Trumpfheller C, Park CG, Steinman RM Identification of antigen-presenting dendritic cells in mouse aorta and cardiac valves. PMID 19221394 PMCID 2699134 J EXP MED 2009 MAR 16;206(3):497-505
25. Idoyaga J , Suda N , Suda K , Park CG , Steinman RM Antibody to Langerin/CD207 localizes large numbers of CD8 alpha(+) dendritic cells to the marginal zone of mouse spleen. PMID 19168629 PMCID 2635812 PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA 2009 FEB 3;106(5):1524-1529
26. Breton G, Yassine-Diab B, Cohn L , Boulassel MR , Routy JP , Sekaly RP , Steinman RM siRNA Knockdown of PD-L1 and PD-L2 in Monocyte-Derived Dendritic Cells only Modestly Improves Proliferative Responses to Gag by CD8(+) T Cells from HIV-1-Infected Individuals. PMID 19562472 J CLIN IMMUNOL 2009 SEP;29(5):637-645
27. Stahl-Hennig C, Eisenblatter M, Jasny E, Rzehak T, Tenner-Racz K, Trumpfheller C, Salazar AM, Uberla K, Nieto K, Kleinschmidt J, Schulte R , Gissmann L , Muller M , Sacher A , Racz P , Steinman RM , Uguccioni M , Ignatius R Synthetic Double-Stranded RNAs Are Adjuvants for the Induction of T Helper 1 and Humoral Immune Responses to Human Papillomavirus in Rhesus Macaques. PMID 19360120 PMCID 2660151 PLOS PATHOG 2009 APR;5(4):195-209
28. Longhi MP , Trumpfheller C , Idoyaga J , Caskey M , Matos I , Kluger C , Salazar AM , Colonna M , Steinman RM Dendritic cells require a systemic type I interferon response to mature and induce CD4(+) Th1 immunity with poly IC as adjuvant. PMID 19564349 PMCID 2715098 J EXP MED 2009 JUL 6;206(7):1589-1602
29. Steinman RM Some Scientific and Organizational Challenges in Cancer Immunology. PMID 19769730 Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences: CANCER VACCINES 2009;1-5
30. Mukhopadhaya A , Hanafusa T , Jarchum I , Chen YG , Iwai Y , Serreze DV , Steinman RM, Tarbell KV, DiLorenzo TP Selective delivery of beta cell antigen to dendritic cells in vivo leads to deletion and tolerance of autoreactive CD8(+) T cells in NOD mice. PROC NAT ACAD SCI USA 2008 APR 29;105(17):6374-6379