Dois dos seus irmãos seguiram o mesmo ramo, o escritor António Lobo Antunes, psiquiatra, e Nuno Lobo Antunes, neurologista pediátrico, que também já se estreou no romance. A escrita parece ser outra ‘jóia’ de família.
Depois de completar a sua licenciatura, entre 1971 e 1984 João Lobo Antunes viveu em Nova Iorque, onde integrou o Departamento de Neurocirurgia do New York Neurological Institute, Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, pertencente à Universidade de Columbia. Foi investigador bolseiro da Fundação Fullbright e da Fundação Matheson e, posteriormente, nomeado professor associado de Neurocirurgia da mesma Universidade, com tenure.
Aliando a carreira académica à de neurocirurgião, seguiu uma carreira ligada com tradição na sua família, já que o seu pai era neurologista, além de professor da Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa[1].
Antunes, J.L., Macedo, C. , Damásio, A.R.: Tratamento da doença de Parkinson. Rev. Port. Ter. Med. 4:135-150, 1970
Antunes, J.L., Macedo, C., Damásio, A.R.: Incapacidade funcional na doença de Parkinson. O Médico 58:990-993, 1971
Antunes, J.L., Macedo, C., Damásio, A.R.: Ensaio clínico com a levodopa no tratamento da doença de Parkinson. O Médico 59 :443-464, 1971
Damásio, A.R., Antunes, J.L., Macedo., C.: Psychiatric aspects in Parkinsonism treated with L-dopa. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 34:502, 1971
Yahr, M.D., Wolf, A., Antunes, J.L., Myoshi, K., Duffy, P.: Autopsy findings parkinsonism following treatment with levodopa. Neurology 22: (part 2) 56, 1972
Yahr, M.D., Antunes, J.L.: Relapsing encephalomyelitis following the use of influenza vaccine. Arch. Neurol. 27:182-183, 1972
Duvoisin, R.C., Antunes, J.L., Yahr, M.D.: Response of patients with postencephalitic parkinsonism to levodopa. J. Neurol. Neurosurg. Psychiat. 35:487-495, 1972
Antunes, J.L. : Behçet’s disease. Ann. Int. Med. 76:332-333, 1972
Luis, M.L.S., Antunes, J.L. : A electromiografia na avaliação do síndrome parkinsónico tratado com L-dopa: O Médico 64:157-167,1972
Zimerman, E.A., Antunes, J.L.: Organization of the hypothalamic-pituitary system: Current concepts from immunohistochemical studies. J. Histochem. Cytochem 24:807-815,1976
Schlesinger, E.B., Michelsen, W.J., Antunes, J.L.: The value of sequential scanning in the detection of metastatic tumors. Surg. Neurol. 6:239-242, 1976
Zimmerman, E.A., Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W., Defendini, R., Ferin, M.: Magnocellular neurosecretory pathways in the monkey. Trans. Amer. Neurol. Assoc. 101:16, 1976
Antunes, J.L., DiGiacinto, G.V., Michelsen, W.J.: Giant hemispheric arteriovenous fistula in an infant. Surg. Neurol. 7:45-48, 1977
Antunes, J.L.: Tumors of the sellar and parasellar region. In: “Syllabus of Clinical Neurology”, Ed. Neurological Institute
Ferin, M., Antunes, J.L., Zimmerman, E.A., Vande Wiele, R.L.: Neuroendocrine control of reproduction in rhesus monkeys. Prog. Reprod. Biology 2:115-116, 1977
Carmel, P.W., Antunes. J.L., Hilal, S.K., Gold, A.P.: Dandy-Walker syndrome. Clinico-pathological features and re-evaluation of modes of treatment. Surg. Neurol. 8:132-138, 1977
Silverman, A.J. Antunes, J.L., Ferin, M., Zimmerman, E.A.: The distribution of luteinizing-hormone-releasing-hormone (LHRH) in the hypothalamus of the rhesus monkey. Light microscopic studies using irnmunoperoxidase technique. Endocrinology 101:134-142, 1977
Antunes, J.L., Housepian, E.M., Frantz, A. G., Holub, D.A., Hui, R.M., Carmel, P.W., Quest, D.O.: Prolactin secreting pituitary tumors. Ann. Neurol. 2:148-153, 1977, also in “Year Book of Neurology and Neurosurgery”, 1978
Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W., Zimmerman, E.A.: Projections from the paraventricu1ar nucleus to the zona externa of the median eminence of the rhesus monkey: an immunohistochemical study. Brain Research 137:1, 1977
Ferin, M., Antunes, J.L., Zimmerman, E.A., Dyrenfurth, I., Frantz, A.G., Robinson, A.G., Carmel, P.W.: Endocrine function in female rhesus monkeys after hypothalamic disconnection. Endocrinology 101:1611-1620, 1977
Zimmerman E.A., Stillman, M.A., Recht, L.D., Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W.: Vasopressin and corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF): an axonal pathway to portal capillaries in the zona externa of the median eminence containing vasopressin and its interaction with adrenal corticoids. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 297:405-419, 1977
Quest, D.O., Brisman, R., Antunes, J.L., Housepian, E.M.: Period of risk for recurrence in medulloblastoma. J. Neurosurg. 48:159-163, 1978
Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W. Housepian, E.M. Ferin, M.: Luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone in human pituitary blood. J. Neurosurg. 49:382-386, 1978
Antunes, J.L., Zimmerman, E.A.: The hypothalamic magnocellular system of the rhesus monkey: an immunocytochemical study. J.Comp. Neurol. 181:539-566, 1978
Carmel, P.W., Antunes, J.L., Ferin, M.: Collection of blood from the pituitary stalk and portal veins in monkeys and from the pituitary sinusoidal system of monkey and man. J. Neurosurg. 50:75-80, 1979
Ferin, M., Rosenblatt, H., Carmel, P.W., Antunes, J.L., Vande Wiele, R.L.: Estrogen-induced gonadotropin surges in female rhesus monkeys after pituitary stalk section. Endocrinology 104:50-52, 1979
Antunes, J.L.: Pituitary tumors, in H. H. Merritt “Textbook of Neurology”, 6ª edição, 1979
Vande Wiele, R.L., Antunes, J.L., Ferin, M. Neural control of gonadotropin secretion in primates. Amer. J. Obstet. Gynecol. 132:752-757, 1979
Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W., Zimmerman, E.A., Ferin, M.: The pars tuberalis of the rhesus monkey secretes luteinizing hormone. Brain Research 166:49-55, 1979
Antunes, J.L., Carmel, P.W., Zimmerman, E.A., Ferin, M.: Regeneration of the Magnocellular system of the rhesus monkey following hypothalamic lesions. Ann. Neurol. 5:462, 1979
Cogen, P.H., Antunes, J.L., Correll, J.W.:Reproductive function in temporal lobe epilepsy. The effect of temporal lobectomy. Surg. Neurol. 12:243-246, 1979
Antunes, J.L.: Neural control of reproduction. Neurosurg. 5:63-70, 1979
Dobelle. W.H., Quest, D.O., Antunes, J.L., Roberts, T.S., Girvin, J.P.: Artificial vision for the blind by the electrical stimulation of the visual cortex. Neurosurg. 5:521-527, 1979
Steinberger, A., Antunes, J.L., Michelsen, W.J.: Pneumocephalus after ventriculoatrial shunt. Neurosurg. 5:708-710, 1979
Antunes, J.L.: A regu1ação nervosa da função reprodutora no macaco rhesus. Acta Med. Port. 1:587-598, 1979
Vaughan L., Carmel, P.W., Dyrenfurth, I., Frantz, A.G., Antunes, J.L., Ferin, M.: Section of the pituitary stalk in: the rhesus monkey. I. Endocrine studies. Neuroendocrinology 30:70-75, 1980
Antunes, J.L., Louis, K., Cogen, P.H., Zimmerman, E.A., Ferin, M.: Section of the pituitary stalk in the rhesus monkey. II Morphological studies. Neuroendocrinology 30:76, 1980
Downey, R., Antunes, J.L., Michelsen, W.J.: Haemorrhage within brain tumors during jogging. Ann Neurol. 7.496, 1980
Cogen, P.H., Antunes, J.L., Louis, K.M., Dyrenfurth, I., Ferin, M.: The effects of anterior hypothalamic disconnection on gonadotropin secretion in the female rhesus money. Endocrinology 107:677-683, 1980
Antunes, J.L., Louis, K.M., Huang, S., Zimmermam, E.A., Carmel, P.W., Ferrin, M.: Section of the pituitary stalk in the rhesus monkey: Morphological and endocrine observations. Ann. Neurol. 8:308, 1980
Sladek, J.R., Zimmerman, E. A., Antunes, J.L., Mc Neill, T.H.: Integrated morphology of cathecolamine and neurophysin neurons. In: “Cathecolamines: basic and clinical frontiers”, Volume 2, E. Usdin. I.J., Kopin, J. Barchas, Eds., New York, Pergamon, 1980
Antunes, J.L., Ganti, S.R., Louis, R.M.: Colloid cysts of the third ventricle. Neurosurg. 7:450-455, 1980
Downey, R., Siris. E.S., Antunes, J.L.: “Crocodile tears” and Paget’s disease Case report. Neurosurg. 7:621-622, 1980
Seitz, W., Olarte, M., Antunes, J.L.: Ossifying fibroma of the parietal bone. Neurosurg. 7:513, 1980
Antunes, J.L.: Subarachnoid hemorrhage in pregnancy: Craniotomy or delivery first? Problem-Patient Conference at P. & S. Richard, R.M., M.D. Editor, Contemporary Ob. Gyn. 18:169, 1981
Antunes, J.L., Kvam, D., Ganti, S.R., Louis, K.M., Goodman, J.: Mixed colloid cysts-xantogranulomas of the third ventricle. Surg. Neurol. 16:256, 1981
Schlesinger, E.B., Antunes, J.L., Michelsen, W.J., Louis, K.M.: Hydromyelia. Clinical presentation and comparison of modalities of treatment. Neurosur 9:356-391, 1981
Ganti, S.R., Antunes, J.L., Louis, K.M., Hilal, S.K.: Computed tomography in the diagnosis of colloid cysts of the third ventricle. Radiology 138:385-391, 1981
Chutorian, A.M., Antunes, J.L.: Klüver-Bucy syndrome and herpes encephalitis. Case report. Neurosurg. 8:388-390, 1981
Antunes, J.L., Quest. D.O.: Current management of pituitary tumors. Resident and, Staff Physician 27:51, 1981
Bever, C.T., Koenigsberger, M.R., Antunes, J.L., Wolff, J.A.: Epidural metastasis by Wilm’s tumor. Am. J. Dis. Child. 135:644-646,1981
Louis, K.M., Cogen, P.H., Manasia, A., Ferin, M., Antunes, J.L.: Endocrine function in the Klüver-Bucy syndrome: Studies in adult female rhesus monkeys. Neurosurg. 9:287-291, 1981
Antunes, J.L., Kvam, D., Ganti, S.R., Louis, K.M., Goodman, J.: Mixed colloid cystsxanthogranulomas of the third ventricle. Surg. Neurol., 16:256-261, 1981
Schlesinger, E.B., Antunes, J.L., Michelsen, W.J., Louis, K.M.: Hydromyelia. Clinical presentation and comparison of modalities of treatment. Neurosurg. 9:356-365, 1981
Muraszko, K.M., Antunes, J.L., Hilal, S.K., Michelsen, W.J.: Hemangiopericytomas of the spine. Neurosurg. 10:473-479, 1982
Antunes, J.L., Murasko, K., Quest, D.O., Carmel, P.W.: Surgica1 strategies in the management of tumours of the anterior third ventricle. Modern Neurosurg. 1:215-224, 1982
Antunes, J.L.: Surgical approaches to tumors of the anterior third ventricle. Contemporary Neurosurg. 4:1-6, 1982
Girvin, J.P., Marks, L.E., Antunes, J.L., Quest, D.O., O’Keefe, M., Ning, P., Doballe, WH.: Electrocutaneous stimulation I. The effects of stimulus parameters on absolute threshold. Perception and Psychophysics. 32:524-528, 1982
Marks, L.E., Girvin, J.P., Quest, D.O., Antunes, J.L., Ning, P., O’Keefe., M.D., Dobelle, W.H. : Electrocutaneous stimulation II. The estimation of distance between two points. Perception and Psychophysics 32:529-536, 1982
Marks, L.E., Girvin, J.P., O’Keefe, M.D., Ning, P., Quest, D.O., Antunes, J.L., Dobelle, W.H.: Electrocutaneous stimulation. III. The perception of temporal order. Perception and Psychophysics 32:537-541, 1982
Wairdlaw, S.L., Wehrenberg, W.B., Ferin, M.F., Antunes, J.L., Frantz, A.G.: Effect of sex steroids on beta-endorphin in hypophyseal portal blood. J. Clin. Endoc. Metab. 55:877-881, 1982
Antunes, J.L., Muraszko, K., Quest, D.O. and Carme P.W.l: Surgical strategies in the management of tumours of the anterior third ventricle. Modern Neurosurgery 215-222, 1982
Antunes, J.L., S. Fahn, and Lucien Cote: Normal pressure hydrocephalus and Parkinson’s disease. J. Neural Transmission, Suppl. 19, 225-231, 1983
Richardson, D.W, Wildt, L., Hutchison, J.S., Pohl, C.R., Antunes, J.L., Ferin, M., knobil, E.: Induction of ovulatory menstrual cycles by an unvarying pulsatile GnRH infusion in pituitary stalk-sectioned rhesus monkey. Endocrine Society, abst. 196, 1983
Chen, R.Y.Z., Murasko, K.M., Charlin, R.D., Antunes, J.L., Chien, S.: Improvement of cerebral and myocardial blood flows by naloxone during hemorrhagic hypotenso in dogs. Anesthesiology 59:(3) A119, 1983
Chen, R.Y.Z., Carlin, R.D., Murasko, K.M., Antunes, J.L.: Comparison of responses of regional cerebral blood flow to haemorrhage in Ketamine and pentobarbital anesthesia. Anesthesiology 59 (3) A307, 1983
Antunes, J.L., Fahn, S., Cote, L.: Normal pressure hydrocephalus and Parkinson’s disease. J. Neural Transm. Suppl. 19, 225-231, 1983
Antunes, J.L., Sharer, L.R., Pellock, J.M.: Occipital encephalocele - a case of conjoined twinning? Neurosurg. 13:703-707, 1983
Murasko, K.M., Chen R.Y.Z., Carlin, R.D., Antunes, J.L., Chien, S.: Effects of naloxone on regional blood flow in hypovolemia. Fed. Proceed. 42:981, 1983
Carlin, R.D., Murasko, K.M., Chen, R.Y.Z., Simehen, S., Antunes, J.L., Chien, S.: Hemodynamic and metabolic effects of naloxone during hypovolemia. Fed. Proceed. 42:981, 1983
Loftus, C.M., Michelsen, C.B., Rapoport, F. Antunes, J.L.: Management of plasmocytomas of the spine. Neurosurg. 13:30-36, 1983
Solomon, R.A., Antunes, J.L., Chen, R.Y.Z., Bland, L. Chien, S.: Decrease in cerebral blood flow in rats after experimental subarachnoid haemorrhage: a new animal model. Stroke 16:58-64, 1985
Antunes, J.L., Reys, L.: Diagnóstico de morte cerebral. J. Soc. Cienc. Med. 149:307, 1985
Antunes, J.L.: Aspectos éticos do treino cirúrgico. J. Soc. Cienc. Med. 149:429, 1985
Antunes, J.L.: Masses of the third ventricle. In “Neurosurgery” Editado por R.H. Wilkins e S.S. Rengachary, Mc Graw-Hill Book Company, 1985
Antunes, J.L.: “Curricula”. J. Soc. Cienc. Med. 149:623-625, 1985
Antunes, J.L. e Stein, B. M.: “Case report” In “The Tethered Spinal Cord”. Editado por R.N.N. Holtzman e B.M. Stein, Thieme Stratton Inc., Nova Yorque, 1985
Antunes, J.L.: O Ensino pré e pós graduado na Neurocirurgia Medicina Série III; 3:275-281, 1985
Antunes, J.L.: Pedro Almeida Lima. Fundador da Neurocirurgia Portuguesa. J.Soc. Cienc. Med. Lisboa, 150:119—121, 1986
Antunes J.L. e Ferro J.M.: Acidentes Vasculares Cerebrais. Diagnóstico e Tratamento UCB, 1986
Antunes J.L.: Reflexões sobre a investigação médica em Portugal. Sociedade das Ciências Médicas de Lisboa, 1986
Antunes J.L.: Teaching and Learning Neurosurgery. Acta Neurochirurgica. 86:69-74, 1987
Antunes, J.L.: A Neurocirurgia e os avanços tecnológicos In: A. Correia de Campos, J. Morais Leitão, J. Pinto Correia “Que política de saúde para Portugal”? SEDES, Lisboa, 1987
Távora, L., Antunes, J.L.: Brain abscesses and ischemic necrotic lesions during early childhood. Neurosurgery, 21:923-927, 1987
Antunes, J.L.: O Hospital Universitário. J. Soc. Cienc. Med. Lisboa, 151:89-92, 1987
Antunes, J.L.: Regeneration of the hypothalamic magnocellular system following section of the pituitary stalk and hypothalamic lesions. In: E. Cohadon e J. Lobo Antunes “Recovery of function in the Nervous System”. Springer Verlag, 1988
Antunes, J.L.: Progressos recentes em Neurocirurgia. Acta Med.Port. 1, 2ª série: nºs 4/5/6, 285-290,1988
Castro Caldas, A., Antunes, J.L., Levy, A., Sampaio, C., Castelo, H.B., Barreiros, E., Barreiros, L., Távora, L. e Pimentel, J. C.: Adrenal transplantation into the caudate nucleus. Proceedings 9th Int. Symposium Parkinson’s Disease, 1988
Castro Caldas, A., Poppe, P., Antunes, J.L. e Campos, J.: Partial section of the corpus callosum: focal signs and their recovery. Neurosurgery 25:442-447, 1989
Antunes, J.L.: The vascular supply of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis. In J. Pickard, F. Cohadon e J. Lobo Antunes, eds. Neuroendocrinological Aspects of Neurosurgery, 1989
Antunes, J.L, Lima, J.: Síndromes de compressão neurovascular na fossa posterior. Acta Med. Port. 2 :224-230, 1989
Antunes, J.L.: Harvey Cushing e Reynaldo dos Santos. Acta Med. Port.6:302-305, 1989
Costa, M. A., Cristina, M. L., Távora, L., Pinho, B., Barreiros,L., Barreiros,E., Antunes, J.L.: Precocious puberty due to hypothalamic Turnors. Abst. XII European Congress of Pathology, 1989
Hormigo A, Antunes, J.L., Bravo-Marques JM, Marques MS.: Syringomyelia secondary to compression of the cervical spinal cord by an extramedullary lymphoma. Neurosurgery. Nov;27(5):834-6,1990
Antunes, J.L., Valença, A., Ferro, J.M. e Campos, J.: Ruptured saccular aneurysm associated with duplication of the vertebral artery. Surg. Neurol. 36:207-209, 1991
Antunes, J.L.: Infections of the Spine. Acta Neurochir. 116:179-186, 1992.
Antunes, J.L. e Bacelar-Nicolau, M.H.: A entrevista no Processo de Admissão à Faculdade de Medicina de Lisboa: Análise Estatística das Classificações e da Correlação com outros parâmetros de avaliação. Educação Médica.3:88-97,1992
Antunes, J.L.: Syringomyelia. In Disorders of the cervical spine. Ed. Martin B. Carmin, F. O’Leary. Williams & Wilkins. 229-238, 1992
Pereirinha, R., Pimentel, J., Antunes, J.L.: Metástase cerebral de melanoma com localização excepcional. Neurocirugía, 4:329-332, 1993
Ponce, P., Cruz, J., Travassos, J., Moreira, P. Lima, J.A., Pedro, A.G., Ferreira, A.C., Antunes, J.L.: Pace-Maker diafragmático no tratamento da insuficiência ventilatória, Acta Médica Portuguesa, 8:639, 1995
Jansen Olesen, I., Gulbenkian, S., Valença, A., Antunes, J. L., Wharton, J.M., Polak, J.M. and Edvinsson, L.: The peptidergic innervation of the human superficial temporal artery: immunohistochemistry, ultrastructure and vasomotility. Peptides, vol. 16:275-287, 1995
Martins, I.P., Antunes, N.L., Castro Caldas, A. e Antunes, J.L.: Atypical dominance for language in development dysphasia. Development Medicine and Child Neurology, 37:85-90, 1995
Melancia, J.L., Pimentel, J., Conceição I., Antunes, J.L.,: Intramedullary neuroma of the cervical spinal cord: case report. Neurosurgery, 39:594-598, 1996
Antunes, J.L. e col.: Randomized, double blind - controlled trial of Tirilazad Mesylate in patients with aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage: a cooperative study in Europe, Australia and New Zealand. J Neurosurg 84: 221 - 228, 1996.
A Garrão, A., Sobrinho, L., Oliveira, P., Bugalho, M.J., Boavida, J.M., Raposo, J.F., Loureiro, M., Limbert, E, Costa, J., Antunes, J.L.: ACTH producing carcinoma of the pituitary with hematogenic metastases. Europ J Endocrin 137: 176 - 180, 1997.
Trindade, A.M., Antunes J.L.: Anterior approaches to non-traumatic lesions of the thoracic spine. Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery 23: 205 - 248, 1997.
Antunes, J.L.: How many residents shall we train? The Iberian experience. Acta Neurochirurgica Sup 69: 43 - 44, 1997.
Antunes, J.L.: Repensar a Faculdade de Medicina “A transformação”. Rev. FNIL, série III, vol. II: 155 - 159, 1997.
Garrão, A.F., Sobrinho, L.G., Oliveira, P., Bugalho, M.J., Boavida, J.M., Raposo, J.F., Loureiro, M., Limbert, E., Costa, I. and Antunes, J.L.: “ACTH-producing carcinoma of the pituitary with haematogenic metastases”. European Journal of Endocrinology 137:176-180,1997.
Pimentel, J., Fernandes, A., Pinto, A.E., Fonseca, I., Moura Nunes, J.F. and Antunes, J.L. “Clear cell meningioma variant and clinical aggressiveness” Clinical Neuropathology, Vol. 17, nº3:141-146,1998
Antunes, J.L., Lima, J.A.: “Managment of III ventricular tumors”. Neurosurgery Quartely 9:1-20, 1999.
Antunes, J.L.: "Emerging unwanted side effects of quality control, or the value of the immeasurable qualities of medical care". Acta Neurochir Suppl. 2001;78:205-8.
Antunes, J.L.: A Profissão de Médico. Análise Social vol XXVIII (166), 77-79, 2003
Antunes, J.L.: “Visão artificial em cegos por acção da estimulação ele trica do córtex visual”, RFML Série III; 8(3), 2003
Antunes, J.L.: Discurso na Sessão de Abertura do Congresso “Approaches to Better Teaching” da AMEE Association for Medical Education in Europe”, RFML Série III; 8(2): 51-53, 2003
S. Livraghi, J.P. Melancia, J. Lobo Antunes: “The management of Brain Abscesses”, Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, Springer Verlag, 28:285-313, 2003
Antunes, J.L: “Vida Química / Vida Inteligente” in: Olhares Cruzados –Perspectivas para o século XXI Série I. Fundação Calouste Gilbenkian 95-99, 2003
Antunes, J.L.: Egas Moniz. Livro “CIRCULAÇÃO”, 2004
Antunes JL, European Union of medical Specialists: Teaching Staff, Acta Neurochir Suppl.;90:17-9, 2004
Antunes, J.L.: Introduction, Training in Neurosurgery in the Countries of the EU, Springer Wien New York 1-2, 2004
Antunes, J.L.: Teaching Staff, Training in Neurosurgery in the Countries of the EU, Springer Wien New York 17-19, 2004
Antunes, JL e outros: Século XXI – perspectivas, Câmara Municipal da Covilhã, Editorial Presença, 13-43, 2004
Antunes, JL: Conflitos de interesse na profissão médica, Arquivos de Medicina, Vl 18 n.º1/2 Janeiro/Abril, 8-15 2004
Martins, IP, Raquel, RG and Antunes, J.L.: Double dissociation between autonomic symptoms and pain in cluster headache, Cephalalgia. May;25 (5):398-400, 2005
Antunes, J.L e outros: Despertar para a Ciência, as conferências de 2003, Cérebro e visão: da arte à engenharia, Gradiva, 171-179,2005
Antunes, J.L.: Porto Novo, Nova Ciência – Nova Sociedade 42-56, 2005
Antunes, J.L.: “Tecnologia: Meio ou fim?”, Revista Portuguesa de Filosofia, Tomo 62 Fascículo 1; 173-184, 2006
Antunes, J.L.: “Conflicts of interest in medical practice”, Advances and Technical Standards in Neurosurgery, 33: 25-39, 2007.
Lobo Antunes, J.: “As limitações da idade”, O Fim da Vida, Publicações da Faculdade de Filosofia, Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Braga 2007. 83-95, 2007
Lobo Antunes, J.: “Memória falada (ou eco silencioso)”. In “Toda a memória do Mundo” Coordenadora Maria de Sousa. Esfera do Caos, 2007
Lobo Antunes, J.: “Globalização e Educação”. In “Globalização e (des)igualdades: Desafios Contemporâneos” Org J.A. Pacheco, J.C. Morgado e A. F. Moreira, Porto Editora 2007
Lobo Antunes, J.: “Vida, Morte, Tecnologia”. In “Que valores para este tempo?”. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Gradiva 2007.
“Entrevista” In “Entre/Vistas” Maria João Seixas. Âmbar 2007
Faria, C., Miguéns, J., Antunes, J. L., Barroso, C., Pimentel, J., Martins, M. D. C., Moura-Nunes, V., et al. "Genetic alterations in a papillary glioneuronal tumor". Journal of neurosurgery Pediatrics, 1(1), 99–102. 2008
Lobo Antunes, J.: “O “Relatório das Carreiras Médicas” revisitado”, Lisboa, Saúde e Inovação – do Renascimento aos dias de hoje, Lisboa, editado por Constantino Sakellarides e Manuel Valente Alves, Gradiva, 189-195, Nov 2008
Pimentel J. C., Barroso C., Miguéns J., Firmo C., Lobo Antunes J.: “Papillary glioneurinal tumor. Prognostic value of the extension of the surgical resection”. Clin Neuropath 28:287-294, 2009
Lobo Antunes J.: “O Hospital Universitário e o Centro Académico de Medicina” In Governação dos Hospitais. Ed. Luís Campos, Margarida Borges e Rui Portugal. Casa das Letras Lisboa, 2009
Lobo Antunes J.: A Medicina e Arte. Fórum Gulbenkian Saúde. 50.º aniversário. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian 2009
Lobo Antunes J.: Presente na criação: a Fundação Gulbenkian e 50 anos de medicina em Portugal. Fórum Gulbenkian da Saúde . 50.º aniversário. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 2009
Lobo Antunes J.: Management of tumors of the anterior third and lateral ventricles. In Pratical Handbook of Neurosurgery. From leading neurosurgeons. Ed. Marc Sindou. Springer, 2009
Lobo Antunes J.: Medicina Tecnologia e Inovação. In: 30 anos do Serviço Nacional de Saúde. Um percurso comentado. Coord. Jorge Simões, Almedina, Coimbra, 2010
O discurso não proferido” In Reflexões sobre o Pensamento de Bento XVI”. Nova Cidadania Ano XI, n.º 42, 2010
Renato Lessa, Silvério Marques e J. Lobo Antunes: Dialogo sobre o texto de Fernando Gil “L’hôpital et la loi morale” In: “Philosopher au Portugal aujourd’hui” Coord. Maria Filomena Molder “Rue Descartes” Revue du Collège International de Philosophie”, n.º 68, 2010
Políticas e Políticos da Educação, coordenado pelo Professor Doutor João Ruivo e Dr. João Carrega, RJV – Editores, 2011
Patricia Pita Lobo , Miguel Coelho, Ruth Geraldes, Carolina Santos, Maria Grácio, Mário Miguel Rosa, João Lobo Antunes: Myeloradiculopathy associated to Schistosoma mansoni, BMJ Case reports, 2011
As Neurociências e o Direito. Livro de Homenagem a Prof. Doutor José Joaquim Gomes Canotilho. Vol 1, 85:96, 2012
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Kesenjangan kesehatan di Inggris dan Wales menurut sensus 2011 Kesetaraan kesehatan atau keadilan kesehatan (bahasa Inggris: health equity) adalah tidak adanya disparitas atau kesenjangan yang sistematis dalam kesehatan di antara kelompok-kelompok yang memiliki perbedaan keuntungan atau ketidakberuntungan sosial, seperti kekayaan, kekuasaan, atau prestise.[1] Orang-orang yang secara konsisten tidak memiliki ketiga faktor-faktor penentu tersebut mengalami kerugian kesehatan secara sign...
Bagian belakang mesin CFM56 CFM International CFM56 adalah keluarga Prancis-Amerika Serikat dari mesin pesawat turbofan bypass tinggi yang dibuat oleh CFM International (CFMI), dengan kisaran daya dorong 18.500 hingga 34.000 lbf (82 hingga 150 kN). CFMI adalah 50-50 perusahaan milik bersama Safran Aircraft Engine (sebelumnya dikenal sebagai Snecma) dari Prancis, dan GE Aviation (GE) Amerika Serikat. Kedua perusahaan bertanggung jawab untuk memproduksi komponen dan masing-masing memi...
Artikel ini sebatang kara, artinya tidak ada artikel lain yang memiliki pranala balik ke halaman ini.Bantulah menambah pranala ke artikel ini dari artikel yang berhubungan atau coba peralatan pencari pranala.Tag ini diberikan pada Februari 2023. Semut pudak Worker Klasifikasi ilmiah Kerajaan: Animalia Filum: Arthropoda Kelas: Insecta Ordo: Hymenoptera Famili: Formicidae Genus: Tapinoma Spesies: T. melanocephalum Nama binomial Tapinoma melanocephalum(Fabricius, 1793) Semut pudak (Tapinoma...
Lambang kotamadya Letak Tjøme Tjøme ialah sebuah kotamadya di provinsi Vestfold, Norwegia. Kotamadya ini berpenduduk 4582 jiwa pada Januari 2005, darinya 49,2% lelaki. Penduduk tuanya (67 tahun ke atas) berjumlah 13,1%. Pada Juni 2005 sekitar 3,1% penduduknya menganggur. Pranala luar Situs resmi Diarsipkan 2017-10-07 di Wayback Machine. BPS Norwegia Artikel bertopik geografi atau tempat Norwegia ini adalah sebuah rintisan. Anda dapat membantu Wikipedia dengan mengembangkannya.lbs
Computing concept In computing, an address space defines a range of discrete addresses, each of which may correspond to a network host, peripheral device, disk sector, a memory cell or other logical or physical entity. For software programs to save and retrieve stored data, each datum must have an address where it can be located. The number of address spaces available depends on the underlying address structure, which is usually limited by the computer architecture being used. Often an addres...
Closed United States Air Force General Surveillance Radar station This article includes a list of references, related reading, or external links, but its sources remain unclear because it lacks inline citations. Please help improve this article by introducing more precise citations. (December 2012) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Zapata Air Force Station Part of Air Defense Command (ADC)Zapata AFSLocation of Zapata AFS, TexasCoordinates26°57′08″N 099°16′31″W...
Student leadership honor society This article has multiple issues. Please help improve it or discuss these issues on the talk page. (Learn how and when to remove these template messages) A major contributor to this article appears to have a close connection with its subject. It may require cleanup to comply with Wikipedia's content policies, particularly neutral point of view. Please discuss further on the talk page. (November 2019) (Learn how and when to remove this message) This article nee...
La famille Jackson est une famille américaine de chanteurs et de musiciens — œuvrant en solo ou en groupe (Jackson Five, 3T) —, originaire de Gary dans l'Indiana (près de Chicago), et qui s'installe, dans les années 1970, à Encino, un quartier de Los Angeles en Californie. Le membre le plus célèbre de cette famille est le chanteur et auteur-compositeur-interprète Michael Jackson (1958-2009), qui, après avoir été membre des Jackson Five, connaît une carrière solo int...
Painting by El Greco The SaviourArtistEl GrecoYear1608-1614Mediumoil on canvasDimensions72 cm × 55 cm (28 in × 22 in)LocationMuseo del Prado, Madrid The Saviour (Spanish - El Salvador) is a 1608–1614 oil on canvas painting by El Greco, now in the Museo del Prado in Madrid, Spain. It shows Christ as the saviour of the world, represented by the globe beneath his left hand. It draws on the traditions of Byzantine art whilst also incorporating element...
Shield Peurise Awe A Peurise Awe, circa 1875.TypeShieldPlace of originAceh, IndonesiaService historyUsed byAlas people, Acehnese people, Gayo peopleWarsAceh War (1873–1914)SpecificationsDiameter35–45 cm (14–18 in) Peurise Awe or Peurise Awi is a shield originating from Aceh, Indonesia. The shield was used by Acehnese warriors during the Aceh War against the Dutch colonials in the 19th century.[1] Description The Peurise Awe is a peurise (shield) of plait...
Die Marschall Ustinow, ein moderner Lenkwaffenkreuzer des Projekt 1164 (Slawa-Klasse) Der Begriff Kreuzer bezeichnet einen Typ von Kriegsschiffen mittlerer Größe. Er hat seinen Ursprung in dem niederländischen Wort „kruiser“ aus dem 17. Jahrhundert, der ein kreuzendes (im Sinne von hin und her fahrend) Schiff bezeichnete.[1] Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 Geschichte 1.1 Situation in Deutschland 2 Nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg 3 Kreuzer im aktiven Dienst 4 Arten von Kreuzern 4.1 Zivile Kreuze...
Community radio station in Parrsboro, Nova Scotia CICR-FMParrsboro, Nova ScotiaFrequency99.1 (MHz)BrandingParrsboro Community RadioProgrammingFormatCommunity RadioOwnershipOwnerParrsboro Radio SocietyHistoryFirst air dateSeptember 2008Technical informationClassLPERP50 wattsHAAT32 metresTransmitter coordinates45°24′32″N 64°19′36″W / 45.40889°N 64.32667°W / 45.40889; -64.32667LinksWebcastCICR Streaming RadioWebsiteParrsboro Community Radio CICR-FM, branded as...
Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento militari non è ancora formattata secondo gli standard. Contribuisci a migliorarla secondo le convenzioni di Wikipedia. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. 8º Reggimento Carabinieri LAZIOOmerale per uniforme da O.P. dell'8º Reggimento Carabinieri Lazio Descrizione generaleAttivo2009 - oggi Nazione Italia Servizio Arma dei Carabinieri RuoloOrdine pubblicoPubblica sicurezzaOrgano ausiliario di Protezione CivilePolizia militare Dime...
Socialist system in 1960s Tanzania Julius Nyerere Ujamaa (lit. 'fraternity' in Swahili) was a socialist ideology that formed the basis of Julius Nyerere's social and economic development policies in Tanzania after it gained independence from Britain in 1961.[1] More broadly, ujamaa may mean cooperative economics, in the sense of local people cooperating with each other to provide for the essentials of living, or to build and maintain our own stores, shops, and other businesses a...
Questa voce o sezione sull'argomento lingue non cita le fonti necessarie o quelle presenti sono insufficienti. Puoi migliorare questa voce aggiungendo citazioni da fonti attendibili secondo le linee guida sull'uso delle fonti. Segui i suggerimenti del progetto di riferimento. Gutnico antico †Parlato inGotland PeriodoIX secolo - XVII secolo LocutoriClassificaestinta TassonomiaFilogenesiLingue indoeuropee Lingue germaniche Lingue germaniche settentrionali ...
Historic province of Vietnam Map of Cho Lon province in 1909 Chợ Lớn (listenⓘ) was former province of South Vietnam. It was established in December 1899 when Gia Định province was split to four smaller provinces. In 1901 its population was 184,151, 1916 census was 212,536, and February 15, 1920, census was 205,657. In 1940 it had 4 districts: Đức Hòa, Cần Giuộc, Cần Đước and Trung Quận. On June 27, 1951, it was merged with Bà Rịa province to form Chợ Lớn-Bà R�...
Serie A1 1987-1988La Scavolini Pesaro campione d'ItaliaDettagli della competizioneSport Pallacanestro Edizione66ª OrganizzatoreLega Basket Federazione FIP Squadre16 VerdettiCampione V.L. Pesaro(1º titolo) Retrocessioni Pall. Firenze Aurora Desio Basket Brescia Cronologia della competizioneed. successiva → ← ed. precedente Modifica dati su Wikidata · Manuale Il campionato di Serie A1 di pallacanestro maschile 1987-1988 è stato il...
بطولة العالم لسباقات فورمولا 1 موسم 2006الفائزفرناندو ألونسوالشرکةرينوالتسلسل الزمنيالموسم السابقالموسم التاليعنت بطولة العالم لسباقات فورمولا 1 موسم 2006 هو الموسم السابع والخمسون لسباقات الفئة الأولى للسيارات. ضمن بطولة العالم لسباق سيارات الفورمولا واحد التي ينظمها ال�...