'George, why should I bring babysitters if I am just going to meet Peter and a poor Pole?'[14][15]
Burn - 訳語は「燃やす」(旧訳)、「炙(あぶ)る」(新訳)。脅迫を意味する。
In Spain a year later, acting on a tip-off supplied by Bill Haydon, Tarr blackmailed – or burned, as the scalphunters would say – a Polish diplomat who had lost his heart to a dancer.[16][17]
In the war, having a certain mathematical facility, he had also haunted the fringes of the secret world; and once, as he never tired of telling, worked with John Landsbury on a Circus coding operation of transient delicacy.[18]
Coat-trailing - 囮等を使って他国の工作員を転向させること。
'No overt connection with the local residency, no involvement in bread-and-butter operations, no coat-trailing, no talent-spotting, a good solid cover job. Still there for all I know.'[19][20]
'You see, long ago when I was a little boy I made a mistake and walked into a honey-trap.' 'He made an ass of himself with a Polish girl,' said Guillam. 'He sensed her generosity too.' 'I knew Irina was no honey-trap but how could I expect Mr Guillam to believe me? No way.'[25]
Housekeepers - 訳語は「運営課」(旧訳)、「運営部」(新訳)。
‘Get it from housekeepers. Get it from Control.’[26]
Joe - 英米情報部が使う現地エージェントを指す。
'We buy Polyakov, okay? Polyakov’s a Moscow hood but he’s our joe. But he’s got to pretend to his own people that he’s spying on us.'[27]
Juju man - 諜報機関における作戦担当官を指す。
'In your day the Circus ran itself by regions. Africa, satellites, Russia, China, South-East Asia, you name it; each region was commanded by its own juju man.'[28][29]
The lamplighters were Toby Esterhase’s pack, based not in Brixton but in Acton. Their job was to provide the support services for mainline operations: watching, listening, transport and safe houses.[30]
Mole - 訳語は「もぐら」。信頼を得た立場から機密情報を長期にわたって盗み出す二重スパイ。
Ivlov’s task was to service a mole. A mole is a deep penetration agent so called because he burrows deep into the fabric of Western imperialism, in this case an Englishman. [31]
Mothers - 訳語は「マザー」。サーカスの上級職員に仕える秘書やタイピスト。
Beyond his door lay the low-ceilinged anteroom where Control’s grey-haired ladies, the mothers, softly typed and answered telephones.[32][33]
On the fourth evening he drove her into the hills overlooking North Shore and Irina told Tarr that she had fallen in love with him and that she was employed by Moscow Centre, she and her husband both, and that she knew Tarr was in the trade, too; she could tell by his alertness and the way he listened with his eyes.[34]
Pavement artists - 尾行監視員を意味する。
'They tell me even his pavement artists ride around in Cadillacs. Steal the scalphunters’ bread out of their mouths too, if they get the chance, right, Mr Guillam?'[30][35]
The scalphunters’ official name was Travel. They had been formed by Control on Bill Haydon’s suggestion in the pioneer days of the Cold War, when murder and kidnapping and crash blackmail were common currency, and their first commandant was Haydon’s nominee.[36][37]
Bill had loved it, too. Smiley didn't doubt that for a moment. Standing at the middle of a secret stage, playing world against world, hero and playwright in one: oh, Bill had loved that all right. Smiley shrugged it all aside, distrustful as ever of the standard shapes of human motive. — Carré, John le (2011). Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy. Penguin Books Ltd. Kindle. p. 401.