アメリカ学派 (経済学)

アメリカ学派: American School、または国民的体系全国的システム: National System)は、政治、政策、哲学における、三つの異なるが互いに関連する構成概念を表すものである。1860年代から1940年代にかけてのアメリカ合衆国の政策であり、政策実行の程度や詳細において一進一退していった。歴史家のマイケル・リンドは、他の経済思想と論理的かつ概念的な関係を持つ、首尾一貫した応用経済哲学としてこれを表現した[1]


  1. 物品によって選択的な高率関税を適用する(特に1861年 - 1932年)こと、および補助金を支給する(特に1932年 - 1970年)ことで製造業を保護する
  2. 内国改良(特に交通)を目的としたインフラの建設に政府が投資する
  3. 投資よりも生産的事業の成長を促進する政策を持つ国定銀行を維持する[7][8][9][10]













  1. 「製造業の支援」、保護貿易主義を提唱し、自由貿易に反対する。特に「競争力のない工業」と海外から輸入される競合品に対抗するものを保護する。施策として、1816年関税法やモリル関税法があった。
  2. 「物理的インフラの創出」、政府が内国改良に資金手当することにより商業と工業発展の速度を上げる。これには民間が所有するインフラを規制し、国の需要に合わせさせることが含まれる。例えば、カンバーランド道路ユニオン・パシフィック鉄道がある。
  3. 「財政的インフラの創出」。政府の後援する国定銀行が通貨を発行し、商業を奨励する。これには債権の規制に関する主権を利用し、経済の発展を促し、投機を抑えることが含まれる。例えば、第一合衆国銀行と第二合衆国銀行および国定銀行法がある[11]


  1. 政府が科学の発展、公立「普通」教育制度による公共教育、および認定と補助金を通じた創造的研究への投資を支援する。
  2. 企業主と労働者、農夫と製造者、富裕階級と労働者階級の間の「関心の調和」を進めるために階級闘争を否定する[19]





退行する方向において最も重大な動きは、さらなるアメリカ合衆国紙幣の発行を禁じる決断に見いだせるものである。...(増加した経済活動について)我々は何に対して借りがあるだろうか? 保護と「グリーンバック」に対してである! 我々は今何を壊そうと努めているだろうか? 保護とグリーンバックである! 引き続き我々が今動いている方向に進むとすれば、連邦の再構築ではなく、連邦の完全で最後の分裂に進むことになる。






















20世紀に入ると、「アメリカ学派」は「アメリカ政策」「経済ナショナリズム」「ナショナル・システム」[24]「保護制度」「保護政策」[25]および「保護主義」といった呼び方でアメリカ合衆国の政策となったが、 この経済制度の「関税政策」のみを指すようになった[26][27][28][14][29]







  1. ^ "Free Trade Fallacy" New America.
  2. ^ a b "Second Bank of the United States" U-S-History.com.
  3. ^ "Republican Party Platform of 1860" presidency.ucsb.edu
  4. ^ "Republican Party Platform of 1856" presidency.ucsb.edu.
  5. ^ Pacific Railway Act (1862) ourdocuments.gov.
  6. ^ ANDREWS, E. Benjamin, Page 180 of Scribner's Magazine Volume 18 #1 (January–June 1896); "A History of the Last Quarter-Century".
  7. ^ Lind, Michael: "Lincoln and his successors in the Republican party of 1865–1932, by presiding over the industrialization of the United State, foreclosed the option that the United States would remain a rural society with an agrarian economy, as so many Jeffersonians had hoped." and "...Hamiltonian side... the Federalists; the National Republicans; the Whigs, the Republicans; the Progressives." — "Hamilton's Republic" Introduction pp. xiv–xv. Free Press, Simon & Schuster, USA: 1997. ISBN 0-684-83160-0.
  8. ^ Lind, Michael: "During the nineteenth century the dominant school of American political economy was the "American School" of developmental economic nationalism... The patron saint of the American School was Alexander Hamilton, whose Report on Manufactures (1791) had called for federal government activism in sponsoring infrastructure development and industrialization behind tariff walls that would keep out British manufactured goods... The American School, elaborated in the nineteenth century by economists like Henry Carey (who advised President Lincoln), inspired the "American System" of Henry Clay and the protectionist import-substitution policies of Lincoln and his successors in the Republican party well into the twentieth century." — "Hamilton's Republic" Part III "The American School of National Economy" pp. 229–30. Free Press, Simon & Schuster, USA: 1997. ISBN 0-684-83160-0.
  9. ^ a b Richardson, Heather Cox: "By 1865, the Republicans had developed a series of high tariffs and taxes that reflected the economic theories of Carey and Wayland and were designed to strengthen and benefit all parts of the American economy, raising the standard of living for everyone. As a Republican concluded... "Congress must shape its legislation as to incidentally aid all branches of industry, render the people prosperous, and enable them to pay taxes... for ordinary expenses of Government." — "The Greatest Nation of the Earth" Chapter 4, "Directing the Legislation of the Country to the Improvement of the Country: Tariff and Tax Legislation" pp. 136–37. President and Fellows of Harvard College, USA: 1997. ISBN 0-674-36213-6.
  10. ^ a b Boritt, Gabor S: "Lincoln thus had the pleasure of signing into law much of the program he had worked for through the better part of his political life. And this, as Leornard P. Curry, the historian of the legislation has aptly written, amounted to a "blueprint for modern America." and "The man Lincoln selected for the sensitive position of Secretary of the Treasury, Salmon P. Chase, was an ex-Democrat, but of the moderate cariety on economics, one whom Joseph Dorfman could even describe as 'a good Hamiltonian, and a western progressive of the Lincoln stamp in everything from a tariff to a national bank.'" — "Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream" Chapter 14, "The Whig in the White House" pp. 196–97. Memphis State University Press, USA: 1994. ISBN 0-87870-043-9.
  11. ^ a b hmco.org
  12. ^ J.L.M. Curry, "Confederate States and Their Constitution", The Galaxy, New York, 1874 cornell.edu
  13. ^ Gill, William J. "By 1880 the United States of America had overtaken and surpassed England as industrial leader of the world." — "Trade Wars Against America: A History of United States Trade and Monetary Policy", Chapter 6, "America becomes Number 1" pp. 39–49. Praeger Publishers, USA: 1990. ISBN 0-275-93316-4.
  14. ^ a b George D. Prentice, "Life of Henry Clay", The North American Review, Boston Massachusetts, 1831
  15. ^ Bourgin, Frank (1989). The Great Challenge: The Myth of Laissez-Faire in the Early Republic. New York, NY: George Braziller Inc.. ISBN 0-06-097296-3 
  16. ^ The National System of Political Economy
  17. ^ Harmony of Interests
  18. ^ cornell.edu
  19. ^ a b Henry C. Carey, Harmony of Interests
  20. ^ Making of America Books
  21. ^ The Senate 1789-1989 Classic Speeches 1830-1993 Volume three, Bicentennial edition, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington
  22. ^ a b Ideas and Movements: American System" U-S-History.com
  23. ^ William McKinley speech, October 4, 1892 in Boston, MA William McKinley Papers (Library of Congress)
  24. ^ econlib.org
  25. ^ cornell.edu
  26. ^ cornell.edu
  27. ^ cornell.edu
  28. ^ cornell.edu.
  29. ^ cornell.edu.
  30. ^ Gill, William J. Trade Wars Against America: A History of United States Trade and Monetary Policy (1990)
  31. ^ Lind, Michael: "Free Trade Fallacy" by Michael Lind, New America Foundation.] "Like Britain, the U.S. protected and subsidised its industries while it was a developing country, switching to free trade only in 1945, when most of its industrial competitors had been wiped out by the Second World War and the U.S. enjoyed a virtual monopoly in many manufacturing sectors." New America Foundation, - "Free Trade Fallacy" January 2003
  32. ^ Dr. Ravi Batra, "The Myth of Free Trade": "Unlike most of its trading partners, real wages in the United States have been tumbling since 1973, the first year of the country's switch to laissez-faire." (pp. 126–27) "Before 1973, the U.S. economy was more or less closed and self-reliant, so that efficiency gains in industry generated only a modest price fall, and real earnings soared for all Americans." (pp. 66–67) "Moreover, it turns out that 1973 was the first year in its entire history when the United States became an open economy with free trade." (p. 39)
  33. ^ Lind, Michael:"The revival of Europe and Japan by the 1970s eliminated these monopoly profits, and the support for free trade of industrial-state voters in the American midwest and northeast declined. Today, support for free-trade globalism in the U.S. comes chiefly from the commodity-exporting south and west and from U.S. multinationals which have moved their factories to low-wage countries like Mexico and China." New America Foundation, "Free Trade Fallacy" January 2003
  34. ^ In trade wars of 200 years ago, the pirates were Americans”. AP通信 (2019年3月29日). 2019年8月27日閲覧。
  35. ^ The Rise of China and the Fall of the ‘Free Trade’ Myth”. ニューヨーク・タイムズ (2018年2月7日). 2019年8月27日閲覧。



  • Batra, Ravi, Dr., The Myth of Free Trade: The pooring of America (1993)
  • Boritt, Gabor S. Lincoln and the Economics of the American Dream (1994)
  • Bourgin, Frank The Great Challenge: The Myth of Laissez-Faire in the Early Republic (George Braziller Inc., 1989; Harper & Row, 1990)
  • Buchanan, Patrick J., The Great Betrayal (1998)
  • Curry, Leonard P. Blueprint for Modern America: Nonmilitary Legislation of the First Civil War Congress (1968)
  • Croly, Herbert, The Promise of American Life (2005 reprint)
  • Dobbs, Lou Exporting America: Why Corporate Greed is Shipping American Jobs Overseas (2004)
  • Joseph Dorfman. The Economic Mind in American Civilization, 1606–1865 (1947) vol 2
  • Joseph Dorfman. The Economic Mind in American Civilization, 1865–1918 (1949) vol 3
  • Foner, Eric. Free Soil, Free Labor, Free Men: The Ideology of the Republican Party before the Civil War (1970)
  • Faux, Jeff. The Global Class War (2006)
  • Gardner, Stephen H. Comparative Economic Systems (1988)
  • Gill, William J. Trade Wars Against America: A History of United States Trade and Monetary Policy (1990)
  • Goetzmann, William H. Army Exploration in the American West 1803-1863 (Yale University Press, 1959; University of Nebraska Press, 1979)
  • Carter Goodrich, Government Promotion of American Canals and Railroads, 1800–1890 (Greenwood Press, 1960)
    • Goodrich, Carter. "American Development Policy: the Case of Internal Improvements," Journal of Economic History, 16 (1956), 449–60. in JSTOR
    • Goodrich, Carter. "National Planning of Internal Improvements," ;;Political Science Quarterly, 63 (1948), 16–44. in JSTOR
  • Richard Hofstadter, "The Tariff Issue on the Eve of the Civil War," American Historical Review, 64 (October 1938): 50–55, shows Northern business had little interest in tariff in 1860, except for Pennsylvania which demanded high tariff on iron products
  • Jenks, Leland Hamilton. "Railroads as a Force in American Development," Journal of Economic History, 4 (1944), 1–20. in JSTOR
  • John Lauritz Larson. Internal Improvement: National Public Works and the Promise of Popular Government in the Early United States (2001)
  • Johnson, E.A.J., The Foundations of American Economic Freedom: Government and Enterprise in the Age of Washington (University of Minnesota Press, 1973)
  • Lively, Robert A. "The American System, a Review Article," Business History Review, XXIX (March, 1955), 81–96. Recommended starting point.
  • Lauchtenburg, William E. Franklin D. Roosevelt and the New Deal 1932–40 (1963)
  • Lind, Michael Hamilton's Republic: Readings in the American Democratic Nationalist Tradition (1997)
  • Lind, Michael What Lincoln Believed: The Values and Convictions of America's Greatest President (2004)
  • Paludan, Philip S. The Presidency of Abraham Lincoln (1994)
  • Richardson, Heather Cox. The Greatest Nation of the Earth: Republican Economic Policies during the Civil War (1997)
  • Remini, Robert V. Henry Clay: Statesman for the Union. New York: W. W. Norton Co., 1991
  • Roosevelt, Theodore. The New Nationalism (1961 reprint)
  • Richardson, Heather Cox. The Greatest Nation of the Earth: Republican Economic Policies during the Civil War (1997)
  • Edward Stanwood, American Tariff Controversies in the Nineteenth Century (1903; reprint 1974), 2 vols., favors protectionism


  1. W. Cunningham, The Rise and Decline of the Free Trade Movement (London, 1904)
  2. G. B. Curtiss, Protection and Prosperity; and W. H. Dawson, Protection in Germany (London, 1904)
  3. Alexander Hamilton, Report on the Subject of Manufactures, communicated to the House of Representatives, 5 December 1791
  4. F. Bowen, American Political Economy (New York, 1875)
  5. J. B. Byles, Sophisms of Free Trade (London, 1903); G. Byng, Protection (London, 1901)
  6. H. C. Carey, Principles of Social Science (3 vols., Philadelphia, 1858–59), Harmony of Interests Agricultural, Manufacturing and Commercial (Philadelphia, 1873)
  7. H. M. Hoyt, Protection v. Free Trade, the scientific validity and economic operation of defensive duties in the United States (New York, 1886)
  8. Friedrich List, Outlines of American Political Economy (1980 reprint)
  9. Friedrich List, National System of Political Economy (1994 reprint)
  10. A. M. Low, Protection in the United States (London, 1904); H. 0. Meredith, Protection in France (London, 1904)
  11. S. N. Patten, Economic Basis of Protection (Philadelphia, 1890)
  12. Ugo Rabbeno, American Commercial Policy (London, 1895)
  13. Ellis H. Roberts, Government Revenue, especially the American System, an argument for industrial freedom against the fallacies of free trade (Boston, 1884)
  14. R. E. Thompson, Protection to Home Industries (New York, 1886)
  15. E. E. Williams, The Case for Protection (London, 1899)
  16. J. P. Young, Protection and Progress: a Study of the Economic Bases of the A merican Protective System (Chicago, 1900)
  17. Clay, Henry. The Papers of Henry Clay, 1797–1852. Edited by James Hopkins



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