The president is elected by and from among all members of the Yuan in a preparatory meeting held on the first reporting day of the first session of each Legislative Yuan, and he shall serve a term the same length as that of other members.
The president presides over the Yuan Sittings and the meetings of the Committee of the Entire Yuan and is responsible for the administration of the Yuan. In the cases in which the president of the Legislative Yuan is unable to attend to his or her duties, the vice president acts in his or her place.
List of presidents of the Legislative Yuan
Pre-1947 Constitution
During the Nationalist government era, the president of Legislative Yuan was appointed by the Central Committee of the Kuomintang (Nationalist Party).
The first Legislative Yuan election under the 1947 Constitution of the Republic of China was held in 1948.[5] However, the governmentretreated to Taiwan in 1949. Members of the first Legislative Yuan had their terms extended indefinitely and the sessions of the first Legislative Yuan were conducted in Taiwan until December 31, 1991 while some supplementary members kept serving until January 31, 1993.