Major Vijay Kumar Singh, a lionhearted soldier, lives with his mother, Annapurna, sister Varsha, and finance Advocate Anu Gupta. Just before their wedding, the Indian Army declares an emergency. So, Vijay pauses and moves to the battlefield. Swami Kasinath Singh, a devotional-seeking traitorous, creates mayhem in society, clutching several higher officials once Annapurna visits his Ashram and detects him as her absconded husband who sharp practiced with the Army. Frightened, Kashinath slays her. Nevertheless, Chakradhar stands firm in the war zone, fortitudes others, and triumphs victory when honored with Maha Vir Chakra. In his post-return, he learns about and moves to knit them. Then, his father, Lala, stipulates that Vijay splice his insane daughter, Anandi, sacrificing his love. Consequently, Vijay witnesses several treacherous events: an industrialist, Raghunath Rai, arsons an empty warehouse by hiding grains, and a drunkard. Dharmaraj crashes innocents under his wheels. Twice, Vijay files up the case in Kasinath, counterfeits the judiciary, and acquits offenders as non-guilty when Vijay revolts and is sentenced. Moreover, Varsha is molested, and Badrinath, an acolyte of Kasinath, kills Rasik. Now, Vijay explodes by turning into a rebel Zakhmi Sher. He starts knocking down the barbarians, which elicits turbulence. Thus, the government appointed a special officer, Vinod Sharma, to lay hold of him. He requests him to surrender with an assurance to provide justice, which he denies. During that diehard, Badrinath slaughters Anandi to unveil her husband, and Chakradhar slays him. Before dying, he reveals the hitman as Kasinath, who his father is, and the homicide of his mother. So, he wipes him too and surrenders to the Police. In the court, Vijay uproars against the constitution and law & order. Finally, the movie ends with the judicial declaring Chakradhar guilty and destined for the death penalty.