The film begins in a village where Tagore Dindayal, an evil, bedevils his wife Rama and two infants. Once, in a drunkard state, he strikes his daughter Munni, who dies when his son Ramu revolts when Rama smacks him. Hence, Ramu quits, strives, and molds as a medico. During that time, his collegian Kalpana aids him, and they silently love each other. Ramu tutors Kalpana's siblings and lives in her outhouse. After some time, they think neither of them has any intention, so Kalpana knits wealthy Anand per her father's wish. Soon after, Kalpana realizes he is an imposter who has already spliced, so she divorces him. Besides, Ramu settles as a good practitioner and relieves his mother. Parallelly, he treats a neurotic patient, Padma, with his warm friendship and decides to wedlock her. Meanwhile, Ramu & Kalpana discover their undivulged love when Kalpana's father proceeds to Ramu with the proposal. Owing to the gratitude, he accepts it and convinces Padma. However, being aware of Padma Kalpana's back, and by then, Padma attempts suicide, and Kalpana rescues her. Finally, the movie ends with Kalpana uniting Ramu & Padma.