The plot revolves around three couples. The first couple is that of Acharya (Dasari Narayana Rao), who always takes advantage of other's mistakes and position and earns money with his wife Mary. The second one is that of an Annapurna (Annapoorna) and playboy Mohan (Mohan Babu), while the jealous and possessive Jaya (Jayalakshmi) and Vikram (Eswara Rao) form the third one.
The first couple is happily married one. The second couple stays with Mohan's mother. Mohan spends a lot of time attending late night parties, while Annapurna patiently awaits her husband every night. Once Jaya happens to see Vicky with Radha, assumes they have an affair and pesters Vicky about it. When Vicky denies it, she leaves him. On the other hand, Mohan decides to leave the house, but destiny plays its role. He meets with an accident and during his recovery period, Annapurna proves how important she is for him. He repents and completely changes into a new soft-spoken and good man. On the other hand, Jaya spoils her own house to such a state that Vicky is compelled to leave his house after Radha's tragic suicide. At this juncture, Acharya steps in to mend the couple. Some of the events that follow is a hilarious sequence. Whether Acharya is successful in mending these couples forms the rest of the story.