Sarju Narayan, a security guard, lives with his wife Lakshmi and strives to civilize their son Amar. However, Amar cons and concocts a toff and falsifies his parents too. He falls for benevolent Aasha, the daughter of tycoon Sethji. After a while, Aasha discerns the fact and berates his treason, but he muddles. Besides, Sarju works to acquire a job for Amar with his influence when he rejects affirming his parentage. Thus, Sarju detects his imposture and boots him—next, Amar & Aasha knit, where Sarju & Lakshmi are disregarded. Now, Aasha declares that their marital life will begin only after Amar respects his parents. Then, Sethji rues to squat the land allotted to Sarju. Hence, Amar welcomes his parents by forging himself as a reformed. As time passes, Aasha gives birth to a baby boy and gradually transforms the Sarju couple into servants. After facing the music, they quit when Lakshmi collapses, knowing Amar's betrayal. Here, Sarju realizes that Lakshmi is suffering from heart problems and must get operated on soon. Here, Sarju realizes that Lakshmi is ailing with heart problems and will be operated on soon. Immediately, he moves for Amar's aid, which he denies. Since all avenues are closed, Sarju sues Amar to pay back the amount he spent on him. At last, the judiciary mandates are in favor of Sarju. Finally, the movie ends with Sarju & Lakshmi proceeding for treatment.