by the recognition that expression on the left-hand side is also where is the Dirichlet L-function for the field of Gaussian rational numbers. This formula is a special case of the analytic class number formula, and in those terms reads that the Gaussian field has class number 1. The factor on the right hand side of the formula corresponds to the fact that this field contains four roots of unity.
There are two families of conjectures, formulated for general classes of L-functions (the very general setting being for L-functions associated to Chow motives over number fields), the division into two reflecting the questions of:
how to replace in the Leibniz formula by some other "transcendental" number (regardless of whether it is currently possible for transcendental number theory to provide a proof of the transcendence); and
how to generalise the rational factor in the formula (class number divided by number of roots of unity) by some algebraic construction of a rational number that will represent the ratio of the L-function value to the "transcendental" factor.
Subsidiary explanations are given for the integer values of for which a formulae of this sort involving can be expected to hold.