Revolutionary Military Council (RMC)
Politdepartment and politdirectorate of the Republic's RMC (1919–1922)
Political directorate of the Soviet RMC (1922–1924)
Political directorate of the WP Red Army (1924–1940)
Political directorate of the WP Red Fleet (1938–1940)
Main directorate of political propaganda of the Red Army (1940–1941)
Main directorate of political propaganda of the Soviet Navy (1940–1941)
Main political directorate of the WP Red Army (1941–1946)
Main political directorate of the Soviet Navy (1941–1946)
Soviet Armed Forces
Main political directorate of the Soviet Armed Forces (1946–1950)
Main political directorate of the Soviet Army (1950–1953)
Main political directorate of the Soviet Navy (1950–1953)
Soviet Ministry of Defense
Main political directorate of the Soviet MOD (1953–1958)
Soviet Army and Soviet Navy
Main political directorate of the Soviet Army and Soviet Navy (1958–1991)
Soviet Armed Forces
Main military-political directorate of the Soviet Armed Forces (1991)