Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

Central Committee
of the 11th Congress
← 10th
12th →
2 April 1922 – 25 April 1923
General SecretaryJoseph Stalin
Second SecretaryVyacheslav Molotov
Inner-groupsPolitburo: 7 full & 3 candidates
Secretariat: 3 members
Orgburo: 7 full & 3 candidates

The Central Committee (CC) composition was elected by the 11th Congress, and sat from 2 April 1922 until 25 April 1923 . The CC 1st Plenary Session renewed the composition of the Politburo, Secretariat and the Organizational Bureau (OB) of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks).


The CC was not a permanent institution. It convened nine plenary sessions between the 11th Congress and the 12th Congress. When the CC was not in session, decision-making powers were transferred to inner bodies of the CC itself; the Politburo, Secretariat and Orgburo (none of these bodies were permanent either, but convened several times a months).[1]

Plenary sessions of the Central Committee
Plenum Date Length
1st Plenary Session 3 April 1922 1 day
2nd Plenary Session 16 May 1922 1 day
3rd Plenary Session 2 August 1922 1 day
4th Plenary Session 8 August 1922 1 day
5th Plenary Session 5–7 October 1922 3 days
6th Plenary Session 18 December 1922 1 day
7th Plenary Session 21–24 February 1923 4 days
8th Plenary Session 30–31 March 1923 2 days
9th Plenary Session 15 April 1923 1 day


Individuals employed by Central Committee's bureaus, departments and newspapers made up the apparatus between the 11th Congress and the 12th Congress.[2] The bureaus and departments were supervised by the Secretariat, and each secretary (member of the Secretariat) supervised a specific department.[3] The leaders of departments were officially referred to as Heads, while the titles of bureau leaders varied between chairman, first secretary and secretary.[4]

Central Committee Apparatus of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)[5][6][7]
Institution Leader Cyrillic Took office Left office Length of tenure Nationality Gender
Accounting and Distribution Department Sergey Syrtsov Серге́й Сырцо́в 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Administrator of Affairs Ivan Ksenofontov Иван Ксенофонтов 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Greek[8] Male
Agitation and Propaganda Department Andrei Bubnov Андрей Бубнов 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Bureau of the Secretariat Amayak Nazaretyan Амаяк Назаретян 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Armenian Male
Central Asian Bureau Jānis Rudzutaks Ян Рудзутак 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Latvian Male
Department for Work Among Women Sofia Smidovich Софья Смидович 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Female
Department of Party History Mikhail Olminsky Михаил Ольминский 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Far Eastern Bureau Nikolay Kubiak Николай Кубяк 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Finance Department
Organizational and Instructional Department Nikolai Lisitsyn Николай Лисицын 2 April 1922 June 1922 89 days Russian Male
Lazar Kaganovich Лазарь Каганович June 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 27 days Jewish[9][10][11] Male
Siberian Bureau Stanislav Kosior Станислав Косиор 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Polish Male
South-Eastern Bureau Anastas Mikoyan Анастас Микоян 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Armenian Male
Statistical Department Stanislav Strumilin Станисла́в Струми́лин 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Ural Bureau Timofei Sapronov Тимофе́й Сапро́нов 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male
Ural Industrial Bureau Daniil Sulimov Даниил Сулимов 2 April 1922 25 April 1923 1 year and 23 days Russian Male



Members of the Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Name Cyrillic 10th CC 12th CC Birth Death PM Nationality Gender Portrait
Andrey Andreyev Андрей Андреев New Reelected 1895 1971 1914 Russian Male
Nikolai Bukharin Никола́й Буха́рин Old Reelected 1888 1938 1906 Russian Male
Vlas Chubar Влас Чубар Candidate Reelected 1891 1939 1907 Ukrainian Male
Felix Dzerzhinsky Фе́ликс Дзержи́нский Old Reelected 1877 1926 1906 Polish Male
Mikhail Frunze Михаил Фрунзе Old Reelected 1885 1925 1904 Romanian-Russian


Mikhail Kalinin Михаил Калинин Old Reelected 1875 1946 1898 Russian Male
Lev Kamenev Лев Ка́менев Old Reelected 1883 1936 1901 Jewish-Russian


Ivan Korotkov Иван Коротков New Reelected 1885 1949 1905 Russian Male
Valerian Kuybyshev Валериан Куйбышев Candidate Not 1888 1935 1904 Russian Male
Vladimir Lenin Владимир Ленин Old Reelected 1870 1924 1898 Russian Male
Vyacheslav Molotov Вячеслав Молотов Old Reelected 1890 1986 1906 Russian Male
Grigol Ordzhonikidze Григо́рий Орджоники́дзе Old Reelected 1886 1937 1903 Georgian Male
Grigory Petrovsky Григо́рій Петро́вський Old Reelected 1878 1958 1898 Ukrainian Male a bearded man with wavy hair, wearing glasses and what seems to be a suit, a white tie, and a black and white dotted shirt
Karl Radek Карл Радек Old Reelected 1885 1939 1903 Jewish[16][17] Male
Christian Rakovsky Христиан Раковский Old Reelected 1873 1941 1917 Bulgarian Male
Jānis Rudzutaks Ян Рудзутак Old Reelected 1887 1938 1905 Latvian Male
Alexei Rykov Алексей Рыков Old Reelected 1881 1938 1899 Russian Male
Timofei Sapronov Тимофе́й Сапро́нов New Not 1887 1937 1898 Russian Male
Alexander Smirnov Александр Смирнов New Reelected 1878 1938 1898 Russian Male
Grigori Sokolnikov Григорий Сокольников New Reelected 1888 1938 1905 Jewish[18][19] Male
Joseph Stalin Ио́сиф Ста́лин Old Reelected 1878 1953 1898 Georgian Male
Mikhail Tomsky Михаил Томский Old Reelected 1880 1936 1904 Russian Male
Leon Trotsky Лев Тро́цкий Old Reelected 1879 1940 1917 Jewish[20][17] Male
Kliment Voroshilov Климент Ворошилов Old Reelected 1881 1969 1903 Russian Male
Yemelyan Yaroslavsky Емельян Ярославский Old Not 1878 1943 1898 Jewish[17] Male
Isaak Zelensky Исаак Зеленский Candidate Reelected 1890 1937 1906 Jewish[21][22] Male
Grigory Zinoviev Григо́рий Зино́вьев Old Reelected 1883 1936 1901 Jewish[23][15] Male


Candidate Members of the Central Committee of the 11th Congress of the Russian Communist Party (Bolsheviks)
Name Cyrillic 10th CC 12th CC Birth Death PM Nationality Gender Portrait
Aleksei Badayev Алексей Бадаев New Candidate 1883 1951 1904 Russian Male
Andrei Bubnov Андрей Бубнов New Candidate 1884 1938 1903 Russian Male
Sergey Gusev Сергей Гусев Candidate Not 1874 1933 1898 Jewish[24] Male
Sergey Kirov Серге́й Ки́ров Candidate Member 1886 1934 1904 Russian Male
Aleksei Kiselyov Алексей Киселёв Candidate Not 1879 1937 1898 Russian Male
Nikolay Komarov Николай Комаров Member Member 1886 1937 1909 Russian Male
Timofei Krivov Тимофей Кривов New Not 1886 1966 1905 Chuvash[25] Male
Dmitry Lebed Дмитрий Лебедь New Candidate 1893 1937 1909 Russian Male
Ivan Lepse Иван Лепсе New Candidate 1889 1929 1904 Latvian Male
Semyon Lobov Семён Лобов New Not 1888 1937 1913 Russian Male
Dmitry Manuilsky Дмитро Мануїльський New Member 1883 1959 1903 Ukrainian Male
Vasily Mikhailov Василий Михайлов Member Member 1894 1937 1915 Russian Male
Anastas Mikoyan Анастас Микоян New Member 1895 1978 1915 Armenian Male
Georgy Pyatakov Юрій П'ятаков New Member 1890 1937 1910 Russian Male
Abdullo Rakhimbayev Абдулло Рахимбаев New Not 1896 1938 1919 Uzbek Male
Georgy Safarov Георгий Сафаров Candidate Not 1891 1942 1908 Armenian-Polish


Vasily Schmidt Василий Шмидт Candidate Not 1886 1938 1905 German[27] Male
Ivar Smilga Ивар Смилга New Not 1892 1938 1907 Latvian Male
Daniil Sulimov Даниил Сулимов Candidate Member 1890 1937 1905 Russian Male



Plenary sessions, apparatus heads, ethnicity (by clicking on the individual names on "The Central Committee elected by the XI th Congress of the RCP (B) 02.04.1922 members" reference), the Central Committee full- and candidate membership, Politburo membership, Secretariat membership and Orgburo membership were taken from these sources:



  1. ^ Simons & White 1984, pp. 423–425.
  2. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, p. 410.
  3. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 410–411 & 417–419.
  4. ^ Fainsod & Hough 1979, pp. 417–419.
  5. ^ "Бюро ЦК РСДРП - РСДРП(б) - РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Bureaus of the Central Committee of RSDLP(b) - RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. Knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  6. ^ "Управления ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Administrations of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  7. ^ "Отделы, комиссии, институты ЦК РКП(б) - ВКП(б) - КПСС" [Departments, Commissions, Institutes of the Central Committee RCP(b) - AUCP(b) - CPSU]. knowbysight.info. Retrieved 7 November 2023.
  8. ^ Parrish, Michael (1992). Soviet Security and Intelligence Organizations 1917-1990: A Biographical Dictionary and Review of Literature in English. Greenwood Press. pp. 219–220.
  9. ^ Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 453.
  10. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 70 and 303.
  11. ^ "Kaganovich, Lazar Moiseyevich". Jewish Virtual Library. The American-Israeli Cooperative Enterprise. Retrieved 8 November 2023.
  12. ^ Service, Robert (1995). Lenin, a Political Life: The Iron Ring. Indiana University Press. p. 194.
  13. ^ Riga, Liliana. The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. p. 303.
  14. ^ Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  15. ^ a b Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 430.
  16. ^ Lindemann, Albert S. (1997). Esau's Tears: Modern Anti-Semitism and the Rise of the Jews. Cambridge University Press. p. 432.
  17. ^ a b c Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 304.
  18. ^ "Сокольников Григорий Яковлевич". www.hrono.ru.
  19. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  20. ^ Rubenstein, Joshua (2011). Leon Trotsky: A Revolutionary's Life. Yale University Press. p. 1.
  21. ^ "Jewish Encyclopedia of Russia". JewishGen Belarus SIG. 1995.
  22. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60 and 305.
  23. ^ Service, Robert (2005). Stalin: A Biography. Harvard University Press. p. 103.
  24. ^ Riga, Liliana (2012). The Bolsheviks and the Russian Empire. Cambridge University Press. pp. 60, 80 and 303.
  25. ^ "Кривов Тимофей Степанович" [Krivov Timofey Stepanovich]. Герои страны.
  26. ^ Kotkin, Stephen (2014). Stalin, Volume 1: Paradoxes of Power, 1878-1928. New York: Penguin Press. p. 387.
  27. ^ Ivkin, V.I. Государственная власть СССР. Высшие органы власти и управления и их руководители. 1923—1991 гг. Историко-биографический справочни (in Russian). Moscow. p. 605.


  1. ^ His father was Romanian and his mother Russian
  2. ^ His father was Jewish and his mother Russian

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