Central Auditing Commission of the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)

This electoral term of the Central Auditing Commission was elected by the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) in 1939, and was in session until the convocation of the 19th Congress in 1952.[1]


Members of the Central Auditing Commission of the 18th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks)[1]
Name Cyrillic 17th CAC 18th Con. 19th CAC Birth Death PM Ethnicity Gender Ref.
Abdudzhabar Abdurakhmanov Абдурахма́нов Абдуджаба́рович New Renewed Not 1907 1975 1928 Uzbek Male [2]
Afanasy Andrienko Афанасий Андриенко New Removed
1907 1942 1928 Ukrainian Male [3]
Ivan Anoshin Иван Аношин New Renewed Not 1904 1991 1926 Russian Male [4]
Viktor Bochkov Ви́ктор Бочко́в
New Not 1900 1981 1919 Belarusian Male [5]
Pyotr Borodin Пётр Бородин
New Not 1905 1986 1926 Russian Male [6]
Vasily Boytsov Васи́лий Бойцо́в New Renewed Not 1907 1980 1925 Russian Male [7]
Vladimir Bulatov Владимир Булатов New Renewed Not 1910 1999 1925 Russian Male [8]
Yakov Chubin Я́ков Чу́бин New Removed
1893 1956 1915 Belarusian Male [9]
Vasily Denisenko Василий Денисенко New Removed
1895 1945 1927 Russian Male [10]
Semyon Dukelsky Семён Дукельский New Renewed Not 1892 1960 1917 Russian Male [11]
Filipp Golikov Фили́пп Го́ликов
New Not 1900 1980 1918 Russian Male [12]
Nadezhda Grekova Надежда Грекова New Renewed Not 1910 2001 1932 Belarusian Female [13]
Leonid Grischuk Леонид Грищук
New Not 1906 1960 1930 Ukrainian Male [14]
Teymur Guliyev Теймур Кулиев New Renewed Not 1888 1965 1920 Azerbaijani Male [15]
Semyon Ignatiev Семён Дукельский New Renewed Not 1904 1983 1926 Russian Male [16]
Nikita Izotov Никита Изотов New Renewed Died 1902 1951 1936 Russian Male [17]
Alexander Kabanov Александр Кабанов New Renewed Not 1899 1975 1924 Russian Male [18]
Mikhail Kanunnikov Михаил Канунников New Renewed Not 1902 1984 1926 Russian Male [19]
Aitbay Khudaibergenov Аитбай Худайбергенов New Renewed Not 1909 1995 1929 Turkmen Male [20]
Vasily Kiselev Василий Киселёв New Renewed Not 1907 1986 1929 Russian Male [21]
Kuzma Kiselyov Кузьма Киселёв New Removed
1903 1977 1923 Belarusian Male [22]
Pyotr Krivonos Пётр Кривонос New Renewed Not 1910 1980 1929 Ukrainian Male [23]
Mikhail Kudinov Михаил Кудинов
New Not 1904 1975 1925 Ukrainian Male [24]
Aleksandr Kudryavtsev Александр Кудрявцев New Renewed Not 1906 1970 1930 Russian Male [25]
Turabay Kulatov Турабай Кулатов New Renewed Reelected 1908 1984 1932 Kyrgyz Male [26]
Mamadali Kurbanov Мамадали Курбанов New Renewed Not 1905 1976 1930 Tajik Male [27]
Fedor Kuznetsov Фёдор Кузнецов New Renewed Not 1904 1979 1926 Russian Male [28]
Ivan Kuznetsov Иван Кузнецов New Renewed Not 1897 1983 1918 Russian Male [29]
Mikhail Kvasov Михаил Квасов New Removed
1902 1984 1926 Ukrainian Male [30]
Pyotr Lavrentyev Пётр Лаврентьев New Renewed Not ? ? 1925 Russian Male [31]
Nikolay Linkun Николай Линкун New Renewed Not 1904 1977 1925 Russian Male [32]
Pavel Lobanov Павел Лобанов New Renewed Not 1902 1984 1927 Russian Male [33]
Sergey Lukin Сергей Лукин New Renewed Died 1894 1948 1925 Russian Male [34]
Aleksandr Lyubimov Александр Любимов New Renewed Not 1898 1967 1924 Russian Male [35]
Aleksey Melnikov Алексей Ме́льников New Renewed Not 1900 1967 1919 Russian Male [36]
Olga Mishakova Ольга Мишакова New Renewed Not 1906 1980 1937 Russian Female [37]
Gavriil Mishchenko Гавриил Мищенко New Renewed Not 1904 1966 1925 Ukrainian Male [38]
Vasily Molokov Михаил Кудинов
New Not 1895 1982 1925 Russian Male [39]
Pyotr Moskatov Пётр Москатов New Renewed Reelected 1894 1969 1917 Russian Male [40]
Ivan Murugov Ива́н Муру́гов New Sentenced
1897 1941 1917 Russian Male [41]
Georgy Ogorodnikov Георгий Огородников New Renewed Not 1901 1970 1923 Russian Male [42]
Filipp Oktyabrsky Фили́пп Октя́брьский
New Not 1899 1969 1919 Russian Male [43]
Aleksandr Panyushkin Алекса́ндр Па́нюшкин
New Not 1905 1974 1927 Russian Male [44]
Ivan Papanin Ива́н Папа́нин
New Not 1894 1986 1938 Russian Male [45]
Ivan Peresypkin Ива́н Пересы́пкин
New Not 1904 1978 1925 Russian Male [46]
Aram Piruzyan Арам Пирузян New Renewed Not 1907 1996 1929 Armenian Male [47]
Markian Popov Маркиа́н Попо́в
New Not 1902 1969 1921 Russian Male [48]
Dmitri Protopopov Дми́трий Протопо́пов New Renewed Not 1897 1986 1917 Russian Male [49]
Aleksey Sadzhaya Алексей Саджая New Renewed WWII 1898 1942 1919 Russian Male [50]
Nikolay Shatalin Никола́й Шата́лин New Renewed Not 1904 1984 1925 Russian Male [51]
Grigory Silkin Григорий Силкин New Removed
1898 1964 1929 Russian Male [52]
Semyon Skrynnikov Семён Скрынников New Removed
1898 1969 1917 Russian Male [53]
Pavel Smirnov Павел Смирнов New Renewed Not 1894 1954 1917 Russian Male [54]
Ion Stepanenko Ион Степаненко New Renewed Not 1895 1965 1918 Russian Male [55]
Mikhail Suslov Михаи́л Су́слов New Transferred
1902 1982 1921 Russian Male [56]
Stepan Tarasov Степа́н Тара́сов New Renewed Reelected 1893 1955 1915 Russian Male [57]
Vladimir Tributs Влади́мир Три́буц
New Not 1900 1977 1928 Russian Male [58]
Lavrentiy Tsanava Лавре́нтий Цана́ва New Renewed Not 1900 1955 1920 Georgian Male [59]
Nurtas Undasynov Нуртас Ундасынов New Renewed Not 1904 1989 1926 Kazakh Male [60]
Aleksey Vagov Алексе́й Ва́гов New Renewed Not 1905 1971 1925 Russian Male [61]
Mikhail Vladimirsky Михаил Владимирский Old Renewed Died 1874 1951 1898 Russian Male [62]
Aleksei Volkov Алексе́й Ва́гов New Removed
1889 1942 1915 Russian Male [63]


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У этого термина существуют и другие значения, см. Золотое кольцо. Ярославль Сергиев Посад Переславль-Залесский Ростов Кострома Иваново Суздаль ВладимирОсновные города Золотого кольца Золото́е кольцо́ Росси́и — туристский маршрут, проходящий по древним городам Севе...


Diagram tangga dari rangkaian Monostable Multivibrator Logika tangga (Ladder logic) adalah bahasa pemrograman yang dipakai untuk menggambarkan secara grafis diagram rangkaian elektronika dan perangkat keras komputer berdasarkan logika berbasis-relay yang banyak dijumpai pada aplikasi Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC) dan kendali industri. Sesuai dengan namanya, program ini menggunakan gambar anak tangga yang terdiri dari garis-garis tegak dan garis mendatar untuk menyajikan fungsi logika r...


Es krim mochiEs krim mochi dengan rasa teh hijau, vanila, dan stroberiTempat asalJepangDibuat olehFrances Hashimoto[1]Suhu penyajianDinginBahan utamaMochi, es krim, powdered sugarSunting kotak info • L • BBantuan penggunaan templat ini  Media: Es krim mochi Es krim mochi adalah sebuah makanan manis asal Jepang yang terbuat dari mochi yang diisi es krim. Es krim mochi sekarang terkenal di Amerika Utara, Eropa, dan Afrika.[2] Deskripsi Es krim mochi ukuran...

Mary Shannon (Wright)Mary Shannon (1963)Personal informationKebangsaan Britania RayaLahir12 Februari 1944 (umur 80)[1] Rekam medali Putri Tenis Meja Mewakili  Britania Raya World Championships 1969 Munich Mixed doubles 1965 Hala Tivoli Team 1963 Prague Doubles European Championships 1970 Moscow Mixed doubles 1968 Lyon Singles 1968 Lyon Doubles 1968 Lyon Mixed doubles 1966 London Doubles 1966 London Mixed doubles 1964 Malmo Doubles 1964 Malmo Team 1962 Berlin Doubles 196...


2007 studio album by Dave KozAt the MoviesStudio album by Dave KozReleasedJanuary 30, 2007GenreSmooth jazzLength56:14LabelCapitolProducerPhil RamoneDave Koz chronology Golden Slumbers: A Father's Love(2005) At the Movies(2007) Memories of a Winter's Night(2007) Professional ratingsReview scoresSourceRatingAllmusic[1] At the Movies is the eighth studio album by saxophone player Dave Koz. It was released by Capitol Records on January 30, 2007. The album peaked at number 2 on Bil...


فرانك فاندربروك معلومات شخصية الميلاد 6 نوفمبر 1974(1974-11-06)بلجيكا الوفاة 12 أكتوبر 2009 (34 سنة) سبب الوفاة انصمام رئوي  الطول 179 سنتيمتر[1]  الجنسية  بلجيكا الوزن 68 كيلوغرام[1]  الحياة العملية الدور دراج الفرق كوفيديس (1999–2000)فريق الإمارات (2001–2001)دكونيك كويك ستب (20...

Vous lisez un « bon article » labellisé en 2020. Pour les articles homonymes, voir Halimi. Gisèle Halimi Gisèle Halimi en 2008. Fonctions Ambassadrice de la France à l'UNESCO 13 avril 1985 – 1er septembre 1986(1 an, 4 mois et 19 jours) Directeur général Amadou-Mahtar M'Bow Prédécesseur Jacqueline Baudrier Successeur Marie-Claude Cabana Députée française 2 juillet 1981 – 9 septembre 1984(3 ans, 2 mois et 7 jours) Élection 21 juin 1981 ...


American filmmaker, philanthropist and entrepreneur John Seward Johnson IIIJohnson discusses Harmony Labs, 2017Born (1966-09-02) September 2, 1966 (age 57)Boston, MassachusettsAlma materSt. John's College (BA)Columbia University (MA)Occupation(s)Entrepreneur, filmmaker, philanthropistYears active1997–presentKnown forBuzzFeed, Eyebeam, Screenwriters' ColonySpouseSusan ShortChildren4Parent(s)John Seward Johnson IICecilia Joyce Horton John Seward Johnson III (born September...


State highway in central New Hampshire, US New Hampshire Route 127Map of central New Hampshire with NH 127 highlighted in redRoute informationMaintained by NHDOTLength31.636 mi[1] (50.913 km)Major junctionsSouth end US 202 / NH 9 in HopkintonMajor intersections I-89 in Hopkinton US 4 in Salisbury US 3 / NH 3A / NH 11 in Franklin I-93 in SanborntonNorth end NH 132 in Sanbornton LocationCountryUnited StatesS...

TartésicoHablado en Actuales España y PortugalRegión Sudoeste de la península ibéricaHablantes lengua muertaFamilia Lengua no clasificada TartésicoEscritura Escritura tartésicaCódigosISO 639-3 txr La lengua tartesia en el contexto de las inscripciones en lenguas paleohispánicas [editar datos en Wikidata] Extensión aproximada del área bajo influencia tartésica. Idiomas en la península ibérica hacia el 300 a. C.[1]​. El término idioma tartésico tiene tr...


جيرار مورو (بالفرنسية: Gérard Mourou)‏    معلومات شخصية الميلاد 22 يونيو 1944 (80 سنة)  ألبيرفيل  مواطنة فرنسا  عضو في الجمعية الفيزيائية الأمريكية،  والأكاديمية الروسية للعلوم،  والأكاديمية الوطنية للهندسة،  والأكاديمية النمساوية للعلوم  الحياة العملية المد...