In mathematics, the free groupFS over a given set S consists of all words that can be built from members of S, considering two words to be different unless their equality follows from the group axioms (e.g. st = suu−1t but s ≠ t−1 for s,t,u ∈ S). The members of S are called generators of FS, and the number of generators is the rank of the free group.
An arbitrary groupG is called free if it is isomorphic to FS for some subsetS of G, that is, if there is a subset S of G such that every element of G can be written in exactly one way as a product of finitely many elements of S and their inverses (disregarding trivial variations such as st = suu−1t).
The group (Z,+) of integers is free of rank 1; a generating set is S = {1}. The integers are also a free abelian group, although all free groups of rank are non-abelian. A free group on a two-element set S occurs in the proof of the Banach–Tarski paradox and is described there.
On the other hand, any nontrivial finite group cannot be free, since the elements of a free generating set of a free group have infinite order.
The free groupFS with free generating setS can be constructed as follows. S is a set of symbols, and we suppose for every s in S there is a corresponding "inverse" symbol, s−1, in a set S−1. Let T = S ∪ S−1, and define a word in S to be any written product of elements of T. That is, a word in S is an element of the monoid generated by T. The empty word is the word with no symbols at all. For example, if S = {a, b, c}, then T = {a, a−1, b, b−1, c, c−1}, and
is a word in S.
If an element of S lies immediately next to its inverse, the word may be simplified by omitting the c, c−1 pair:
A word that cannot be simplified further is called reduced.
The free group FS is defined to be the group of all reduced words in S, with concatenation of words (followed by reduction if necessary) as group operation. The identity is the empty word.
A reduced word is called cyclically reduced if its first and last letter are not inverse to each other. Every word is conjugate to a cyclically reduced word, and a cyclically reduced conjugate of a cyclically reduced word is a cyclic permutation of the letters in the word. For instance b−1abcb is not cyclically reduced, but is conjugate to abc, which is cyclically reduced. The only cyclically reduced conjugates of abc are abc, bca, and cab.
Universal property
The free group FS is the universal group generated by the set S. This can be formalized by the following universal property: given any function f from S to a group G, there exists a unique homomorphismφ: FS → G making the following diagram commute (where the unnamed mapping denotes the inclusion from S into FS):
That is, homomorphisms FS → G are in one-to-one correspondence with functions S → G. For a non-free group, the presence of relations would restrict the possible images of the generators under a homomorphism.
To see how this relates to the constructive definition, think of the mapping from S to FS as sending each symbol to a word consisting of that symbol. To construct φ for the given f, first note that φ sends the empty word to the identity of G and it has to agree with f on the elements of S. For the remaining words (consisting of more than one symbol), φ can be uniquely extended, since it is a homomorphism, i.e., φ(ab) = φ(a) φ(b).
The above property characterizes free groups up to isomorphism, and is sometimes used as an alternative definition. It is known as the universal property of free groups, and the generating set S is called a basis for FS. The basis for a free group is not uniquely determined.
Some properties of free groups follow readily from the definition:
Any group G is the homomorphic image of some free group FS. Let S be a set of generators of G. The natural map φ: FS → G is an epimorphism, which proves the claim. Equivalently, G is isomorphic to a quotient group of some free group FS. If S can be chosen to be finite here, then G is called finitely generated. The kernel Ker(φ) is the set of all relations in the presentation of G; if Ker(φ) can be generated by the conjugates of finitely many elements of F, then G is finitely presented.
If S has more than one element, then FS is not abelian, and in fact the center of FS is trivial (that is, consists only of the identity element).
Two free groups FS and FT are isomorphic if and only if S and T have the same cardinality. This cardinality is called the rank of the free group F. Thus for every cardinal numberk, there is, up to isomorphism, exactly one free group of rank k.
The Nielsen–Schreier theorem: Every subgroup of a free group is free. Furthermore, if the free group F has rank n and the subgroup H has indexe in F, then H is free of rank 1 + e(n–1).
A free group of rank k clearly has subgroups of every rank less than k. Less obviously, a (nonabelian!) free group of rank at least 2 has subgroups of all countable ranks.
The commutator subgroup of a free group of rank k > 1 has infinite rank; for example for F(a,b), it is freely generated by the commutators [am, bn] for non-zero m and n.
The free group in two elements is SQ universal; the above follows as any SQ universal group has subgroups of all countable ranks.
The Cayley graph of a free group of finite rank, with respect to a free generating set, is a tree on which the group acts freely, preserving the orientation. As a topological space (a one-dimensional simplicial complex), this Cayley graph Γ(F) is contractible. For a finitely presented group G, the natural homomorphism defined above, φ : F → G, defines a covering map of Cayley graphs φ* : Γ(F) → Γ(G), in fact a universal covering. Hence, the fundamental group of the Cayley graph Γ(G) is isomorphic to the kernel of φ, the normal subgroup of relations among the generators of G. The extreme case is when G = {e}, the trivial group, considered with as many generators as F, all of them trivial; the Cayley graph Γ(G) is a bouquet of circles, and its fundamental group is F itself.
Any subgroup of a free group, , corresponds to a covering space of the bouquet of circles, namely to the Schreier coset graph of F/H. This can be used to give a topological proof of the Nielsen-Schreier theorem above.
The groupoid approach to these results, given in the work by P.J. Higgins below, is related to the use of covering spaces above. It allows more powerful results, for example on Grushko's theorem, and a normal form for the fundamental groupoid of a graph of groups. In this approach there is considerable use of free groupoids on a directed graph.
Grushko's theorem has the consequence that if a subset B of a free group F on n elements generates F and has n elements, then B generates F freely.
The free abelian group on a set S is defined via its universal property in the analogous way, with obvious modifications:
Consider a pair (F, φ), where F is an abelian group and φ: S → F is a function. F is said to be the free abelian group on S with respect to φ if for any abelian group G and any function ψ: S → G, there exists a unique homomorphism f: F → G such that
f(φ(s)) = ψ(s), for all s in S.
The free abelian group on S can be explicitly identified as the free group F(S) modulo the subgroup generated by its commutators, [F(S), F(S)], i.e.
its abelianisation. In other words, the free abelian group on S is the set of words that are distinguished only up to the order of letters. The rank of a free group can therefore also be defined as the rank of its abelianisation as a free abelian group.
Tarski's problems
Around 1945, Alfred Tarski asked whether the free groups on two or more generators have the same first-order theory, and whether this theory is decidable. Sela (2006) answered the first question by showing that any two nonabelian free groups have the same first-order theory, and Kharlampovich & Myasnikov (2006) answered both questions, showing that this theory is decidable.
^Nielsen, Jakob (1921). "On calculation with noncommutative factors and its application to group theory. (Translated from Danish)". The Mathematical Scientist. 6 (1981) (2): 73–85.