Conundrum follows a boat of gnomes, named the Indestructable, to sail around the world of Krynn. However, when they reach the doorway to the bottom of Krynn, things change.
Characters in "Conundrum"
Conundrum, gnome oiler and cartographer of the Indestructible
Commodore Briggs, gnome Commodore of the Indestructible
Doctor Bothy, gnome Medical Officer of the Indestructible
Snork, gnome Navigation Officer of the Indestructible; also Conundrum's cousin
Razmous Pinchpocket, kender Cartographer and Chief Acquisitions Officer of the Indestructible
Professor Hap-Troggensbottle, gnome Science Officer of the Indestructible and researcher into why hot rocks float
Sir Tanar Lobcrow, human Thorn Knight and wizard
Release details
2001, USA, Wizards of the Coast ISBN0-7869-1949-3, Pub date December 1, 2001, paperback[1]