The music was composed by Mukan Tölebaev, Russian composer Yevgeny Brusilovsky and Tatar composer Latıf Hamıdı, with lyrics written by Kazakh authors Äbdilda Täjibaev, Qaiym Muhamedhanov and Ğabıt Müsirepov. The Soviet-era lyrics were removed after the Kazakh SSR was renamed the Republic of Kazakhstan on 10 December 1991, In 1992, new lyrics were adopted with the same melody as the anthem of independent Kazakhstan, until 7 January 2006.[2]
From 1991 to 1997, it was one of the five remaining republics that appreciated its old anthem, then from 1997 to 2000, it became one of four (when Turkmenistanchanged its anthem). From 2000 to 2006, it is one of the five remaining again (when Russia changed its anthem). It is the only SSR anthem played in 3 4, with the majority of others using 4 4.
After Stalin's death in 1953, Nikita Khrushchev then came into power and established nation-wide de-Stalinisation policies. The lyrics of the State Anthem of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic would later be revised, per de-Stalinisation.
In the last line of the final stanza in the lyrics, the word Stalin (Kazakh: Сталин) would be replaced with Party (Kazakh: Партия) – in reference to the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, the official ruling party of the Soviet Union.
Біз қазақ ежелден еркіндік аңсаған,
Бостандық өмір мен ар үшін қиған жан.
Торлаған тұманнан жол таппай тұрғанда,
Жарқырап Лениндей күн жығып, атты таң.
Дақ салмай Лениннің жеңімпаз салтына,
Ұрпағы қосты даңқ Оттаның даңқына,
Одақтас, ұрандас елдердің қамқоры,
Көп алғыс айтамыз ұлы орыс халқына.
Іргелі мемлекет, ерікті болдық ел,
Достықпен, бірлікпен жайнайды туған жер.
Еңбекте, майданда, жеткізген жеңіске
Данышпан Партия[d] – сүйікті кемеңгер.
We, olden Kazakhs, seeking liberty,
Sacrificing our lives for honour and glory.
Traversing the desolate fog of darkness,
Yet forth Lenin came and morning rose upon us.
Long live the Soviet[c] Union,
To liberty and equality.
For the unity of our country,
To victory, joy and bravery!
Lenin's victorious path shall never fade,
Our future's glory shall in our land spread.
To the protector of the Union's republics,
We all thank the mighty Russian folks.
We have become a country strong and free,
Where friendship and unity have been established.
Lead us to triumph in war and toil,
O wise Party[d] – you are truly loved.
Wikisource has the official lyrics for this national anthem: