
诗学》(希腊语Περὶ ποιητικῆς, 拉丁語De Poetica;[1] c. 335 BCE[2]),又譯《论诗》,古希腊哲学家亚里士多德的著作。《诗学》是西方文明第一部系统的美学和艺术理论作品,为西方文论奠定了基础。[3]

“诗”的英文字是"poetry",是來自古希腊文的"ποιέω" (poiéō),意思是“創造、制作”;所以《诗学》說的“诗”是所有古希臘人的文字艺术。《诗学》主要谈及悲剧喜劇、和史诗。現在衹有第一卷(討論悲剧和史诗)流傳下來;討論喜劇的第二卷不幸地失傳[4]。學者認爲 Tractatus coislinianus是诗学第二卷的概要[4]。 現存的第一卷有26章,主要考究悲剧史诗[5], 有六分说、五分说、三分说3个分法。

亞里士多德考究藝術后,對藝術作出以下的 "基本原則":

  1. 艺术的本质是模仿,即反映现实。[3]
  2. 藝術的類型决定现实是如何在詩中反映.

诗学》有很久的時間失傳;在中世紀和文藝復興時代,學者衹有一從伊本·魯世德的阿拉伯本翻譯的拉丁本。[6] 雖然亞里士多德的“詩學”在西方文學研究的重要性是舉世公認的,每一個細節都引起了不同學者的意見.[7]



  1. 以悲劇、喜劇、薩堤爾劇、抒情詩和史詩來初步論述反映现实的詩
  2. 悲劇的定義,分析,和編寫規則
  3. 史詩的定義,分析,和編寫規則
  4. 應對悲劇和史詩的批判
  5. 比較悲劇和史詩,和講解為什麼悲劇優於史詩




  • 結構 (matter)
對亞里士多德來說, 用詞,節奏(规律性的重复)、韻律(节奏的变化)、和聲和旋律是詩的結構元素。史詩衹用用詞和節奏, 但抒情詩加上韻律和旋律,而悲劇則加用一隊合唱团,包含所有五個元素。
  • 角色 (subjects)
亞里士多德用诗中角色的人格來區分悲劇和喜劇. 悲劇中的角色是严肃、重要和有德行的,而喜劇的角色是缺德、有缺點和怪癖的。[9]在這裏,亞里士多德提出“角色三分法”(tripartite division of characters),把角色分爲比觀眾更有德(βελτίονας)、比觀眾更缺德(χείρονας)、和比觀眾的德行一樣的(τοιούτους)。[10][11][12]
  • 敘述方法 (method)

大體考究過“詩”后, 亞里士多德對悲劇的認識是:

悲剧是对于一个严肃、完整、有一定长度的行动的模仿。它的用詞應該是"美化的講話"-就是有節奏、韻律、和旋律的講話,也就是歌曲。而每一元素該分開使用,有一部分衹用講話,而另一部分衹用歌曲。而這些行动的模仿該用演戲而不是用講述,製造出可憐和恐懼來淨化人們的感情(Catharsis κάθαρσις katharsis)。(1449b25-30)/tranquility. He sees tragedy as a purification process. So that literature can achieve a social function that the audience experience a process of tranquility to release pressure and return to normal daily life. [13]

亞里士多德認為悲剧比史詩是更優越的藝術,因爲悲剧是包含史詩的元素,也可以用史詩的長短格六步页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)韻律,和是严肃的行动的模仿。 表演出的現實模仿,不管是讀出來或是演出來,是可以感動情感,製造出可憐和畏懼來淨化人們的感情,对社会道德起着良好的作用。通過思慮悲剧的可憐和畏懼,觀眾也能從這兩個情感得到愉悅的美學。悲剧是基於因果、世間的基本秩序,所以是是理性的藝術。悲剧比史詩精簡、更多統一性,所以也更容易娛樂別人。



角色的堕落應該是由於他的一時錯誤 (hamartia),不該是必然會發生的事。這是因爲一時的錯誤才能感動觀眾的。主角的錯誤可以是知情下犯,或不知情下犯。角色們是情節的支柱,因爲他們的動機會做出因果效應,製造出感人的情感。
  • 旋律 (melos)
戲劇奇觀是指影響視覺官感的道具,包括佈景,戲服,和道具。亞里士多德認為戲劇奇觀是最沒有藝術成分,因爲戲劇奇觀并不是劇作家的成果。他用的例子是:如果戲劇有美麗的戲服,但演戲、故事都很差,這意味著腳本有問題。 儘管用奇觀可以使戲劇收到很好的評論,這并不是好的。







  • Martin Hose編,Aristoteles, ›Poetik‹: Einleitung, Text, Übersetzung und Kommentar,de Gruyter柏林2022版。


  1. ^ Aristotelis Opera页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) by August Immanuel Bekker (1837)
  2. ^ Dukore (1974, 31).
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 王石波; 易漱泉. 《简明外国文学教程》. 长沙市: 湖南师范大学出版社. 1986-02-01: 4–5. 
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Janko (1987, xxi).
  5. ^ Aristotle Poetics 1447a13 (1987, 1).
  6. ^ Habib, M.A.R. A History of Literary Criticism and Theory: From Plato to the Present. Wiley-Blackwell. 2005: 60. ISBN 0-631-23200-1. 
  7. ^ Carlson (1993, 16).
  8. ^ The Basic Works of Aristotle. Ed. Richard McKeon Modern Library (2001) - Poetics. Trans. Ingrid Bywater, pp. 1453-1487
  9. ^ Halliwell, Stephen. Aristotle's Poetics. 1986: 270. ISBN 0226313948. 
  10. ^ Sifakis, Gregory M. Aristotle on the Function of Tragic Poetry. Herakleion: Crete University Press. 2001: 50 [August 27, 2015]. ISBN 9605241323. (原始内容存档于2016-05-18). 
  11. ^ Aristotle, Poetics 1448a, English页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), original Greek页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  12. ^ Northrop Frye (1957) Anatomy of Criticism
  13. ^ Janko (1987, 7). In Butcher's translation, this passage reads: "Tragedy, then, is an imitation of an action that is serious, complete, and of a certain magnitude; in language embellished with each kind of artistic ornament, the several kinds being found in separate parts of the play, in the form of action, not of narrative; through pity and fear effecting the proper catharsis of these emotions."
  14. ^ 亚里士多德. 《诗学》. 北京市: 商务印书馆. 1996. ISBN 978-7-100-02771-7. 
  15. ^ 亚里士多德; 贺拉斯. 《诗学·诗艺》. 北京市: 中国社会科学出版社. 2009-12-01. ISBN 9787500482840. 


Editions – commentaries – translations
  • Aristotle's Treatise On Poetry, transl. with notes by Th. Twining, I-II, London 21812
  • Aristotelis De arte poetica liber, tertiis curis recognovit et adnotatione critica auxit I. Vahlen, Lipsiae 31885
  • Aristotle on the Art of Poetry. A revised Text with Critical Introduction, Translation and Commentary by I. Bywater, Oxford 1909
  • Aristoteles: Περὶ ποιητικῆς, mit Einleitung, Text und adnotatio critica, exegetischem Kommentar [...] von A. Gudeman, Berlin/Leipzig 1934
  • Ἀριστοτέλους Περὶ ποιητικῆς, μετάφρασις ὑπὸ Σ. Μενάρδου, Εἰσαγωγή, κείμενον καὶ ἑρμηνεία ὑπὸ Ἰ. Συκουτρῆ, (Ἀκαδ. Ἀθηνῶν, Ἑλληνική Βιβλιοθήκη 2) Ἀθῆναι 1937
  • Aristotele: Poetica, introduzione, testo e commento di A. Rostagni, Torino 21945
  • Aristotle’s Poetics: The Argument, by G. F. Else, Harvard 1957
  • Aristotelis De arte poetica liber, recognovit brevique adnotatione critica instruxit R. Kassel, Oxonii 1965
  • Aristotle: Poetics, Introduction, Commentary and Appendixes by D. W. Lucas, Oxford 1968
  • Aristotle: Poetics, with Tractatus Coislinianus, reconstruction of Poetics II, and the Fragments of the On the Poets, transl. by R. Janko, Indianapolis/Cambridge 1987
  • Aristotle: Poetics, edited and translated by St. Halliwell, (Loeb Classical Library), Harvard 1995
  • Aristotle: Poetics, translated with an introduction and notes by M. Heath, (Penguin) London 1996
  • Aristoteles: Poetik, (Werke in deutscher Übersetzung 5) übers. von A. Schmitt, Darmstadt 2008
  • Aristotle: Poetics, editio maior of the Greek text with historical introductions and philological commentaries by L. Tarán and D. Goutas, (Mnemosyne Supplements 338) Leiden/Boston 2012
Further reading
  • Belfiore, Elizabeth, S., Tragic Pleasures: Aristotle on Plot and Emotion. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton UP (1992). ISBN 0-691-06899-2
  • Bremer, J.M., Hamartia: Tragic Error in the Poetics of Aristotle and the Greek Tragedy, Amsterdam 1969
  • Butcher, Samuel H., Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art, New York 41911
  • Carroll, M., Aristotle’s Poetics, c. xxv, Ιn the Light of the Homeric Scholia, Baltimore 1895
  • Cave, Terence, Recognitions. A Study in Poetics, Oxford 1988
  • Carlson, Marvin, Theories of the Theatre: A Historical and Critical Survey from the Greeks to the Present. Expanded ed. Ithaca and London: Cornell UP (1993). ISBN 978-0-8014-8154-3.
  • Dukore, Bernard F., Dramatic Theory and Criticism: Greeks to Grotowski. Florence, KY: Heinle & Heinle (1974). ISBN 0-03-091152-4
  • Downing, E., “oἷον ψυχή: Αn Εssay on Aristotle’s muthos”, Classical Antiquity 3 (1984) 164-78
  • Else, Gerald F., Plato and Aristotle on Poetry, Chapel Hill/London 1986
  • Heath, Malcolm, "Aristotelian Comedy", Classical Quarterly 39 (1989) 344-54
  • Heath, Malcolm, "The Universality of Poetry in Aristotle’s Poetics", Classical Quarterly 41 (1999) 389-402
  • Heath, Malcolm, "Cognition in Aristotle’s Poetics", Mnemosyne 62 (2009) 51-75
  • Halliwell, Stephen, Aristotle’s Poetics, Chapel Hill 1986.
  • Halliwell, Stephen, The Aesthetics of Mimesis. Ancient Texts and Modern Problems, Princeton/Oxford 2002.
  • Hardison, O. B., Jr., "Averroes", in Medieval Literary Criticism: Translations and Interpretations. New York: Ungar (1987), 81-88.
  • Hiltunen, Ari, Aristotle in Hollywood. Intellect (2001). ISBN 1-84150-060-7.
  • Ηöffe, O. (ed.), Aristoteles: Poetik, (Klassiker auslegen, Band 38) Berlin 2009
  • Janko, R., Aristotle on Comedy, London 1984
  • Jones, John, On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy, London 1971
  • Lanza, D. (ed.), La poetica di Aristotele e la sua storia, Pisa 2002
  • Leonhardt, J., Phalloslied und Dithyrambos. Aristoteles über den Ursprung des griechischen Dramas. Heidelberg 1991
  • Lienhard, K., Entstehung und Geschichte von Aristoteles ‘Poetik’, Zürich 1950
  • Lord, C., “Aristotle’s History of Poetry”, Transactions and Proceedings of the American Philological Association 104 (1974) 195-228
  • Lucas, F. L., Tragedy: Serious Drama in Relation to Aristotle's “Poetics”. London: Hogarth (1957). New York: Collier. ISBN 0-389-20141-3. London: Chatto. ISBN 0-7011-1635-8
  • Luserke, M. (ed.), Die aristotelische Katharsis. Dokumente ihrer Deutung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert, Hildesheim/Zürich/N. York 1991
  • Morpurgo- Tagliabue, G., Linguistica e stilistica di Aristotele, Rome 1967
  • Rorty, Amélie Oksenberg (ed.), Essays on Aristotle’s Poetics, Princeton 1992
  • Schütrumpf, E., “Traditional Elements in the Concept of Hamartia in Aristotle’s Poetics”, Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 92 (1989) 137-56
  • Sen, R. K., Mimesis, Calcutta: Syamaprasad College, 2001
  • Sen, R. K., Aesthetic Enjoyment: Its Background in Philosophy and Medicine, Calcutta: University of Calcutta, 1966
  • Sifakis, Gr. M., Aristotle on the Function of Tragic Poetry, Heraklion 2001. ISBN 960-524-132-3
  • Söffing, W., Deskriptive und normative Bestimmungen in der Poetik des Aristoteles, Amsterdam 1981
  • Sörbom, G., Mimesis and Art, Uppsala 1966
  • Solmsen, F., "The Origins and Methods of Aristotle’s Poetics", Classical Quarterly 29 (1935) 192-201
  • Tsitsiridis, S., "Mimesis and Understanding. An Interpretation of Aristotle’s Poetics 4.1448b4-19", Classical Quarterly 55 (2005) 435-46
  • Vahlen, Johannes, Beiträge zu Aristoteles’ Poetik, Leipzig/Berlin 1914
  • Vöhler, M. – Seidensticker B. (edd.), Katharsiskonzeptionen vor Aristoteles: zum kulturellen Hintergrund des Tragödiensatzes, Berlin 2007

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