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最后共同祖先(英語:last universal ancestor,缩写为 LUA),又译最近共同祖先,也被称为最近普适共同祖先last universal common ancestor,缩写为 LUCA)、共通祖先cenancestor)、原生命progenote),演化生物学推导出来的假设,指地球生物最原始的共同祖先,是地球上所有现存生命共同起源[2],但这共通祖先未必是最早的生命。学者一般相信,最后共同祖先在古太古代出现,距今约35亿至38亿年。最后共同祖先分化出细菌古菌,演化成各种生命。


像达尔文在1837年画的这张图等生物演化树英语Tree of life (biology)蕴含了所有生命都有共通的起源,在此图中此起源以(1)标明。[3]

早在1809年拉马克就在他的《动物哲学》中提及了生物演化树英语Tree of life (biology)[4][5];而查尔斯·达尔文在1859年于他的书《物种起源》提出的通用演化理论,并说:「所以我可以类推出,所有曾经生活在这个地球上的生物,估计都是从一种原始的型式中降生出来的,从第一个有呼吸的生命开始。」[3]而英语中指称此种原始生命的Last Universal Common Ancestor一词,则首次见于帕特里克·福泰尔在1999年发表的一篇论文中。[6][7]





在2016年,玛德琳·C·魏斯(Madeline C. Weiss)与其同事在对存在于源自己定序的、在系统发生树上分属不同位置的多种原核生物的大约六百一十万个蛋白质编码基因及286,514组蛋白质群集进行检验后,他们发现说其中有大约355组蛋白质群集很有可能存在于最后共同祖先当中,而他们的结果显示说「最后共同祖先很可能是种厌氧、行固氮作用嗜热生物。这种生物很可能使用仰赖氢并固定二氧化碳的伍德-隆达尔代谢途径(还原性乙醯辅酶A途径);而最后共同祖先的生物化学反应中充满了硫化铁群集与自由基反应机制。」而其辅因子则「仰赖过渡金属黄素英语flavins辅酶A铁氧还蛋白钼蝶呤英语molybdopterin咕啉等等物质;而其遗传编码则需要核苷修饰和仰赖S-腺苷甲硫氨酸的甲基化作用等。」[15][16][17]他们的研究产生了一个相对特定的结果,那就是产甲烷梭菌属细菌在355个检验过的生物类群中位于基群的位置;而最后共同祖先可能生活在位于地质活动区的无氧海底热泉附近,而这样的环境富含二氧化碳[15]




最后共同祖先很可能生活于类似海底热泉的高温环境中,而海底热泉是因为海水与海床下的岩浆互动而产生的;[15]而对最后共同祖先的后代的系统发生概括英语phylogenetic bracketing分析显示,这最后共同祖先应当是一种微小且单细胞的生物,这种生物可能有环状、自由漂浮在细胞内的DNA;而在形态学上,这种生物与小型现代细菌之间的分野可能不太明显;而根据三域系统的提出者卡尔·乌斯的说法,最后共同祖先「估计是一种比三个域各自的祖先还要来得简单、原始的生物。」[1]



在2000年至2018年间,研究不断地将最后共同祖先的生存年代往前推移,在2000年,研究认为最后共同祖先生活的年代是距今35亿年前至38亿年前的古太古代[26][27]也就是生命最早的化石证据英语Earliest known life forms的数百万年前,而各候选证据的年代大约为距今34亿8千万年前至42亿8千万年前左右;[28][29][30][31][32]而一篇在2018年来自布里斯托高校、使用分子钟模型的研究,认为最后共同祖先的生存年代距今大约45亿年前左右,也就是在冥古宙的时候。[33]一般认为最后共同祖先(以及更一般的生命起源)不能存在于月球形成之前,[33][34][35],而这是因为根据大碰撞说,月球形成时地表会因融化与蒸发等原因而变得无法居住之故。[36]


这颗2005年的生物演化树英语Tree of life (biology)显示了不同演化支之间的水平基因转移,这其中包括了色素体线粒体内共生(在图中以有色的线表示),而这种关系使得生物间的关系更像是一张网子而非一棵树。[37]








目前广泛接受的、根据多项分子生物学研究的生物演化树英语Tree of life (biology)的根位于细菌这个单系群以及古菌真核生物组成的演化支之间,[46][47][48][49][50]而有很少数的研究将其根置于细菌域的厚壁菌门中,[51]或认为绿弯菌门古菌真核生物组成的演化支以及其他种类细菌的基群(后面的假说由汤玛斯·卡弗利尔-史密斯提出)。[52]






  1. ^ 然而其他的一些研究认为最后共同祖先的基因完全由RNA组成、[19]或可能有着RNA-DNA混合基因,或者有着类似反转录病毒的基因循环,而DNA在这循环中扮演着稳定存储库的角色。[20]


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This article is about the 2007 television series. For the 2003 film, see Lastikman (2003 film). For the 2004 film, see Lastikman: Unang Banat. This article uses bare URLs, which are uninformative and vulnerable to link rot. Please consider converting them to full citations to ensure the article remains verifiable and maintains a consistent citation style. Several templates and tools are available to assist in formatting, such as reFill (documentation) and Citation bot (documentation). (August...

Hovhannes DanielyanInformasi pribadiLahir11 April 1987 (umur 36)RSS Armenia OlahragaLombaKelas terbang ringan Rekam medali Tinju putra Mewakili  Armenia Kejuaraan Amatir Eropa 2008 Liverpool Kelas terbang ringan 2006 Plovdiv Kelas terbang ringan 2010 Moskwa Kelas terbang ringan Hovhannes Danielyan (bahasa Armenia: Հովհաննես Դանիելյան, lahir 11 April 1987 di RSS Armenia) adalah seorang petinju amatir kelas terbang ringan Armenia. Ia adalah Juara Eropa dan pesert...



Keuskupan San Miguel di ArgentinaDioecesis Sancti Michaëlis in ArgentinaDiócesis de San MiguelKatolik Katedral Santo MikaelLokasiNegaraArgentinaProvinsi gerejawiBuenos AiresStatistikLuas206 km2 (80 sq mi)Populasi- Total- Katolik(per 2010)986.000852,000 (86.4%)Paroki27InformasiDenominasiKatolik RomaRitusRitus RomaPendirian11 Juli 1978 (45 tahun lalu)KatedralKatedral Santo Mikael Malaikat Agung di San MiguelPelindungSanto Mikael Malaikat AgungBunda dari Luj�...



العلاقات الأندورية التشيلية أندورا تشيلي   أندورا   تشيلي تعديل مصدري - تعديل   العلاقات الأندورية التشيلية هي العلاقات الثنائية التي تجمع بين أندورا وتشيلي.[1][2][3][4][5] مقارنة بين البلدين هذه مقارنة عامة ومرجعية للدولتين: وجه المقارنة أندو�...

Game cover Street Fighter: The Storytelling Game is a role-playing game based on the Street Fighter video game series. It uses most of the basic game mechanics from White Wolf's World of Darkness games. It was released in 1994 and contains most of the characters from Super Street Fighter II. The Storytelling Game is currently out of print, as are all games using the original Storytelling System. Character generation Character generation was similar to White Wolf's other games (Vampire, Werewo...



Gambar Sven Olof Joachim Palme Sven Olof Joachim Palme (30 Januari 1927 – 28 Februari 1986) adalah mantan Perdana Menteri Swedia periode 1969-1976 dan 1982-1986 dari Partai Demokratik Sosial. Ia tewas ditembak menjelang tengah malam pada tanggal 28 Februari. Pranala luar Wikiquote memiliki koleksi kutipan yang berkaitan dengan: Olof Palme. (Inggris) 1986: Swedish prime minister assassinated, BBC News Jabatan politik Didahului oleh:Tage Fritiof Erlander Perdana Menteri Swedia1969–1976 Dite...



Japanese sports newspaper This article relies excessively on references to primary sources. Please improve this article by adding secondary or tertiary sources. Find sources: Sports Hochi – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (April 2014) (Learn how and when to remove this template message) Sports HochiTypeDaily newspaperFormatBroadsheetOwner(s)Hochi Shimbun Co.Founded1872LanguageJapaneseHeadquartersMinato, Tokyo, JapanWebsitewww.hochi.co.jp Sp...

10th century Indian female yoga teacher This article contains too many or overly lengthy quotations. Please help summarize the quotations. Consider transferring direct quotations to Wikiquote or excerpts to Wikisource. (January 2024) Niguma Part of a series onBuddhism Glossary Index Outline History Timeline The Buddha Pre-sectarian Buddhism Councils Silk Road transmission of Buddhism Decline in the Indian subcontinent Later Buddhists Buddhist modernism DharmaConcepts Four Noble Truths Noble E...



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Stock exchange located in Luxembourg This article may require cleanup to meet Wikipedia's quality standards. The specific problem is: Some sources need to be rewrote using footnotes; etc. Please help improve this article if you can. (March 2017) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Luxembourg Stock ExchangeBourse de LuxembourgBourse vu LëtzebuergBörse LuxemburgTypeStock ExchangeLocationLuxembourg City, LuxembourgCoordinates49°36′46.0″N 06°07′14.5″E / 49.6127...

Michael ColeNomeSean Michael Coulthard Nazionalità Stati Uniti Luogo nascitaSyracuse, New York8 dicembre 1968 (55 anni) Ring nameMichael Cole Altezza dichiarata175 cm Peso dichiarato77 kg Debutto1997 FederazioneWWE Progetto Wrestling Manuale Sean Michael Coulthard, meglio conosciuto come Michael Cole (Syracuse, 8 dicembre 1968), è un personaggio televisivo statunitense. Lavora per la WWE dove ricopre il ruolo di commentatore di Raw. Indice 1 Carriera 1.1 Giornalismo 1.2 World Wres...



MuseumPosterNama lainミュージアムSutradaraKeishi ŌtomoDitulis olehIzumi TakahashiBerdasarkanMuseumoleh Ryosuke TomoePemeran Shun Oguri Machiko Ono Shūhei Nomura Tomomi Maruyama Tomoko Tabata Mikako Ichikawa Masatō Ibu Yutaka Matsushige Nao Ōmori Satoshi Tsumabuki PerusahaanproduksiTwins JapanDistributorWarner Bros. PicturesTanggal rilis 12 November 2016 (2016-11-12) NegaraJapanBahasaJapanese Museum adalah film Jepang produksi tahun 2016 yang disutradarai oleh Keishi Ōtom...



2016 murder in Queens, New York Karina VetranoBornKarina Anne Vetrano(1986-07-12)July 12, 1986DiedAugust 2, 2016(2016-08-02) (aged 30)Queens, New York, U.S.Cause of deathStrangulationHeight151 cm (4 ft 11 in)[1]Parent(s)Phillip Vetrano (father) Cathie Vetrano (mother) Chanel LewisConviction(s)1 count of first-degree murder 2 counts of second-degree murder 1 count of sexual abuse (convicted April 1, 2019)Criminal penaltyLife imprisonment without the possibility...

1997 World Club ChallengeTournament detailsDates6 June-11 OctoberTeams22Final positionsChampions Brisbane Broncos (2nd title)Runners-up Hunter Mariners← 1994 2000 → International football competition The 1997 World Club Championship was an expansion of the World Club Challenge concept by Super League. The rugby competition was restructured to include all 22 clubs from the Australasian Super League and the Super League championships and was known as the Visa World Club Championshi...



The Northwestern Front (Russian: Се́веро-За́падный фронт) was an army group of the Imperial Russian Army during the First World War. It was established in August 1914 and existed for one year prior to being divided into the Northern Front and Western Front.[1] The armies subordinated to the Western Front took part in the Russian invasion of East Prussia at the beginning of the war. Commanders of the Northwestern Front 19.07.1914–03.09.1914 — General Yakov Zhil...



Competitive shooting team sport This article is about the sport. For the balls filled with paint, see Paintball equipment § Paintballs. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed.Find sources: Paintball – news · newspapers · books · scholar · JSTOR (January 2020) (Learn how and when to remove this message) Pain...

American mathematician Irving SegalSegal in Nice, 1970Born(1918-09-13)September 13, 1918The Bronx, New York, U.S.DiedAugust 30, 1998(1998-08-30) (aged 79)Lexington, Massachusetts, U.S.Alma materPrinceton University (BA)Yale University (PhD)Known forSegal–Bargmann spaceSegal–Shale–Weil representationGelfand–Naimark–Segal constructionOscillator representationScientific careerFieldsMathematicscosmologyInstitutionsUniversity of ChicagoMassachusetts Institute of Technology...



Punctuation used with Chinese characters Writing systems that use Chinese characters also include various punctuation marks, derived from both Chinese and Western sources. Historically, jùdú (句读; 句讀) annotations were often used to indicate the boundaries of sentences and clauses in text. The use of punctuation in written Chinese only became mandatory during the 20th century, due to Western influence. Unlike modern punctuation, judu marks were added by scholars for pedagogical purpos...