许多例子表明浊软腭塞音清化了,特别是在词首:κάναδοιkánadoi“下巴”(< PIE *genu-);κόμβουςkómbous“臼齿”(< PIE *gombh-)。在词内部清化的例子:ἀρκόνarkón(比较阿提卡ἀργόςargós)马其顿地名Akesamenai,来自皮埃里亚人名Akesamenos(Akesa-可能与希腊语agassomai、agamai“使吃惊”同源,参考色雷斯人名Agassamenos)。
古马其顿历的起源可追溯到希腊史前时期。古马其顿历的月名与大部分希腊历月名相同,都源于纪念希腊诸神的盛宴和相关庆祝活动。[36]其中大部分将古马其顿语形式和明确的希腊语词源相结合,如Δῐός来自宙斯;Περίτιος来自赫拉克勒斯-Peritas“守卫者”;Ξανδικός/Ξανθικός来自Xanthos“金发”(可能就是指赫拉克勒斯);Άρτεμίσιος来自阿尔忒弥斯等等。[36]据Martin P. Nilsson的说法,马其顿历的形式与普通希腊历相同,月份名称证明了古马其顿语的希腊语人群身份。[36]
^ The Oxford English Dictionary (1989), Macedonian, Simpson J. A. & Weiner E. S. C. (eds), Oxford: Oxford University Press, Vol. IX, ISBN0-19-861186-2 (set) ISBN0-19-861221-4 (vol. IX) p. 153
^B. Joseph (2001): "Ancient Greek". In: J. Garry et al. (eds.) Facts about the World's Major Languages: An Encyclopedia of the World's Major Languages, Past and Present.
^Blažek, Václav (2005). "Paleo-Balkanian Languages I: Hellenic Languages", Studia Minora Facultatis Philosophicae Universitatis Brunensis10. pp. 15–34.
^Meier-Brügger, Michael (2003). Indo-European Linguistics. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter. ISBN 978-3-11-017433-5.
^Engels, Johannes. Macedonians and Greeks. Roisman, Joseph; Worthington, Ian (编). A Companion to Ancient Macedonia. Wiley-Blackwell. 2010: 94 [2022-11-22]. ISBN 978-1-4051-7936-2. (原始内容存档于2022-10-08) (英语). 然而,就本章的讨论而言,似乎非常清楚的是:(a)古马其顿语在希腊化时代或罗马时代被通用希腊语完全取代并消亡;(b)古马其顿语与现代马其顿语没有任何关系,后者与保加利亚语同属南斯拉夫语支的东支。
^Sarah B. Pomeroy, Stanley M. Burstein, Walter Donlan, Jennifer Tolbert Roberts, A Brief History of Ancient Greece: Politics, Society, and Culture, Oxford University Press, 2008, p.289
^, Brian D. Ancient Greek. Garry, Jane; Rubino, Carl; Bodomo, Adams B.; Faber, Alice; French, Robert (编). Facts about the World's Languages: An Encyclopedia of the World's Major Languages, Past and Present. H. W. Wilson Company. 2001: 256 [2023-07-26]. ISBN 9780824209704. (原始内容存档于2019-10-16) (英语). 分类:古希腊语通常被认为是印欧语系希腊语族的唯一语言(下有不同方言)。如果古马其顿语(腓力与亚历山大的母语)与希腊语存在任何特殊亲缘关系,那么它究竟是希腊语的一种方言(...)还是所有已知古希腊方言的同胞语言,还存在争议。如果后者正确,那么古马其顿语和希腊语便是同一语族下同源的两支。相关语言:如上所述,古马其顿语可能是希腊语关系最密切的语言,甚至可能是希腊语的一种方言。由于证据不足所以有不同解释,没有明确答案;但古马其顿语很不可能是与阿提卡方言或伊欧里斯方言(...)并列的古希腊语方言。
^J. P. Mallory & D.Q Adams – Encyclopedia of Indo-European culture, Chicago-London: Fitzroy Dearborn. pp. 361. ISBN1-884964-98-2
^Michael Meier-Brügger, Indo-European linguistics, Walter de Gruyter, 2003, p.28,on Google books (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
^Roisman, Worthington, 2010, "A Companion to Ancient Macedonia", Chapter 5: Johannes Engels, "Macedonians and Greeks", p. 95:"This (i.e. Pella curse tablet) has been judged to be the most important ancient testimony to substantiate that Macedonian was a north-western Greek and mainly a Doric dialect".
^Dosuna, J. Méndez. Ancient Macedonian as a Greek dialect: A critical survey on recent work (Greek, English, French, German text). Giannakis, Georgios K. (编). Ancient Macedonia: Language, History, Culture. Centre for Greek Language. 2012: 145. ISBN 978-960-7779-52-6.
^Babiniotis, Georgios. Ancient Macedonian: A case study. Macedonian Studies Journal (Australia). 2014, 1 (1): 7 [2023-07-26]. (原始内容存档于2023-10-18) (英语). 在音系、语法和词汇等各个层面上,古马其顿语和多利亚方言的共同结构特征使我们将古马其顿语归入多利亚方言,具体地说,西北多利亚方言。
^Crespo, Emilio. The Softening of Obstruent Consonants in the Macedonian Dialect. Giannakis, Georgios K.; Crespo, Emilio; Filos, Panagiotis (编). Studies in Ancient Greek Dialects: From Central Greece to the Black Sea. Walter de Gruyter. 2017: 329. ISBN 978-3-11-053081-0.
^Vladimir Georgiev, "The Genesis of the Balkan Peoples", The Slavonic and East European Review44:103:285-297 (July 1966) "Ancient Macedonian is closely related to Greek, and Macedonian and Greek are descended from a common Greek-Macedonian idiom that was spoken till about the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. From the 4th century BC on began the Hellenization of ancient Macedonian."
^Eric Hamp & Douglas Adams (2013) "The Expansion of the Indo-European Languages", Sino-Platonic Papers, vol 239.
^Albrecht von Blumenthal, Hesychstudien, Stuttgart, 1930, 21.
^Crespo, Emilio. The Softening of Obstruent Consonants in the Macedonian Dialect. Giannakis, Georgios K.; Crespo, Emilio; Filos, Panagiotis (编). Studies in Ancient Greek Dialects: From Central Greece to the Black Sea. Walter de Gruyter. 2017: 344. ISBN 978-3-11-053081-0.
^Olivier Masson, "Sur la notation occasionnelle du digamma grec par d'autres consonnes et la glose macédonienne abroutes", Bulletin de la Société de linguistique de Paris, 90 (1995) 231–239. Also proposed by O. Hoffmann and J. Kalleris.
^A history of ancient Greek: from the beginnings to late antiquity, Maria Chritē, Maria Arapopoulou, Cambridge University Press (2007), p. 439–441
^Eric Lhote (2006) Les lamelles Oraculaires de Dodone. Droz, Geneve.
^Roberts, E.S., An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy vol. 1 no. 237
^Greek Personal Names: Their Value as Evidence, Elaine Matthews, Simon Hornblower, Peter Marshall Fraser, British Academy, Oxford University Press (2000), p. 103
^"...but we may tentatively conclude that Macedonian is a dialect related to North-West Greek.", Olivier Masson, French linguist, “Oxford Classical Dictionary: Macedonian Language”, 1996.
^George Babiniotis (1992) The question of mediae in ancient Macedonian Greek reconsidered. In: Historical Philology: Greek, Latin, and Romance, Bela Brogyanyi, Reiner Lipp, 1992 John Benjamins Publishing)
Brixhe, Claude & Anna Panayotou, “Le Macédonien”, Langues indo-européennes, ed. Françoise Bader. Paris: CNRS, 1994, pp 205–220. ISBN2-271-05043-X
Chadwick, John, The Prehistory of the Greek Language. Cambridge, 1963.
Crossland, R. A., “The Language of the Macedonians”, Cambridge Ancient History, vol. 3, part 1, Cambridge 1982.
Hammond, Nicholas G.L., “Literary Evidence for Macedonian Speech”, Historia: Zeitschrift für Alte Geschichte, Vol. 43, No. 2. (1994), pp. 131–142.
Hatzopoulos, M. B. “Le Macédonien: Nouvelles données et théories nouvelles”, Ancient Macedonia, Sixth International Symposium, vol. 1. Institute for Balkan Studies, 1999.